chapter 9

Chapter 9

The leprechaun was in a coffee shop slurping down a bunch of coffee cups and Leaving the others on the table, groningen as he listen to some Pink headed girl with a big forehead.

"I cannot believe naruto has still not come back yet, What does Sasuke see in him? Honestly if see me of how pretty I am now naruto would be all over me like he used to be, I'm like that I would want to be with that loser, Any one that would want to be with him besides Sasuke has to be pathetic as naruto."

Leprechaun watch the girl leave the coffee. shop as he signs, The owner walk over to the leprechaun, "Okay, pal. St. Patrick's Day is over. Time to go home."

The leprechaun roll his eyes, "Don't be giving me any attitude, all right? I got to close up."

"Aye," Leprechaun Said.

"Very good. We have a method actor, What's you next gig, huh? One of Santa's elves or one of the seven dwarfs?" The man said as he went over to start closing up.

"I'm not an elf or a dwarf, I'm a leprechaun," He told the owner of the shop.

"Look, I don't care if you're the Tooth Fairy, all right? I just want you to pay up so I can get out of here," He told the leprechaun, not knowing he was an actual leprechaun.

'Ah. So it's my gold you'll be wanting?" leprechaun ask smirk evil.

"Uh, Gold Card, Visa, MasterCard, I'd prefer cash, but maybe you're a little short," The man started laughing, which piss off the leprechaun.

"One should never try to take a leprechaun's gold," The leprechaun warned him.

"You're really into this, aren't you?" He started to imitate a leprechaun's voice, "One should never try to take a leprechaun's gold, You're killing me." The man was Laughing.

Leprechaun look at him and then appeared right in front of him, "Huh?"

"Now there's an idea me lad!" Leprechaun stabbed both of his hands onto the counter, Is the steaming boiling Pipes now point at the owner and start to release hot melting steam in his face.

"Ahhh! Please, no!" The man screaming pain as his face was boiling.

"Don't touch. It's hot," leprechaun Said as he was laughing, "Heigh-ho, heigh-ho."

With Sakura

Sakura was in the hotel room wearing a beautiful blue dress, She was admiring herself in the mirror, "I am just so damn gorgeous! They're gonna want me like, they never wanted anybody before, And I'm gonna make 'em pay."

The leprechaun levitate himself right behind her for her to see in the reflection, "Who the hell are you?"

"I'm a leprechaun, me lass, and I'm gonna make you pay!" Leprechaun giggled evilly.

Sakura Try to land a punch But for some reason she couldn't move out from where she was standing, "What do you want?"

"Your b*obs are big, your butt is small, but still you're in for quite a fall!" Leprechaun said in a gross kind of rhyme.

"What are you talking about?" Sakura said as she didn't like this person talking to her like this.

"Oh, what, well didn't you hear? Bigger is good, but jumbo is dear, I'll give you b*obs that come out to here," leprechaun Laugh evenly as he started using his Magic on her.

Sakura Began to panic ashley , look in the reflection, my babies! What are you doing to my babies?" her breast We're growing large and would not stopped growing.

"Those delightful lips, they'll get you some tips, But what about these? Aren't they big enough to please?" Leprechaun ask as He started to make her lips big.

"No! What are you doing?" Sakura was screaming.

"Oh, a delightful little slut! But what about your butt?" Leprechaun said as Just like the other two parts on Sakura body Grow so did her butt.

Sakura Yelled, "You little monster! Oh, my God!

The leprechaun cackling  and wouldn't stop as Sakura Was now able to run but her butt got stuck in the door as she tried to push herself out.

Leprechaun pulls out an Umbrella and said fells like rain!"

Sakura did not know it, but then She explode and what remained left.Her fell on to the ground.

Leprechaun Put the umbrella right beside him and said, "hmmm... Now that was quite a load to have to explode! What a lovely lass! I had to blow up your ass! But now, I must hit the road."

Laughing but there was one other person before he could go.

With kakashi

Kakashi was laying on the bed, Is wearing nothing but a pair of white boxer shorts, He was watching TV.

Drinking down some alcohol, "Once Sasuke It's done trying, then I'll make my move to get Naruto and make him mine."

"Oh so you really had a thing for me?" A familiar voice said that made kakashi jump up.

"naruto? Is that you?" Katsuki ask as Is the back from dora been to review naruto Wearing nothing but except a pair of white boxer shorts and looked like he had just come out of the shower.

