Chapter 1: Sylva Skies

Saphero's heart raced even before the caffeine hit. 

Kloud started the tradition of dragging him to Coma Coffee before his big speeches, promising that a warm beverage would:

"Calm you more than a plus two from calm mind!"


Saphero had his doubts.

The Espeon much preferred a glass of warm milk to start his day. Or a quick sketch in one of his lab journals. He had barely made a dent in his iced coffee so far, and Kloud took notice.

Tick, tock. Tick, tock.

"It's like he's not even here..." the Umbreon mused. He waved a paw in front of his friend.


A dark tail slapped down on the table, drumming a soft chorus against the hardwood. 


No chuckle, no sign of life. The Espeon stared at himself through the ridges of his iced coffee, lost between two worlds. 

"Alright, Saph," Kloud said with a sigh. Boredom crushed every bone in his body. "You asked for it."

Ruby eyes scanned the table. Syrup bottle? No, much too heavy! Two packs of creamer—maybe, but what if they popped open? He couldn't risk staining that fluffy pink fur. 


A straw wrapper. Perfect. 

He licked his lips. Ebony paws reeled themselves back, taking precision... 

Ready. Aim.

He counted to three. 


The paper launched itself at Saphero. It struck the Espeon straight on his forehead gem, falling to the table with a quiet thud. 


Saphero didn't budge. Kloud reached across the long booth, picking the wrapper up and holding it steady.


On the third strike, his friend stirred. Those deep lilac eyes blinked in confusion. 

"...Kloud? What are you doing?"

"Throwing a wrapper at your head," he assured with a smile. "It's quite fun. Wanna try?"

He picked the wrapper up, holding it between his claws. When Saphero tilted his head, he threw it again.


"Kloud!" Saphero whined. His ears tucked adorably. "Stop that..."

"Then tell me what's wrong!"

Mischievous paws reached around the table to grab the crumbled paper again, but a branched tail halted him.

Saphero narrowed his eyes. He tried to sound convincing. "I told you, Kloud. I'm absolutely fine."

They locked eyes. Kloud waited—three, four, five seconds. When the Espeon's face paled, Kloud smirked. Predictable. 

"You're lying. The quiver in your bottom lip gave you away," the Umbreon sang, putting on a fake detective voice. "Flustered, blushing—I sense deceit! Lies, Saphero, lies!"

"Please, not now..." Saphero groaned. He knew where this was going. 

Kloud ignored him. "Something's bothering you, Saph, and I'm gonna get to the bottom of it! I just need a clue—a lead! Hint, bystander, witness! Something to trace me back to the crime scene..."

Kloud took another sip of his latte. He fiddled with his invisible fedora and adjusted the black amulet around his neck. Saphero rolled his eyes at the antics.

Tick, tock. Tick, tock.

Kloud set his drink down.

"So," he purred. "Is it girls?"



"No. Kloud, there's nothing—"

"Broken heart? A girl who bullied you broke your heart, is that it?"

"Kloud," Saphero moaned. His voice squeaked involuntarily. "Kloud, it's the speech. I'm nervous about the speech..."

The Espeon retreated further into his booth. He lost eye contact and tapped an anxious paw on the table, inches away from his untouched coffee.

Kloud let the words linger...

Was it really the speech?

The Umbreon had a hard time believing it. Saphero had been through dozens of those. Hundreds, even. Sure, there were times his friend got antsy beforehand, but that was nothing a trip to Coma Coffee couldn't fix.

There had to be more to it.

"Saph, I'd bet my life savings that you'll do great today. Giving speeches is easy compared to... quanum, quantum, whatever the word is!"

"Quantum entanglement."

"Ehh, close enough," Kloud hummed. He reached out to hold his friend's cheeks, squeezing them dramatically after each word. "Point is, I know you. You're quiet today, even for Saph-Saph standards. And I don't like it..."

He rubbed that pink, fluffy face with practiced paws. Saphero's weakness. The Espeon's eyes sealed shut. 

'Why now, Kloud...'

His best friend was a pawful. Saphero had never met a pokémon quite as persistent, sporadic, and unpredictable as the Umbreon. 

Kloud deserved a trophy for his daftness. 

"F-Fine, Kloud, I'll tell you... just, please don't laugh?"

Kloud blinked. He'd been waiting for those words all morning. 

"Really? Oh, thank Arceus!" The Umbreon took a celebratory swig of his latte—caramel with a drop of whipped cream. Classic. "Swear I won't laugh! And I promise, if somebody's bullying you..." 

A pause. His smirk widened before he leaned in close. 

"Just give me the name, Saph. I'll handle the rest." 

"Kloud..." Saphero sighed. The Umbreon's tail wagged from across the booth—because of course it did. Never serious, that dark-type. "No, Kloud, I already told you. It's about the speech, but—"

"But what? Afraid you're gonna nail it like you always do?" 

