Chapter 20

Same day, Afternoon

Raizadas had come back to their villa and were sitting in the living room thinking about all that happened in Randhawa Mansion. Everyone was too shocked and stunned that nobody could understand what to do.

Mami (breaking the silence): Hello Hai Bye Bye, bhat happened there. Khushi Bitiya and Payal Bitiya, Samar Bitwa's isistersh (sisters). I am bhery (very) much conphused (confused).

Akash: Yeah, Bhai, How is it possible? We did a background check on Samar Jiju then how come we didn't come to know about it.

Arnav: Yeah Akash. I did a background check on Samar Jiju as I didn't want to repeat my mistake that happened in the first time but the detectives only got information about the immediate family. His parents, Dadi, daughter, first marriage all those things. They only said that the relatives are all very good people and have good name and status in society. There wasn't much details about the relatives. Even I didn't probe much as I didn't think it so much relevant. So I had no idea about their relations. Also we didn't know that Khushi is an Agnihotri till few days back. So I didn't think of the name much. But I don't know what to do.

Nani: Chote, there is nothing we can do. We are getting the punishment for the sins we have committed. If Samar Bitwa is written in Anjali Bitiya's fate then they will surely unite otherwise then we can only blame on destiny and our own selves.

Arnav: But Nani..

Nani: No Chote there is nothing we could do. All that is happening is the outcome of what we done to Khushi Bitiya and Payal Bitiya. If God has decided to punish us like this then let's face it. It's not like we all have not done any mistakes. All of us have made mistakes now we are getting punishment for it. For this time we can be true and face our punishment. Maybe we really get forgiveness.

Mami: But Sasumaa Anjali Bitiya's future...

Nani: Anjali's future is in their hands. If they forgive us maybe we will get a chance. Otherwise we have to accept it as the punishment of the wrongs that we did.

Anjali: Yes, Nani. You are right. If God thinks that I am worth of Samarji I will get him. Otherwise I will take it as the punishment of our sins.

Nani: Anyways let's face it. You guys go and take some rest for now. In the evening we have to go to meet everyone.

Everyone went to their rooms after that.



Raizadas got ready to go to Agnihotri Mansion. Settling in two cars, they went towards their destination. Reaching there they got out and stood in front of the big mansion.

A name plate was written on the side - AGNIHOTRI MANSION. The mansion was nothing but elegant, modern, classy and stylish. Seeing the mansion, Raizadas felt as if their Shantivan is some sort of a small apartment because the mansion standing before them was something that they had never seen in their lives. It was big, luxurious and screamed money and power.

Entering inside they saw Randhawas sitting in the living room with few other people. Seeing them everyone stood up. They all came forward to greet them and then went back to their own places. Raizadas sat in the big sofa placed in the middle of the living room.

Randhawas sat in front of them. Samar and Riya were missing but others were present. Renuka was speaking with a lady of almost her age maybe a little young. Jyothi was speaking to another lady in her mid fifties while Siddharth was speaking to another man of almost his age.

Looking around Raizadas saw two men in their eighties sitting and chatting in a small sofa set kept on one corner of the room. Renuka turned to Raizadas seeing them sitting silently.

Renuka: I am so happy that you all came. Now you can meet our whole family. Everyone is here. Wait let me call others also.

She called a servant and asked to call everybody.

Renuka: Till they came we will meet ourselves. (Pointing at the lady she was talking to) This is my younger sister, Kalindi. Kalindi Kirloskar. (Pointing at the other lady and man) These two are Kalindi's son and daughter in law, Ankush and Mala. They have a son, Rahul but he and his wife is not here now. They have gone to London for some work. Will come back in few days.

Till then the other two men came and sat with them.
Renuka: (Pointing at one man) He is Avdootji, Avdoot Kirloskar, Kalindi's husband. (Pointing at the other man) He is the eldest of our whole family, Niranjanji, Niranjan Agnihotri, Jyothi's father.

Just then few people entered the living room shocking Raizadas. Seeing them Raizadas gulped while their faces were neutral. But if you see clearly you can see the hidden anger brimming in their eyes.

