Chapter 6 - A small smirk cut across Peyton's face.

Louie whipped her head around, her composure cracking as she stared at Peyton with a fierce look.

"Peyton are they safe?" the doctor asked, his voice weak and gravelly from the lack of use.

Peyton met Louie's look for a brief second before turning to the doctor and nodding, unconsciously shifting his pack. Relief flooded the doctor's body and he melted back into the bed, the little strength he had had leaving him in an instant. Louie pointed to a cot a few feet away.

"Sit there and don't move," Louie said, her tone hard.

There was a spark in Peyton's eyes that spoke of rebellious thoughts but Louie didn't have time to argue and turned her attention back to the doctor. His forehead was covered in a layer of sweat, the effort of merely needing to know that the maps were okay too taxing for his starved and battered body.

"Doctor, I'm going to check your vitals. Don't try to get up or you might pass out."

The doctor's head bobbed slightly, his shoulders inching downwards, his breathing - that had been panicking - slowly settling. He closed his eyes, as Louie worked. Her hands ran through the motions, making sure everything was okay, as her brain worked double time trying to understand what the doctor meant by maps.

With everything complete she gave the Doctor a calming drug and he slipped back into sleep, the frown of strain and troubling thoughts vanishing. The time it had taken to get the doctor settled, Louie's composure had returned to her as well as a plan of attack for getting the information she wanted. Louie moved over to where Peyton sat, her hands folded behind her, expression unreadable. Peyton stood as she faced him, his eyes already telling her what she had expected, his lips a thin line that spoke of not parting with any of his knowledge.

"Peyton, I'm going to have to ask you to leave. The doctor needs space and time to recover. I'm also going to order you not to disturb him these next few days as any form of communication will be taxing on his brain. I will notify you when you can speak with him. Is this clear?" Louie asked, her voice even, almost on the point of indifference.

Her words seemed to surprise him, his eyes showing he was ready to fight any questions she was going to put to him. Louie stared calmly at Peyton waiting for his response. When he didn't say anything, she raised a single eyebrow.

"Is that clear?" Louie asked again.

Peyton nodded, his brow still showing his confusion.

"Alright. Goodnight Peyton."

Peyton nodded again, and left the Med Wing. Louie moved back to the doctor and checked all his vitals again, making sure he was comfortable. She had known from the moment she had looked at Peyton - when the doctor asked about the maps - that he was never going to open up to her. So she decided instead of forcing his hand, she would work on earning his trust first. Though that didn't mean she planned on letting him talk to the doctor without her being there to hear every word.


The next week moved by quickly, and Louie watched, impressed, as Peyton adapted to every department. Like water he morphed and changed to fit his surroundings. Where ever he went the Heads of each section spoke only of how hard he worked and how intent to learn everything he was. His calm exterior and attentive eyes loosened the lips of all those he came into contact with, the Compound's secrets and inner workings divulged to him, and their trust in him secured.

Hints of irritation would spark in Louie as she was bombarded with the praises of Peyton when she did her daily rounds. In their eyes he fit the mold of what a leader was; an echo of Chief himself she had heard Jacob say one day. Each time she fought the irritation, straightening her shoulders and reminding herself that though his popularity was growing, it made no difference. She was the one who knew how the Compound worked and knew exactly what it needed to survive.

Louie was making her way to the Med Wing, a week after the Celebration, her tread determined and her face impassive, when someone yelled out her name from behind. She turned back and found Ryland making his way towards her, the people he passed by giving him smiles and small waves in greeting. With a curt nod, Louie turned back around and kept walking, Ryland easily keeping pace with her.

"Ryland," Louie said as her only form of greeting.

"Louie. How are you?"

Louie stiffened her shoulders, conscious of his use of her proper name, instead of Lou.

"Fine. Did you end up resolving that conflict out in Storage?"

Louie didn't bother looking at him when she talked.

"Yes. It was no problem. Merely a miscommunication between colleagues.

"Good. And Culinary had a few complaints about the Newcomers. Were you able to speak to them?"

"Yes, they had some concerns regarding portions and ration control. It was an easy matter."

Louie gave Ryland a sideways glance, her eyes betraying the merest hint of surprise, then looked away before he could detect in her expression any trace of the fact that she was impressed with his business like attitude.