Saphero suppressed a groan. That was all the patience he had left.   


Pink and dark noses pressed together. Saphero kept his voice below a whisper, leaning halfway over the booth. 

"This is the same machine that exploded in my face three years ago..."

Tick, tock. Tick, tock.

That annoying clock. Kloud glanced at it, reading the time to distract himself.

10:34 a.m.

Saphero's speech didn't start until noon. They still had plenty of time to relax, enjoy their morning coffee, and prepare for an exciting day at Cobalt Museum...





The Umbreon looked at his paws. He should probably say something. The moment was teetering on awkward, even for his standards.



"You know what they say about lightning, Saph. It can never strike twice," Kloud blurted.


He regretted the words the moment they left his mouth. He watched Saphero narrow his eyes, wrapping his pink tail around himself and scooting his face back. 

Their noses detached with a light tremble. 

"Improbable, but technically not impossible..."

A silence swept through the air. 

Kloud recalled that day three years ago—the incident. It felt like forever ago, but he remembered sitting in the front row. Watching the chaos unfold. The tension in the air, the smell of burning metal and smoke...

He closed his eyes. The memory played like a reel.


Saphero's first-ever presentation. He was offered the chance to show off Amethyst Lab's Warp Core T-1843, the Elpi's latest invention. 

"Of course I'll do it!" 

Optimism. He'd take any opportunity to work with machines back then.

"It's all yours, then. The expo is next Friday at noon."

And so, he prepared. Being one of the youngest scientists in Amethyst Labs meant that he had a reputation to prove. 

Notes. Blueprints. More notes.

Kloud recalled his friend spending tired nights in his lab, reviewing every safety procedure, protocol, and 'in case of disaster' manual he could find. He read them fifty times over, then another thousand or so. 

Prepared was an understatement. 

One week later, the day of the expo arrived. After a quick Coma Coffee trip to soothe his nerves, Saphero breached that stage with a high smile and youthful optimism. 

His colleagues and fellow researchers filled the room, as well as his best friend (and hired defender) Kloud. The Umbreon made sure to save a seat in the front row so Saphero had someone to focus on—he promised not to make any funny faces or laugh. 

Saphero trusted him. 

The lights dimmed, and the Espeon ran through a brief slideshow before directing focus on the machine.

He flipped it on. The machine whirled itself to life beautifully, surprising even Saphero with how flawlessly the engines turned. Everyone was in awe. Three seconds later, it erupted into flames. 

Saphero wasn't sure what felt worse that night: his team's creation exploding into seventy-eight unusable pieces, or the looming silence and distraught faces surrounding him after the fact.

That night, not even a Christmas movie with Kloud or cherry-scented candle could heal the embarrassment in his heart. 


It was a memory he wished to forget. The type of experience an overshot iced coffee couldn't fix.

Before either Eeveelution could break the silence, a Furret barista waved them down and trotted up to their table. Their voice was five octaves too high—a sharp contrast to the rest of the shop. 

"Morning, Kloud! Morning, Saphero! How goes it?" The chirpy voice startled Saphero, and Kloud took a final sip of his latte before smirking casually.

The timing couldn't be better. 

"Lovely, Sparky! You just clock in?" The Furret nodded his little head, sliding into the booth beside the Umbreon. Kloud made room, and it took one glance at Saphero to alert Sparky that something was up.

"Oh—is everything alright, Saphy?" Curious brown eyes examined the Espeon's drink. Compared to Kloud's empty glass, Saphero hadn't made a dent. "Curses! Did they overshoot yours? I can make you another one, just the way you like it if you want!"

Saphero forced a warm smile. "N-No, no, it's fine! I'm just a bit, as they say, 'experiencing the Butterfree' at the moment..."

Sparky tilted his head. "Ahh, you must be nervous about your speech?" 


Saphero nodded coyly, and the Furret pressed deeper against Kloud's side. Well-groomed fur with a splash of lavender leaked through his makeshift uniform. 

Kloud hardly minded. 

"Mmm, I thought you liked giving fancy speeches? Is this one any different?" Sparky added thoughtfully, glancing between the two eeveelutions.  

Kloud and Saphero shared a look over the table. Unsurprisingly, it was Kloud who spoke up first. "Well, let's just say there's a bit of history with this proto... Protanite? This proto-whatever has a history of exploding, long story short. Poor Saph doesn't have the greatest track record with it."

Saphero resisted the urge to correct his pronunciation of 'Prototype'. Instead, he watched the ferret cross his small arms in sympathy. 

"Well, jeez, that sounds terrible. I won't pretend like I know how you're feelin', but I bet I have something that can cheer you up!" That chippy squeak in Sparky's voice never left. The Furret was already nudging his way out of the seat before Saphero could protest. 

No treat, gift, or present sounded appetizing right now, but Saphero knew better than to try and stop him. 

"I'll be back in a jiffy!" Sparky promised.

