Episode 7: Perfect Gear! Bell VS Rashad!!
*It was the next day and Bell had completely decimated Ranzo with his new Belial set in its Perfect Gear state. Bell laughed as his opponent fell to his knees*
Bell: How's that? Belial in its Perfect Gear Form is invincible!!
*Ranzo put his Ragnaruk back together as he turned around and saw Rashad walking into the mansion*
Ranzo: R-Rashad!
*Bell smiled at the sight of Rashad entering the Gates Of Hell*
Bell: Rashad, you actually came..
*Rashad just smiled as he held up his Greatest Raphael, it had been repaired after its shocking battle with Chiyoh and Perseus.*
Rashad: I've come to have a go at Divine Belial's strength and from the looks of it, it would appear that you've upgraded it to the Perfect Gear form.
Bell: You are correct, and it's the strongest bey ever!
Rashad: In that case, i'll gladly test that theory right here and now!
*Bell held up his Perfect Divine Belial and it started to glow with an aura of darkness as Rashad held up his Greatest Raphael*
Ranzo: In that case, i'll be the referee for this battle!
*Ranzo stood to the side of the stadium to be referee for the battle*
Ranzo: 1st Battle!!
*Bell and Rashad took their positions and Rashad looked down at the Demon King*
Rashad: There's no way that Bell was able to master Perfect Gear in just a few hours, i'm expecting this to go completely wrong.
Bell: Belial hasn't been completely mastered yet but either way.. that's not going to stop us from winning! The Demon King won't lose so easily!
Ranzo: Ready Set!!
3 2 1 GO SHOOT!!!
*The beys were off and Raphael was on the move in its Defense Mode as it was chasing after Belial which was starting to run wild*
Bell: B-Belial..!!
*Belial was slamming into the walls hard but thankfully the rubber F-Gear was saving it from taking any real damage*
Rashad: Looks like the Demon King is having a tough day!
Bell: Silence! I'll crush you right here and now!!
*Belial was able to dodge Raphaels attack and it was now in the center of the stadium*
Rashad: Now Demon King, come at me!
Bell: Adventure Shoot!!
*Belial came charging in and it started to fire off a barrage of attacks on Raphael, the rubber had been retracted thanks to the V-Gear being applied*
Rashad: Thanks to the V-Gear.. Belial no longer has the rubber to help assist in its attacks..
Bell: We're not finished yet! Go Belial!!
*Belial used the heavy weight of the L-Gear and the Attack Mode of S-Gear to deal a nasty attack on Raphael and it was sent flying back*
Rashad: Raphael!!
*Raphael hit the wall and it had lost a good chunk of its spin*
Rashad: Even though Bell still hasn't mastered it, it still hits hard like a truck..!
*Raphaels armors unlocked and they were now moving into formation*
Bell: Here it comes!
Rashad: Go now! Greatest Lord!!
*The Greatest Armors move into formation and created the Halo and Raphael had completely taken the center once again*
Bell: It's not over yet! F-Gear!!
*The F-Gear glowed and Belial managed to knock Raphael back once again! Belial and Raphael were starting to wobble and they were both going to stop*
Bell: Belial! Keep on going!
Rashad: Raphael! Don't stop!!
*Both beys lightly tap each other and came to a complete stop at the same time*
Bell: Tch!!!
Ranzo: Double Spin Finish! Draw!!
Rashad: A draw huh?
*Bell was not having it at all and he was seething with rage*
Bell: Are you serious!?! A draw?!!
*Bell was seething with intense rage as he clenched his bey tightly in his hand, Rashad just stared and looked at him*
Rashad: Bell really hasn't changed a bit, he really is interesting for sure..
Bell: I'll crush you for sure in the next battle! Just you watch!!
Rashad: Then you'd better not hold back, because i sure won't!
Ranzo: 2nd Battle!!
*The 2 bladers took their positions once again*
Bell: Belial..
