All You Can Eat

Part I

Well, I'm A Stuff My Face To A Funky Beat

-Fat Boyz


Challenge For Y'all: Can you find all the references in this chapter???


Dean grabbed Margaret's hand as she reached across the table to grab the Colt from where it lay before him. As she snatched it away, he got a flash of a white and red tattoo on her forearm. His brows furrowed.

"What's with the tattoo?"

Guarded, coffee eyes bore into his. "It's a family thing, dude. Why?" Dean looked on at her with shock before falling back into his chair.

(Dean grabbed Morgan's shoulder when he saw a flash of something. "Mind?"

She sighed tiredly. "Not at all."

It was small-ish; just about the size of a light bulb and done all in white and red with black outlines. A shield with a red cross on it that rested on the very left side of her right shoulder blade. "What's with the tattoo?"

"It's a family thing, man. Why?")

Dean glanced around to make sure that the rest of the hunters were scarce before leaning across the table. "You're a Templar?"

A little smile teased at the corner of her thin lips. "Who wants to know? Better tell me the truth, kid, 'cause there ain't no hunter named Dean Van Halen. Spill it."

"Name's Dean Winchester."

"Like John Winchester?"

Dean winced. "He's, ah, he's my dad. I'm from the future."

Margaret nodded. "Sounds plausible." She brows furrowed. Dean had no idea how that sounded plausible. "How do you know what the legacy mark looks like?"

"In my time there's another Templar. She goes by the name of Michaelson and saves a lot of people that hunters wouldn't know where to start on saving."

Margaret smiled sadly. "Paul's middle name is Michael. We die when our daughter's young, don't we." It wasn't a question.

"She grows up into a very amazing young woman with an adopted sister. You would be proud to see her."


Dean was pissed. Sammy, his little brother, was still hanging around with that Ruby bitch. Cas had to tell him about it. He had a bitch fight with Sam that he hadn't seen the likes of since Princess and Lauren had their tumble in the motel. How hard was it to stay away from the part of you that is labeled 'EVIL: DON'T TOUCH'? The more he thought about it, the more worked up he got. Honestly, Dean wasn't surprised that the fists started flying.

Sam was only saved from more by Travis' phone call.

"Dean, we got a job. Jack Montgomery, in Carthage, Missouri."



"Hey, Princess."

"Why are ya callin' me at... Three in the mornin'?"

"Thought I'd share. I met your mom a few days ago. When Cas zapped me back in time."

"Yeah? So? Why ya callin' me at three?"

"Margaret was a pretty friggin' awesome hunter. Turns out that you mom and my mom were close friends back in the day."


"Met your dad, too. He was pretty damn scary, and I don't scare easy. He was a cool dude once I got to know him, though. Little paranoid for my tastes, but I guess that's what the life does to you."

"... Why are you tellin' me all this at three?" Is it just me, or do I sound like a broken record?

"Couldn't sleep. I thought I'd call you."

"Gee. Thanks."



"Will you do me a favor?"

"Sure, man. What's up?"

"We got a hunt in Carthage, Missouri. Will you come and give us a hand?"

"Dean, is everythin' okay?" There was a rustle and a muffled groan on the other end that must have meant she had woken Lauren up.

"I'm worried about Sammy, and I don't know what to do about it."

"Sure, man. I get how it goes with siblings. We'll be there in ten hours."


They were outside of Jack's house. The dude looked normal enough, just drinking a beer. Maybe Travis got it wrong this time? Afterall, he was getting old...

"You sure that's him?" Dean asked as he gazed through his binoculars.

There was a rustle in the bushes next to their car. "Only Jack Montgomery in town."

Dean and Sammy both jumped as they saw Morgan casually leaned against the Impala, jacket haphazardly thrown over the top of a CCR shirt, looking like she had just rolled out of bed and started driving. "Heya boys," she chirped as she squatted her close to six-foot-three willow tree of a body to look in the car window.

"Morgan, not that we don't like having you two around, but why are you here?" Sammy whispered.

"We were passin' through town and saw Jack there walkin' to his car. He looked off, so we thought we'd stick 'round and see what happens. So what er ya lookin' for?" It was scary how good a liar Morgan was.