"Thank you. Take your time..." Saphero waved his tail, and the barista was gone. 

Once Sparky was out of sight, the Espeon sighed. "Kloud, if I die today, promise you'll be at my funeral."

"You got it," Kloud joked. He patted Saphero's head a few times. "But you're not gonna die. Or explode. Not you or the machine."

Saphero grumbled something cute under his breath, but otherwise remained silent. They sat quietly until—out of the corner of his eye—Kloud noticed a table with a lone Meowstic behind it.

The pokémon must have only just walked in. Kloud was positive he wasn't sitting there a few minutes ago. 

Is that...? 

The newcomer had his head buried in a book, and he seemed distracted by whatever he was reading. Across the booth from him, Saphero counted invisible galaxies. 

Daydreaming. Again. 

Kloud narrowed his eyes. "Phosfurr..." he mumbled quietly. At the name, the Espeon's ears perked up.

"Wha... Phosfurr? Where?" From his angle, he couldn't see the table behind him. Kloud motioned with a discrete paw movement, and Saphero (not so sneakily) popped his head over the top of their booth. 

He observed for no more than a full second before plopping down again. 

Yep, that was Phosfurr all right. 

Streaks of red tinted the Espeon's cheeks, and Kloud tried (and failed) to stifle a laugh as the scientist wrapped a tail around himself.

"What's he doing here? Why now? Oh, curses, no no no..." Saphero groaned. Amused, Kloud patted the Espeon's cheeks and rubbed those pointy pink ears. Slow, soft motions. He loved how they curled behind his cheeks after a few seconds.

"He's probably here for the expo, Saph. You know, to support you?" Kloud kept his purr to a whisper. Saphero shook his head at the thought—he wouldn't believe that. Not even entertain it. 

Kloud grinned, slapping his paws back on the table. "I say you go over and make amends with him. Let bygones be bygones, Pidgeys be Pidgeys..."

"I refuse."

"Not even a quick chat?"


"Ahh, come on! It would do you good!" Kloud kept pressing until the scientist's cheeks grew hotter. This was no time for fun and games—his ex-lab partner, otherwise known as his sworn nemesis, was here. 

As if the expo in an hour wasn't enough to worry about, now Saphero would have to deal with the cold, cruel, evil, twisted Meowstic here to torment him! 

Today kept getting worse. 

"Q-Quiet, Kloud, what if he hears you...?" 

"Too late," Kloud whispered. His eyes stared in the direction of Phosfurr's table. "He's lookin' right at me. I'm gonna go say hi." 

The dark-type rose to his paws, stretching those slender legs, and Saphero's heart froze. One thought came to mind: 

'Hide! Hide! Hide!'

Saphero slunk into the booth before crawling under the table. He curled up into a little ball, minimizing himself. There wasn't much room to spare, but Saphero's lithe body fit perfectly. 

Kloud watched him with a discrete side-eye. "S-Saph, uh—"

"Shh! Just go!" 

The Umbreon brushed himself off, clicked his tongue, and trotted away without another word. He'd handle that problem in a few minutes. 

For now, he had another friend—acquaintance?—to catch up with. 

"Sup, Phosfurr." He bowed his head low.  

"Heya, Kloud! It's been a while." The Meowstic smiled warmly and returned the gesture. Kloud's eyes drifted to the empty seat beside him, and Phosfurr giggled with a nod. "Please, there's plenty of room."

Kloud winked. "Sweet. Thanks!" He took a seat. 

Although he only caught a few glimpses, the book Phosfurr was reading looked chemistry-related... which checked out, given the Meowstic's title. Conversations about science were one thing, but reading about it?

Yeah, Kloud much preferred being a defender. 

"Book looks cool. What's it about?"  

Phosfurr's eyes lit up. He hid his excitement with a well-placed hum. "This book," he started, holding the cover eye-level, "is actually about mythology. Particularly, spirits, legendary pokémon, The Lord of Darkness, and all sorts of fun stuff!

"I'd argue it's a mix of historical folklore and philosophical debates—and, you know, old treasures and mysteries. It's absolutely splendid, Kloud! I love it so far!"

Kloud noted the way Phosfurr's face lit up whenever he talked about his books. The Meowstic always had his nose buried in something; typically science mumbo-jumbo, but literature nevertheless. 

Saphero and him were one in the same. 

"Sounds neat. Learn anything fun yet?" Kloud tried to sound interested, but a yawn swept the corners of his lips. He hid it with a misplaced paw. 

"Yes, actually." Phosfurr adjusted the book in his hands, flipping to a discretely marked page with a tab sticking out of it. "This, right here. Amethyst ore, but with a carbon signature over seventeen millenniums old—the oldest known ore in existence! Neat, isn't it?" The joy in his voice sounded childlike, and out of respect the Umbreon smiled wide.

"Sounds fancy."

"Very much so!" 