The GUPTAS came and sat there with them. (Shashi is fine now.)

Renuka: And this is Payal's family. You guys met Payal in the morning right. This is her father, Shashi Gupta. Shashi's sister, Madhumathi. And this is her mother, Garima Gupta, Kalindi's elder daughter.

Raizadas cringed under the scrutinizing gaze of the Guptas. Buaji was shooting daggers at Arnav and Akash with her eyes. Both felt uncomfortable seeing anger and hatred in eyes of the people who once used to shower them with love.

But before they ponder more a couple in their mid fifties came there. Seeing them the Raizadas felt a shiver run down them. Both of them held nothing but elegance and poise. The Kirloskars, Guptas and Randhawas smiled. They both came down and sat with them.

Renuka: And these two are the soul of our family, Shlok and Aastha Agnihotri, Kuku's parents. Shlok is Niranjanji's younger son and Aastha's Kalindi's younger daughter.

Arnav looked at the man sitting in front of him. Seeing him he felt a shiver running down his spine. His father in law. His Khushi's father. The man was well built, stylish, classy, and held an aura. He looked younger than his age.

But what made Arnav's inner shudder was his eyes. The sharp piecing gaze that looked at him made him cringe. He felt as if he was looking deep into his soul through his gaze. The man surely had a dominating aura around him which made people go weak with just his gaze.

But the young, charming handsome face told another story. He could make people fall in his charms in this age also. Arnav was sure about it. But he couldn't access his nature. The man looked mysterious to him. The loving face and piercing eyes didn't match. In one moment he felt a loving and caring family man, another moment he felt a cunning and ruthless businessman.

There was something that attracted Arnav. The man was an enigma. He looked like a synonym for perfection. Arnav had heard about him and were inspired by his achievements. He was a like a role model for him. But today sitting in front of him as someone this close, it made his insides turn. An unknown fear and anxiety engulfed him. He was never scared of anything. But this man somewhere intimidated him.

Arnav looked at his father in law with various emotions running in his mind. Feeling the constant gaze, Shlok turned and looked at the person who was continuously staring at him. He passed a small smile to the young man sitting in front of him. But couldn't comprehend his inner thoughts.

He looked deep in thought. Shlok couldn't pin point what was going in his mind. But his expressive told a lot of things. But the emotions that Shlok saw in his eyes confused him. But brushing the thoughts away he turned to concentrate on the conversation going on.

Arnav felt conscious when Shlok looked at him. But still he couldn't look away. When he passed him a smile, many questions arose in his mind. But before he could ponder more on his thoughts he was brought back to the conversation going on. Apparently his Nani had asked Arnav some questions regarding the preparations and that brought Arnav out of his reverie.

Keeping his thoughts aside Arnav decided to concentrate on the reason for which they have gathered there. One thing Arnav noticed was just as Renuka mentioned Shlok and Aastha were the heart of the family because everyone asked their opinion regarding all the discussion going on.

Arnav's gaze then went to the lady sitting beside Shlok. Aastha Agnihotri. His mother in law. Well just like her husband, she also looked quite young for her age. She in no way looked as a grandmother of four children. Well he mentally chuckled. The number was too much for her looks.

He could see that the lady like her husband held an aura. She looked kind but still the strong personality that she possessed was quite understandable. He could now understand from where his wife had got her craziness. His Khushi was a perfect mixture of her parents.

Arnav was lost in drawing similarities between Khushi and her parents that he didn't realize the people he was so eager to meet had finally decided to graze everyone with their presence. Samar, Khushi and Payal came along with kids and settled in the living room with everyone.

Arnav smiled seeing Khushi and his kids. So did Akash seeing Payal. But instead of a return smile they were greeted with expressionless and scowling faces respectively. Disappointed both looked away.

Arshi who was sitting on her Mumma's lap got up and ran to Shlok gaining everyone's attention. Cheekily smiling at him, she climbed on his lap and made herself comfortable there. Khushi shook her head at her daughter's antics. She knew what she was upto.