*Bell was dragged into the Avatar World and the Belial avatar appeared right before him*
Bell: Belial!
Belial: Even though you can't control me at the moment, we can't give up no matter what. I know you have what it takes to take down Rashad again.
Bell: It's not just that, was Perfect Gear really a good idea?
Belial: It was your judgement that we've made it to this point, if this is the route you want to taken then i'll follow through with it but we have to learn to adjust to these new changes.
Bell: I understand..
Belial: But for now, let's get out there and win!
*The avatar world disappeared and Bells turquoise eyes began to glow with a purple color*
Rashad: W-What is that..?
Ranzo: Ready Set!!
3 2 1 GO SHOOT!!!
*The beys were off once again and Belial was charging around the stadium at full speed as Raphael had taken the center*
Bell: Go forth! Adventure Shoot!!
*Belial had used the spiky base of the driver that was left to scrape against the stadium floor and start firing off a barrage of attacks with lightning speed*
Rashad: Raphael! Hold on!!
*Raphael was being knocked around like a ping pong and it was taking some major damage*
Bell: It's over for you!
Rashad: Greatest Dagger!!
*Raphael had knocked Belial away and it hit the wall but used the F-Gear to absorb the impact and stay in the game*
Rashad: Tch..!!
Bell: It's not over yet!
*Belial raced up the slope of the stadium and Raphael was in its sights*
Bell: We're going to end this here!
*Raphaels armors began to move and they were moving into position fast*
Rashad: Greatest Lord!!
*Raphaels halo glowed to life and its ultimate defense was ready*
Rashad: Now bring it on!
Bell: Divine Counter!!
*Belial used its jagged design to slash across Raphael and knock it back with a fierce counter attack*
Rashad: Raphael!!
*Raphael had climbed the stadium slope and it was coming in for the next attack*
Rashad: Greatest Pendulum!!
*Raphael started to knock Belial around like a ping pong and it was starting to be pushed further back with each strike*
Bell: We're not backing down!
*Belial was sent flying into the air and it was super high up*
Bell: Go for it Belial! Show no mercy!!
*Belial was starting to fall back down towards Raphael which had retaken the center*
Bell: It's over! Divine Dive!!
Rashad: Do it! Greatest Spear!!
*Belial landed on top of Raphael and the stadium erupts with a burst of powerful energy and the 2 beys clashed with all their might*
Bell: Blow it to pieces!
Rashad: Hold on Raphael!!
*Belial pushed even harder and Raphael was the one to burst, Rashad was in absolute shock at what just happened*
Rashad: I-It can't be..
Bell: Yes!!!
Ranzo: Divine Belial with a Burst Finish! Bell Daikokuten is the winner!!
Bell: We've won! Take that Supreme King!!
*Rashad couldn't help but smile, he felt frustrated that he lost but he felt satisfied with the way that he had lost this time.*
Rashad: You did well Bell, i guess i have to get even stronger if i'm going to crush you again.
Bell: You can try all you like but the next time we battle will end the same way!
*At that moment, Belials gears began to fall off into pieces and they hit the stadium floor with a clang*
Bell: W-What?!
Ranzo: What's happened?!
Rashad: I think i know..
*Rashad sighed*
Rashad: When Greatest Spear hit, Belial was able to withstand the force of that attack but i don't think your Gears were able to so they cracked under the pressure and now they've been destroyed.. i'm sorry.
*Bell reached down and picked up the broken fragments of the gears*
Bell: All of that for nothing..
Rashad: I wouldn't say it was for nothing, you can learn to move on from this and learn to get stronger with your own strength or if possible, you can make entirely new gears from scratch.
Bell: New Gears?
Rashad: Well i don't know all the details but apparently, Drums Dragon, Aigas Achilles and Xhakas Xcalibur have all been shown to possess a Star Fragment piece just like Belial.
Ranzo: Wait! The Legendary Bladers have a Star Fragment?!
