chapter 8
Chapter 8
"Sir, we're close. You can't just come in here after hours," One of them said and kurama roll his eyes.
"This isn't a restaurant besides this has to do with Naruto being kidnap," kurama said as walk in the room.
Atsushi walk over to kurama, "What do you know? No, wait, how do you even know?"
"My name is kurama Kitsune, Otherwise known as the nine till fox that was seal away inside of Naruto's for 18 years," kurama said as Everyone wasn't surprised Except for Atsushi as He was the only one That knew about the nine tails.
Atsushi eyes widen in disbelief, "But how is that possible you wer...?"
Kurama cut him off, "seal? Yes, I was, but the one who kidnapped use his old kind of magic to set me free and send me away from were They were except I meant to get a few gold coins."
"old kind of magic?" Atsushi said as he was a bit confused.
"It's not like what you people have With special ability or what back the five great nations have with Chakra, This thing besides power way more older than all of your abilities, This thing is know as a leprechaun, they greedy as hell, and they love to drink, and they make those shoes, and they all have pots of gold, and if you catch them, they grant you three wishes, and Even with their pot of gold each coin, you can have one wish per coin," kurama explain as Everyone was listening but still did not understand.
"How do we know you're telling the truth?" Osamu ask kurama.
"Why else would I be here? Would you all listen to me now, On a leprechaun thousandth birthday, the leprechaun laid claim to the Fairest mate and by daybreak they were never heard from again," kurama explain as everyone was surprised.
None of them believe that that could be possible someone to live for a thousand years, kurama wish had given him information about that leprechaun and his history what happened a thousand years ago.
"That's why he came for naruto and took him away," kurama said but everyone even We're having problems believing him.
"How Can you be sure? I mean, how do we know You're telling the truth?" Yukichi ask.
Kurama took out The gold coinsy had and made a wish, "I wish for you all to see the truth about leprechauns and why this one came for Naruto."
Everyone saw What happened a thousand years ago and the vow the leprechaun made to naruto ancestor, Stalking the most fairest descendant.And after they died he took their corpse and he added them to his wall back in his cave, naruto and for what happened to Sasuke.
Everyone was completely surprised of what they saw.
"I can't believe it."
"Who needs luck with all that charm."
"All those corpses must be disturbing on the wall."
"It would be nice to be hanging on the wall with the woman who would goon a suic...!" Kurama uses his tail to smack Osamu Dazai On the face.
"Out of everyone here you were the most annoying, I had to listen while I was still inside of Naruto," kurama said as he was annoyed.
"Okay I will not have that, If you're going to continue with these wishes Why don't you use one to make yourself into a human form?" Yukichi Told him.
Kurama Is look annoyed but then He said, "I wish I took an human form to my liking."
Kurama Transform into a six feet tall man, Orange spiky hair, Deep whisker marks on his cheeks, Blood red eyes, pale skin, wearing a black suit.
Kurama eyes widen as He counted the coins that were in his hand and there were four, He used up all four wishes.
"Oh great I use my last wish," kurama said as Yukichi was confused.
"what warrior wishes you made?" Yukichi ask kurama.
"The first one was knowledge about the leprechaun, The second was to make me smaller so I could get around town, The other two I made here and since I have only four Coins, I only had 4 wishes," kurama explain.
"Why didn't you use them to get naruto?" Yukichi ask.
"Simple, really, there are a few rules that can't be wish for, One of those things is what you can't wish to take something from a leprechaun, since Naruto Sneeze three times his soul is now bound to leprechaun Unless we save him before daybreak," kurama explain.
"what happens if we don't get him back before daybreak?" Atsushi ask as He was scared for the worst.
"Naruto well fall under a spell that will make him fell in love with that thing for life, We either have to kill the leprechaun or find it a four Leaf clover and feed it to Naruto to Break the spell," kurama explain.
"Tell me what Is in it for you?" Yukichi ask as kurama walk up to him.
"it a symbol deal arrangement, I'll help you find narto in exchange I get the gold pot, After all I think I do know where the leprechaun is, Is it's heartably before this mess i would have said leprechauns don't exist," kurama said.
Is a magic green light appeared right behind kurama, It was the leprechaun and it jumped onto a table, "What's that you say? Leprechauns don't exist? Ha-ha!"
The leprechaun smack kurama face with his wooden Kang and use his magic to send the others flying to the wall, "I want my gold, I'll not say it again, You know what I want."
Atsushi Realize he was holding one of the gold coins and went up to the leprechaun, "I'll trade you the coin for naruto."
Leprechaun smirk, "a fair trade, lad, Give me the coin, and he yours, I promise," The leprechaun had his fingers crossed behind his back.
Kurama ran over and Atsushi, He quickly grabbed him and jump out of the window.
"Are you crazy!?" Atsushi yelled.
"You can't trust a leprechaun, They are known for their tricks, He is not going to hanover his chosen mate!" Kurama explain as he run away with Atsushi in his arms.