Phosfurr adjusted the book so Kloud could see the picture. Black-and-white, of course. Kloud was more surprised there was a picture in the book at all, given the typical catalog of what the Meowstic read. 

He struggled to see the fascination in it. 

"That's not all," Phosfurr continued. "Flip a few pages and you'll find lots of magical artifacts that date even longer back—epochs, I'm talking. There's even a few amulets in there."

Kloud's ears perked at that last part. He was going to inquire about the name next—A Chemical Universe—but was instead drawn to the black amulet around his neck.

Sensing where the Umbreon's mind was, Phosfurr smiled. "Yep, similar to the one you have there. I'd reckon there's an amulet somewhere in this book—dated thousands, perhaps millions of years ago—that birthed the magic yours has today. An ancestor, if you will."

"An ancestor for rocks?" Kloud mused. He grinned, but his eyes betrayed his interest. 

"Precisely!" Phosfurr giggled. "The amulet you're wearing, fancy as it is, almost certainly derived its magic from an ancestor of its own. And that ancestor from another ancestor. So on and so forth. All the way to the origins of our universe..."

"Woah," Kloud snickered. "That's old."

Phosfurr nodded. His smile never dropped. "Incredibly! Magic is fascinating—and exceptional. Exceptionally fascinating. You're lucky to have an amulet at all, Kloud."

A twinge of pride swept Kloud's chest as he felt his amulet again. Sure, he may not have earned it like his father did—traveling dozens of miles and fighting through hordes of bandits, traps, and lost temples—but it was still his. 

It matched the violet of his eyes. The black of his fur. He held it closer. 

"Well, consider me impressed..." Kloud rattled thoughtfully. He flipped the book back around, sliding the cover to Phosfurr. "Here I thought you only read numbers and science mumbo-jumbo. I could actually dig something like this." 

The Meowstic rolled his eyes playfully, closing the book and placing it in his lap.

"You're fun, Kloud. But no; I quite enjoy history—and mythology, I guess. When I have the time, of course." They shared a smirk.  

Seeing the Meowstic in good spirits relieved Kloud. Four months flew by without so much as a peep to the feline; far too long. They were due for a little one-on-one, and Kloud refused to let the moment slip away. 

"Anything else keeping you busy? Besides reading and your... experiments, I'm guessing?"

"Oh, I do plenty of experiments still! And yes, actually," Phosfurr cooed. On the floor next to Phosfurr was a small bag. He reached down for it, fighting with the top string before pulling it open. 

Out came a few small instruments. Namely, a customized flute and a thin harmonica. Phosfurr toyed with the items before focusing on the long pipe. 

"The flute's not actually for playing. It was sold to Amethyst Labs by a travelling explorer—three weeks ago to this date. According to him, the flute had magical abilities."

"Does it? Or, uh, do you know yet?" Kloud studied the instrument curiously.

Phosfurr traced the sides of the instrument slowly. He was still smiling, even as he bit his lips and closed his eyes. "Recapping the experiments my team and I have devised so far, we concluded with a ninety-eight percent confidence interval that the flute is indeed magical. P-value less than a quarter of a percent for thirty-eight samples, just over three percent for seven others..."

"Put that in normal words, please."

"Yes, we're pretty sure it's magical," Phosfurr clarified.

Kloud and Phosfurr shared a smirk. Kloud was tempted to reach out and touch it for himself, but Phosfurr was already sliding it over to him. "Feel it. It's one hundred percent cedar—some of the smoothest wood you'll ever find."

Kloud touched it, and his golden rings pulsed in wonder. The wood was soft. Deceivingly soft. Whatever pokémon carved this—assuming it was a pokémon—really knew their craft. 

After getting a good feel for it, he slid it back over to the Meowstic, who promptly set it in his bag again.

"What's it do, by the way? The flute, I mean?"

Phosfurr fiddled with the tuft of hair on his head sheepishly. "For now, we're calling it the pokéflute. The melodies it creates can wake any pokémon from a naturally-induced slumber—or sleep, put simply. We're not sure if it can do much else..." 

His eyes trailed at the bag, tracing the outline of the instrument. 

"But that's the beauty of experiments, I suppose. I'm sure we'll learn more later on."

A pokéflute? Quite a literal name, Kloud reasoned, but at least it made sense. Eventually, his eyes found the harmonica.

"Is that also magical?"

"Oh? This harmonica?" Phosfurr reached out and held the small instrument gently. After watching the Umbreon nod, he shook his head enthusiastically. "Nope, this one here's mine. You asked if I had any other hobbies, and although I'm not too great yet..."

Kloud cut him off by leaning his face closer. Dark ruby eyes focused on the tool first, then stared into the scientist's navy blue cheeks.  

Phosfurr's face warmed. He shuffled deeper into his chair, avoiding those bright eyes. 

