୨♡୧ First Kisses ୨♡୧


First Kiss!

*You're already in a relationship!


Aoi Valt


Valt's a clumsy idiot. No one can really deny that at all. He's sorta forgetful while in the kitchen which is why he usually has someone else in the room. However, you had come over for the day and merely decided to help out in baking the next batch of pastries for the shop tomorrow. However, he accidentally forgot the pan was still hot from being in the oven and you placed your hand on the piping hot pan.

"I'm fine, I'm fine," you reassured him, placing your hand under the sink in cool water. "But man did that hurt. . ." you whined.

Valt ran over to you and nervously looked at your red skin. He couldn't help but feel awful at his silly mistake. So, out of instinct, Valt reached out to your hand, watching as you tensed the instant your hand neared his face. Valt pressed his lips against your hand and pulled away with an innocent, yet shining smile.

"Mom always says that kisses make everything better!" He says, "Plus they heal faster, too!" You felt as if your heart exploded into two before gulping and used your hands to cup his cute cheeks. Pulling him closer and gently pressing your lips on his.

Aoi Tokonatsu

"What if I'm not good enough?" Tokonatsu asked you one day in the storage of the cafe in the later hours, looking at you. "People always think that I have to be as good as my brother, but. . ."

Tokonatsu always searched for your approval. Whether it was small, big or something meaningless—it always mattered so much for him. You knew it was because people always see him lower than his brother in terms of the popular sport, Beyblade. You never saw him in that light, however. It really hurt you when you see him like this.

"Tokonatsu. . ." you patted his shoulder. "You shouldn't think like that. You're your own person, you don't need to have anyone's approval."

His cyan eyes traveled to you. The box in his hand containing the cups for coffee was tightly held in his grip. "But—"

You reached up to your tippy-toes and firmly placed your lips on top of his, shutting him up instantly. You could feel the acceleration of his heart against your chest. You pulled away with a small blush on your face, watching as his face continuously got red.

"You're always to be an amazing person to me, Tokonatsu—" You were hushed by the quick movements of the boy setting down the box and holding you in his arms, his lips reconnecting with yours.

Kurenai Shu

Shu never liked the winter.

Something about it always makes him hate it. He misses the usual heat of the sun, the fresh breeze of warm air coursing through his hair. Plus, it allows him to cram in more Beyblading training for upcoming tournaments. However, in the winter, he's very limited to the indoors.

With him being the current owner of the New York Bulls, Shu's usual area of training out over by the park is no longer an option. The snow probably filled up the whole stadium, and the entire thing must be more slippery than usual. He clicked his tongue at the thought of it. It brought him distaste.

"Shu!!" You shouted, running through the hallway to meet the snow-white-haired teen staring out sullenly at the winter snow.

"Yes?" He says, turning around to meet your enthusiastic face. He felt his spirits slightly up. "Do you need something?"

"I need you," you grabbed his arm and gently tugged on it. "And me, outside. In the snow. This instant." Shu at first wanted to say no. Who would want to go outside in this weather? It's a lot colder out here than in Japan, the temperature being in the negatives. And yet, staring more at your face—he really couldn't say no. So, with a sigh, he nodded and proceeded to get ready.

After an hour or so, you were laying down on the snow powdered ground with a childish grin on your face. Heart racing and laughter coursed through your body as Shu loomed over you with a gentle smile on his face. Abruptly, you sat up and yanked him down with an innocent grin to give him a soft kiss on the lips.

Suddenly, winter isn't as bad anymore.

Kiyama Rantaro



You and Rantaro hissed and growled like rabid animals over the final cookie that laid untouched and waited to be chewed up like a dog toy. You two always acted like this over the littlest things. It was funny to an outsider, watching two teenagers fight over a singular cookie as if it's their last.

"There's only one way to settle this!" Rantaro huffed, uncrossing his arms to place a fist on top of the palm of his hand. "One game of rock-paper-scissors!"

You knew that you ALWAYS lose against Rantaro when playing rock-paper-scissors. It pissed you off so much and you absolutely hated it. And you're pretty sure that Rantaro knows this important fact and is using it against you. Little shit.

You had to think quickly, "Or. . .we do something else!"

Rantaro quirked an eyebrow, "Like what?"