Shlok smiled at his little granddaughter. Placing her comfortably on his lap, he kissed her hairs. Arshi smiled seeing her plan working. She turned around and throwing her arms around his neck and planted a cute noisy kiss on his cheek. Shlok laughed at that.

Arshi: Nanu, Ashi's Choci.
She demanded cutely. Everyone laughed hearing that.

Arnav was amused seeing his daughter. She surely knows how to get her way.

Buaji: Are Oh Choti titaliya. Tum aur tumri Choci. Kitna khaogi ek din ma? (Hey Choti titaliya. You and your Choci. How much will you eat in one day)

Arshi pouted hearing that and looked at Shlok with innocent puppy dog face. Shlok melted seeing that. Now this is what he can't see. His wife, kids and grandkids sad. He could do anything for their happiness.

Shlok: It's OK, Jiji. Let's her have how much ever she wants. She is small child only na.

Arshi smiled wide hearing that. She knew now no one could stop her from getting her Choci. She looked smiling at her Nanu. Shlok put in his hand on his coat's side pocket and pulled out a chocolate bar from it. Arshi smiled widely seeing that.

She took it from him and planted a kiss on his cheek. Getting down from his lap, she ran to her Mumma and gave the chocolate bar to her. Khushi shook her head. Arshi climbed and settled on Khushi's lap while Khushi unwrapped the chocolate bar and divided it into five pieces and gave it to all kids.

Arav didn't take as he was diabetic and others denied saying they will have it later. But Arshi started munching on it as soon as she got it. Everyone chuckled seeing that. Khushi planted a soft kiss on Arshi's hair.

After that everyone started discussing regarding the arrangements of marriage. The kids started playing with toys. Sometime later, everyone decided to take a break. Aastha called the servants and asked them to serve refreshments.

Arnav and the other Raizadas were looking around the elegant mansion. Samar and Anjali were stealing glances of each other. Arnav and Akash were trying to get Khushi and Payal's attention but both of them were royally ignoring them.

Seeing the Raizadas looking around the house, Shlok asked Khushi, Payal and Samar to show them around the house. Samar readily agreed seeing it as an opportunity to spend some time with Anjali. Khushi and Payal also had to agree reluctantly.

Anjali, Arnav and Akash agreed while the elder Raizadas denied the offer allowing the youngsters to spend some time together. So together all six Samar-Anjali, Arnav-Khushi and Akash-Payal went to explore the house.

After showing few rooms like library, gym, study, entertainment room etc, Samar took Anjali alone to spend some time with her with the permission of both set of siblings. After roaming around the corridor seeing few more places, Arnav suddenly pulled Khushi into a room and locked it while Akash and Payal unaware of the absence of their siblings who were walking behind them, continued to see the house.

Inside the room

As soon as Arnav pulled Khushi inside, he turned and locked the door, so that Khushi couldn't go out. But Khushi was fuming at him for his act. So as soon as he turned after locking the door, she pounced on him and started blasting him.

Khushi (angry): What the hell, Mr Raizada. How dare you to do something like this. How dare you pull me inside the room and lock it. Open the door, Mr Raizada. I want to go out.

Arnav: Listen Khushi, I want to say something. After that you can go out.

Khushi: I don't want to hear anything, Mr Raizada. Open the door this instant. Otherwise it won't be good for you.

Arnav: No Khushi, I won't open it till you hear everything, I want to say.

Khushi: No Mr Raizada. I already told you I don't want to hear anything.

Arnav: Please Khushi, why are you doing all this? I couldn't understand you. Who are you? Khushi Kumari Gupta or Khushi Agnihotri. If you are Khushi Kumari Gupta, then who is this KAG. And if you are Khushi Agnihotri, then why did you do all that. Showing yourself as an illiterate, middle class girl. Why did you fool all of us by behaving like that. Why are you doing all this, Khushi. On one side you are showing like you hate me and my family and on another side you are making arrangements for my sister's marriage with your brother. Why are you doing all these. Who are you. What is your motive. What do you want.