"You're absolutely playing that for me next time I visit your lab," Kloud purred. "If you're not busy, of course."

White fangs flashed playfully as Phosfurr turned again. Toying with scientists from the Elpi never got old; they were the easiest pokémon to fluster. 

"Y-You, um..." The Meowstic slowly gathered himself. "You know my schedule, Kloud. Stop by anytime; you're always welcome!"

Phosfurr adjusted the red scarf along his neck. He shot a glance behind Kloud, scanning the booth the Umbreon came from. It looked empty from his perspective, but he could have sworn he saw Kloud talking to someone before he left. 

He'd resisted asking until now, but his curiosity finally got the better of him. 

"Say, Kloud? Mind if I ask you a question?"

Kloud had a feeling he knew what was coming. "Go right ahead."

"Did, um..." Phosfurr locked onto his eyes. Kloud didn't blink. "Is Saphero here, too?"

"Yeah." No point in lying. "He's still at our booth. Scared of his big speech today... you know how he is."

Phosfurr hesitantly nodded. "Ah, that checks out. I believe it's the model... T-1843, was it? I can see how that could be stressful for him." Kloud and Phosfurr dropped their smiles.

For Kloud, it was always hard seeing his buddy so stressed out. It didn't take much to frighten the Espeon, sure, but it had been a while since he'd seen Saphero this paranoid.

Phosfurr, he suspected, was concerned for other reasons. Before he could tackle the elephant head-on, Phosfurr beat him to the chase. "Is he still, uh, y'know..."

"Yeah," Kloud sighed. "But he'll get over it. He just needs more time, is all. It's really nothing against you." The last part may have been a white lie, but Kloud wouldn't let that slip. He wasn't ready for whatever conversation that could generate.

"Of course..." Phosfurr smiled again, but it didn't seem as happy now. "I won't pretend like I'm not a little sad, but I respect his choice. I'll always be here when—if he wants to talk again." The way he said 'if' had Kloud wincing internally. 

The Umbreon nodded affirmingly, but he couldn't find any further words of comfort. He wished the two could talk it out and squash the beef between them, but that idea seemed Farfetch'd from happening anytime soon.

They sat silently for ten long seconds before a loud voice over a microphone proclaimed: 

"Order 0-1-4 for Phosfurr!" 

Both 'mon perked up, with Phosfurr grabbing his bag and offering his hand.

"Whelp, I'm a to-go! Catch you at the expo in an hour, I'm guessing?"

"Ha, you bet!" Kloud shook it, rising from his chair and stretching those legs. So Phosfurr did plan on going? Neat. At least now he could warn Saphero, if the Espeon asked. "It was a pleasure. Thanks," he added after a final bow. 

Phosfurr nodded, returning his bow, and the Umbreon turned and pranced back to his booth.

He wasn't sure how long he'd been gone, but the moment he swung around the long booth, Saphero's voice whispered to him.

...from underneath the table.

"Kloud, psstt, down here." Kloud slid into the long seat and looked down. Low and behold, a pair of purple eyes were gazing up at him. It reminded him of a scene he'd read in a not-so-wholesome comic book as a kid, but he tried to repel the similarities as soon as they arrived.

"Saph, what in Arceus' name..."

"Is the coast clear?"

Kloud face-palmed. "Yes, Saph. You can come up." Five seconds later, the Espeon was back to sitting like normal—albeit with a patch of dust staining his otherwise velvety chest. Kloud instinctively reached out to brush it off. "Did you really have to hide on the floor?"

"I couldn't risk him seeing me..." Saphero whined.

Kloud sighed. He had a lot more he wanted to say, but that could wait until after the expo. Besides, the frown on his friend's face was beginning to pull on his heart.

"Saph-Saph..." The Espeon looked up. Kloud waited before grabbing his paws—two seconds. "You're gonna be fine. I'll be there, front row, just like I always am. Nothing's gonna happen to you—pinky-promise." 

The line sounded sappy, but it was warranted. Saphero appreciated it, too. 

Small, pink cheeks puffed warmly. "I'm glad I have you, Kloud."

"I'm glad you have me, too." Kloud winked. He let his paws wander on Saphero's for a moment longer before a chippy barista came barreling towards them again. 

It wasn't hard to spot the strawberry poffin even before it slid on the table.

"Ta-da! Freshly made—and don't worry, it's on the house!" Sparky took his place next to Kloud again. The Umbreon naturally scooted over, but the Furret was already leaning against him as he reached over the table and poked Saphero's forehead gem. "So you better enjoy it! Poffins are scientifically proven to help amazing Espeon before their big speeches, so I made them just for you!"

Saphero recoiled a little, but he was smiling nevertheless. "Oh, Sparky, you seriously didn't have to do that," he mused. Truth be told, he wasn't feeling particularly hungry at the moment, but he wouldn't dare refuse such a kind gesture. 

Besides, one little cookie never hurt. 

"Thank you."

