Here is last week's standings, just incase you missed it!
HOH: Raymond
NOMS: Roald & Pashmina
POV: Raymond
POST VETO NOMS: Roald & Pashmina
EVICTED: Pashmina (6-4)
PRE-JURY: Merengue, Audie, Olaf and Pashmina
ALLIANCES: Wildos: Scoot, Agnes, Sandy, Mallary, Pancetti and Al, The Strong Four: Scoot, Roald, Rooney and Roscoe, Z & Triple A: Zucker, Agnes, Apple and Audie, The Golden Power Girls: Mallary, Sandy, Agnes, Pashmina. ZOR: Zucker, Olaf and Raymond. 7 Deadly Sins: Sandy, Mallary, Scoot, Roald, Rooney, Roscoe and Pashmina
SHOWMANCES: Mallary + Scoot, Zucker + Raymond, Pashmina + Roscoe

TONIGHT: The twelve remaining villagers fight for all of the power to become the next HOH! BUT WAIT! The twelve remaining villagers are about to find out that they will play a game of Big Brother in ONE day! All this and more on Big Brother 7 - ANIMAL CROSSING EDITION!

Day 30

*Agnes, Al, Apple, Mallary, Pancetti, Raymond, Roald, Rooney, Roscoe, Sandy, Scoot and Zucker all listen to Isabelle's message*


"Good morning, everyone! Right now in the Big Brother house it is 10:35am and Day 30 of the game! Today is going to be busy day because.... all of you will all play a whole week of Big Brother today! Yes, you heard me right! Today, you will all play in the HOH competition, have a nomination ceremony, play the power of veto competition, have a veto meeting and have a live eviction! Today, one of you will be evicted and be the last pre-jury member of this game! Good luck to all of you today and have fun! That's all for now! I hope you all enjoy the loveliest of days!"

*Agnes, Al, Apple, Mallary, Pancetti, Raymond, Roald, Rooney, Roscoe, Sandy, Scoot and Zucker all gasp loudly at Isabelle's shocking morning announcement*

Mallary: "One week of game on one day? This is going to be a long day!"



Pancetti: "How are we going to do all of this in one day?"

Raymond: "We are going to be in game mode all day!"

Zucker: "Darn, I wished this was a double eviction! Those are cooler then this!"

Scoot: "Don't day that! We don't need anymore people going home right now!"

Al: "They do double evictions! That's scary! One eviction a week is enough!"

DR: Roscoe: "Pashmina went home yesterday and I'm devastated! I need to win this HOH so I'm not next!

DR: Roald: "Big Brother is pulling out another eviction and I'm like we just had one! Today is going to be a long and crazy day! I might need to eat a big meal before the gameplay starts!"

DR: Raymond: "I really really wish I was eligible to play! I hope me evicting Pashmina does not back fire on me!"

DR: Al: "I thought today was gonna be a relaxing day and then play the HOH competition. But NOPE! We are playing a whole week of the game today! I'm ready for bed!"

DR: Rooney: "Somebody from my alliance gotta win this HOH! We can't lose enough person!"

*An hour and a half later*

*Agnes, Al, Apple, Mallary, Pancetti, Raymond, Roald, Rooney, Roscoe, Sandy, Scoot and Zucker all run outside to the backyard to get ready for the HOH competition!*


*All twelve of the villagers stand together as they all get ready to hear the HOH competition rules from Wisp!*


*Wisp gets scared and gets split up causing Agnes, Al, Apple, Mallary, Pancetti, Raymond, Roald, Rooney, Roscoe, Sandy, Scoot and Zucker to all gasp*

Wisp: "Please! I just haven't done anything wrong! Just let me go!"

Agnes, Al, Apple, Mallary, Pancetti, Raymond, Roald, Rooney, Roscoe, Sandy, Scoot and Zucker: "It's okay, Wisp! It's just us!"

Wisp: "Oh, villagers! Please do NOT startle me like that! My heart nearly stopped... And there goes my spirit again!"

Apple: "Oh no!"

Sandy: "Aw, poor Wisp!"

Mallory: "It's okay, Wisp!"

Wisp: "Great. I can't go around looking like this.... What should I do, villagers?"

Al: "We can find all of your spirits, Wisp!"

Pancetti: "Yeah, babe! We can definitely help you get put back together again!"

Zucker: "Yes! We can help!"

Wisp: "Um... I'm so sorry to ask, but... is there any chance you can collect the pieces of my spirit again? Otherwise I'll be stuck like this for the rest of my life! LIKE THIS! I can't even think about it. Please! I promise there'll be a nice reward in it for you, which is the Head of Household!"

