Episode 4: Fierce Battle! Bell VS Valt!!

Bell: Savior Perseus?

*Chiyoh looked down at the bey she held in her hands and she looked back up at Bell who stared at her curiously*

Chiyoh: I didn't actually make this bey myself, this bey was a gift from Valt.

Bell: A gift from Valt?

*Chiyoh looked down and her thoughts began to wander*


*It had been some time after Chiyoh Rei had joined BC Sol and at that time, Chiyoh was currently using a Tempest Valkyrie.Sting.Jaggy.1S and she was currently training at a stadium when Valt had entered the BC Sol Gym. It was also Chiyoh's 12th Birthday too*

Valt: Chiyoh!?

*Chiyoh looked up from her training and looked over at Valt who had entered the empty gym*

Chiyoh: Valt?

Valt: There you are Chiyoh, i've been looking for you.

Chiyoh: What is it Valt? 

*Valt smiled and gestured for her to follow him*

Valt: I have a surprise for you Chiyoh.

Chiyoh: A Surprise?

Valt: Yeah, follow me!

*Valt lead Chiyoh to the BeyLab and Valt held a small black case in his hands*

Chiyoh: What is that?

*Valt opened up the case and inside it was a Gold and White bey with a disk and driver in it too*

Chiyoh: T-This is the surprise?!

Valt: Well you always told me how much you wanted a Dynamite Battle System Bey so i had Zorro throw this bey together for you, it's not perfect or anything but i think it suits you a lot. It's also your birthday today too, this is my gift to you.

*Chiyoh reached into the box and pulled the bey from the foam cushion it rested in, the bey was sparkling and twinkling with a bright radiance*

Chiyoh: What's the name?

Valt: I believe Zorro called it "Perseus".

Chiyoh: Perseus huh? I like it.

*The gold and white bey began to glow in her hand as she smiled, she was delighted to own a bey that fit well in her hand*

Chiyoh: I can't wait to start battling with it! It's going to rock!

Valt: However, if you truly want to get stronger with it then you have to forge a strong bond with Perseus.

Chiyoh: A Bond?

Valt: It's a special connection between the Blader and Bey and if you can forge one with it, then you'll have no issue getting stronger.

Chiyoh: I see.. in that case, we'll be sure to forge the greatest bonds ever!

---Flashback Ends---

Chiyoh: This bey was gifted to me by Valt on my 12th birthday, this bey holds a special place in my heart because of that. I've so desperately wanted to get stronger with it by my side but i've had very little progress and luck.

Bell: What battles have you taken part in?

Chiyoh: I've only taken part in battles that i know i can win.

Bell: Well that's no way to get strong!

Chiyoh: Come again?

Bell: If you really want to get strong then you have to go all out against the toughest bladers possible, how do you think i got so strong?

*Chiyoh just looked at Bell and her eyes sank*

Chiyoh: I've only battled Valt and Free and both of them ended the battle in a flash before i could do anything, i'm just not ready to face them yet. Besides, you've lost to them both before too!

Bell: And i've defeated them both before too!

Chiyoh: Fair enough i guess.. what do you suggest i do then?

Bell: Do you even share a bond with Perseus? Can you resonate with it?

*Chiyoh remembered the day Valt told her about resonance and bonds but she had hardly made progress on that either*

Chiyoh: No.. i don't...

*Bell smiled as he started to laugh once again*

Bell: Then you are welcome to come to the Gates Of Hell! If you want to have intense and fun battles, that's the place to be!

*Chiyoh looked at Bell with surprise and smiled*

Chiyoh: You really mean that?

Bell: Of course, besides i want to battle you after i defeat Valt Aoi!

*Bell continued to laugh as Chiyoh just smiled*

Chiyoh: Ya know, if you want to beat Valt then you'll need my help.

Bell: The Demon King doesn't need help! Me and Belial will blow Valt into the skies!!

*Bell turned and started to walk away*

Chiyoh: I'm serious, if you want to beat Valt then you'll need my help, really!

Bell: Why should you help me?

Chiyoh: Because i know how to beat Valkyrie!

*Bell stopped and turned back towards Chiyoh who just stared at him*

Bell: If you know how to beat Valkyrie then why haven't you done it yet?!

Chiyoh: Because i'm not strong enough! But i do know its weakness, i just need you to listen to me.

*Bell just sighed*

Bell: Fine.. what do you have in mind?

Chiyoh: Well we both know that Valkyrie has experienced an Awakening in the Variable' driver, increasing Speed and Power by a huge margin however, there is a flaw behind this.