Sammy leaned over, "Travis said to look for anything weird."

"Sammy, I've seen big weird, little weird, weird with crazy on top. But this guy, he's boring," Dean muttered.

"I don't know, Dean. Travis seemed pretty sure."

They turned back to the window. Jack was scarfing leftovers like there is no tomorrow. Pretty soon, he worked his way to the raw meat.

Dean looked at the scene with a grim smile, "Yahtzee."

Morgan looked smug as she glanced back over, "Told ya boys."


Lauren met them down the street, leaning against the Linden's aqua blue and white '58 Thunderbird, dwarfing the thing with her six-foot-ish stature. Dean had to stop himself from drooling all over the crushed velvet seats. She looked more relaxed than last time they saw the Linden sisters, if tired and sore. Morgan did too, although she was sporting bruised knuckles and a soft limp.

"'Sup Bitches," Lauren greeted with a lazy salute. The younger Linden was like cheap-ass beer; she was hard to acquire a taste for. Personally, Morgan thought it was all a front, a mask to keep people from seeing her slowly dying on the inside. It was an all too common occurrence to see Lauren let herself get hurt during hunts. She sighed. Looks like they need to have another talk about that...

Morgan elbowed her sister in the ribs and they both winced slightly. "Be nice," she chided. Yeah, like that's gonna work.



"Where y'all stayin'?" Morgan asked, glancing back at the boys.

A chill worked up Dean's spine at the calculating glint that he hadn't see in her eyes the first time they met. Come to think of it, there were a lot of little things. The tone, wiry muscle that went beyond what they had seen on other women, their graceful air of fighting, Morgan's use of a long-gone language. All the little things that set these hunters in the leagues of the greats. Miniscule details that they hid so well that a trained hunter like himself and Sammy couldn't pick up on it until they were told just who the Michaelsons were.

"Little motel on the edge of town. You should come with us, oh mighty hunting queens. We can catch up and you can tell us why you both look like you've been through some really rough orgy."

"Really Ken? That's what you came up with?" Lauren rolled her eyes.

Dean shrugged. "It's the truth."

"Ugh! My poor angel-healed eyes! Dean, you're ten years older than her! Stop flirting!"

"Wait, you can't legally drink yet?"

Lauren rolled her eyes. "No shit Sherlock!" Dean was too stunned to answer and climbed into the Impala. Sam slid next to him, chuckling. Dean punched him in the arm.




The four hunters walked into the motel room. They weren't alone. Morgan tensed and reached for the blade in her bra line, but stood down when she saw Dean's smile. Sam looked at the man sitting at the table and smiled as well.

"See, Sam? Told you we should have hid the beer," Dean chided. Morgan ambled over to the table and picked up one of the bottle.

"Colt forty-five. Really boys?" She sighed, "Coors, damnit! That's where it's at!"

"Sorry Ms. Golden Colorado, Colt's cheap," Dean stated. His brows furrowed for a second as he looked at her. "Wait. Aren't Christians not supposed to drink?"

Morgan's lips quirked and Lauren sighed like she heard this all the time. "The Bible says being a drunkard is wrong. It never had any problems with enjoying alcohol on occasion. Hell, Jesus even got drunk a couple a times."

Travis started laughing and set down his beer.

"So you're the Linden children." -The sisters shared a secretive smile that Dean caught the edge of- "You got some big shoes to fill. It's good to see you boys." Travis got up to hug the boys and reunite with them. Morgan slipped into a corner of the room with Lauren.

Lauren leaned into her sister, "They got three of them here, Morgan. Ya sure we should stick 'round?"

Morgan raised an eyebrow. "After that shit Dean got into last week? They could use another set of siblings. Even if they're still on the mend from their own close encounters of a supernatural kind. 'Sides, Dean's worried 'bout Sam 'n' wanted us ta join their hunt."

(A crazed angel. 'It's unnatural. Abominations.' Punching a cement face. Hitting the wall. Bright lights. Wings of Ash.)

Lauren rolled her eyes and harrumphed. "You just want to stick close to you boyfriend," she sing-songed.