Khushi looked at him with a frown. Then folding her hands on her chest, she let out a deep breath.

Khushi: So Mr Raizada, you want answers right. Who am I? What's my motive? What do I want? Why am I doing all these? Right.

Arnav: Yes Khushi. I want to know the reality. I am confused with everything. I can't take it anymore.

Khushi (calmly): OK. Mr Raizada, I will answer your questions. But only one. So you decide. Which answer you want. Whether I am KKG/KAG or why I am doing the arrangements for your sister's marriage when I hate you all people. So which answer you want, my identity or my motive.

Arnav was in a fix. Which answer does he want. Her identity and intentions both are confusing him. But which answer he wants the most. He himself don't know. Both are important for him. Who is she and what does she want? Both these questions are running in his mind. But which answer is more important for him.

Arnav (after thinking for sometime): I want to know who you are. Khushi Kumari Gupta or Khushi Agnihotri. I want to know your reality.

Khushi: I thought you would be wanting to know why I am doing all this since it is regarding your sister's life. Anyways your choice. Since you want to know my identity, I will tell you. My name is Khushi Agnihotri, the only daughter of Shlok and Aastha Agnihotri. And regarding Khushi Kumari Gupta. Well there is nobody named Khushi Kumari Gupta. It was all just an act.
Actually, you see my Dad is a very big business tycoon, so he had many business rivals and enemies. So what happened was, five years back when I returned from Harwards after completion my higher studies, there was a threat to my life. Me being my father's only daughter one of his enemies has threatened him to kill me due to some business rivalry.
So to save me my family had sent me to the Guptas. Garima Maasi is my Mumma's elder sister. But due to some family issues, our family and Guptas were not in talking terms for years. So many people didn't know about our connection. So everyone thought that I would be safe there.
That's why I was sent to Lucknow to save my life. Since I was in abroad for a few years, apart from my family nobody knew how I looked. But you know Lucknow is a small town so to show myself as a Lucknowi girl, I have to change myself a bit like my dressing style, language all those things so as to not get any suspicion. Also I have to adopt the Gupta name so that nobody doesn't recognize me. Thus I became Khushi Kumari Gupta.
Regarding acting as illiterate, I didn't had a choice. If I would have said that I am educated, then I had to show my certificates, then everyone would have found out that I am Khushi Agnihotri and my life would have been in danger. So now I think you know why I acted like illiterate middle class girl.

Arnav: Then why didn't you tell me the truth?

Khushi: Well initially when I was working for you I didn't tell you the truth because your company was a big one. If by any chance the news leak out my life would have been in danger. So I had to act like that. Then after our marriage I didn't get a chance. One or the other problems used to come. First the contract marriage, then your mistrust, kidnapping, then your Di's fiasco, second marriage, Shyam's truth, amongst all these we both were so much caught up and worried that I didn't get a chance to tell you the truth. After that when I thought to tell you the truth, Sheetal came and then you know what happened.

Arnav looked away hearing that. He could understand her hidden pain behind her words. Yes, their life was so messed up back then that they never got any peace. And when everything was going to be fine, he ruined it by being involved with Sheetal and hurting her.

Khushi could understand what he was thinking. But her heart was lost in all the painful memories of her past. Her life was ruined brutally by him and his family. She couldn't forgive him for that.

Khushi (sternly): Mr Raizada, now I think you got your answers. Now open the door, I want to go out.

Arnav moved away from in front of the door. Khushi went and opened the door. As soon as she got out, she saw a worried Payal searching for her. Seeing her, Payal immediately came to her with Akash tailing behind.

Payal (worried): Kuku, where were you? Are you alright.

At that time she saw Arnav coming out of the room. Seeing him Payal was angry.

Payal: You, Mr Raizada. What were you doing with my sister. (Turning to Khushi) You tell me Kuku, what did he do with you. I won't leave him today.

Akash (trying to control the situation): Payal, leave it na. They are husband and wife. They would have been talking something.

