Episode 16: Aligned Point! Ultimate Impact!!

*The group had returned to the Dojo the very next day and Xhaka was already waiting for them, Bell and the others reached the top of the stairs and Bell stood on Ranzo's shoulders to make himself taller*

Xhaka: So you came back, let's see what kind of power you bring to the table today!

Bell: I'm more interested to see what kind of power you'll bring to the table, i've spent all night training!

*Xhaka laughed as Bell jumped down from Ranzos shoulders, Xhaka lead the group inside the Dojo and stood in front of the stadium*

Xhaka: So which one of you will be my opponent for today?

*Chiyoh stood up to the stadium without hesitation, she looked up at Xhaka as her eyes began to glow as per usual*

Chiyoh: Xhaka, i'll be the one that takes you on and i'll be the one that crushes you!

Xhaka: In that case, i expect to see quite the performance from you.

*The rest of the group watched from the side and Valt laid his eyes on Chiyoh, who looked down at Perseus with a small smile*

Chiyoh: Perseus.. we're not going to lose to Xhaka, we won against Ken and now we'll do the same against Xhaka..!

*Xhaka just looked at Chiyoh and his aura began to faintly glow, a small smile growing across his face*

Xhaka: If you think you have this in the bag then stop thinking that, i hate to be the one to say it but Perseus will have no chance against my Xcalibur.

Chiyoh: You think you're so tough? I'll humble you with a burst finish!

*Xhakas toothy and frightening smile shook the soul out of Chiyoh's body*

Xhaka: A Burst you say? In that case, i would love to see you try!

*Basara stepped up to the stadium to ref the battle*

Basara: Alright, 1st Battle!

*The bladers took their positions and both bladers started to concoct plans in their head*

Chiyoh: Xhaka gave a great performance of Xcaliburs abilities yesterday, with that, i now know everything there is to know about Xiphoid Xcalibur, this battle is as good as mine!

Xhaka: Savior Perseus.. there's nothing really special about that bey aside from its decent enough weight and its attack power but other than that, Xcalibur exceeds everything that it can do.. I'm sorry Chiyoh, but this battle is already over.

Basara: Ready Set!!!

3 2 1 GO SHOOT!!!

*The beys were off and Savior Perseus and Xiphoid Xcalibur raced around the stadium at full speed*

Chiyoh: Now go! Get in there!!

*Perseus chased after Xcalibur and slammed into it from behind and knocked it into the wall, causing it to lose a click*


Rashad: Looks like she's already going on the offensive and trying to draw out Xcaliburs power!

Valt: Figured she'd do that.

Bell: I could've totally burst Xcalibur with an attack like that.


Xhaka: Xiphoid Impact!!

*The sword tip on Xcalibur glowed with a gold light and it slashed across Perseus and knocked it back into the air*

Chiyoh: Perseus!!


Bell: That was such a brutal attack!

Rashad: Xcalibur is even more stronger than the last time!

Valt: That is Xhaka for you, always getting stronger..


*Perseus landed back in the stadium and it managed to keep the momentum up*

Chiyoh: This isn't good.. if this level of attack keeps on then Perseus won't be able to withstand that much power and it'll be done for!

Xhaka: What's wrong? That's not all you got is it?

Chiyoh: Tch.. we're just getting started!

*Perseus climbed the slope of the stadium and slammed into Xcalibur once again and this time, the attack was enough to knock it off balance and its stamina was decreasing*

Xhaka: Oh?

Chiyoh: Yes! How's that!?

*Perseus slammed into the spiked wall of the stadium and it lost a lot of its stamina too, it was starting to slow down as well.*

Chiyoh: Oh come on!!

Xhaka: That's what happens when you get cocky!


Bell: The Demon King would never fall for such a lousy trap like that!

Rashad: It's too late now to decide the match with raw power, this is now a stamina battle.


*Perseus and Xcalibur were getting close to losing all of their spin entirely and coming to a complete stop, Perseus releases a small tap upon Xcalibur and it was the one to stop first with Perseus stopping just a second after*

Xhaka: Tch..!

Basara: Savior Perseus with a Spin Finish! Chiyoh Rei earns 1 point!!

Chiyoh: We've won the 1st battle but it still wasn't a burst, no matter.. we'll achieve that burst in the next battle!


Rashad: Xhaka actually had a point taken from him, that's actually incredible..

Bell: It was only a spin finish though, Chiyoh was clearly going for a burst!

Valt: The only reason she didn't get the burst is that she and Xhaka both ran out of stamina but something tells me Chiyoh won't be holding back in the next battle and she'll likely find the way to beat Xhaka..!


