Akira Pregnancy

Requested by: Tori_Zwingli

Legit whipped this one up in a few days


--xx Avanni Cinders

🌸Yeah, not exactly planned

🌸You've been together for a while now, but this wasn't planned

🌸High key surprising because, ya know... ;)

🌸And you're not afraid of telling him, you know he's going to be excited





🌸You've never seen him so damn happy

🌸His eyes were so sparkly

🌸Maybe that was the tears though

'You're happy about this, right? This is okay?'

'Of course it is Y/n,' Akira laughed, choking up as he spoke from the onslaught of emotions that were fighting to take hold of him all at once. 'We're having a baby together, I'm going to be a dad.'

🌸There were no dramtic reveals or anything, you'd just straight up told him one day

🌸And from then on he was just... Perfect

🌸Well, he already was, but this was next level

🌸He'd always pick up his phone, text back straight away, and on the off chance he'd miss it or whatever, he'd reply the first chance he get

🌸Does literally everything for you if he thinks it'll make your life easier

🌸You kind of feel bad though

🌸He'll have had a crazy full on day, but you'll still come home to a clean house with dinner ready and waiting for you, you're boyfriend outcold on the lounge because he's just that exhausted

🌸And when you try and do things on your day off, he comes home and feels bad because he wanted to

🌸Eventually you guys compromise and it's all good

🌸He refuses to miss a single one of your appointments

🌸Even if he's had something scheduled already, he'll change everything just to be there with you and his baby

'You've got yourself a keeper there young lady,' the obstetrician whispered to you as Akira helped you up onto the table, making sure you were comfortable.

'I know,' you whispered back to her, eyeing Akira lovingly. 'Believe me, I know. He's the one.'

🌸Puts up with all of your mood swings (and while rare, they are nothing short of mental)

🌸Never judges you in your gross, morning sickness states

🌸Expertly braids your hair

🌸Warm hugs and soothing kisses

🌸Carries you back to bed

🌸Best cuddles and snuggles

🌸Takes you out for the cutest pregnancy photos:

🌸You found out the gender as early as possible, because you just had to know, the curiosity was insane

🌸A beautiful baby girl~

🌸Straight away you're into decorating the nursey

🌸Legit, instead of going home you went straight to the hardware store for paint, followed by a baby shop

🌸Pink paint was a no no

🌸It just seemed too... Cliché

🌸Cream, gold and grey it was:

🌸The most beautiful little crib~

🌸And her bedroom was right across from your own

🌸You guys fell asleep that night talking about baby names for your little angel

🌸You had the list whittled down to your top five favorites:

1. Indigo
2. Harmony
3. Hope
4. Kenna
5. Ravaa

🌸The indecisiveness was ridiculous

🌸They were all beautiful names

🌸But none of them seemed to fit your baby girl

🌸The baby shower was amazing of course, if not slightly chaotic

🌸There were tonnes of games that everyone participated in

🌸Except for you of course, even though they looked really fun

🌸Bloody baby bump getting in the way

🌸But you did up sitting down and chatting with Zac's equally as pregant s/o

🌸She was lovely :)

🌸You sat back together and laughed your asses off, watching the men crawling around in oversized nappies in a race for the other end of the house

🌸Valt won, and for some reason you weren't all that surprised

🌸In the end, it was a perfect day

🌸Now, the cravings... XD

🌸Akira takes you shopping after the first of them and literally buys you all of your favorites, plus whatever else you might want

🌸No complaints about getting up in the middle of the night to get you food

🌸And both of you already loved hugs, but this escalates it to the next level

🌸Hugs, hugs and hugs galore

🌸Like whenever you sit down you'll snuggle into his side and he'll throw an arm around your shoulders

🌸But he understands so well

🌸You could be freaking out over literally the smallest thing and Akira will just sit there with you, hold you, soothe you

🌸You thank God that somehow you were lucky enough to be blessed with an angel like him

🌸Which was lucky when you eventually went into labor

🌸Surprisingly, you were the mental case while he was perfectly calm

🌸He was honestly an amazing influence on you

'Oh God what the hell were we thinking?' You moaned from the passenger car seat while Akira drove you to the hospital. 'I'm not meant to be a mum.'

'Don't be ridiculous Y/n,' he tutted, and you levelled him with a glare.

'Excuse me Akira Yamatoga?!'

'You heard me,' he replied, gaze fixed on the road, but showing no signs of shrinking back from the raw venom lacing your tone. 'It's just the contractions talking.'

'That's easy for you to say,' you hissed. 'You're not the one going through them.'

'No,' he shook his head. 'But I'll be there with you every step of the way so you don't have to go through this alone. You can even break my hand if you want to.'

🌸Cue the bursting into tears-

'She's going to love you so much!'

'And she'll adore you to pieces Y/n, just like I do.'


