chapter 7

Chapter 7

The leprechaun was taking naruto downstairs as they were now underground but back in the leprechaun home.

"I know It ain't much, but it's home," the leprechaun said as he kicks naruto feet to make him go downstairs.

Once they got downstairs the leprechaun ask, "Now tell me my dear mate, What do you think of your new bed chamber?"

"IT'S AWFUL!" Naruto yelled as The place was made out of dirt and wood.

"I know it lacks your human needs, but you'll change that, Well, shall we?" Leprechaun ask as he pointed to the bed.

"Oh, no, please no!" Naruto said as he was disgusted.

"Aw. Now, now, my mate, I've waited 1,000 years for this night But it was worth it Just to claim an namikaze for my mate," Leprechaun said as he smiled.

"What? no, my name's not namikaze, You must have made a mistake," naruto said as he hope he would be let go.

"namikaze is in your blood, I can smell it," Leprechaun said as he took a sniff.

"I know what you need my mate, a little Irish whiskey Just to put you in the mood," He told Naruto as he went over to pour naruto a drink.

"Okay... that's fine," naruto said But had no interest as he was not 21 years old yet.

The leprechaun made himself a drink and it went down his throat, "That's the stuff."

Naruto notice a big rock and grab it and slam it on top of the leprechaun head, naruto Took off running back upstairs.

"Where's the exit to this place?" Naruto asked himself as he kept going until he reached the end of the tunnel to a small cave, the cave to be in a circular shape, with over 11 corpses hanging on the walls by roots all around the cave..

"AAAHHHHH!" Naruto scream as all the corpses were decay. skeletons.

The leprechaun jump out of nowhere and giggled, "A little family reunion, You my dear mate, you have there cheekbones.

Naruto back away as he was terrify by all of this, He didn't even realize all these corpses were his Ancestors That were each the most fairest mate of the century in his bloodline.

"Please! don't hurt me! Don't hurt me!" Naruto beg as he started to Sweat.

"Oh, no my deer mate! I'm glad I have a frisky lad," the leprechaun Laugh, "I like to play games too."

Naruto shake his head, "oh... no... Please... NO!"

"Let's play...?" Leprechaun thought about it for a moment and then said, "Bedtime for naruto."

Naruto saw the leprechaun finger point to the hallway, Turning his head around. He saw a blanket coming right at him and wrapped itself around naruto.

Screaming and terrified and then he fell over and found himself back in the bed chamber, "How are we get here?!"

the leprechaun giggled, "A leprechaun's home has many surprises."

"Get away from me!" Naruto said but the leprechaun came closer and said, "hat's no way to treat the father of your children... Oh. Didn't I mention?"

"No?" Naruto said as he look away.

"You'll be bearing my wee ones soon," leprechaun said as naruto eyes widen and started to yell.

"Get me out of this!" Naruto yelled.

"OH BE SILENCE!" Leprechaun yelled starting to have enough of this frisky lad behavior.

"I'm going to have to make a few alterations But afterward you should be able to bear a full litter," the leprechaun Explain as he look down

The leprechaun use his claws and slowly cut The blanket were naruto stomach was, "These will need sharpening."

He took notice of the seal, "Here my dear mate, Keep your eyes on me gold for a moment."

"Huh?" Naruto was confused but he soon began to screen in pain, the leprechaun broke the seal and left his up as he did the nine tails rise out of nauto's body.

The Kyuubi struggle, "PUT ME DOWN!"

The leprechaun was surprised by this, "Be gone from my home, sly unintel fox,
You're not welcome here on my wedding night."

A large pawn almost hit Naruto's head and knock over the pot.

soon the kyuubi was gone, "With the Kyuubi gone, now we're free from the fright, Let's enjoy our wedding night, my dear, under the moonlight."

The ceiling open up to review the moonlight.

"How did you do that? How do you broke the seal?" Naruto ask.

"Oh my dear mate, with magic so old, a as leprechaun, chakra's no match for me, its power all but gone," The leprechaun Explain as He had lived way before Chakra had even came to existence.

"Why...? Why are you doing this?" Naruto ask as he started to get tired from all the yelling.

"Aw, Don't worry your little head about it, You'll get used to the pain, We'll have to make some changes to your face as well, Tis a fair face But the wee ones won't suckle if you don't look like them," the leprechaun Explain as he went on.

"No!" Naruto yelled.

"They can be very demanding at times," Leprechaun giggled, "Many changes... Many changes," leprechaun kept Repeating himself.

"No! No!" Naruto said as he Shake his head back-and-forth.

"Ah, stop that," leprechaun said as he was now getting Tire of this.

"I just want to go home," naruto said as he started to cry as This was a nightmare that he wished he could just wake up from.

"But you are home, my sweet And home is where you'll stay," leprechaun told Naruto as he got his pot of gold, "Something new, something old, Let's be together on leprechaun's gold."

Leprechaun pour all the gold on naruto and Spread it on him, but stop when he noticed something, "It's missing! Five gold shillings! There not here! There missing! I must have them back!"

The leprechaun violately grabbed all the gold and put it back into his pot and was about to leave but naruto stop him

"Wait Don't leave me tied here, please. I'll do anything... I'll do...? I wanna make myself look pretty for our wedding night, I wanna look pretty for you, You're my husband now. I want to please you," Naruto explained, but that was obvious a lie.

"That you will, Here's a proper wedding Fit for my mate," Leprechaun said as he got a sparkly red tunic, black Leggings and Shiny shoes with gold buckles on them.

"Be sure you're wearing it when I return But before I go... Kiss me, I'm Irish," leprechaun said as naruto Turn his head away but the leprechaun gave him a big lick on the cheek and it was very disgusting.

Naruto Scream, how disgusted it was, "That's just a taste of things to come, Rm going to get my gold, You'll try to escape, but it's hopeless."

Leprechaun ran away Into the dark tunnelband Laugh as he did.

Naruto was able to unwrap himself and took off running, going through each tunnel until somehow he teleported back to his apartment, "Atsushi?"

Naruto Notice that there were police lights Throw his window and decide to go check it out But when he walked through, he was back in the leprechaun cave again.

"Are you kidding me?" Naruto Fell onto his knees in frustration.

Is whiff delivercon standing on the old apartment Ruth.

"I've searched this place for me gold shilling, The fool that holds it is due for a killing," He told himself as he watched the policeman talk.

"So who do you think did it?" One of the policemen asked.

"Out of everyone there's only two suspects because no one else was here, naruto uzumaki and Atsushi Nakajima," the leprechaun smirk as He kept listening and found out where Atsushi work.

At Armed Detective Agency

Atsushi was explaining everything to his friends, "And then they vanish."

before anyone could say anything, the door knocked very loud, "I KNOW ABOUT WHAT HAPPEN TO NARUTO!" A Loud voice said as the door broke down.

Everyone saw a nine till fox, "We need to talk about what happened to naruto."

To be continued...

I hope you all had enjoy this chapter and please let me know what you all think.

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