*Agnes, Al, Apple, Mallary, Pancetti, Raymond, Roald, Rooney, Roscoe, Sandy, Scoot and Zucker all happily cheer and smile at Wisp*

Wisp: "Now let's see here... There are... five pieces of my spirit in all. You should be able to find them floating around the Big Brother house. You'll need a net to catch them. I'm counting on all of you! Thank you!"

Agnes, Al, Apple, Mallary, Pancetti, Raymond, Roald, Rooney, Roscoe, Sandy, Scoot and Zucker: "You're welcome, Wisp!"

*Agnes, Al, Apple, Mallary, Pancetti, Roald, Rooney, Roscoe, Sandy, Scoot and Zucker all get their nets ready for the HOH competition!*

*Raymond blows Zucker a kiss before he sits down to watch the rest of the villagers play in the HOH competition!*

Wisp: "Are you ready villagers?"

Agnes, Al, Apple, Mallary, Pancetti, Roald, Rooney, Roscoe, Sandy, Scoot and Zucker: "Yes!"

Wisp: "Great! Get ready! Get set! GO!"

*Agnes, Al, Apple, Mallary, Pancetti, Roald, Rooney, Roscoe, Sandy, Scoot and Zucker all begin to run around the backyard and into the Big Brother house*

Raymond: "Good luck, everybody!"

DR: Sandy: "I need to win this HOH because I don't wanna go home like Pash did!

DR: Mallary: "Pash is gone and this is worrying me! I don't want to be next! Scoot or I gotta win this!"

*Fifty minutes of playing later*

Wisp: "You did it! You found all the pieces of my spirit! Come on! Hand them over! Hurry!

*Agnes hands Wisp his five spirits*

Agnes: "Here you go!"

Wisp: "Perfect! That's all five pieces."

*Wisp collects the pieces and twirls around*

Wisp: "TA-DA!"

Wisp: "Ahh, back to normal. Whew! Thank goodness. And thank YOU! I feel wonderful!"

Agnes: "You're welcome!"

Wisp: "Oh! Right! I need to give you the reward I promised! What's it going to be? Well who doesn't love the HOH!"

*Wisp puts the HOH around Agnes' beck and Agnes smiles*


Whisp: "Congratulations, Agnes! You are the new Head of Household!"

Agnes: "Thank you so so much!"

DR: Agnes: "Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! I won HOH! FINALLY!"

*Al, Apple, Mallary, Pancetti, Raymond, Roald, Rooney, Roscoe, Sandy, Scoot and Zucker all happily cheer at Agnes*

Al: "Congrats, Agnes!"

Pancetti: "Congratulations, boss babe!"

Apple: "Yay! Congratulations!"

Raymond and Zucker: "Congratulations, babe!"

Mallary, Sandy. Roald and Scoot: "Congratulations!"

Rooney and Roscoe: "Congrats, Agnes!"

*Agnes, Al, Apple, Mallary, Pancetti, Raymond, Roald, Rooney, Roscoe, Sandy, Scoot and Zucker all walk back into the Big Brother house!*

*Three hours later*


Agnes: "My responsibility as the head of household is to nominate two villagers for eviction."

Tom Nook: "Villagers, It is now time for the nomination ceremony."

*Everybody walks into the kitchen and sits around the round table*

*Agnes then walks in with the nomination box*

Agnes: "This is the nomination ceremony. It is my responsibility as head of household to nominate two villagers for eviction. In my nomination box, are the keys of the villagers I am nominating for eviction. I will turn two keys to lock in my nominations and their faces will appear on the memory wall."

The first houseguest I nominated is Rooney
The second houseguest I nominated is Roscoe

Agnes: "I have nominated you Rooney and you, Roscoe for eviction. I don't really have a speech planned out for my choices of nominations since today is going to be a busy one. However, I believe these nominations are the best option for my game play. Good luck to you both and good luck to every one else. This nomination ceremony is adjourned."

DR: Roscoe: "First Pash goes on the block and goes home and now I'm on the block! This is sooo annoying!" *sighs*

DR: Rooney: "I am so pissed off right now! Agnes has no right to nominate me because she has never even talked to me!"

*Two hours later*


*Agnes runs out of the diary room with the box of chips*

Agnes: "Hey everybody! It is time to pick players for the veto competition!"

*Everyone gathers in the living room and sits on the couches while Rooney and Roscoe sit in the nominations chairs*

Agnes: "Will the nominees please join me up here."

*Rooney and Roscoe stand on each side of Agnes*

Agnes: "Myself, the two nominees and three other villagers will be picked by random draw will all compete in the veto competition! As HOH, I will draw first."

*Agnes reached in and pulls out a chip*

Agnes: "Raymond!"

*Rooney then reaches in and pulls out a chip*

Rooney: "Zucker!"

*Roscoe then reaches in and pulls out a chip*

Roscoe: "Al!"

Agnes: "As HOH, I need to choose a host for the veto competition and I choose Mallary to be the host!"

