32.- A Playful Snake and an Old Mage (2/2)

—Agh! For Father— she exclaimed.

She was eager to know, so she quickly focused on her surroundings. Liliana swept the entire garden with her eyes in an instant, but she couldn't find Vikala anywhere. Just as she had said, this time it was more difficult.

—Surely Arturo could figure out her tricks easily— she thought— if only he was here....

But he wasn't, she could only rely on herself and the help Brontes could give her. Unwilling to give up, she walked through the garden, looking for the snake woman behind every bush, every tree, every pillar around. She was nowhere to be found, but she was close, Brontes could tell. After a while searching for her, Liliana realized that she would achieve nothing if she kept on like this, so she started to think. Unfortunately, she doubted that she could solve the riddle that Vikala was imposing on her, she was not as smart as Arturo nor as determined as Erica. The only thing she could do better than her friends was to ask for help, and that was only because neither of them really dared.

But suddenly, a strange idea popped into her head.

—Brontes— she called out to him— You can feel Vikala's munima, can't you?


—And can you feel where she is?

"No... I don't know, it's confusing. I know it's around here, I couldn't tell you more".

—Are you sure? Come on, try harder. If you can know it's around here, there must be a way you can specify where.

Brontes thought.

"I think... I feel there must be a way" he admitted "But I don't know how!"

—Concentrate, Brontes. You can do all those pirouettes with my body, I'm sure the answer to the riddle is related to you.

With that, it was Brontes who had an idea.

"Your body!"

—What? What's wrong?

"Lend me your body!"

Liliana didn't understand what he meant, but she trusted him, so she relaxed. When Brontes took possession of her body it meant he used her legs, torso and arms to wield the scythe, but this time he did something different; he swapped his consciousness with hers. He went on to take complete control of her body, while she retreated to the mark on her own chest.

"Woah!" exclaimed Liliana.

Brontes looked in all directions.

"Do you feel anything?" asked Liliana.

—Something...— he admitted— it's clearer than before, I feel it in front of us, no farther than that tree over there— he pointed to the farthest tree, on the other side of the gardens.

"It's true, I feel it too" observed Liliana.

Then Brontes put a hand to his head.

—This makes me uncomfortable, I don't like being in front. You do it.


Liliana regained control of her body, but Brontes didn't quite leave. They still had to find Vikala.

"I'm sorry" the spirit apologized.

—For a moment, I could feel Vikala close too, as if she were a munima. I think it's possible that our senses are... united.

Brontes fell silent, stupefied.

—Let's try that, concentrate on my senses.

"A-alright ".

Somewhat hesitantly, Brontes concentrated on Liliana's eyes and ears. They swept the garden with their eyes, alert to anything that moved and any noise. For a moment they thought that even that would not be enough, but suddenly they noticed a strange shadow moving back and forth.

Alert, they followed it with their eyes. They could not see it well, but it was a long shadow that appeared and disappeared as they concentrated on seeing it; there was no doubt, it was Vikala. The shadow circled the gardens carefully, crossing the little stone paths between the flowers and then approached them from the side. When it was close enough, Liliana reached out her hand to hold it. At first she thought she had only caught air, but suddenly Vikala materialized in front of her again. Liliana was holding her arm.

—Excellent! I'm amazed at how quickly you learn.

Liliana let out a big puff of air that she only then noticed she was holding in her chest. Using Brontes in that way had tired her more than expected.

—I can't believe we did it!— Liliana expressed.

—It must have been hard, huh? I almost gave it my all this time— indicated Vikala.

—What do you mean you almost did it?! So you can disappear even more?!

—Of course! There are different degrees, from not being looked at much to practically ceasing to exist. Anyway, your question.

Liliana was perplexed for a moment. In the game she had forgotten that she was looking for her to answer her questions. She quickly remembered her doubt from a few moments ago.

—How can I fade away like you?— she asked at last.

Vikala smiled.

—I was afraid you'd ask that— she admitted— I should answer with "look for the ghosts", but we already know I'm one, so I'll tell you...— she thought a bit about what she could tell her and what she couldn't— You already use your munima in crazy ways, don't you? Thanks to him you have powers that the rest of the people don't have.