"Good. Let me know if you need anything from me."

Louie was about to step into the Med Wing, when Ryland gently grabbed her elbow. She faced him, his expression serious.

"I did have a question for you, Louie."

"What is it, Ryland? I have patients I need to be checking on."

Louie held her hands behind her, expression blank.

"This will only take a second."

Ryland crossed his arms, taking a step closer and lowering his voice as his eyes swept over the surrounding area. His attitude mimicking Louie's seriousness. Louie couldn't tell if it was genuine.

"Peyton Jones has been assigned to me for the couple of days. As I am department manager, that's fine. But do you also wish for me to bring him along on all my duties regarding the Council, especially since Storage management is only a fraction of what I do all day?"

"Yes, I need him to shadow you in all your movements. Spend more time in Storage if you can, so he can get a real sense of that department before moving along to all your responsibilities. Were there any other questions?"

Ryland took a step closer.

"Just one. I imagine this is all part of his private security position."

"That is correct."

Louie stood taller, more rigid, trying to understand what Ryland was getting at.

"I am merely curious, and so are many other members of the Compound, just what that job means. What is his purpose here? Several people are worried it was a throw away job to keep him here in the Compound without making him do any actual work?"

A tinge of annoyance shot through Louie, knowing that Ryland was the main person out of the several that was actually worried.

"Is there anything I need to know about Peyton and his position before I meet with him tomorrow? Anything I can tell the masses to help quiet them down. You know they look to me as their spokesman."

Louie's hands tightened into fists behind her as her face remained expressionless.

"Yes, Ryland, I am quite aware of your popularity among the masses." A hint of Louie's annoyance at this fact slipped into her tone. "And as far as Peyton is concerned, I think his position title fits his job description. His main focus while he is here is to assist with security. The private part just means it's to remain a secret among the select. If there was anything you needed to know about it, I'm sure your father would have told you. Since I do not have the authority to tell you such delicate information I would turn to him if you have any further questions."

Louie spun on her heels and walked into the Med Wing before Ryland had a chance to respond. Louie pushed down the flare of annoyance at Ryland trying to pry information from her to spread among the people like a gossip column.


Louie was at the end of her morning shift when Peyton stepped into the Med Wing, his eyes glancing over the space in an instant before landing on Louie. Louie placed the chart she had just been looking over back on the wall as Peyton strode over to her. He smiled and gave nods to the nurses that greeted him on his way.

"Need something?" Louie asked, back stiff, her face blank.

"I didn't come in this morning for my check up."

Louie nodded and gave a brief look around the room before realizing she was the only one free at the moment. She gestured to a cot and Peyton moved to it as she retrieved his chart.

"How are your headaches?" Louie asked, staring down at the clipboard.

"Fine, I stopped having them about a day ago."

"Alright. Other than that, are there any other changes you have seen? Vertigo? Dizziness? Nausea? Lightheadedness?"



Louie set aside the chart.

"Please stand and remove your shirt?"

Peyton did as he was told and Louie sensed a few pairs of eyes shift to him. Louie caught them looking and scowled which put an end to the looks. Louie unwrapped the bandage around his ribs, her eyes looking to the right first. His skin was free from bruises and Louie prodded it gently.

"Your right side is completely healed."

The left side still held faint traces of bruises, but when she ran her fingers of the area Peyton gave no sign of feeling any pain. Louie straightened, looking at Peyton.

"How does your left side feel?"

He moved experimentally.

"Better than they have."

"Do they hurt at all?"

"Only sometimes."

"Okay, well keep the bandage on a few more days."

Louie rewrapped the bandage around him and then took a step back, her eyes flitting over his body.

"You've put on weight," Louie said. "Good. Your muscles appear to be doing a lot better. How is your energy level?"


"Alright. You can put on your shirt."

Peyton did so, with still a few glances tossed his way.

"I'm going to relieve you of your duties for an hour and you will come with me," Louie said.

"Okay, where are we going?"



Marc handed Louie her knife holster and she strapped it to her leg and then accepted the rifle, sliding it onto her back. Peyton watched, his fingers twitching slightly.