Xhaka: I have to admit, taking a point from me is no easy feat, you should be proud.

Chiyoh: I will settle for nothing less than my best! I will burst Xcalibur in the next battle, just you watch!!

*Xhaka watched as Chiyohs gold and purple aura began to glow like a raging wildfire*

Xhaka: Her power is so overwhelming.. just how strong is she?

Basara: Alright, 2nd Battle!!

*The bladers took their positions and the battle began*

Basara: Ready Set!!!

3 2 1 GO SHOOT!!!

*The beys were off once again and Xcalibur was coming in hot*

Chiyoh: W-What?!

Xhaka: End this!!

*Xcalibur slams into Perseus and knocks it into the air with a devastating attack, the attack allowed Xcaliburs lock to advance past 1 click*

Chiyoh: Don't give in Perseus! Run wild!!

*Perseus landed back in the stadium and charged in for the attack*

Chiyoh: True Savior Slash! Tear it apart!!

*Perseus slashes across Xcalibur and the lock advanced to the halfway point, allowing Xcaliburs metal sword to extend outward and its attack power increased!*


Bell: See that? That's what he did to beat my Belial!!

*Bell remembered the special move that ended his battle: Ultimate Impact*

Bell: So that's what he's after...


Chiyoh: I'll destroy you before you have the chance to unleash Ultimate Impact! True Savior Slash!!

*Perseus came back in and landed another powerful blow on Xcalibur and knocked it high into the air but it didn't burst*

Chiyoh: Not a burst?!

*Xcalibur landed back in the stadium completely unaffected, Xhaka just smiled*

Xhaka: Gonna have to better than that!

Chiyoh: Tch..!!


Bell: I don't get it! What's going on?!

Valt: Xcalibur somehow didn't burst! 

*Valt started to make predictions on what was happening in the battle but couldn't find anything*

Valt: That's strange, True Savior Slash should've ended it right there.. So what's going on? Why didn't Xcalibur burst?


Chiyoh: Try again! True Savior Slash!!

*Perseus landed an even stronger attack on Xcalibur but it still didn't burst it!*

Chiyoh: Are you serious?! What's going on? Why won't Xcalibur burst?!

Xhaka: It's thanks to the BU Lock.

Chiyoh: BU Lock?!

Xhaka: When Xcalibur reaches a certain point in the lock! The disk tabs and the lock within the core make contact and create friction, decreasing the chances of a Burst Finish!


Valt: So that's how he did it! Xcalibur has some form of Burst Lock inside it, that's how he was able to take True Savior Slash!!

Bell: A BU Lock huh? Sounds interesting!


*Chiyoh was starting to get very frustrated, her aura started to faintly glow and then she felt her beat super loudly and she felt a growing darkness coming forth*


*Valt noticed Chiyoh's sudden change in personality and was starting to get worried, he didn't want to believe what he was seeing at that moment*

Valt: Chiyoh.. You..?


Chiyoh: Perseus... you will be the strongest bey in the entire world, i'll make sure of it!!

*An aura of darkness burst forth from Chiyoh and its power surged throughout the room*

Xhaka: Oh ho!! Now it's getting interesting!!

Chiyoh: I'll bring you straight to ruins! There will be nothing of left of you!!

*Perseus emitted a black mist and it came racing in for the attack, it clashed back and forth hard with Xcalibur, its attacks were super devastating but super reckless but as usual, no attack was breaking through Xcaliburs BU Lock*

Xhaka: It's time Xcalibur! Destroy it all!!

Chiyoh: Nothing will be spared! True Savior Slash, Go!!!

*Perseus came charging in as its 3 large blades emitted streaks of dark energy, it approached Xcalibur with unrelenting speed*

Xhaka: Destroy it into oblivion! Ultimate Impact!!

*Xcaliburs sword strikes Perseus with full force and the stadium exploded with a powerful burst of red and dark energy, a small, tiny and unnoticeable crack formed in Perseus and it flew from the stadium and slammed into the wall! When the smoke cleared, the layer and driver of Perseus had rested against the floor*

Chiyoh: I-Impossible...

Basara: Xiphoid Xcalibur with a Burst Finish! Xhaka is the winner!!

*Chiyoh was absolutely shocked but also incredibly frustrated at her loss, she went over and picked up the pieces of her bey and stormed out of the dojo*

Valt: Chiyoh..


*Everyone was taking a break from battling and Valt was sitting alone outside the dojo and he looked down at his Ultimate Valkyrie with a sad look*

Valt: It's just as i feared, her desire to become stronger is overwhelming her and soon, there may be no stopping her.

*Valts thoughts were interrupted when he sees Shu climbing up the steps to the Dojo*

Valt: Shu? What are you doing here?