Liliana nodded.

—Why do you think this is?

Liliana put a hand to her chin in thought.

—No idea— she admitted.

Vikala was surprised.

—Huh? How long have you been with your munima— she asked.

—Like a month— she revealed.

—You've been with your munima for a month now and you haven't wondered where he gets his powers from?

Liliana shrugged her shoulders.

—How should I know? He's a magical spirit.

Vikala licked the air, in thought.

—The munimas are a massive cluster of spirits with a single consciousness— she explained— these spirits work on a different plane from us, but not completely separate. That's why you can anchor your munima using your body, and your munima can control the spirits to take physical form. That scythe you form, it's not always material, is it?

Liliana brought a hand to Brontes' mark. She remembered many times she had scythed through solid objects, sometimes cutting them, sometimes not.

—It's true, I can make it as material as I want— she said.

—Is there anything else your munima can make immaterial?— Víkala asked.

Liliana looked up, confused.

—What do you mean?

—This plane of reality affects the spirit plane and vice versa. You and your anchor are a connecting point between the two planes, but you are not fixed in one or the other, there is always a tug of war.

Liliana tried hard to think, but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't figure out what Vikala was referring to.

—Why does it have to be in riddles?— she pleaded.

Vikala sighed.

—If you can't figure it out, it's because you're not ready yet. Never mind, with practice you'll get it— she bent down to lick her cheek— let's leave it at that, young lady. I have to go to work.

Liliana, with a red face, put a hand to her licked cheek.


Vikala waved goodbye.

—It's been fun.

Her body vanished into thin air. After five seconds Liliana could no longer see her.

—Ah...— she mumbled, dumbfounded— Thanks for everything! I guess...


Arturo was in the library, reading. With how brutish the nonis were, he thought it was strange that they had libraries, but it turned out that they love knowledge; it helped them fight better.

He started looking for books about Tur, but found only biographies full of propaganda and contradictions. Then he picked up books on the history and structure of the empire. These were a bit more informative, but they didn't help him much either way.

—Now that I think about it, I doubt that a library in the imperial palace would have books that could defame the emperor— he said to himself.

He went to look for more books, took as many as he could about bridges and the Chainer, but found nothing that connected him with Tur, although he realized that all there was about bridges were observations and uses, no theory or model that defined them well. This was interesting, but it did not help him in his mission. Unfortunately, the books on bridges did not mention Tur even in passing. There was nothing he could use.

—I give up— he said at last.

After scouring the entire library, he found nothing to help him in his research. More importantly, he was surrounded by temptations that called to him constantly. He could not work under those conditions.

He quickly went for the books that had caught his attention from the beginning. He was most interested in magic, but he also came across some books on medicine, history and mechanics. He learned how flying ships and RHDs (Rapid Healing Devices) worked. He also realized that there weren't many noni scientists, at least none who discovered anything. The reason for their advanced technology was that in previous times they had managed to wipe out more advanced species, but weaker than them. Instead of crushing their civilization, they learned from their enemies, took everything that was useful to them and became stronger.

—It's as if they were designed to conquer— thought Arturo.

—Good place to read, huh?— a deep, old voice interrupted him.

Arturo looked up and found Kan'fera, the noni mage who had charred the terrorists at the top of the central tower. He was alone, though it was to be expected that all the people in that library were under his command. Kan'fera looked at the books Arturo had brought with him to read; there were about eight stacks of thick books spread across the table.

—I can tell how you became a mage— Kan'fera commented.

Then he sat down next to the boy. Arturo felt uneasy, not because he was next to one of the most important nonis in the whole empire, but because he was not good at conversation and feared that the noni would discover that he was boring.

—Do you like magic?— asked the Third.

—Y-yes, it's fun— he admitted— It was unknown in my world.

—No wonder, the luminis don't usually frequent worlds far from the Great Web— Kan'fera indicated— I don't have many opportunities to talk to such young mages. Nonis are not stupid, but we are very easily distracted looking for fights, that's why there are not many mages of my species. Tell me, how did you become a mage?