Payal (glaring at Akash): Shut up you idiot. Did I ask you anything. So stop giving me your unwanted lecture. You know what you both brothers are the same. Just knows how to hurt others. (Turning to Arnav) And you Mr Arnav Singh Raizada stay away from my sister. Otherwise I won't leave you.

Saying that Payal took Khushi from there while Arnav and Akash stood gaping seeing this terrific avatar of the always silent and timid Payal.

Arnav (in trance): Is she the same Payal who was even shy to say a single word to anybody without being scared or blushing.

Akash: No Bhai, she is not. This is the new revamped version of Payal.

Arnav and Akash looked at each other and nodded at each other with a knowing look.

Precap: Garima's POV



Niranjan Agnihotri (Dadaji):

Father of Shlok and Jyothi. Father in law of Aastha and Siddharth. Dadu of Khushi. Nanu of Samar. Payal also calls him Dadu.

Shlok Agnihotri:

Niranjan's younger son. Jyothi's brother. Aastha's husband. Khushi's father. Maasa of Payal. Samar's Mamu.

Aastha Agnihotri

Daughter of Avdoot and Kalindi. Sister of Ankush. Wife of Shlok. Mother of Khushi. Maasi of Payal. Mami of Samar. Bua of Rahul.


Avdoot Kirloskar

Husband of Kalindi Kirloskar. Father of Garima, Ankush and Aastha. Father in law of Shashi, Mala and Shlok. Nanu of Khushi and Payal. Dadu of Rahul. Chote Dadu of Samar.

Kalindi Kirloskar

Wife of Avdoot Kirloskar. Sister of Renuka Randhawa. Mother of Garima, and Aastha. Mother in law of Shashi, Mala and Shlok. Maasi of Siddharth. Nani of Khushi and Payal. Dadi of Rahul. Choti Dadi of Samar.

Ankush and Mala Kirloskar

Son and Daughter in law of Avdoot and Kalindi. Brother and sister in law of Garima and Aastha. Parents of Rahul. Mama-Mami of Khushi and Payal. Chacha- Chachi of Samar.

Rahul Kirloskar
(Will introduce later.)


Renuka Randhawa

Kalindi's sister. Siddharth's mother. Jyothi's mother in law. Maasi of Garima, Ankush and Aastha. Dadi of Samar. Badi Nani of Khushi and Payal.

Siddharth Randhawa

Son of Renuka. Husband of Jyothi. Cousin of Garima, Ankush and Aastha. Father of Samar. Bade Mamu of Khushi and Payal. Kaka of Rahul.

Jyothi Randhawa

Daughter of Niranjan. Sister of Shlok. Wife of Siddharth. Daughter in law of Renuka. Mother of Samar. Bua of Khushi. Badi Mami of Payal. Kaki of Rahul.


Shashi Gupta

Husband of Garima. Brother of Madhumathi. Son in law of Avdoot and Kalindi. Brother in law of Aastha and Ankush. Father of Payal. Maasa of Khushi (She calls him Babuji). Bade Phupa of Rahul and Samar.

Garima Gupta

Daughter of Avdoot and Kalindi. Sister of Ankush and Aastha. Sister in law of Mala and Shlok. Mother of Payal. Maasi of Khushi (She calls her Amma). Badi Bua of Samar and Rahul.

Madhumathi Mishra (Buaji)

Sister of Shashi Gupta. Buaji for Payal, Khushi, Samar and Rahul.


All the characters introduced in this chapter are irrelevant. They are introduced only to make the relations understand.

OK I know this chapter was very boring. But please bare with it. In this chapter I have revealed the mystery regarding KKG/KAG. So I think now it is clear how Khushi became KAG. Khushi started her business 8 years back when she was studying in Harwards. After three years she came to India. Then there was threat to her life. So she shifted to Lucknow. After one year she shifted to Delhi where she met Arnav and before three years she left him. She is now 26 years old. Now I think everyone is clear about the time line. I think there was lot of confusion regarding timeline.

Please comment. Your comments encourage me. So please comment.


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