Baby It's Cold Outside (S)

TW: That song

Rythian shot a lightning bolt of magic at one of the smaller lights, knocking it out and on to the cold, white-grey floors. He smiled slyly to himself as he heard footsteps coming down the hall. He clicked his fingers and the small glassy bits went up in a cloud of smoke. He was becoming much more powerful, those fools Sjin and Duncan would never know what hit them.

He slipped his flying ring on to his finger as the door opened and his apprentice walked through, a bored and lazy smile on her pale face. "Rythian, when will you show me more magic?" Zoey asked, her eyes flicking across his face, she smirked seeing that Rythian was happy with himself. He was always in a better mood when he was, and he always seemed in a better mood now she was back.

"Later." Rythian saw Zoey's face fall and he felt a bit bad now as he remembered that's what he'd told her that morning. "Just let me get this right, then I'll show you, okay?" She smiled, but it was not as cheerful as most of her smiles she'd given him. Nor as playful. He truly missed those smiles, he missed those days when they could say things to each other without having to think.

"Fine." She sounded upset and it was clear she was. "I'll watch you, maybe I'll pick something up." Rythian raised an eyebrow at Zoey who giggled at him. She loved knowing that she could always bring Rythian away from his work with just a few simple words.

Rythian dismissed it and shot one more lightning bolt at the next light along, it fell to the ground and broke into a million pieces, the mage smiled to himself. Zoey clapped as Teep ran over to them. "Hello Tee." Zoey said as Rythian kept knocking out the lights that lit the walls. Teep nodded to Zoey and Rythian as he picked up his jetpack and flew out the nearby window.

Rythian bit his lip as the mute flew by, he hated that silly jetpack, but he didn't trust Teep with a flying ring just yet. "What did he say?" He asked with a small sigh. Zoey turned to him.

"Oh, just that he'll be gone all night..." Zoey said, seeing the look on Rythian's face. She rested a hand on his cheek in a friendly way. "I know, I'm sorry. B-but you said we shouldn't give him a flying ring yet." Rythian sighed and nodded, what she'd said was true. "Anyway, are you going to show me some more magic?" Zoey asked hopefully as Rythian shakes his head boredly, he took hold of his mask and pulled it away from his face. He'd started doing that most nights, he trusted Zoey now to look at the small scars he'd hidden for years.

"But Rythian..." Zoey said with a very upset tone in her lovely voice.

"In the morning, come on I need a drink..." Rythian said, casting a glare to the window. With a small movement of his hand it closed shut, blocking away the outside world he hated so much. He turned and started to the kitchen, his gaze locked on the floors.

"Fine!" Zoey said, she was growing bored with hearing Rythian say 'not now' or 'maybe later' did he still not trust her? Sure, she's left and everything, gone to Duncan for help, gotten kidnapped by mushrooms... well she could kinda see why he hated her now. Zoey blinked and followed the mage to the kitchen, not taking her eyes off the glass bits from the lights as she walked by. They'd have to make new ones in the morning.

Zoey picked up two glasses as Rythian took a seat at the oak wood table, he'd never been good at making food or even drinks, it always ended up black or still alive. Zoey let out a small laugh as Rythian clicked his fingers to dim the lights. This was how he'd been before she left, playful and kind, always trying to make her smile and giggle, she could never guess why.

Zoey placed the drinks on the table and took a seat next to Rythian who smiled at her. "In the morning I'll show you how to break lights off the walls, how does that sound?" He said kindly and Zoey nodded gladly. Rythian knew he should show Zoey more magic, after all what would happen if Duncan or Sjin attacked them? Could he really hold them off alone?

"And I'll show you how to make a good drink." Zoey said as Rythian playfully nuzzled his face in her hair. "You're going to mess my hair up - watch the goggles!"

"I really wish you'd take those off." Rythian said as he blew some hair away from her eyes. "I'd like to see that same girl who fell from the sky, not the one who..." left me.He wanted to say, but couldn't bring himself to ruin it, he'd done that once before now, and really he didn't want her leaving again.

Zoey was about to say something when the whispering breeze outside turned to a full-blown gale and the window flew open, letting in the small flickers of snow, but with one look she could tell it was about to become a storm. She pushed her chair back from the table and walked out into the hallway, forgetting about Rythian for a minute, she needed to get back to the look out tower, she always slept up there when it snowed.

She quickly pulled her jacket on, but Rythian stopped her, he'd joined her after shutting the window. "I really can't stay..." Zoey whispered in a sing-song voice as Rythian shut the door she'd opened.