—Ermh...— Arturo remembered— a lumini put me through a metaphorical training inside my head.

Kan'fera's eyes widened.

—Just that?!

Arturo nodded.

—Should there be more?— he asked.

Kan'fera let out a chuckle.

—No, not necessarily. Most people prepare and open their minds little by little.

Arturo was surprised.

—Really? I thought the method of opening the mind was the same for everyone.

—Oh, it's not. Just as all minds are different, all ways of opening the mind differ from one another. It is true that most mages are formed by giving themselves to a lumini, after going through a long mental training, but there are also mages who open their minds on their own. I have even heard of some who can open the minds of their disciples.

—What?! It can't be!— exclaimed the young man.

Kan'fera seemed pleased with his reaction.

—How did you become a mage yourself?— Arturo wanted to know.

—Me? I studied in Luscus, the capital of magic in Nudo.

—Oh, right! I've heard about that place!

—Surely, Luscus is where the largest number of mages in the whole world gather. There may be some material here, but it's nothing compared to what they have there.

Arturo's eyes lit up with excitement.

—I'd love to go— he asserted— but first I have to help Erica look for her dad. He was captured by the Chainer. Do you know anything about him?

Kan'fera arched a quizzical eyebrow.

—The Chainer? The one from the mythology?

Arturo nodded.

—Well... no, not really. I understand that... you know, he doesn't actually exist.

—It's okay, I was just asking in case— admitted the boy— it's a difficult problem to tackle, our target sometimes seems more ethereal than material.

Kan'fera scratched a chin.

—So the Chainer, huh?

Arturo didn't mention his suspicions of the relationship between Tur and the Chainer, as he didn't know how Kan'fera would react to it. For the moment he assumed that someone like him had to be aware, but he played dumb out of care.

—Do you think there is information about him in Luscus?— Arturo asked.

—Yes, definitely. In Luscus there is information on all areas, including the many religions of Nudo.

—Sounds tempting— admitted Arturo.

—Hehe, you're a young man with a hunger for knowledge, huh?

—For knowledge and food. I've never eaten as much as I do now that I'm a mage.

—Ah, yes, the curse of mages. But it will get better with time and practice. Your body will learn to be more and more efficient.

—Yes, that's what they say. I hope so— mentioned Arturo— by the way, you formed a very powerful flame at the top of the tower. That must have consumed a lot of calories. How did you manage not to faint?

—Practice— he said— although there are also some... gadgets you can use, if you want. Sweets and chocolates help, bars and energy drinks. There are also batteries, although they are difficult to use, you need additional training to get the most out of them.

—Batteries?! Sounds crazy!— he commented— With one of those will I also be able to create a flame like you did?!

—No, boy, I already told you that you need training to use them— Kan'fera told him— focus on what you can do, it wouldn't be good for you to lose heart because you don't measure up.

—Oh, alright— said Arturo— besides, I can only control solids.

—Ah, so you have an affinity for solids— observed the old man— Mmmm, very good.


—Yes, all magicians start with one area of magic— said Kan'fera— but that doesn't mean we can't control other aspects of matter, we just have to get used to it.

—No way! Then I can also control fire?!

—Of course! If you practice. But if you are going to expand your possibilities, I recommend you to continue with liquids, they are closer to your affinity line.

—It makes sense— agreed Arturo— What did you start with, Kan'fera?

—With gases, it must be because I'm so volatile— he joked— it was a lot of fun, it all started when I met Tur. Back then we were both young and eager to go against the world and...

But then someone approached and whispered something in Kan'fera's ear.

—Alright, thank you— he said to the noni, then turned to Arturo— excuse me, young mage, there are matters I must attend to. You know, I'm a busy man.

—Yes, don't worry.

Kan'fera touched his chest with a fist. Remembering that this was a greeting between nonis, Arturo did the same.

—It was nice talking to you, young mage.

—And you, Kan'fera.

—Learn a lot and clench your fists. I'll be seeing you.

Kan'fera left. Arturo didn't think he would make friends with an old mage that day, the people were a mystery to him. But more importantly, he couldn't wait to start controlling liquids. His mind wandered with the possibilities.

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