Kakashi Looking embarrasses, he cover his face, "oh...? Naruto what are you doing here?"

"what? embarrassed that you did not make the move first? You took too long, I always had a thing for several foxes," naruto said looking all hot.

"You do?" Kakashi ask as He felt like this was going way to fast as he back away.

"Yes, My silver fox, Such a strong one. I've been waiting for to be claimed for a long time," naruto said as kakashi Started a smell hot chocolate.

"Wait, why am I smelling hot chocolate?" Kakashi ask looking confused as Got on all four's onto the bed and crawl over to him.

Kakashi Realize it must be some type of Is cologne or shampoo, "What you don't like how I smell?"

Kakashi smirk as Shook his head and wrap his arms around his arms around naruto And the two started to make out.

Certainly the TV channel Change onto a talk so, Some guy was talking to the leprechaun.

"Tell me leprechaun how do you feel that someone is trying to steal your mate?" The guy asked.

"It's horrible that my own mate right now is cheating on me, his name his naruto uzumaki As of right now he's in a hotel room Giving that man all the pleasure, I'm talking about you KAKASHI!"

The leprechaun pointed at Kakashi and naruto, kakashi Jump up, "Hold it up what's going on the tv?"

Naruto Slam kakashi down back onto the bed and transform into robot covering wires.

Leprechaun Came out of hiding and started to laugh, "You'll get what's due when I electrocute you!"

The Robot Exploded with a electronics, kakashi Panic but nothing as he slowly and painfully die.

Leprechaun laugh, "You see, you shouldn't have messed with my mate me lad!"

Leprechaun left as There were more important things he had to get done.

In the woods

Kurama was holding a bucket as he was picking up a bunch of four leaf clovers as Atsushi was Is covering something up with a bunch of bushes.

"Are you sure this plan is going to work?" Atsushi ask as He put the buss up.

"Leprechauns, do not stop getting their gold back, It's the source of their power and having all 100 gold coins, well Not much difference for having 95 still," kurama said as he got the last of four leaf clovers.

Kurama went And put the bucket to a side of a tree And before he could turn around , he hurried the leprechaun's voice, "You may think this line is getting old But believe me, son. I want me gold!"

Kurama turn away But the leprechaun trip him backwards And threw him into another tree with his magic.

"I am a nine tail fox and this is how I get treated by a short little... Forget it," kurama said as Look down ashamed.

Leprechaun smirk, "well It's my old friend, the drinking champ, You didn't happen to see the young lad around here now, did you?"

"Yes But i'm not telling you," Kurama said as Leprecham was about to hit him with his cane.

"Wrong answer, Where is the boy?" Leprechaun Demanded as he hit him with the cane.

"I will never tell!" Kurama said as Leprechaun keep beating him until Atsushi pop his out of the bushes.

"I'm here, shortstuff, Come and get it," Atsushi said as Hold four gold coins.

"Ah! Me gold, me lad," leprechaun said as He took a step forward to Atsushi.

"My offer still stands, The coin for naruto," Atsushi said as He made sure the leprechaun could still see the gold coins.

"I'll keep what I have and I'll let the two of you live, That's my offer," leprechaun said as he was not giving up his mate that he waited for a 1000 years for.

"No deal!" Atsushi said as he put The gold coins back in his pocket.

"So be it, I'll come get it myself," Leprechaun said laughing evil thinking he had one butt.... "NOO!"

a giant Wrought iron safe Was behind the bushes and the door closed immediately, kurama smiled.

"Nice job, Atsushi," kurama said as he look over at the safe And kick it over, "That's what makes me a fool of the king of foxes, You dirty leprechaun."

"Okay, so what about naruto?" Atsushi ask.

"We just gotta get him a four Leaf clover salad And he'll be free from the curse," kurama said as Both were about to go but then were tackled.

"What the hell!" Kurama yelled But quickly realize who it was.

Ino, shikamaru and choji had got them down on the ground.

"What's going on here?" Atsushi ask.

Ino got up, "We know what attack us and we are getting our three wishes from this thing."

Kurama eyes widen, " Three wishes? No wait! you're screwing up our plan!"

"Relax I just want one thing and that's that," ino said as Bend down to the safe, "All right, you know, the rules you're caught. You owe me 3 wishes."

"FIRST GET ME OUT OF HERE!" Leprechaun Demanded as it was painful being in this Wrought iron safe.