"Baby, it's cold outside..." Rythian said as he tried to stop her from going out, she could die out there in the snow and he was not having that!

Zoey tried to get past him but found it was useless so she turned and went into the livingroom. "I've got to go away."

Rythian followed her, shutting the window with his magic as she tried to open it. "It's so cold outside." He whispered as he walked closer to the redhead.

"This evening has been..." Zoey said as she turned to the mage who smiled playfully at her.

Rythian couldn't stop the 'purr' sound in his voice. "I was hoping you'd drop in."That was a joke to them really, drop in? Laughing out loud.

"So very nice..." Zoey whispered as she took a quick step closer to Rythian.

Rythian brushed his hands past hers, they were stone cold so he did what any man would do, he took hold of them to warm them up so he hoped. "I'll hold your hands they're just like ice..."

Zoey blushed at the feel of his hands over her own ones, did they really feel cold? The playful smile Rythian was giving her made her think of two teens that were alone for the first time. "My mother will start to worry." It was a joke really, she was in her mid 20's and he was in his late 20's, and she had little to no idea where her mother even was. Same with her father.

"Oh, what's your hurry?" Rythian knew she was lying, she lived (hopefully) full-time in Blackrock Stronghold now, and they both knew it was just them and those other fools around these parts.

"My father will be pacing the floor." Again, Zoey was lying, but they both seemed to like playing with each other now. Right?

"Just listen to the fireplace roar." Rythian whispered in Zoeys ear as he shot a quick bolt of light at their dull and hardly used fireplace, lighting it with a strong, blazing flame.

Zoey loved fire, it reminded her of the Nether and made her feel at home. "So really I'd better scurry..." She didn't know she'd said it until it left her, swirling through the air as she pulled her hands away from Rythian to find a window or door to get out of.

"I just wish you wouldn't hurry." Rythian said as he followed her over to the window. He closed it as she opened it.

"Well, maybe just a half a drink more." Zoey said, seeing she wouldn't get out of the windows, maybe Rythian had left the door unlocked? But still, she couldn't help but feel what she said... maybe one more drink? Just a half?

"Just sit back, relax and I'll pour..." Rythian whispered, clicking his fingers again, but it just dimmed the lights more as two glasses lay on the table, filled to the brim with clear white wine.

Zoey picked up the drink and looked outside at the snow that fell heavenly slow. "The neighbors might think." She whispered, wondering what those two silly Newpool men might think as she went to open the hall way door.

Rythian shot a quick streak of magic and the door closed so Zoey had to turn to look at him. "It's bad out there." He purred, coming to stand near her once again, his dark eyes flicking across her face and clear blue eyes that he could always find a flare inside. It often made him think of a Blaze.

"Say, what's in this drink?" Zoey asked, in no way did she feel totally light-headed, but she was starting to wonder about the drink.

"You just can't get back from there." The look out tower was around 50 - 70 feet away from where they were now, and the snow was building up outside.

"I wish I knew how..." Zoey said as she turned to open the door once more, but a quick look outside stopped her for now.

"Your eyes are like starlight now." Rythian whispered in her ear as her eyes flickered with small magic stars that glowed like the sun in her clear blue eyes.

"To break this spell..." coz really, I've had all I can take of magic now. That would have been too much to say, and really how could she say that to her Rythian?

Rythian slipped Zoeys goggles off her head and placed them on the table, twirling his fingers in her long red hair that he had always loved to play with when she'd fallen asleep next to him. "I'll take your goggles off and play with your hair."

Zoey blushed darker, she loved his voice when he spoke to her, it was always so calm, and yet so sparky and playful. "I ought to say no, no, no sir."

"Think I'll... just move in closer." Rythian whispered in her ear as led her to sit by the fireplace, his mood dimmed, he had never been this daring with a woman before, with Zoey before.

Why could she never draw the line in the right place with him? "At least I'm gonna say that I tried..." Zoey whispered as she pushed him away playfully.

Rythian played that he was hurt by this, but nothing could have taken the smile from his face or the playful glow in his eyes away. "Why'd you wanna hurt my pride?"

Zoey rolled her eyes but at the same time tried to get up again. "I really can't stay..." She sung. Rythian quickly tugged at her hair, but it wasn't hurtful at all, if anything she liked it. "Oh..." Why did he have to make this so hard for her?

"Stay with me, stay..." Rythian whispered, he was unsure of what to think now, all he knew was he wanted the fiery girl he loved with all his cold heart to stay.