"Nah, it's nothin'!" 

Sparky sat back in his seat. Kloud could smell the warm icing and fresh dough leaking from the Furret's fur—a beautiful combination. The moment Saphero took a bite, pushing his now room-temperature iced coffee aside, his eyes lit up. 

He tore another piece off almost immediately, nibbling it curiously. "Sparky, this is amazing!"

The Furret squeaked. He was hoping Saphero would say that. "Woohoo, I knew you'd like it!" He reached for the plate and grabbed a smaller piece for Kloud. "Here, Kloud, try a bite!" He held it out confidently.

Not one to protest, Kloud took the piece and ate it whole. ...and, yeah, it was pretty amazing. The flavor ran down his tongue with every crunch. "You made this?"

Sparky nodded, noticing the Umbreon's smile of appraisal as he licked his lips clean. "Mhm! Made the batch last night and froze the dough overnight! I wasn't sure how they'd turn out, but I tried my best!"

"Well, I extend my compliments to the chef." 

The purr in Kloud's voice had Sparky's little heart fluttering. The ferret grinned ear-to-ear, watching the two nibble their poffins down with a half-restrained pride.

11:00 a.m.  

Kloud watched the long clock as they ate. Only an hour left before the expo.

He thought about the places he could take Saphero after the museum. 

The movies?

Although compelling, none of the movies out now screamed 'Saphero friendly'. A film about a killing game with sixteen pokémon piqued Kloud's interest, but he wasn't sure the Espeon could handle it.

Not in theaters, at least. 

The bar?

More of a joke, but if lightning struck twice and the emergency sprinklers flooded the entire stage, maybe it wouldn't be such a bad idea?

Ice cream? Circus? 

He licked his lips. There was exactly one circus in the entirety of Sylva Skies, located in the Lotus Falls district. He had wonderful memories of him and Saphero trotting around there together as Eevees, sneaking into shows and (much to Saphero's displeasure) scamming the scam booth workers. 

Good times. 

There was one Lilligant in particular who Kloud remembered vividly. She was obsessed with convincing the two Eevees to play her overpriced, borderline impossible game: break three moving plates with only two balls. 

Yeah, not possible.

Kloud still remembered the look on Saphero's face when he used his amulet for the first time, giving that scammer a taste of her own medicine...


"Yeah, no way miss! We're not playing!" a little Eevee huffed, turning away and closing his eyes smugly.

Kloud, prideful as he was, could sense the scam from a mile away. It wasn't until he noticed his smaller friend obsessing over a dragon plush—bright, red and blue fur with tiny wings—that he hesitated. 

"Ma'am, can we pretty-please buy it instead!" Saphero squeaked innocently. His tail wagged back and forth, creamy brown paws perching on the booth to get a closer look.

Were all science-kids into dragons or something?

The Lilligant smiled at the younger Eevee, shaking her head. 

"Nope! If you want the prize, kid, you gotta play the game!"

Saphero frowned, and Kloud uncrossed his arms. He glared at the Lilligant—and not just because she made Saphero upset. 

"Why not? Just let us buy it!" 

"Nope, tough luck. Play or no prize." 

She smirked, and Kloud growled. Saphero hung his head low, walking past larger Eevee and dragging his tail against him. 

"It's okay, Kloud. Let's just go—"

"No! I'm getting you that plushie, Saph." 

The Lilligant liked the sound of that. She unfolded her arms, grabbing the plushie from the top shelf and putting it on the counter. 

Tempting them, obviously. Holding the impossible prize over their heads. 

"That's the spirit! Ten bits per play—I'm assuming you'll be the one taking a crack at it, hotshot?"

Hotshot. Cute. Kloud counted the money they had on hand... Only twenty bits left. That was two plays max. He knew winning was impossible, but he had another idea.

He hid his smirk and slid ten bits onto the table. 

"May I feel the prize first, ma'am? Just for a second?"

"For an extra five bits, sure." 

Kloud groaned, sliding the extra money over. In exchange, the Lilligant placed the plushie in his arms, counting down from five...






Kloud's necklace glowed. His amulet spurred with life, and by the time he returned the oversized plushie, his plan was in motion. 

"No more stalling. It's time to throw the balls!"

Kloud nodded, and then proceeded to throw the game on purpose. Not even a single plate. 

The grass-type pocketed their money with a smile, trying to tempt Kloud to play again. Knowing they were down to five bits, Kloud and Saphero made the 'difficult' decision of walking away, the smaller Eevee completely clueless as to what his friend was up to...

Until, twenty or so yards away, Kloud stopped.

"Hey, Saph. Close your eyes."


"Oh, no reason..." 

The smaller Eevee huffed, closing his eyes slowly...


And then a big, fluffy dragon plush was placed in his paws. 

"Ta-da! See, I told you I'd win it for you, Saph!"