Bell: What's that?

Chiyoh: It has increased speed and power at the cost of its own stamina, if you can hit it once it loses enough momentum then you should be able to at least get an Over Finish at the very least.

*Bell thought for a moment, it did seem like an interesting strategy*

Bell: Alright then, that does sound like an interesting strategy! I hope this works!

Chiyoh: And Bell.. i'd love to battle you.

---The Next Day---

*The day of the battle between Bell and Valt had come and bladers from all around Japan were flooding into the Arena where the battle would be held. There was no time to waste as Bell and Valt headed onto the stage and headed up to the stadium as fans were cheering and chanting their names*


Ranzo: Gah! Same as yesterday, it's so loud!!

Basara: WHAT?!

Rashad: I can't hear you guys!!

Hannah: Would you guys please speak up?!

*Chiyoh was watching from the back of the crowd and she watched the battle from there, thoughts of Bell were rushing through her mind*

Chiyoh: Bell, if you use the strategy i came up with.. then you should have no problems beating Valt.


Bell: Valt Aoi, i've been wanting to have a battle with you for some time now! Today, the Demon King is going to be the one who wins!

Valt: You can try all you like but we'll be the ones who win!

Referee: 1st Battle!!

Bell: I'll use the strategy Chiyoh came up with.. this will totally work!

Valt: Whatever strategy you've got in your mind, nothing will get through Valkyrie's attack!

Referee: Ready Set!!

3 2 1 GO SHOOT!!!

*The beys were off and Belial was racing around the stadium at full speed but Valkyrie was even faster*

Valt: Now get em Valkyrie!

*Valkyrie was coming in hot! Bell smiled as Belial was starting to shift over*

Bell: Dodge it Belial!

*Belial managed to dodge the attack and Valkyrie zoomed right past it*

Valt: What the-!?

Bell: You won't catch Belial that easily, we'll dodge all over your attacks!

*Valkyrie kept on swinging but none of its attacks could land, Belial was dodging all of its blows*

Bell: How do you like that? Belial is the true and ultimate bey in the world!

*Belial tilted on its Adventure Driver and it started to land a vicious assault on Valkyrie, knocking away more and more of its momentum* 

Valt: Valkyrie, counterattack now!!

*Valkyrie tried to counter but Belial's assault was too much for it to handle*

Valt: Valkyrie!!

Bell: This ends here!


*Chiyoh was watching the battle from afar and she was in awe at what was happening*

Chiyoh: Amazing.. Bell is actually managing to do some damage against Valkyrie.. but i don't know if that will be enough though, he needs to continue dodging Valkyries attacks.


*Belial and Valkyrie were clashing side by side and but somehow, Valkyrie wasn't losing any of its momentum*

Bell: W-What's going on!?

Valt: Did you think that would work on us? We saw through your plan from the very start!

Bell: Tch..!! Go for it Belial, don't stop now!

*It was too late and Valkyrie landed a fierce strike using its rubber blades and Belial was ultimately sent flying*

Bell: Even in a pinch like this, The Demon King still comes out on top!

*Belial landed back in the arena and it was coming in for another attack*

Bell: Go for it now! Belial!!

Belial: Leave it to me!

*Belial started another round of attacks on Valkyrie and it was hitting it hard but Valkyrie was able to match it*

Valt: Go!!

*Valkyrie and Belial continued to clash with full force, neither one was willing to back down*

Bell: Show them no mercy! Belial!!


*Chiyohs heart beat loudly as a surprised look appeared on her face, she felt an odd sensation taking over her body as an aura of light began to surround her. Her Savior Perseus began to glow in her hand as her eyes widened*

Chiyoh: W-What was that just now..?!


*Belial and Valkyrie were knocked back and Valkyrie was starting to pick up even more speed as it hit the rim of the stadium*

Valt: Now Valkyrie!!

Valt: End it! Ultimate Flash: V!!!

Bell: Ignite and Explode! Divine Bomber!!

*Belial and Valkyrie clash with all their might as the stadium explodes with a fierce burst of energy! Valkyrie broke past Belial's Burst Lock and Belial had burst*

Bell: W-What?!

*The pieces of Belial had hit the floor and Bell was in shock! The Bey evolved by the Star Fragment.. had lost..*

Referee: Ultimate Valkyrie with a Burst Finish! Valt Aoi is the winner!!

*Valt was happy that he had won but Bell on the other hand was incredibly frustrated*

Bell: What just happened.. i had it within my grasp! I was so close to winning just now..


