It was like something out of a nightmare. Hundreds of shots rained down upon the crowd, killing and injuring many. It was hard to believe they were having fun just minutes before.
~~~ Earlier ~~~
"Hurry up Jin. We said we would meet Ben and Ken at nine. It's already five to nine." Naoki groaned as he waited by the door of their hotel room.
"Alright, hold on... I'm almost ready." Jin called back, running his fingers through his black hair before putting his hat on.
"You said that ten minutes ago..." The scientist sighed, fixing his glasses and crossing his arms.
"Fine, let's go. The concert is gonna start soon anyway." The green-eyed male said, walking out of the bathroom to meet his boyfriend.
You must be wondering where they are, right? As a fun little getaway for them, Naoki brought Jin out to Las Vegas for a concert that was going on there. As for Ben and Ken, they were there for the concert as well, managing to bump into the other couple.
They walked out of their hotel room with their hands laced together, making their way down the hall to the elevator. The hall was relatively empty aside from the couple and another man that brushed past them with suitcases. Jin looked up to the guy, anxiety rippling through him and making him shiver.
Naoki looked down at his lover, squeezing his hand slightly.
"You can't possibly be cold already." He said as they walked into the elevator, pressing the button that'll take them to the lobby.
"No, it's not that... The man we passed in the hall... I don't know why, but I had gotten a bad feeling about him..." Jin replied softly, tightening the grip on his hand. "There's something about him, I don't know what, but it gave me anxiety..."
The taller male kissed the top of his head softly, rubbing his thumb along his hand.
"I'm sure it's nothing my love... Now, let's have a good night with friends, alright?" Jin smiled softly at the suggestion, giving a slight nod.
"There you guys are. What took you so long?" Ben asked as the other couple walked up to him and Ken. Naoki pointed a finger at his boyfriend, smiling and giving a soft chuckle.
"Jin was taking a bit longer to get ready." He laughed when Jin punched his arm. "But it's fine. We at least made it in time for the concert to start."
"Right! Are you guys excited? Because I know we are!" Besu, Ken's little hand puppet, squealed, the raven-haired male giving a toothy smile. His free hand, with Keru sitting safely in his coat, was intertwined with the slightly shorter male's.
Jin hugged his boyfriend's arm and smiled, displaying his sharp teeth.
"Of course! This is the first concert I've honestly been to, so I can't help but be excited!" He said, his green eyes shining behind the shadow of his hat.
Music started up, cheering following after as everyone's attention was focused on the stage. One artist after another were playing their top songs, people heard singing along with them.
About an hour into the concert, and with everyone focused on who was performing, loud pops could suddenly be heard. No one thought anything of it for a minute until screams cut through the air.
It was like something out of a nightmare. Hundreds of shots rained down upon the crowd, killing and injuring many. Everyone ran, many falling when they were hit by bullets.
The two couples ran together away from the line of fire, Ben and Naoki shielding their lovers from any harm. They, unfortunately, weren't so lucky.
With adrenaline pumping through their veins, they didn't feel pain until they hid behind a wall. Ben was hit in the right shoulder and left arm, and Naoki was hit in the back and right arm. He stumbled, dropping to his knees which scared his boyfriend.
"O-oh God!" Jin cried, seeing the blood that dripped down the back of his shirt. He dropped to his side, pressing his hand against the wound to slow the bleeding. "N-Naoki!"
Ben breathed in heavily, feeling dizzy all of a sudden from the loss of blood. Ken had forgone wearing Besu, tucking him in his coat with Keru as he held tightly to his lover, covering the bullet wound on his arm with tears dripping down his face..
"J-Jin, we have to get them out of here." Ken spoke, holding Ben up so he wouldn't fall. The bright green-eyed male looked up at him, terror in his eyes and tears coating his cheeks.
"R-right." Jin nodded, helping the young scientist up. They stumbled around aimlessly, desperately trying to find someone to help.
After what felt like hours, but in reality was about five minutes, the two males found a pickup truck that was taking victims to the hospital. A couple guys helped with getting Ben and Naoki into the bed of the truck, Ken and Jin getting in after and holding their boyfriends close as they took off to the hospital.
Jin cried into his knees as he waited anxiously in the waiting area of the hospital. As soon as they got there, doctors took Naoki from him to get him into surgery, the smaller male not even getting a chance to say goodbye.