Kloud smiled at the memory. Saphero still had that plush to this day, buried somewhere in his room behind a row of books and notes. 

Surely if he asked about it, Saphero would know exactly where it was. The Espeon kept tabs on everything, after all—

"He's over here, sir!"

A gruff voice entered the shop, tearing Kloud away from his thoughts. Saphero and Sparky twitched in their seats, and Kloud glanced at the door to find a Gallade pointing at him. 

Directly at him. 

Sir Aeru?

"Second booth on the right against the wall."

The pokémon was talking to someone they couldn't see. Kloud straightened in his booth and narrowed his eyes. 

Three seconds.

A new shadow appeared at the front entrance. Kloud's muscles tensed. Heart slowing. The newcomer wore a long black cloak and scarf that covered his entire body, pausing to steal a final look at the Gallade. 

"That him, Aeru?"

"That's the one, Lord Hydra." 

The scene played out like a movie. The Gallade stepped aside, allowing the newcomer a pathway. When the Lucario's eyes found the Umbreon, they locked on him. 

Thump, thump, thump.

Kloud's heart pounded against his chest as he faced his leader. He held his head high, eyes unblinking, until...

"Kloud," Hydra finally spoke. "May I request a word with you?"


"Quick, Inferno! Squeeze in!" 

An energetic Riolu scooched himself to the far end of the photo booth, tapping the screen with eager paws. The set was a bakery shop: fake tiaras, dramatic chef hats, and various flowers were among the prop choices.

The boy adjusted his pink tiara in the camera lens, watching the timer count down. The Blaziken ducked his way inside with three seconds to spare.


Inferno tidied himself, swooped an arm around the smaller pokémon, and smiled all in one motion. The machine buzzed, flashing the duo before resetting itself at five.

"Okay, okay! You wear this now!" Solus sang. 

Without warning—and after hitting the button to add suspense—the Riolu swapped his tiara for the Blaziken's chef hat. They finished posing with only two seconds to spare, a second 'flash' preceding a wave of giggles.

"Ahh, Solus, I think my eyes were closed. We'll have to do another one."

"They were not!" Solus laughed, holding Inferno's arm before standing up again. "Let's do another one. But first, new props..."

Today marked Solus's first-ever trip to the circus. A long day of playing festival games, watching performances, and nibbling down salted peanuts had the Riolu's brain swirling with energy.

And cotton candy. A brain and stomach swirling with cotton candy. 

Their last, most important stop of the day was the photobooth. Memories were great and all, but pictures of memories made them last forever.

"Mmm... Okay, got it!" Solus traded the chef hat for a classic red rose. He stuck the stem between his ears, crawling on top of the Blaziken's lap and setting his satchel to the side. "You hit it this time, Inferno!"

Inferno smirked, reaching out to tap the screen. 





The best of the three. Solus's cheeky smile stole the show, and Inferno gave the Riolu a cute set of bunny ears just as the lens clicked. 

"Perfect," Inferno purred. He sorted through all three images on the screen, ruffling Solus's head with his free paw. "I love them all, Sol."

"Me, too!" Solus cheered. He jabbed an elbow into the fire-type, sneaking a look over his shoulder. "Totally not cool on the bunny ears!" 

"Guilty as charged."   

They swiped the screen for another minute before Solus peeked his head through the curtains. The photo booths were only two pokémon per session, but there were no workers around. No bystanders in line...

Why not get a group photo? 

"Wanna join us, Pixie?"

The Sylveon debated the question for half of a zeptosecond.

"On the way!" She brushed a paw through her fur and trotted up to the booth. 

Solus grabbed his satchel, holding it on his lap as he squeezed next to Inferno. Pixie gracefully jumped into the booth, noticing the cheap CGI backdrop and silly props right away. 

Pink ribbons waved happily. "We'll have to take pictures at my father's bakery, next!"

"That's assuming he'll let me back there after today," Inferno said with a giggle. Pixie looked at him, smirking wider than a Stunfisk.  

"Oh, Inferno, don't be dramatic! He loves you!" 

Pixie wrapped a feeler around the Blaziken's arm, holding it there long enough to grab a blue tiara. She adjusted the crown along her head and sat on the other side of Solus.

The Riolu squeezed between them. Pixie's sweet, rose-inspired scent washed over him, and Inferno's warmth hugged him closer. His heart thumped happily, the smile on his face growing tenfold as he wrapped an arm around them.

"Ready, guys?" he asked excitedly. Pixie nodded, her ribbons creeping and hugging both boys tightly. 


She was about to click the button, but Inferno stopped her. The Blaziken chuckled, removing his blue scarf before handing it over to Solus. 

A gift?

"All yours, buddy. Think it would look cute on you."

Solus grabbed the scarf, holding it between his paws. "For me? But... But why, Inferno?" Confusion clouded his brain more than the lingering sugar. 

"'Cause. Why not?" 

