Running a marathon

'To the Bridge of Khazad-dûm!'
We run out of the tomb area, orcs swarm behind us. I glance around me to see thousands of orcs chasing us, climbing out of cracks in the floor, out of the roof and down the great columns.
But we can't go further, we are completely surround. The Orcs stand ready to strike, to kill us but a great roar can be heard. We all look to an archway, which glows red. Some orcs begin to look worried. The roar can be heard again, louder and more angrier than before.
Now the Orcs screech in terror and run away, leaving us behind. Crawling back into dark places. 'Cowards' I say as Gimli grins at me. But again the roar can be heard and the glowing red draws nearer.

'What is this new devilment?' Boromir hisses. I look at Mithrandir for help. He has his eyes closed and it looks like he is thinking. As he opens his eyes, the red glow covers the entrance path of columns in front of us.
'Mithrandir?' I call out in beginning fear. 'It is a balrog, a demon of the ancient world! This foe is beyond any of you! Run!' He yells as he leads us the way, to I hope an exit.
I run as fast as I can, keeping the hobbits in front of me so I can't loose them out of my sight. We leave the cavern of columns and now Boromir races head, down some steps. But he suddenly stops as he teeters on the edge of a great chasm. 'Boromir!' I call out his name in fear. But luckily Legolas runs up behind him and pulls him back away from the edge. Aragorn turns around and we make briefly eye contact before he looks at Mithrandir. 'Gandalf!' It is not a question but a cry out for help. What do we do?
'Lead them on Aragorn. The Bridge is near!' The wizard orders. The narrow bridge gaps the two sides of the great chasm. A roar is heard behind us as the red firey glow draws closer. Mithrandir pushes Aragorn forward. 'Do as I say!' Aragorn looks in confusion at him as Mithrandir now walks past him. 'Swords are of no more us here'
We turn to the right and run down the steps in front of us, which wind our way to the bridge. Suddenly we reach again a break, a gap in the staircase, which is too wide to step over. Legolas nimbly jumps the gap and looks expectantly at the us. Stupid princeling.
Mithrandir looks puzzled. But i hear a roar again behind us as the roof above starts to crumble. Legolas beckons Mithrandir. 'Gandalf!' The wizard jumps over the gap. Suddenly the Orcs start firing arrows again and they missing narrowly Boromir and the hobbits. Legolas turns and shoots the Orcs dead.
'Merry! Pippin!' Boromir calls out and he takes each hobbit under each arm and jumps with them. I close my eyes, I wish not to see this. 'They made it' Aragorns voice is soft in my ear. 'I am going to throw Sam over. Keep your eyes closed if you not wish to see it' he tells me and I nod. 'Sam!' I hear him yell. It is silent for a bit. 'Nobody tosses a dwarf!' I hear Gimli yell and I chuckle. 'Mind the beard!' The dwarf screams angrily. I open my eyes to see that Legolas pulls Gimli to safety with his beard. Aragorns hand slips around my waist and in the other he holds Frodo. Because he saw something I missed. More of the steps have just fallen into the abyss and now the gap is to wide to jump. 'Hold on!' Aragorn says with a clear voice as I look with fear at the others. I look behind me and see that the entrance glows red and a great roar comes from it. 'The balrog' I whisper.
'Do you trust me?' He whispers in my ear. 'Do I have a choice?' On the moment I say that a great chunk of rock falls from the roof into the staircase behind us. Now we are standing between two gaps.
This is great..
The staircase we stand on begins to crack and sways. I slip my arm around Aragorn's waist as he holds me tighter. 'Hang on!' He yells. I bite my lip, trying not to scream in fear. 'Lean forward' I do what he tells me to do as the staircase sways again and falls forward towards the others. Legolas holds his arms out. 'Come on!'
'Jump' Aragorn whispers only for me to hear and we do so. Legolas and Boromir catch us. We look at each other, smiling a frightened smile. Then we set off again, racing away from the demon.
Fire is suddenly all around us. 'Over the bridge!' Mithrandir yells as the flames grow higher. He waits on us to pass. 'Fly!'
I run past Mithrandir, who turns towards the growing flames. I stop, looking at a great black, winged creature with a horned head as he appears from the flames. I can feel his ancient magic flow around us. He roars at Mithrandir, breathing fire from its mouth. 'Alastegiel!' Boromir calls out. 'Gandalf!' Frodo. Mithrandir and I set of running again, following them over a narrow bridge. Mithrandir taking up the rear. Half way across the bridge, he stops and turns to face the Balrog. 'You cannot pass!' The wizard yells.  What is he doing?
Frodo, who is now standing next to me, walks forward. 'Gandalf!' He says in horror. The balrog stretches its wings and draws itself up to full height in front of Mithrandir. 'I am the Servant of the Secret Fire. Wielder of the Flame of Anor'
The balrog reaches down and draws its sword in front of Mithrandir, and holds it high above its head.
'The dark fire will not avail you' The wizard holds out his staff in front of him, glowing white' Flame of Udûn!'
The balrog brings its sword down upon Mithrandir who protects himself with his staff, bringing a crash and flash of great light.The Balrog drops its sword and roars at Mithrandir. 'Go back to the shadow!' The wizard yells. The balrog puts out a cloven foot onto the bridge. He wields a great firey whip above its head.
'You shall not pass!' He raises his sword and staff above his head and brings his staff down hard upon the bridge.

The balrog snorts at him, raises his whip and takes another step forward. As he does so, the bridge collapses and the balrog falls into the chasm. Mithrandir grunts and turns to walk away. As he does so, the tail end of the balrog's whip snakes up and around his ankle, dragging him down. He clings onto the edge of the bridge. Frodo dashes towards him, but I hold him back. 'No' I say while a tear streams down my face. 'Gandalf' Frodo cries out.
Mithrandir tries to hold on by his fingertips. He looks at us. 'Fly you fools' And then he lets go and falls into the chasm.
'NOOoooooooooooooo!' Frodo cries and struggles and I almost lose against him. So Boromir takes him over and also in his arms he struggles to get free. I look in disbelief at the chasm. It was so fast, I didn't know how to help him. And I know I could. 'Alastegiel' Aragorn calls out. It's raining arrows again and we set of running. We run outside, leaving Moria. I collapse, we all do. Heartbroken. The hobbits are crying. Legolas looks folorn and Boromir huge a angry Gimli. Except Aragorn, who wipes his sword clean. 'Legolas! Get them up!'
'Give them a moment! For pities sake!' Boromir spits out. 'By nightfall this hills will be swarming with orcs! We must reach the woods of Lothlórien. Come, Boromir, Legolas, Gimli, get them up!' He reaches a tearful Sam and lifts him up. 'On your feet Sam' and pats him on the shoulder. 'Frodo?' He yells and I see Frodo walking away in the distance. 'Frodo!' I scream at the hobbit. Frodo, stops walking and turns to face Aragorn, tears rolling down his face. I stand up and run towards the heartbroken hobbit. I embrace him tightly. 'It's okay' I whisper.

But why do I feel that I have failed?

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