Rashad: It was officially revealed not long ago but it will be a while before you can battle them, i don't think you have the skill needed to match any of them.
*Bell pouted as he stared down at the floor, he took the 3 Armor out of his pocket and placed it back on Belial*
Bell: Well in that case, we'll just have to get stronger and whatever new Gears we can make from it will only push us even further to our limits and we'll shatter them!
*Rashad just smiled as he turned to walk away*
Rashad: Even if Bell decides to make new Gears, it won't be enough to take on the likes of someone like Aiga or Xhaka. Drum.. he could probably beat that airhead with or without any gears.
---Later that day---
*Chiyoh was walking into the Sparking Arena and she had met Valt Aoi there at the stadium, they had planned a battle with each other for the day*
Valt: Chiyoh, you finally came.
Chiyoh: Of course i'd come Valt! After all, i wouldn't pass up a chance to beat you once and for all!
Valt: You can try if you like but we're going to be the ones who win!
*At that moment, Bell had burst into the room and he dashed to the side of the stadium*
Bell: I heard something about a battle so the Demon King arrives!
Chiyoh: B-Bell..?
Valt: Oh- what's up Bell?
Bell: Since you two will have a fierce and intense battle, i hereby declare to be the referee for this battle! I have spoken!
Valt: Sounds good to me.
*Chiyoh just looked at Bell and gave a soft smile*
Chiyoh: Fine with me.
Bell: Alright then, it's settled! 1st Battle!!
*The 2 bladers took their positions and Chiyoh stared Valt down, her green eyes glowing*
Chiyoh: I lost to Bell.. i won't lose here against Valt! I simply won't!!
Valt: Chiyoh, you have a lot of potential to become a stronger blader than you are now, show me your true power.
Bell: Ready Set!!
3 2 1 GO SHOOT!!!
*The beys were off and Valkyrie and Perseus were racing around the stadium at full speed*
Chiyoh: Perseus!!
*Perseus came charging in and it clashed with Valkyrie head on and the 2 beys were locked in a back and forth clash*
Valt: Valkyrie!!
*Valkyrie was hitting harder and it was starting to push Perseus back*
Chiyoh: I don't think so!
*Perseus used the rubber on its Venture Driver to disengage and speed up around the stadium*
Valt: Not bad!
Chiyoh: Learned from the best!
*Perseus came back in and landed a fierce strike on Valkyrie and knocked it away*
Valt: After it! Rush Shoot!!
*Valkyrie survived the attack as the Variable' driver smoked and the 2 beys started to clash once again and the recoil from their Blades sent them flying back and Valkyrie sped up even more*
Chiyoh: It's not over yet!
*Perseus was speeding up too and it was hot on Valkyries tail*
Chiyoh: This is the true power of Perseus!
*Perseus slams into Valkyrie and knocked it away once again, Valkyrie slammed into the wall but it kept on going and it was picking up even more speed*
Valt: We're not going down so easily! Ultimate Jet: V!!
*Valkyrie raced in and Perseus was launched high into the sky*
Chiyoh: Hold on Perseus!
*Perseus hits the top of the wall with a loud thud and it managed to just barely survive being knocked out*
Chiyoh: Whew..
Valt: You've gotten a lot stronger since we last battled, but i'm afraid this is the end.
*Valkyrie wasn't losing speed as it channeled the spirits of past Valkyrie Evolutions behind it and its power was starting to increase*
*Bell was in shock at what he was seeing, he had no idea Ultimate Valkyrie was this intense*
Bell: That's amazing!
Valt: Now Valkyrie!!
*Valkyrie hits the rim of the stadium and it took off like a rocket*
Chiyoh: T-Tch..! This isn't good!!
Valt: Ultimate Flash: V!!!
*Valkyrie shot around the stadium at full speed and Perseus awaited its opponent in the center*
Chiyoh: I won't let it end here..! I absolutely will not lose!!