"Sam is not my boyfriend. Can I help it if siblings plus demons equals something familiar? 'Sides, it's not like anybody is tellin' us anything at the moment. It's all static on my end."

"Yeah, yer right," Lauren cocked a smile, "I hate angel chatter." They giggled quietly as they moved to sit on a bed with the other hunters.

"So, you track down Montgomery?" Travis asked.

"Yeah. We were watching him when Princess and Feefee surprised us."

"Yikes, Winchester, Feefee? Really?" Lauren sassed.

"Feather Finder."

"Hell Reject."

Sam laughed. "Hairbangers!"

"Shut up Sammy!"

"Girls!" Travis barked, "Deanna, Samantha, Lauren, care to pay attention?"


"Well boys and girls, we got a rougarou on our hands."

Lauren looked at her sister, "A rouga-what?" Morgan knew her sister was putting on an act for Travis and decided to play along.

Dean looked at Travis, "Is that made up? That sounds made up."

"Travis, c'mon dude. Those things are in the same league as Big Foot. They don't exist," Morgan said with a shudder. Travis rolled his eyes at the ignorant younger hunters. Morgan sent her sister a mental picture of Jack's face, which looked suspiciously like Mr. Lisp.

Really? His face was that twisted? Huh.

"So what? They go through some kind of metamorphosis?" Sam pondered.

"Yep," Travis looked disgusted, "like a maggot to a bull fly. But most of all, they're hungry."

Morgan looked like she was gonna hurl, "Long pig." Dean looked confused. "Human. Dean. They crave human flesh."

"That's my word of the day," Dean stated.

Travis nodded and stated dramatically, "One bite. And no turning back. Presto! Instant monster."

Morgan stood up and moved towards the door. "I need a drink. I'll be back later, Lauren. And remember, this ain't Casa Erotica, so no sexy times."

Dean was surprised at that comment, even if he knew it was a joke. Guess they aren't catholic school girls after all...


Jack was sitting at some low life bar at the edge of town. There was some old perv trying to get a young woman's attention. Her blue-streaked grey eyes crackled with anger. There was an air around her that made him want to get up and spill his guts about all the crap that was happening in his life, or get up and face a serial murderer head-on; he wasn't sure which. There was some quality of other that swallowed her. It scared him, quite honestly.

"Come on, what are you drinking? My treat."

"It's called 'Shut the Hell up and Leave me Alone'."

"Come on babe, don't be like that."

"Leave. Before I do somethin' I regret," she ground out. Fingers gripped her bottle so hard, Jack was sure it would shatter into a million pieces.

Jack leaned over, "Hey douche bag. She doesn't want to talk to you."

The man give him a look. "Sorry, I didn't hear you." Jack stood up and walked towards them. The woman didn't look happy he was intervening.

"I said... She didn't want to talk to you. You fat... sweaty... dick."

"You wanna do this, guy?"

"You know, I think I do."

The guy threw a punch, and Jack caught it. His hand broke when Jack started squeezing it. The guy screamed in pain and the girl gripped his shoulder.

"Go," she said, "Get outta here. I'll take care of it." And Jack ran.


Lauren picked up one of the tiny flamethrowers. "Ya guys afraid of the real ones?"

Travis muttered to Dean, "She always like this?"

Dean shrugged, "You get used to her." They chuckled at the younger Linden's glare.

Sam walked in and spared a glance at the flamethrowers. "Not wasting any time, are you?"

"None to waste. If this guy hulks out, we won't be finding bodies, just remains," Travis said. Dean looked at Lauren uncomfortably, but she was busy fiddling with the canister of bug spray they was rednecking into weapons.

"What if he doesn't? I did a little homework, uh, checking out the lore."

"My thirty years of experience not enough?" There was some hidden heat behind those words.

"What? No. I-I-I just wanted to be prepared."

Dean piped up to stop the ensuing fight, "Sam loves research. He does. He keeps it under his mattress right next to his KY. It's a sickness." Sam glared and Lauren snorted from the table. "It is."

"Basically, if he doesn't eat human skin, he won't fully transform. He can do this; stay human, I mean."

Morgan piped up from the door, "He goes vegan, he'll be fine. Just gotta stay off the... long pig."