You bit your lip before grabbing to his jacket harshly and smashing your lips against his. Eyes shut and soon were Rantaro's after the initial shock. You cracked open an eye and skillfully grabbed the forgotten cookie and hid it behind your back. You pulled away and quickly bit down on the chocolate cookie with a blush visible on your cheeks.

Rantaro merely stared at you with shock, but his heart pounding against his chest.

Kurogami Daina

Daina loves cats.

But he can't adopt one due to his younger brother's, Souta's, allergies toward them. He'd really like it if a cat just draped over his lap, with their little tail curling and swaying against the air as if they're following a beat of a melody.

But he has an alternative.

He'd always grow flustered whenever you'd lay your head against his lap. Curling up and wanting nothing but to relax. Sometimes, you let out soft snores that somehow sound like a cat purring. He'd always grow red at it. Yet, you ALWAYS do it whenever he has online homework to complete that night and whenever he asks you to move, you always say no. Claiming that you're a little too comfortable.

So, he figured out a plan. He'd always wait till you're facing upward with a playful smile before he sucked in his bashfulness and presses his lips against yours. That always works to keep you off. Although, there's a lot of sudden shyness right afterward.

Cats are adorable.

Midorikawa Kensuke

Kensuke could never say no to you.

You've seen those long coats that he always wears. So you decided to try them out yourself! There you stood, in front of a mirror while twirling around with a childish grin on your face. Kensuke behind you while playing with his puppets, keeping his stare down at the ground, and a clearly visible pink blush on his face.

"Kensuke! These are very comfortable! I love them so much!" You gushed, turning around and running over to the shy boy. "Can I keep one?! Please?!"

Kensuke brought up Beus, a shy smile on his face while staring at you. "Sure, [First name]," Beus spoke with a tint of playfulness.

"Really?!" You were already filled with love and happiness that the next action was purely based on that. "Thank you! Thank you!" You grabbed his shoulders and firmly kissed him on the lips, the smile on your face never faltering as you're pretty sure Kensuke fainted.

Komurasaki Wakiya

You never liked talking through the phone.

Texting is a more preferred way of communicating but Wakiya always calls you instead. You always answered, of course, he's your boyfriend, but you're always so flustered. The conversation is right on the spot, sometimes the connection is bad and you'd have to repeat yourself a bunch of times.

"[First name]? How's your day goin'?" Wakiya's voice rang through the speaker of yours.

You smiled, "I-I'm doing great!" You realized your mistake before shaking your head, "I mean my day! My day's been great!" You flushed red from embarrassment over the small mistake and hearing Wakiya's laughter. "How's yours?"

"Fine," he answered. He sounded close. "Tell me, why's it that ya don't like speaking through the phone?"

"Don't know, it's just. . ." you paused, "Awkward. . .I guess."

"Too bad," he sounded like he's there. You felt a hand on your shoulder as you turned around to meet with Wakiya's face mere inches away. "I like your voice," he flirted and leaned in, planting his lips on yours.

Shirasagijo Lui

You have this thing going on with Lui.

Since you're dating, you have unlimited access to his personal space and is able to give him a hug whenever and not get yelled at. Sure, you'd get a scolding, but you know he likes it.

You watched as Lui cleaned out his Bey with the TV playing in the background. His face completely concentrated on his Bey before you snickered quietly. You slowly inched closer before tackling him. Lui didn't expect it as he suddenly bursts out laughing, your fingers trailing his sides.

You suddenly stopped, staring at his flushed face. His smile now turning into an embarrassed frown. He glared at you before you squealed at the old sound of his laughter before Lui harshly tugged on your face and smashed his lips against yours.

Minamo Naoki

Naoki has a habit of staying up late working on the latest discovery that night.

You were staying over for the night and you wanted to cuddle with your nerdy boyfriend, but here he was, staring at his computer. He stays up so late at night that you always fall asleep first and wake up having him in your arms.

Yet, tonight was different.

Naoki was hungry and needed something to snack on. He peaked over his shoulder and noticed you fast asleep. Arm dangling, mouth open with slight drool leaking out, yet a peaceful look on your face made the entire sight adorable. Naoki smiled softly at you before getting up and headed toward the kitchen. 

As he plopped some pizza rolls in the microwave, he began to ponder about the current math problem he was facing. He's thinking so much about it, he completely forgot to stop before the final second to the microwave to prevent the beeping. And boy, at 12 AM, this thing was LOUD. He scrambled to open the microwave but made a loud noise of doing so. He turned around with panic as soon as he heard you walking down the stairs.