"Marc, give Peyton a knife holster," Louie said.

Marc looked between Peyton and Louie, his eyes resting on Louie's for a millisecond longer. She nodded once before he did as she asked. Louie watched as Peyton took the knife holster and put it on, then slipped the knife out.

His fingers curled around the handle and a small change came over him. His shoulders relaxed and his spine seemed to straighten. Deftly, he flipped the knife around and then twirled it in his fingers before sliding it into its holster. When he looked at Louie, the man she had met the first day was looking back at her, the fire, that pain and confinement had extinguished, burning in his eyes again. Stiffening her shoulders, she nodded.

"Alright, let's go."

Their boots echoed off the floor as they made their way to the gates. With a nod, the gates were opened and the barren land raced forward to greet them. A small gust of wind rushed past as they stepped out, bringing with it the smell of decay and manure.

Louie led Peyton through Farming and Livestock, making introductions with the Heads and giving him the run down of each section before guiding him out to the perimeter. The day was chilly and the wind scurried past them, kicking up dirt and dead leaves as it went.

Out on the horizon, in the clarity of the day, it was easy to make out the rotting building, their crumpled forms and smashed levels. Louie walked along the fence, the familiar tug pulling her gaze outward, but she forced her thoughts back into the confines of the barrier.

"Update on your progress," Louie said.

Peyton gave her a curious sideways glance.

"Alright. So far I have been involved with three of the five sections within the Compound," Peyton said. "I start work with Storage tomorrow and then security. As far I can tell, your Compound runs smoothly, besides the typical fights that come with people living in close quarters together.

"Even then they are dealt with quickly and efficiently. I haven't spotted any security breaches that would be cause for worry. I have learned a lot, apparently there are people who don't care for how somethings are run but no murmurings of trouble. But I will still keep my ears open."

Louie nodded and her shoulders relaxed slightly.


"I have to say I have been involved in a lot of different groups and I've never seen one so content and at peace."

"We know what we're doing and how to keep order."

Peyton stopped, putting his hand on Louie's arm to halt her. She shifted and he dropped his hand as she looked at him.

"Look, I'm not saying that what you said isn't true but I have known a lot of people who knew how to run a group and still there was discord. What makes you different?"

"Chief," Louie said simply.

"What about him?"

"Peyton do you know what a Navy Seal is?"

Peyton crossed his arms, looking at Louie like he was trying to figure out where she was going.

"I heard of them," he said. "A branch of the army at one point, before the Artillery took over everything. I have had dealings with the Artillery in past, I don't care for them. They have the tendency to show up out of nowhere, unannounced."

"Well, Navy Seals were not just one part of the Army but the best, the most highly trained soldiers alive. My father is one. When he started this Compound, he didn't back down from anyone. He stuck to his word, even if it meant that when someone broke the rules they were kicked out. His strength and command are what have kept this Compound peaceful. He rules with an iron fist and gentle word. And I plan to do the same."

"I see. You plan to care for these people the same way?"


"Why don't you smile? Show the people that you are caring for them."

Louie's back stiffened and her mouth was a hard line as she took a step closer to Peyton.

"Because the moment I smile, I am no longer someone in charge. Someone that can make the necessary and hard decisions, but a teenage girl who can be manipulated and used. If I, for a second, show any sort of weakness, in the barest hint of needing someone's help then what I have worked for all my life will crumble."

"Must be a fragile position if something as simple as a smile could destroy it."

"For some it is not, but for me it means that what I have strived for could be lost. I have worked too hard to protect and run this Compound alongside my father to let my feelings and struggles get in the way. I prove to everyone each day that I care by doing the best job I can."

Louie took a step back, her face falling back into a mask of passivity.

"I understand. It takes one voice to change the minds of thousands. The right word at the right time can undo years of hard work," Peyton said.

Louie was surprised by the comment and some of it showed in her eyes. A small smirk cut across Peyton's face.

"Like I said, I've been involved in a lot of groups and ran a couple myself."

Louie controlled her features once more and nodded. They were silent for a long moment, then Louie turned and started walking again.

"Let's go," Louie said.

Peyton fell into step beside her.

"Where are we going?"

"To talk to the doctor."


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