Mallary: "Awesome! Thank you, Agnes!"

Agnes: "Big Brother will inform us when it is time to play! Good luck to everybody!"

*Agnes, Al, Apple, Mallary, Pancetti, Raymond, Roald, Rooney, Roscoe, Sandy, Scoot and Zucker all wait for the Power of Veto competition to begin!*

*Two and a half hours later*


PLAYERS: Agnes, Rooney, Roscoe, Raymond, Zucker & Al

Navigate the frosty obstacles and race to the finish line! The first one to finish will win the Power of Veto! 

DR: Agnes: "I am really nervous! I can't have Rooney or Roscoe win this! My HOH will be RUINED!"

DR: Rooney: "I gotta win this because this house is acting crazy and I wanna stay in this game!"

DR: Roscoe: "I cannot be evicted behind Pashmina. I would be so embarrassed if I did!"

Mallary: "Who is ready to play Tundra Run?"

Agnes, Rooney, Roscoe, Raymond, Zucker and Al: "Yes, we are ready to play, Mallary!"

Mallary: "Great! The race will begin in... THREE! TWO! ONE! GO!"

*Agnes, Rooney, Roscoe, Raymond, Zucker and Al all begin to run*

DR: Raymond: "This competition is so cold and I keep falling down!

DR: Al: "This ramp is so slippery! I feel like I've fallen ten times in the same spot!"


*Apple, Mallary, Pancetti, Roald, Sandy and Scoot all sit down and watch Agnes, Rooney, Roscoe, Raymond, Zucker and Al play the Power of Veto competition!*

*After twenty minutes of playing*


Mallary: "Congratulations, Al! You have won the Power of Veto!"

Al: "Thank you!"

DR: Al: "I finally won a competition! I'm so happy that I won this to keep me safe as well as keep Agnes' nominations the same!"

*Agnes, Apple, Mallary, Pancetti, Raymond, Roald, Rooney, Roscoe, Sandy, Scoot and Zucker: "Congratulations, Al!"

Al: "Thank you, everybody!"

*Agnes, Al, Apple, Mallary, Pancetti, Raymond, Roald, Rooney, Roscoe, Sandy, Scoot and Zucker all walk back into the Big Brother house!*

*Four hours later*


Al: "Hey everybody, it is time for the veto meeting."

*Everybody gets up and leaves the game room*

*Everybody then sits in the living room. Roscoe and Rooney are sitting down in the nominations chairs. Al is standing in front of everybody in the living room*

Al: "This is the veto meeting. Rooney and Roscoe have both been nominated for eviction this week. But I have the power to veto one of Agnes' nominations."

Al: "And I have decided to not use the power of veto."

Al: "This veto meeting is adjourned."

*Al shuts the veto box*

*Four hours later*



Villagers, in just a few minutes we will begin the live eviction. Rooney and Roscoe, you will each have one more chance to persuade your fellow villagers to keep you in the house. Rooney, you can go first:

Rooney: "What's up, punches? What's up! I don't have this big special speech planned, so I'll keep it super short! I wanna say thank you to Isabelle and Tom Nook for this opportunity to play this awesome game and I wanna thank you to a lot of you for being my friends! Thank you!"

Thank you, Rooney! Roscoe, it is your turn.

Roscoe: "Hey everyone! Just like Rooney, I don't have a big speech planned at all. This day has been so crazy, I feel like I'm going to crash. I wanna say that I have really enjoyed my time in the Big Brother house! I also wanna say thank you to Tom Nook and Isabelle for planning this game for all of us! And to Pashmina, I love you! Thank you!"

Thank you, Roscoe! Okay houseguests, one by one you will go in the diary room and vote. The nominees cannot vote.

Apple votes to evict ROSCOE
Sandy votes to evict ROSCOE
Scoot votes to evict ROSCOE
Mallary votes to evict ROONEY
Pancetti votes to evict ROONEY
Al votes to evict ROONEY
Raymond votes to evict ROONEY
Roald votes to evict ROONEY
Zucker votes to evict ROONEY

It is official, with a 6-3 vote, Rooney will be evicted from the Big Brother House. Let's tell the villagers!

Villagers! When I reveal the name of the evicted villager they will have a few minutes to say goodbye.

By a vote of 6-3, Rooney, you are evicted from the Big Brother house.

*Rooney bro hugs Roscoe, Scoot and Roald then he waves at everybody else before leaving the Big Brother house*


Roald: "Rooney! I'm going to miss you man! I can't wait to see you in a few weeks after this game is over."

Roscoe: "Rooney, you are my best friend and I miss you already! I can't wait for us to be bros after this game!"

Mallary: "Rooney! You are the funniest guy I have ever met! I can't wait for all of us to hang out together!"


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