The Full Story (S)

TW: Random AU, Character Death

Honestly, I had regretted going on this assignment. Buisness men always seemed to be so self centered and it just made me wish none of them ever existed. Not that isn't my thoughts on all mortals, but of course I had to go. Anyway, here is the story.

I appeared in his office, arms crossed. He sat there with his legs propped on the desk, head down chewing on a pen.

"What do you want?" He asked, head still down.

"Ridgedog Vox?" I asked, just to assure myself.

"Yes? Why else would I be here?" He groans, hitting the pen on the side of his face.

"Perfect, guess I should get down to buisness. I'm here for your soul." I told him, getting slightly irritated. My tail was getting the point past better than my face.

"What are you some sort of lawyer-" He looked up at me wide eyed, "You know, for a lawyer you're pretty hot." I groaned, "Flattery will not get you anywhere with me Ridgedog."

"Really? I don't see this as flattery. I see it as having a conversation with a really hot guy." He told me, a grin plastered onto his face. I sighed rubbing my temples, "All of you mortals are so irritating!"

"Well," He stood and walked over to me, "I'm obviously bothering you, so why don't I get out of your hair now?" I raised an eyebrow, "What are you offering?"

"If I really fuck up, then you can come take me, no questions asked. I'm sure you've got many more people to deal with besides me so," He hold out his hand, "how about it?" I thought about it for a second, I know this guy like the back of my hand. He couldn't last too long without fucking up. I took his hand, "Deal." He shook my hand, "Pleasure doing buisness with you." I frowned and vanished, returning to my home.

I kept a close watch on him for a week, I was feeling something in my mind that wanted to see him again. But I couldn't see him as myself or he would know...I had an idea. I stood and started walking towards a window. As I walked my figure changed to that of a woman, I was wearing shorts and low cut shirt. He'd notice me now. I vanished and reappeared in his office.

He sat there eyes down, "How can I help you?" I smiled and walked over to him, taking his chin in my hand, "I think you can," I leaned down pressed his head into my chest, causing him to push me off saying, "Can you please keep your chest off of me." I was done hiding. I turned back to myself in my red suit standing there arms crossed. He looked up at me and grinned, "Now /you/ I would love to help." I glared down at him, "Why won't you fuck up? It's so simple!" He grinned, "Now why do you want me to fuck up? It's not like you want anyone else in hell do you? I'm sure that lonely existance of yours is just magnificent."

"I wouldn't say it's magnificent." I grumbled; he stood up and walked over to me, grabbing my chin, "Then why are you so determined to get me down there?" He asked with a queasy grin, I only looked at him with distaste, "It's my /job/ if you haven't realized."

"Oh no I know, but I'm sure you'd love another deal wouldn't you? It seems to me you do enjoy those don't you?" He let his hand trail down to my neck, his voice filled with promise.

"And what would this /deal/ be?" I asked, preparing to pull away but he pulled me down to him, "That you love me." I looked at him as if he were crazy, "Why would I love an idiotic mortal like you? You're merely a /speck/ if importance to me." I expected this to discourage him, yet it did the exact opposite, "So you're saying I'm important to you?"

"Merely a speck-" He stopped me, "But that's still on a scale of importance, but," He moved his hand to my chest, causing an odd feeling in my chest as if someone were grabbing my heart and trying to stop it from beating...if it did of course, my face red hot, "I'm sure you say that to every mortal you come across don't you?" He was grinning as if he'd over come me.

"The only reason you're important is it's my job to collect your soul and take it for myself!" I was infuriated but that feeling in my chest wasn't leaving.

"Then you'll take my deal? Let me try to prove you love me, if you don't I'll willingly go with you, but if you do love me I'm allowed to live as long as I can before dying of natural causes." He held out his hand to me, "Deal?" I sighed knowing I'd have no choice I shook his hand. He grinned wider and pulled me into a kiss, honestly I couldn't say I didn't like it, it did feel nice. So I kissed him back, wrapping my arms around the shorter man's neck. Eventually he pushed me into a chair, still kissing me. It was a weird feeling kissing him, I don't know why but it just feels so...comforting, a feeling, to me, old as time. He pulls back, grinning, "It seems you're /more/ than comfortable with this," He nuzzled into my cheek, "so do you love me?" I grumbled, "I may /like/ you..." He quckly stood up grinning, "I /knew/ it! I'm so perfect even a /god/ could love me!" I sneered at this remark, "When did the word love come out of my mouth?" He turned looking confused, "B-but you said-"

"That I /like/ you, not that I love you, seems your deal is void. Now let's go I'm bored with you." I groaned, standing up.

"It isn't over until I give up or you tell me you love me!" He wined. I sighed trying to think of a way out of this deal, suddenly an idea came to me and I grinned, "Fine, but this time, I get to choose where you attempt this, got it?" He nodded excitedly, unknowing of the fear he was about to see.

I teleported him to a pitch black room that reeked of rotting flesh.

"W-where are we?" His voice was shaky as he clung to me.

"Oh? Just a little place for my demons." I was sure that he would quit as soon as something grabbed him but he only held me tighter and started crying, "P-please! J-just say it and take me back! Please!" He begged, terrified, why such a meaningless emotion I'll never know, but something just ran though my chest like a bullet. Should I really torture this man to the point of insanity because I don't think I love him? I sighed and brought up the lights in a grand ballroom. I tilted his head up and wiped his tears, "I-I may l-love you...I don't know for sure though...." He smiled up at me and hugged me tightly, his face burried in my chest. I sent him back to his office and went back to hell myself, alone with these new feelings. I swore that I wouldn't bother the man again until he died, and I upheld that.

While sitting in my office bored out of my mind someone new dropped in, I didn't expect much so I kept my eyes closed, "Welcome to hell, I stopped torturing millenea ago so don't ask, why the hell are you here?"

"Aw? No torture? Even for little old me?" I perked up and looked at him, "Well Hello there, and what brought you down to me on this fine firey evening?"

"A car..." I burst into laughter, "I could have easily taken your soul, no pain, and you- YOU GET HIT BY A CAR!" I was laughing so hard I started crying! I couldn't breath, "Yes I got hit by a car, sue me." He mocked.

"Oh come on, I thought I was a hot lawyer?" He glared at me as I could only snicker.

Credit to ask-satan-and-cocky on tumblr

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