"Naoki?" You whispered, "What're you doing?"

"Sorry," he apologized and faced his meal again. "I made too much noise."

"It's okay," you whispered groggily. Naoki turned around but was met with a lazy, yet sweet kiss to his lips. "C'mon," you begged, not noticing his reddening face. "Let's go to bed."

The thoughts of your lips on his kept him awake all night.

Free De La Hoya

Free loves to sleep.

Ever since you two started dating, you and Free hung out in his room more. It was a lot more comfortable than in the nurse's office and definitely less hectic. You held your book in your hand, reading away at the novel while Free's head rested on your shoulder. His fluffy hair tickling your cheek while his warm breath skimmed over your neck.

It was quite an adorable sight to see. His arms holding you like a pillow, although not to the point that he's ruining your moment to read.

Free wasn't happy that your attention was purely on your book. He wanted you to fall asleep with him too, it's two in the morning to Christ's sake. He lazily lifted his head up, used his hand to move your face closer to him and firmly planted his lips on yours. His other free hand skillfully took your book and placed it at his nightstand.

Once he pulled away, he buried his face against your neck. You, still in a daze, almost missed his words, "Go to bed. . ."

Alcacer Boa

Boa was way too shy to initiate anything romantic with you. He was either too nervous and chicken out, or think you'll find him gross. Ever since you two evolved from just talking on the bus, Boa wanted to hang out over at your house.

It was late at night and everything was quiet. You and Boa thought it was okay to share the bed and were subconsciously asleep in each other's arms. Boa was restless, however, his arms awkwardly placed around your sleeping body as his deep green hues stared at your lips.

He bit his own before leaning in, yet stopped mere inches away from your face. He grew nervous and began to move back before your eyes shot open and reeled him back. His face bursting red with flames as you pressed your lips against his.

You grinned innocently at his flustered state. "Well, you took too long~!"

Carlisle Sisco

Sisco stared at you, who was laying on his chest at the library. It was your break and Sisco was there just in time as a cuddle session ensued. He trailed little circles around your back and enjoyed the synchronized beating of your hearts.

You looked up and smiled at his relaxed face. You took off his glasses and pressed a light kiss on his forehead.

Sisco frowned, "You missed." You tilted your head in confusion before Sisco leaned in closer and kissed you gently.

Sumie Fubuki

Scary movies absolutely SUCKS.

You and Fubuki were having a sleepover for no reason but just to have fun. To pass the time, and to stay up as long as possible, you two decided to put on a scary movie for the night. It was a horrible idea.

Once the credits began to roll, you and Fubuki sat there, not knowing of what to do next. But it only appeared that YOU were the only one to be shivering. Fubuki stretched, not the slightest bit bothered and looked over at you.

He chuckled at your frightened state. "Are you scared?"

You flinched at his sudden voice. "N-No. . ." you uttered.

Fubuki didn't want to deal with this the whole night, considering that he's very tired. So, he turned to you, grabbed the blankets that draped over your body, and gave you a reassuring kiss. You melted into it, the thought of the movie in the back of your head and merely focused on Fubuki's strawberry tinted lips.

Akaba Aiga

You stared at Aiga and the kitchen, in disbelief.

"What is the one thing I told you not to do?"

Aiga looked away, "Burn the kitchen down."

"And what did you do?"

"Made you dinner. . .?" Aiga stared at you with a hopeful glance. He winced at your glare and disapproving glance. He turned around to see the mess he made. Dirty floors, spices everywhere, the pan is sizzling underneath the sink that ran cold water on it, flour in every corner. He turned back around to you with a defeated face. "And burnt the kitchen down."

"You're hopeless. . ." you sighed, walking closer. "But hopefully, this—" You flushed red as you picked up Aiga's chin and kissed him lightly on the lips. "—Will motivate you to clean up by yourself!"

Aiga's love-dazed face was washed away by a look of shock. "WHAT?"

Goshuin Suou

Suou rested his cheek against the palm of his hand.

His closed-eyed smile pointed at you as you sipped down the milkshake with delight. He wanted to do something that all cliche couples do and share a milkshake! You were excited, of course, because you've heard about Japan's wonderful and aesthetically looking milkshakes and wanted to try them out.

"You look like you're enjoying yourself," Suou teased, his eye slowly opening to get a better view of your adorable face.