Dean turned around. "Seriously?! Are you some kind of ninja?"

Lauren smirked at her sister, "What are you? Some kind of wizard?!"

Morgan laughed, "I don't know, but he was weird and pissed off."

"There you go Dean, you now have two whole women who are into those cult movies from the eighties," Sam muttered with an eye roll.



Travis stood up. "Sam, good for you on the research. But they're just fairy tales."

"Well let us talk to him. Explain what's happening, so he can fight it."

"Fight it?" Travis laughed.

Lauren took Travis' side. "He's right. It's pure, basic instinct. Everything's gotta eat." She snorted. "I should make my living as a writer. From the the people that brought you Everybody Poops comes the all-new guide to hunting: Everything Eats."

Morgan ambled over and smacked the back of her sister's head. Lauren let out an exaggerated wail. "Stop being a pest, Ramona." Lauren harrumphed.

Morgan carded slender fingers through her silvery hair and heaved a weary sigh. She sent a mental picture of her favorite park in Minnesota. Fine! We'll go fishing if you go with your boyfriend~

"Fine then, little sister, stay here. But I've met Jack, and I can't say he's the type. I saw him. He's fightin' it. Me 'n Sam'll go talk to him. Ya work on yer baby flamethrowers." Morgan gripped Sam's arm and drug him out of the room.

Morgan took out her phone and shot a quick text to her sister.

Luther: Merlin?

Damion: Yes, Arthur?

Luther: Shut. Up. I can hear you singing that damn kissy song in your head from here.

Lauren collapsed onto the bed in a fit of giggles that had the two remaining hunters looking on in mild concern. She waved them off lightly.

Travis looked over at Dean. "What's up with your brother?"

Dean glanced at the door and the other hunter. "Don't get me started."


Sam and Morgan were in her Thunderbird, some rapper or another playing in the background about buttermilk biscuits. Sam wasn't really paying much attention, but Morgan was tapping her fingers to the beat.

"Right. So let's go have a chat with Montgomery." She glanced over at Sam, snapping him out of his brooding over Ruby and Dean and angels.

"I hope we can get through to him."

Morgan smirked. "Me too. I'll never hear the end of it if my sister is right. Siblings, am I right?"

Sam turned to look at the strange hunter who had been blind not a month before, jumping into the fray frequently, if her bruised knuckles were anything to go by. "How are you doing, Morgan. I-I-I mean with being blind and then seeing and then hunting again."

Morgan glanced over and cracked a weak smile. "Don't get all wishy-washy on me, Winchester. But I'm fine. I mean, I was blinded by some crazy bitch name Lilith's henchman, got healed by a holy tax accountant, and all of a sudden-" she cut her ramblings off mid-sentence. Her posture stiffened and a hind of something feral and other slipped into her eyes.

"All of a sudden, what?"

"Nothing, Samuel. Don't worry 'bout it."

Sam looked at Morgan. "You know you can trust me, right?"

Morgan gripped the wheel and heaved a deep breath, "Can I trust you, Sam? Like keep-it-from-Dean trust you?"

"Y-yeah. You can trust me, Morgan."

She tucked a strand of hair that fell out of her ponytail behind her ear. "I don't know what all Castiel told ya, but my sister n' I, we've always been... different."

"What? Like 'I see dead people' different?"

Morgan huffed a laugh. "Kinda. More like 'the angels are singin' different... Yeah, that's right. I can hear the angels talkin', don't understand it all, but I can make out some shit. Like 'DEAN WINCHESTER IS SAVED!' Among the other crap ya probably figured out by now. Like the seein' supernatural 'n sensin' angel crap."

"Wow. Deep."

"Pretty much... Sam, if you ever need to share the burden of a secret, I'll be there." Morgan hoped Sam took her up on her offer. If he even told one other person about the demon blood, Morgan hoped that he would see how wrong it was. Morgan knew what it was like to unburden a dark secret on somebody, and want to be that person for Sam.


Morgan parked the Thunderbird and they climbed out. Jack was in the garden, watering flowers, completely spaced out.

Morgan cleared her throat, "Mr. Montgomery?" He turned around to stare at them. "I'm Morgan Linden an' this is Sam Winchester."