Shu: Came to see how you guys are doing of course, did Bell tell you he beat me using his new Gear?

*Valt smiled and laughed a bit*

Valt: That wouldn't surprise me. Bell is full of surprises that's for sure.

Shu: And i also wanted to talk about the High Stage for a bit too.

Valt: Oh?

Shu: There's been some changes made.

Valt: Changes? What has Wakiya done now?

Shu: Well there's been an increase in new bladers trying to enlist in the High Stage, so much that it crashed the system for a bit. So Wakiya went in and chose the strongest bladers out of the long list of bladers.

Valt: That's awesome!

Shu: Wakiya chose me as i didn't partake in the Tour or the Team Battle, Phenomeno Payne and a name i think you might be familiar with: Kit Lopez.

*Valts eyes widened, he hadn't heard from Kit in so long that he had nearly forgotten him. To hear he had been chosen in the High Stage was phenomenal.*

Shu: Kit somehow made it through the High Stage Qualifiers with Air Knight but i have heard he's in the process of a making a new Knight.

Valt: As he should of course, gotta stay with the game.

Shu: And there's another blader going by the name of Gigi Ishikawa, he's quite the mysterious one too, there's hardly any data on his bey.

*Valt had never heard of that name before*

Valt: Gigi Ishikawa huh? No that name doesn't ring a bell.

Shu: I didn't think so. This blader seemingly came out of nowhere, apparently his bey is called Arrow Griffin and it's a Balance Type. He must be very strong as all of his matches have ended in burst finishes in just one strike.

Valt: Just one strike huh?

Shu: I'd advise caution with these new bladers, Chiyoh and this new guy for sure.

*Valts eyes sank, Shu immediately caught on and stared his friend in the eyes*

Shu: I know that look, what's going on?

Valt: It's Chiyoh.. She battled Xhaka today and well.. i think her true colors are starting to shine through. Am i to blame Shu? Am i a terrible mentor?

Shu: Of course not, you and Bell both were able to change Rashad. I'm confident you can reach out to Chiyoh and change her.

Valt: And what if i can't? Rashad and Chiyoh are vastly different. Rashad acted like he was the king of the world from the moment he destroyed Bells Dynamite Belial that day, Chiyoh is just moody.. it's hard to talk sense into her.

Shu: Girls her age are like that, give it time Valt.

Valt: I guess.

Shu: It's not like the Legend Of Legends to be down in the dumps like this, Chiyoh will be fine.

Valt: Shu i don't think you understand the gravity of what's actually going on, Chiyoh is tapping into the darkness like you once did, if she goes too far in then there may be no stopping her. She has the potential to become a real threat if she isn't stopped soon.

*Shu just looked at Valt, he knew what he was getting at. Despite his attempts to cheer his friend up, Shu unfortunately knew Valt was right.*


*Bell and Rashad were doing some last minute training and Bell immediately brought up Chiyoh*

Bell: So how well do you know Chiyoh?

Rashad: Before i met Chiyoh for the first time in Japan a while back, i've only heard things from Valt about her. She joined BC Sol a little while after my loss to you and Valt had told me that she got along very well with the rest of the team, even with Legends like Free and Sisco. When i met her in Japan, i didn't expect her to just shatter my Raphael like that.. it still gets under my skin!

Bell: What about now?

Rashad: Chiyoh has changed a lot since she moved here, meeting you has impacted her view on blading and whether or not that's a good thing or a bad thing remains to be seen. Either way, i think we should advise caution now.

Bell: What do you mean?

Rashad: Me and Valt saw it but she's changing for the worst, her battle today with Xhaka proves it. She's tapping into some dangerous power.

Bell: Come to think of it, she has acted differently around me lately.

Rashad: Because she does not care about you at all Bell. Her endgame is challenging Valt with 1000% of her strength and i'm afraid when that happens, a new Chiyoh will emerge and we may never get the old one back. You're nothing more than a roadblock to her.

Bell: If anything, SHE is the roadblock! I'll be the one who defeats Valt!

*Rashad just smiled, amused by the Demon Kings confidence*

Rashad: Even in times like this, you're so confident and yet.. so incredibly stupid.

*Bell and Rashad shared a laugh together, for the first time in forever, Rashad felt like he was really warming up to his opposite, maybe the Demon King wasn't that bad after all.*


Next Episode: Swinging Slash! The Secrets Of Xcalibur!!

With everything Xcalibur had to hide revealed, Bell finally comes up with a plan to possibly take out Xhaka and his overwhelming Ultimate Impact! Later, Chiyoh reflects on what kind of power she has shown to everyone..

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