They soon stop at a bar.
"Let me go! we got to go back!" Atsushi said as time was going to run out.
"Calm down, we have around 10 hours. Besides, that thing will be coming after us, but we need a plan first," kurama explain as Is they went into a bar and sit down.
"Let's see here now, A 4 leaf clover can kill them but those are hard to fine, Is the other option is to destroy his pot of gold or use Wrought iron on him," kurama said as Kept going over the ideas.
Atsushi was thinking about it, but then he remember back at the police station, He heard about the leprechaun, "Wait a second there were three people from hidden Leaf Had talked about him coming out of a tree.Maybe that's where naruto is?"
Kurama had thought about it and then realized that was true, leprechaun live in trees that goes underground.
Kurama Notice a few milk chocolate gold coins that were for free and took some, "Alright let's...?"
Atsushi looks confused, "kurama what wrong?"
"He's here," kurama said as Pointed to the leprechaun.
Atsushi saw him and turn his back to kurama, "Maybe we should go now."
"Too late," kurama said as the Leprechaun appeared between them setting down.
"Have I mentioned that I want my gold?" Leprechaun ask them.
"Not until we get Naruto," Atsushi said.
"Naruto? Don't you know he's a married men," leprechaun said with a little giggled.
Atsushi Was about to tact the leprechaun , but then kurama stop him, "Let me handle it, I got an idea, UMMM... Listen up, people. Listen up, My little buddy here just got married, What do you say we raise our glasses and toast his good health."
Everyone began to cheer and give there's Congratulations to the leprechaun.
"Excuse me Bartender, Can you Give us your best drink?" Kurama ask.
"Just need your ID," He told them and kurama Now look nervous as he knew he did not have one.
He came over to Atsushi and Whisper, "Wish an ID for me and that i'm twenty one."
Atsushi Made a wish on the coin and an ID card came out of kurama Pocke, kurama Now got the drinks and give one to the leprechaun, "Have a drink, It's on me."
Atsushi Look annoyed as it was coming out of his pocket, the leprechaun Didn't drink it
Kurama smirk and said, "You got a problem? Maybe it's just part of that leprechaun myth that they can all hold their liquor, Now don't be ashamed. It's nothing to be embarrassed about, Why don't I just get you a little green lemonade."
All started laughingly, Pissing off the leprechaun and he started to take a drink, "I can handle my drink."
All started Cheering for the leprechaun.
"Oh, really? Excuse me sir can I have a bottle of that Red special rye, I'd like to share with my little buddy here how a real man drinks," kurama said with a smirk.
"Coming right up," The bartender said.
"Uh, what are you doing? You realize This is coming out of my own pocket, right?" Atsushi ask.
"Watch it and learn," kurama said with a smirk as Drink down the bottle.
Everyone cheered for kurama now Which piss off the leprechaun even more now, "Drink what you want, drink what you're able, if you're drinkin' with me, you'll be under the table."
One of the people in the crowd started to cheer and said, "Come on. Let's cheer him on. He's one of us."
(CHANTING) One of us. One of us. One of us. One of us. One of us.
One of us. One of us. One of us. One of us.
One of us. One of us. One of us. One of us.
One of us. One of us. One of us.
Everyone was cheering as the leprechaun and kurama Began drinking.
With naruto
Naruto was Was running all throughout the place, "There has got to be a way out of here."
Naruto Suddenly stop as his eyes turned green, "What am I doing I got Perfect for me lucky mate Before coming home."
Heading over to get change into the Sparkly red tunic.
Back at the bar
The leprechaun was now drunk, "When do we go get naruto?" Atsushi ask.
"Relax kid, he safe as long as he's here," kurama said.
"Pour all you want, pour all you can, you won't beat me 'cause I'm a leprechaun," He told them as he burp.
Kurama grab him, "You thought you were fast, You thought you were sporty, You thought you were clever, but not as clever as kurty."
"OK, that was a bad rhyme. Your name changing up the last three words, Did not make it into a good rhyme," Atsushi said but kurama Look at him.
"Shut up!" Kurama yelled.
The leprechaun tried to use an asteroid by levitating it, but it didn't work, "Didn't anybody ever tell you not to drink and levitate? Face it, my little guy. You're gonna have to do what we ask."
The leprechaun suddenly uses magic to cause the jukebox To start playing loud music catching everyone off guard.
He used this moment to hit kurama Head with a glass bottle and ran away out of the bar.
"You okay?" Atsushi ask looking worried.
"I'm fine, Go get the little son of a bitch," Kurama yelled.
Atsushi Try to find him but he was out of sight, "No sign of him."
"Ohh, well, plan A fail But I have plan B," kurama said as took The gold coin from Atsushi And then give him the other four, " Remember it's one wish per corn, And I think we have a few wishes that can help us, remember Wrought iron and four Leaf clovers?" Kurama asks as Atsushi smiled.
To be continued.
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