"It tastes wonderful!" You enthused. "Try it, Suou!" You encouraged while pushing the glass toward him.

"Okay," Suou nodded. However, he leaned over the table, grabbed the end of your chin and pressed his lips against yours. Enjoying the taste of the milkshake through your plump and cute lips.


You clicked your tongue at the sight of a model posing for a picture. You could tell she's cosplaying as a cute anime girl character from some show as you rolled your eyes, continuing to lick away at your ice cream.

Your boyfriend, Phi, held your hand and chuckled slightly at the sight of you being so dismissive at the girl. "What's wrong, Darling?"

"Imagine getting paid for being cute," you say sourly.

"You'd be rich, then," he complimented with a closed-eyed smile.

You froze, your body shutting down. "I-I. . .u-uh. . .what. . .?" You looked over and noticed how close his face got before his lips connected with yours.


Hearts could be surprisingly quiet every now and then.

But then again, they only happen during the night. He gets so sentimental after the sun goes down and since you both are childhood friends, he breaks like a pipe and tells you EVERYTHING. How he feels, how he feels about his brother, how just because they're twins—doesn't mean that they're completely identical.

There you were, sitting next to your boyfriend who clung to you as if you were the only person on earth. Your fingers running through his long, white hair as you two stargazed.

"[First name]?"


You looked down to see Hearts smiling at you. The most softest smile you've ever seen coming from him that contained a lot of love. He quickly pecked your lips as you stared at him, your eyes containing an entire galaxy from shock.

"I love you."

Koryu Dram

Music was a constant thing in the relationship.

You and Dram always pick out a playlist each morning before you two start your car-wash business. It's a special little thing that you and him both do. Sometimes, you both do get a little carried away while doing so and end up with you two just dancing and singing to the music chosen.

Despite you both being in your early teen years, you still acted like children. And that necessarily wasn't a bad thing, it was good that a boring job like this can bring you two such joy. Nonetheless, you and Dram danced and swayed to the current song as you two dried the car of soap.

Suddenly, with a determined look on his face of Dram wanting to make the next move. He held the hose with a light pink dust on his cheeks before looking away.

"[First name]! Look at this!"


You felt hands on your cheeks before feeling Dram's lips peck yours quickly before turning away. You stood there and reacted the only way you knew how—and that was by drenching the slightly shorter boy with water.

He tastes like blueberries.

Akane Delta

Ever since Delta allows you to get near him without getting shoved, you took this to your advantage.

You booped his nose for the third time this hour as Delta held his arms crossed, a deep red blush appearing on his cheeks. He was embarrassed, of course. He's never had someone do this to him so he doesn't know how to respond.

"Look at you!" You gushed, sending him a playful smile. "Your face matches your eyes!"

Without thinking, and just wanting you to stop, Delta bit his lips before pressing his against yours. You two stayed like that, the kiss containing sweetness and love before Delta pulled away with a frustrated look—but that blush was still very visible.

"Stop that."

Ronny Gwyn

Gwyn was an odd ball.

It appeared that he doesn't like anyone else's presence except for yours. And not gonna lie, it made you feel special. Although, that does come with its little cons since Gwyn usually keeps you around in his room and doesn't like going outside. Of course, you're your own person and you're allowed to leave whenever since you have a life as well.

But you found it odd, Gwyn would stay in the same position from the moment you left till the moment you come back. It struck a strange conversation. You loved Gwyn, nothing can change that. So it does concern you whenever he doesn't get fresh air every once in a while.

You were talking about a field trip that your class was doing at school that would last a whole weekend and suddenly, Gwyn looked up and stared at you with a tint of sadness. "What am I supposed to do while you're gone?"

You chuckled and tilted your head, finding this a bit entertaining. ". . .What do you usually do when I'm gone?"

And with a slight pout, Gwyn looked away. "Wait for you to come back. . ."

Your heart EXPLODED into pieces. You squealed and jump-hugged the albino. "Gwyn! You're so cute!" You gushed, grabbing his cheeks and firmly pressing a kiss on his lips. Gwyn could've sworn he saw stars before you pulled away with a light blush.

He sat there, breathless before declaring and pointing at his lips.

". . .Do that again. . ."


im doing that shit of removing characters again and im SO SORRY

again, the reason remains the same. no ideas

anyway, im planning on skipping the confession part til later since im dry of ideas for now but i am pretty excited for s5 ngl


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