"But it's cold outside." They said at the same time. Zoey wanted to fall into the young mage's arms, but she needed to leave as well. Rythian moved a lock of Zoeys hair away from her face that glowed in the fires warm light, there was so much he wanted to say.

"It's so cold baby, you really don't need to go out there... just stay inside and have a nice warm evening with me, in my arms." Rythian whispered, that was not part of any song, it was simply how he felt and what he'd wanted to say for so many nights now, he often wondered if she'd say anything back.

The blush across Zoeys face was as red as the ruby gemstone necklace that was loosely hanging around her neck. Did he mean it? Was he just playing with her? "I simply must go!" She sung spiritedly, smiling at the mage who rolled his eyes at her stubbornness.

"Baby, it's cold outside..." Rythian sung, brushing away the hair that had fallen into her eyes as she took a seat next to him once again. Could he really be winning her over? That was a first.

"The answer is no." Zoey wanted to keep playing stubborn, but he was slowly winning her over. It was so hard not to love him, wasn't it?

"I say, it's co-old out there." Rythian whispered close to her ear, he had that soft voice that was hard to pass down and slowly Zoey was falling for it.

Zoey tried not to bite her lip like she always did when she knew Rythian had won. "The welcome has been..."

"How lucky that you dropped in." He didn't miss a trick, after all, he was the mage, he was the one who did the tricks.

"So nice and warm..." What was it about his voice? Zoey wished she could just pass it down, turn around and run out the door, but no, Rythian's voice was just too pure.

"Look out that window, and look at that storm." Rythian pointed to the window he'd locked, the snow was coming down faster and faster, it had almost covered half the window. Even if Rythian let her, there was no way Zoey could get out.

"My sister will be suspicious." Zoey sung, no way in hell was she giving up this fight, even if she couldn't go anywhere tonight.

Rythian gazed at her, she was so stubborn, and yet just like any lady should be. "Oh, your lips look delicious..." He wasn't sure how she'd take that, but bloody hell he could wish right?

"My brother will be there at the door." Zoey couldn't believe Rythian, but it was sweet, still she didn't know how to take it.

"Spare him a thought, no more." Rythian whispered in her ear as she looked away.

Zoey had to tone this down a bit, she couldn't let it go over that line! "Maybe just a glass of milk more..."

"I'd go for a glass of milk, that'd be cool." Rythian said, smiling and shaking his head at the girl who simply smiled.

Zoey in no way was going anywhere, still, there were battles she had to fight for power and ones she had to lose for power. She half-heartedly wondered if losing was the best or winning in this case. "I've gotta go home."

"You'd just freeze-e out there." Rythian purred close to Zoeys ear, he loved seeing her blush, it was as beautiful as summer time.

"Say, lend me your coat." Zoey whispered back, she'd lost, his voice, her blush. The battle was long gone, now it was simply who had power over the other and who was willing to take it to the next step.

"It's up to your knee-es out there." Rythian whispered as his scarred lips brushed her cheek with a soft, whispering kiss.

"You've really been grand..." Zoey sung, moving closer to the mage. She couldn't think now, she didn't want to think anyway.

Rythian knew he was winning her over. "I just... want to touch your hand." He locked his gaze with hers, he had power over her and he had no idea what to think about it. Any other man would take hold of it right now, he was so sure Duncan or Sjin would take power over love any day. After all, they were the ones who had blown up the old world, they still needed to pay... but not tonight, tonight would belong to himself and Zoey.

"But don't you see..." Zoey whispered, her face was oh-so-close to his, and her lips were shaking, she wanted him to make her steady again, but she couldn't just say that, show how weak she was, now could she?

"How can you do this thing to me?" Rythian whispered as he slipped his arms around her, bringing her closer still.

"There's bound to be talk tomorrow." Zoey sung, letting out a tiny laugh as she did so, they lived so far away from anyone, it took them almost ten minutes just to get to Baby Jim, and that was flying remember.

"Think of my sorrow." Rythian whispered in her ear, nuzzling his face in her hair. Oh why couldn't life always be like this?

"At least there will be plenty implied!" Zoey laughed, Rythian couldn't help but let out a small teasing chuckle, it was just like Zoey to lighten the mood, wasn't it?

"If you caught pneumonia and died." And just like Rythian to down the mood, but still keep it light. What a funny pair they were.

"I really can't stay..." Zoey whispered, smiling at the mage who smiled back.

She was staying and that was that, Rythian had won, and they both knew that. "Just, stay with me."

"Oh, but it's cold... out... side." Rythian and Zoey sung together before their lips locked. The battle was over for now, but really the war was just beginning.

Credit to dustedwires on tumblr dot com

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