*Chiyohs eyes glowed with a bright green energy as she screamed out loudly, her wavy purple hair flapped as her power began to grow even more*
Chiyoh: Perseus!!!
*Valt was in shock at what he was seeing, Chiyoh was radiating with intense power that it was almost blinding*
Valt: C-Chiyoh!?
*Perseus glowed with the same golden aura it did when it battled against Raphael and it picked up some insane speed, it raced around the stadium and it clashed with the full powered Valkyrie with all its might*
Chiyoh: It's over!!
*The stadium exploded as a burst of gold and blue electricity burst out of the stadium and Perseus was burst instantly*
Chiyoh: W-What?!
*The explosion that followed whipped Chiyoh right in the face and she was almost blown off of her feet*
Bell: Ultimate Valkyrie with a Burst Finish! Valt Aoi is the winner!!
Valt: Yes!!
*Chiyoh was incredibly frustrated and upset that she lost, she picked up the pieces of her bey and stormed out without another word, much to the worry of Valt*
Valt: Chiyoh..
*It was some time after and Chiyoh sat alone on the beach by herself as she stared off into the sunset, she held her bey in her hand, it didn't glow at all.*
Chiyoh: Have i gotten weaker? First i lose to Bell and now Valt.. what's wrong with me?!
*Valt had come outside and sat down next to her*
Valt: That was a great battle Chiyoh, it was a lot of fun!
Chiyoh: Well it may have been fun for you.. but not so much for me.
Valt: What's wrong?
Chiyoh: Valt, i lost! First i lose to Bell and now i lose to you even when i gave it all i had! it's hopeless, i won't ever be as strong as you!
*Valt just stared at Chiyoh and he looked a little sad*
Valt: Do you really believe that?
*Chiyoh didn't look at him at all, but she was taken by surprise from the question*
Valt: How do you think i got to be this strong? How do you think i was able to become World Champion?
Chiyoh: I.. I don't know...
Valt: It's from hard work and determination and having the support of your friends by your side the whole way through, it's thanks to my friends that i am able to make it this far.
*Chiyoh just looked down at her Perseus*
Valt: When i gave you that Perseus, i believed you could truly bring out its true potential and today, i saw that. Even though you lost, you managed to bring out a good bit of its true potential and had i not planned for you to attack, you may have won.
*Chiyoh finally looked at Valt and a face of surprise was all across her face, Valt just gave his signature smile*
Valt: You won't get stronger just by sitting here and doing nothing. Even if you lose, you got to get up and keep trying until you do win.
*Chiyoh looked down at her Perseus and she began to smile again, she got to her feet and she looked at Valt with her bright smile*
Chiyoh: Thank you Valt, i really needed to hear that. I'll defeat you one day!
Valt: Hey, if you want to battle then i'm right here.
*The 2 smiled and continued to watch the sunset*
*Bell was alone in the Gates Of Hell and he stood alone at the stadium as he watched his normal Divine Belial race around the stadium*
Bell: Dragon.. Achilles.. and Xcalibur.. all of them i'm sure would make very interesting templates for Gears for the ultimate Demon King Bey Belial
*Bell smirked as his aura began to glow and he started to laugh once again, a shadow of Belial was cast on the floor behind him*
Next Episode: Guard Dog Of Hell! Chain Kerbeus!!
An old friend of Valt Aoi returns to the Blading World and with a familiar bey in hand and their target is Bell Daikokuten! Meanwhile, Kensuke reunites with Valt again with his new bey in hand!
Update: So this is basically a small little thing but the story will be on hold until further details about Chain Kerbeus are officially revealed in the new Corocoro that comes out this May. The same will apply with the new Dragon, Xcalibur and Achilles when that time comes.
Hopefully you all understand, and i will be graduating 11th grade soon so i won't have a computer to write on anymore and i won't be writing by my phone so the story will be on a small hiatus from Late May to Early-Mid August. That's just how it has to be for a little while.
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