It's been a couple hours since the shooting, Ken in a room where they were fixing Ben up, as his wounds weren't life threatening.
He shook with force, shivering and whimpering while he awaited news on his beloved. His shirt is stained in blood, but right now that doesn't matter. He just wanted to know Naoki was ok...
Ken handed him a cup of coffee, sitting down next to him to keep him company. It's currently almost 3:00 in the morning, and there was still no news on the taller blader's condition.
Ben was resting in a hospital room for the time being. Jin took a sip of the hot beverage in his hand, tears still dripping down his face.
"I-I don't understand... W-who would do something like this...?" The black-haired male asked softly, still shivering slightly.
"I don't know... People in this world are cruel..." Ken replied, his voice hushed. Jin sniffed slightly, bringing a hand up to run it through his messy hair, his hat laying beside him.
A doctor walked towards the two bladers, a spark of hope flashing in the smaller male's eyes.
"You're Jin Aizawa right?" The doctor asked. Jin nodded, putting his hat back on.
"Y-yeah! H-how's Naoki?!" He asked frantically, shaking even more.
"He'll recover just fine. The bullet missed everything important. Come on, I'll take you to see him."
Jin stood, looking towards Ken, who stood as well.
"I'll leave you to see him. I'm going back to Ben's room to stay with him for the rest of the night." The tall raven-haired male said softly.
"A-alright... I'll see you soon." The smaller blader replied, following the doctor to Naoki's room.
Jin squeaked in horror at the sight of his boyfriend hooked up to, what seemed like, a million wires. His hair was an absolute disaster, his glasses sitting on a table, and a bandage wrapped around the wound on his arm.
He stumbled over to his side, pulling a chair up and sitting down, taking his lover's hooked up hand into his own shaking one.
"O-oh God Naoki..." He whispered to himself, kissing his hand softly. "Thank for saving my life..."
He laced their fingers together, laying them in the bed before laying his head down next to them. The rhythmic beeping of his boyfriend's heart on the monitor helped to calm his nerves slightly, his eyes growing heavy before closing, introducing him to sleep.
In the morning, Jin woke up to the feeling of a hand stroking his hair, fingers running through it every so often. Bright green eyes opened, looking upward to meet the orange eyes of Naoki.
He shot up, tears filling his eyes once more as he carefully wrapped his arms around the injured male. Naoki winced slightly when he wrapped his arms around his boyfriend, but that didn't matter to him. The distressed male clinging to him was priority.
He pulled Jin onto the bed, having him lay beside him and held tightly to green-eyed male.
"I-I'm so happy you're ok..." The black-haired male cried softly into his chest, his small hands gripping the fabric of the hospital gown.
"As long as you're ok, I'll always be happy..." Naoki said, rubbing his lover's back and petting his hair.
A knock sounded on the door and there stood Ken and Ben, the pink-haired male in bandages and a sling for his arm.
"Hey there. How are you feeling?" Ben asked, he and Ken walking into the room.
"Like I've been shot. It hurts like hell." Naoki joked, holding Jin closer. The other two laughed sadly, standing at the side of the bed.
"Do you think they caught the guy who caused this?" The brown puppet covering Ken's hand asked.
"I don't know... I really hope they did though. Last night was awful."
"I really was... But thank god all of us are safe and relatively alright."
Naoki looked down at the now sleeping boy in his arms, smiling softly.
"When it comes to the ones we love... We wouldn't mind taking bullets for them..."
"Terror in Vegas leaves 58 dead and and over 500 injured. What was meant to be a good night for thousands ended it chaos and gunshots." The news anchor reported. "Not much is known right now, but a 64-year-old man was the one who caused the mass shooting, making it the deadliest in modern US history."
The two couples were back home now, injured and shaken up, but ok. Hearing that 58 people lost their lives to one's bad decision... It's heartbreaking.
But Ken and Jin are happy that the ones they love are ok, forever grateful that they saved their lives that night.
Tragic, it really was...
And hopefully something like this would never happen again...
What happened in Vegas was awful... Innocent people lost their lives and many others are still injured or recovering. It was devastating. The guy who caused this is disgusting and evil.
Writing this was a challenge by itself, but I did it because I felt it was necessary. I hoped you enjoyed it.
NightBear15 signing off...
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