"You're that lady from the bar last night, aren't you?"

Sam gave Jack a serious look. "We need to talk."


"Your newly acquired appetite."

"Who are you people?" he asked warily, gripping the hose like it would of any use against them.

Morgan butted back in. "We're the people who know a little somethin' 'bout this shit."

"We're only here to help. Just hear us out."


"What? So I just have to stay of the off the... long pig... and I'll be fine?"

Morgan nodded, "Yep, pretty much." She gave him a serious look. "But Jack, one bite and you're donezo. Finito. Insta Monster."

Sam coughed to hide his laugh. "He gets it, Morgan."

"Right. Sorry. Jack, please avoid those manwiches, 'cause I don't wanna have to come back 'n burn ya."

"I want you off my property, right now."

Sammy raised his hands in surrender, "We're just trying to help."


There was a neighbor outside of Jack's house stared at them as they walked out. Morgan nodded to him. "Good talk."

Sam sighed and pulled her towards her Thunderbird.


The Winchesters took off after Travis without the Lindens. Typical boys, go in guns ablazing. Lauren yanked Morgan towards the Thunderbird. Morgan dug the keys out of her jeans and jammed them into the ignition. Lauren slammed the door shut.

"Freakin' Winchesters!" she hissed. Morgan agreed.

The living room was too quiet. Chunks of meat and blood stains littered the carpet. Lauren toed one of the pieces.

"So much fer Travis," Lauren muttered. The he deserved it went unsaid. Morgan huffed and crept into the next room.

When they entered, Dean was groaning on the coffee table and Sam was crashed against the door. Lauren turned to look at her sister. "San Juan?"

"San Juan," Morgan agreed.

Lauren ran forward and started waving her arms. "Yo dickwad!" Jack lunged for Lauren and Morgan drove for the flamethrower. She fumbled with it in her adrenaline high. Jack tossed Lauren against the wall, and she hit with a crunch.

"Lauren!" Morgan gripped the red bottle and flipped over onto her back. The older Linden glared, flicking open her lighter. "Hasta la vista, asshat." He lit up like a statue at Burning Man.


The four hunters were standing around, or sitting on in Lauren's case, the Impala. Beers in hands.

Princess took a swig of her beer. "'Least ya boys got the right beer this time."

Lauren grunted and raised her bottle. "Coors!"

Dean turn to the girls. "So what did you hunt in San Juan?" The sisters started laughing. Princess cleared her throat.

"Umm. Not a monster, just a dickwad. Hittin' on my little sister doesn't fly, Winchester. Remember that. But a... anyway my sister was maybe eighteen, if that. This pervy bastard comes up 'n starts hittin' on her. I told him to butt out 'n he got stabby. So 'Ren distracted him 'n I kneed him where the sun never shines. Hard enough that he saw purple. We left town in a hurry after that."

"Remind me to never flirt with your sister again," Dean muttered. Princess punched his shoulder.

Lauren unfolded from the hood. "It's been real bitches. Really macho. But we got some demons ta hunt down. Call us if ya can't handle a case."

The younger sister sauntered (*cough* limped *cough*) off to the Thunderbird. Princess walked up to Sammy and handed him a piece of paper. "I stand by what I said. Call me if ya feel like sharin'." She walked over to her car and slid in. It rumbled down the road with an air of finality.


Dean waited 'till they were cruising down the road before speaking. "Sam, what did she mean, 'feel like sharing'?"

"Dean, she told me something. Something I have to keep to myself, for her."

"More secrets?"

"Dean, it's not like that."

"Oh yeah? What is it like?"

"Dean, the demon blood... it's not in you like it's in me. It's just something I have to deal with."

"Not alone." Sam sighed and gazed out of the passenger window.

"Anyway, it doesn't matter. These powers... it's like play with fire. I'm done with them. I'm done with everything."

"Well, that's a relief. Thank you."

Sam scoffed. "Don't thank me. I'm not doing it for you. Or the angels, or the Lindens. It's my choice."

Dean smiled a little. "So does that mean you'll tell me what Morgan's secret is?"

"Grown up Dean, this isn't junior high anymore." Dean just laughed.

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