*Chiyoh was still surprised at what just happened to her, she had no idea what the strange phenomenon was that occurred within her*

Chiyoh: What just happened..?

*Chiyoh looked down at her Savior Perseus as it still continued to glow, a gold and white aura was coming off of it*

Chiyoh: Perseus.. W-Was that you..?!

---Later that day---

*Bell was alone in the Gates Of Hell as he stood in front of the stadium as he watched his Divine Belial race around the stadium*

Bell: The strategy was supposed to have worked! So why didn't it?!

*Bell was incredibly frustrated, he was under the impression that Chiyoh had set him up*

Bell: There's no way Belial should've lost that battle..

*Bell looked up from the stadium as he watched Chiyoh walk into the Theater Of Hell, Bell began to seethe in rage upon seeing her*

Bell: You! You said that strategy was supposed to work and here i am wondering why i got creamed by Valt once again!

*Chiyoh sighed and looked at Bell*

Chiyoh: Okay, maybe i lied to you a little about the strategy. But it's alright, there'll be other times where you get to battle Valt.

*Bell began to seethe with rage even more, Chiyohs smile disappeared and it was now more judgmental*

Chiyoh: I'm just going to say it straight: You just aren't cut out to beat Valt, not in your current state.

Bell: What do you mean?!

Chiyoh: You haven't even mastered Belials true potential yet and another problem is your listening skills. I told you to wait for Valkyrie to lose power and then attack!

Bell: We don't play like that! It's either we go all out with the attack or we don't battle at all!

*Chiyoh just stared at Bell, she dropped the judgmental and sadistic attitude and her more softer and friendlier side came back*

Chiyoh: I guess it can't be helped, in any case i saw something today..

Bell: W-What did you see?

Chiyoh: Well it wasn't necessarily something i saw but more.. felt.

Bell: What are you talking about? This is confusing!

Chiyoh: During the battle, i felt something awaken inside me and it turns out, you awakened the spirit that supposedly resides in this Savior Perseus.

Bell: Awakened?

Chiyoh: I believe your style of blading is what awakened its power and you could've defeated Valt today and now i want to see that power from you first hand!

*Chiyoh held up her bey as it began to glow and its light was incredibly captivating*

Bell: That light.. it's so overwhelming..

*The Theater Of Hell was empty and the battle between the 2 had started*

3 2 1 GO SHOOT!!!

*The beys were off and Belial and Perseus were racing around the stadium*

Chiyoh: Alright Perseus! Go get em!!

*Perseus was coming in for the attack and it landed a fierce attack on Belial and knocked it into the air*

Bell: An attack like that won't work against us! Adventure Shoot!!

*Belial used the rubber on its Adventure Driver to speed up and it came in for the blow*

Chiyoh: Venture Shoot!!

*The 2 beys clashed back and forth with fierce attacks and both seemed to be evenly matched*

Bell: Copying my old moves huh? Interesting..

Chiyoh: All thanks to you! It's because of you that i can also get stronger!

*Perseus was attacking harder, the rubber tabs on its layer were being torn off with every attack*

Chiyoh: I wanted to battle you for so long, hoping that i could hopefully slay the bey of the Demon King someday!

*The rubber had all ripped off of the Savior Blade and Perseus had 100% awakened*

Bell: T-That's..!

Chiyoh: Perseus! Go!!

*Perseus was picking up some incredible speed and it landed another fierce strike upon Belial*

Bell: Belial! Adventure Shoot again!!

*Belial and Perseus clashed back and forth with all their might and Belial was knocked back and Perseus wasn't far behind*

Bell: Belial!!

Bell: Ruin and Misfortune will come! Divine Bomber!!

*Chiyoh felt power rushing through her veins, a gold and white aura surrounded her! Her purple hair flowed outward*

Chiyoh: Perseus!!

*Belial and Perseus raced around the stadium at full speed and they came for the center for the next attack*

Chiyoh: Wash them away! True Savior Slash!!

*Perseus clashes with Belial and it was burst instantly and Bell was shocked*

Bell: W-What?!

*Chiyoh just smiled as her emerald green eyes glowed and glistened in the light*

Chiyoh: I.. I actually did it.. i actually defeated the Demon King..

*Bell was in absolute disbelief, Chiyoh was pleased that she had finally won a battle for the first time in forever! Bell didn't know it but things were about to get interesting..*


Next Episode: The Shining Perseus!!

Following his loss to Chiyoh who defeated him using a move from Valt, Bell has to get a lot stronger if he is to overcome any challenge and master the untapped power within Belial! Meanwhile, Chiyoh faces off against an old friend of hers..

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