'You're going to be the best mum ever,' Akira assured you, sounding that nothing could convince him otherwise. 'Just look at everything you've done already for her. The nursery looks amazing, she has a ton of clothes and nappies, you made an e-mail account for her so you can send her letters and pictures and give her the password when she turns eighteen!'

He had started off talking normally, but his voice had grown louder and louder as he was listing off each thing. At that point you had already pulled into parking. He got out of the car and came around to your side, opening the door, unbuckling your seatbelt and kneeling on the concrete before you.

'You Y/n L/n, are going to be the best mother this baby could ask for.' He spoke with a vehemence that left you speechless, he had taken both of your hands in his own and was looking directly into your eyes, never wavering for even a split second. 'She'll grow up knowing she's loved and safe and respected and nothing will ever change that.'

'Akira I-'

'Look Y/n, this isn't exactly the best time to be doing this, and I was going to ask after the baby was born, but you can't always choose the perfect moment.'

'What're you-'

'Will you marry me?'

🌸Well let's just say that one of Akira's talents was leaving you speechless, I mean, he managed it twice in a time soan of under ten minutes

🌸And of course, that's when a particularly nasty contraction decided to hit

🌸So without an answer, it was into the maternity ward

🌸This child was determined to make her appearance, that much was certain

🌸But something happened when you started pushing

🌸Every time you'd push, her heart rate would slow

🌸You were panicking

🌸Akira was panicking

🌸The midwife made you wait out the next few contractions to see if anything would change

🌸Resiting was freaking hard

🌸It was literally the worst pain you had ever felt in your entire life

🌸A random thought strays through your hear, and that thought is: why don't supervillains just hook the hero up to a machine that induces labour pains?

🌸Because you'd be damned if this wasn't the worst form of agony imaginable

🌸Her heart rate returned to normal, and you were told to start again

🌸But when you did, it dropped

🌸More waiting

🌸It was like a cycle, but thankfully one that was short lived

🌸They decided to give you a cesarean instead

🌸You had to have an injection to numb the pain

🌸Because hey, labor might have been painful, but you didn't want to find out if them cutting you open would hurt more

🌸Akira's holding your hand and whispering to you to take your mind off it while they work on delivering your baby

🌸He doesn't dare go past the partion


'Sorry love?' He frowns, confused at the sudden change of topic.

'Well, this isn't exactly the best time to be doing this, but I remember a smart guy telling me this one time that we can't always choose our perfect moments.'

Realisation dawned in his eyes, and for once that day, Akira was lost for words.

'Yes I'll marry you Akira.'

🌸Yeah, your baby has perfect timing

🌸Because that's when crying fills the room

🌸Akira is the first to hold her while they get you stitched up

🌸Do you believe in love at first sight? Because looking at your baby, both you and your now fiancé were absolutely besotted

🌸Your beautiful baby girl~

'Chione,' you breathe the very same moment Akira puts your little baby girl into your arms.

'Where'd you hear that?' Akira wondered.

'I found it when I was looking up Egptian names,' you admitted, looking up at him, only to notice the surprise on his face. 'What's wrong?'

'It was my grandmother's name,' he whispered, magenta eyes filling up with tears which he didn't bother to wipe away.

'Well then there's no changing my mind now,' you said firmly, and then louder to the waiting nurse so she could go and print the birth certificate. 'Chione Yamatoga.'

🌸A strong name for a strong girl

🌸You were less than impressed when they had to take her away for weighing and measuring and all that stuff, but Akira went with them so you reluctantly allowed it to slide

🌸You managed a short nap whike they were away, but woke up the minute they reentered the room

🌸You weren't going to miss out on a second of cuddle time with your baby

🌸That garners you a smug 'I told you so' from Akira, but you didn't care

🌸He was right (as usual)

🌸He sits behind you on the bed while you hold her

🌸And that's when it happens!

🌸She wriggles around a little, and then she does it...

🌸She opens her eyes!

🌸A big pair of stunning magenta eyes

🌸Which means she looks exactly like Akira

🌸Although her pink hair is curly, and that's the only difference between them

🌸Zac for godfather 😊😊😊😊

🌸You finally get to go home a few days later

🌸And already she's exactly like her father (which honestly, you love)

🌸She has so much energy, and she's just the happiest little baby

🌸She loves constant hugs, attention and affection, and she's always laughing

🌸You never thought you could love someone as much as you loved Akira until you met this little girl

🌸And eventually she plays flower girl in your wedding ❤️

🌸Her dress:

🌸You couldn't be any happier

Name is pronounced something like: Chi- oh- nee

Had so much fun writing this one tbh

P.S Yeah I know this is like the Naoki labor with the C-Section and all that

P.P.S It took me so freaking long to update this because Wattpad is being difficult 😓

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