"LEPRECHAUNS PULL ARE NOT TRUSTED AND THEY PULL SOME KING OF TRICK WITH THERE WISHES!" Kurama yelled as he Try to get back up but was hold down.

Kurama Felt like a foolish fox as He could not do anything first.

"Open this door!" Leprechaun Demanded

"Not yet. Not till I get my wishes, You took my gold, So I want all of your gold in return."

Kurama shook his head, " This is not going to end well."

"Oh. It's a greedy lass I'm dealing with Are you sure you want it?" Leprechaun ask as he Giggled.

"Oh, I'm sure. My first wish is for your gold leprechaun," ino said With a chuckled.

"So be it," Leprechaun said, but nothing happened at least not yet.

"Where is it?" Ino ask.

"Oh, it's coming," leprechaun said as ino Felt her stomach hurting it soon. Swell up and it had the pot of gold in it.

Shikamaru and choji Suddenly felt like they were frozen and couldn't move.

"Get it out, Get it out of me!" Ino beg as it was painful havingin her gut.

"I could do it, but you have to let me out of the safe first, Do you wish me out of the safe?" Leprechaun ask

"Yes, God damn it. I wish you out of the safe," ino Wish, but nothing happened, "Where the hell are you?"

"You'll have to open the door. It's wrought iron, remember Didn't you read the book?" Ino Struggle to get to the safe and then open it.

Leprechaun Came out looking all happy and said, "Your second wish has been granted."

"Get it out. Get it out!" Leprechaun said as he Pointed at her.

"Ah! You see, you shouldn't be so greedy." Leprechaun said as he Pointed at her.

"Get it out of me! Get it out!" Ino beg.

"So, uh, is that your wish?" Leprechaun ask.

"Yes, yes, yes, I wish you to get it out of me," ino said as leprechaun came over.

"Very well," leprechaun said as he use his claws dig right into ino gut as ino Scream and agony and pain.

The others were forced to watch as they could not move.

"A-ha! I missed you," Leprechaun said with his pot of gold before it disappeared.

"Help me...!" Ino beg.

"Love to, me lass. But you're all out of wishes," leprechaun Laugh as Turn around and look at the other four.

"This is the last time I will ask of you two lads I want me gold!" Leprechaun Demanded as his eyes began a glow red.

Kurama Laugh, "We will never hand over the gold, So face it, You just have to kill us for it!"

Leprechaun Is users magic and blow off shikamaru and choji heads but not kurama and Atsushi head.

"What? We're not dead?" Atsushi said as Thought they were going to die.

"You both will be if you lads don't give me my coin!" Leprechaun Threaten them, but. Kurama started laughing.

"You can't do it, can you? As long as We have at least one gold coin, You can't harm us. You didn't think my wish gave me that information at the beginning!" Kurama Told him as kurama kept on laughing.

"You have to give it to me!" Leprechaun said As he was now getting angry.

"You want it? Come get it!" Kurama said But leprechaun had just vanish, kurama Began to laugh, " I knew he would never kill us as long as we had the gold coins.

Atsushi look so confused, "Wait, hold on, let me get the straight, You knew we were safe as long as we had the gold coins? This would have been good to know at the start!"

Kurama got up, "Why else you think I prevented you from giving him the coin Earlier, Besides, we still have three more wishes left with them, You still got two and I got one."

"But wait we don't know exactly where the leprechaun home is? We've been wasting time!" Atsushi said as kurama roll his eyes.

"Just make a wish that shows you were the leprechaun lives," kurama said as started walking.

Atsushi made his forth wish, "Finally now I know naruto is, but there's one thing I still understand how did these three know where we were?"

Ino still alive, but fairly to break the fourth wall, "The author of this fan fiction did not know how to do it, he wanted to use Sakura or kakashi But couldn't figure out a good reason so He had us just come out of nowhere but he still wanted to kill off Those Two as well, Is so he added the reference From the third leprechaun movie of how they both die."

Kurama and Atsushi both look surprise and ask, "What the hell are you talking about?" Ino die.

"Atsushi You're going to need this," kurama said as he Rip off a piece of the Wrought iron safe And made it into a Sharp pointing spear.

"Now come on we gonna save Naruto and kill that leprechaun, Now that we know where he lives, he cannot hide from us," kurama said as Both started running off.

Leprechaun Ipop his head out from behind a nearby tree, "I'll be waiting, A leprechaun's home has many surprises Instore waiting for you two me friends."

To be continued...

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