Pixie chimed in next. The Sylveon's voice was two—no, eight octaves above baseline. "Oh, Solus! Here, let me help you put it on—stay right there!" 

She maneuvered a free ribbon to help the Riolu organize himself.

The scarf slid over him with ease. Pixie compensated for the longer length by wrapping it an extra time around his neck. 

With a final tug, Solus beamed into the camera again. 

"Thank you, Inferno! Thanks, Pixie!" 

The Sylveon and Blaziken purred together, and Inferno finally hit the button on the screen. The countdown started. 

Three bright faces gazed into the camera. Their cheeks smooshed together as Solus flashed the camera a wink; Inferno formed a peace sign with his talons; and Pixie, creative as she was, coiled her ribbons above the Riolu's head to create a makeshift heart just as the lens flashed.


The picture turned out gorgeous. They jumped out of the booth one after the other, grins on all their faces as they circled up a few feet away. 

A new family conveniently took their place moments later. Another Riolu—though younger than Solus—surrounded by two older Lucario. Solus caught a brief glance at them before looking away. 

Inferno stretched an arm casually. "I don't mind waiting in line to get those if you two wanna wait here? Perhaps we can stop and grab ice cream on the way?" 

Ice cream! 

The thought had Solus licking his lips. "That sounds awesome! I'm down!" He looked at Pixie, tilting his head. 

Pixie cooed and nodded along. "You heard him, Inferno! Ice cream it is!" Pink ribbons danced around Solus as the Riolu jumped on happy paws. 

Precious, that Solus. 

The Sylveon glanced at the photo pick-up line, then blinked at Inferno. "You want us to walk with you, Inferno? Line looks a little long?" 

The Blaziken waved a paw. "Nah, it's no worries! You and Solus should go find a bench somewhere; I'll be back in a flash!" 

He leaned down to rub the Riolu's head, as well as sneak a little kiss to Pixie. Pixie reciprocated the gesture happily. 

"We'll be over here, hun!" Pixie chirped. Inferno gave her a thumbs up, reaching down for his scarf before he froze.

Solus was still wearing it. 

A smirk danced between his lips as he waved them off smoothly. 

Pixie watched the tall fire-type stroll away in the wind. Inferno... her lips still tingled from where he'd kissed her. When two soft paws patted her neck, she remembered the Riolu beside her. 

"I can't thank you enough, Pixie. For everything..."

The Sylveon blinked. She turned to her second favorite boy and kissed his cheek. "Oh, Solus! Don't thank us; we all needed the break!" 

She closed the distance between them. Their eyes synced perfectly, and Solus hardly flinched as a ribbon squeezed around his chest. 

"There's always room for a little fun! You spend so much time at the bakery, and helping Inferno and me, but all we want is for you to be happy!" 

She spoke with a love and warmth that few could match. Every syllable tickled his heart, and Solus tried (and failed) to mask the blush on his face as she pressed her forehead to his. 

10:34 a.m.

"T-Thanks, Pixie..."

The Sylveon smiled. "I love ya, Sol-Sol! And speaking of love..." Her eyes traced the scarf along his neck. 

Blue—so perfectly blue!

She already found Solus adorable, but the scarf brought out his fur. And his eyes. And everything. 

"I LOVE the way that scarf looks on you! Let's clean it up a little..." 

Solus gulped. That wasn't an offer. Pink paws worked with expert precision, tidying and putting the little Riolu through a miniature game of dress-up. 

...little tug here, kiss to that nose there, another pull down those sides...

"May as well ruffle the ol' fur a little, too! Picture-perfect!"

She licked one of her paws. Solus closed his eyes as pink pads worked their magic. 

Working in the beauty industry served Pixie well. Makeovers, styling, and pampering cute faces was among her regular duties. She always obsessed about staying tidy—even when the cameras weren't on her. 

"Ta-da! My Arceus, Solus—you're adorable!" she sang after a long pause. The tuft of fur on Solus's head now drooped between his eyes, completing his fluffy finish.  


Solus resisted the urge to touch his face. He smiled instead. "Ahh, how do you always make it feel so fluffy afterwards, Pixie?"

"Magic!" she replied. A cheesy wink made the Riolu snicker.   

They sat together for the next three minutes, watching crowds of pokémon come and go. Solus took the time to reminisce everything they'd done so far: a haunted mirror maze, indoor talent show, apple-bobbing contest, and a few fun (albeit scam) mini-game booths. 

Inferno especially disliked one booth in particular, run by a cocky Lilligant with a mouth too big for her manners. He tried breaking a few plates with two balls made of rubber, but he conceded after two attempts.

Poor Inferno. 

Speaking of the Blaziken, though, Solus scanned his eyes for him. Down the long dirt road, up and over a few rainbow-colored tents... 

He couldn't spot the commander in the crowd. What he did find, though, were two white and green blurs walking toward them. 

No, correction. Rushing full speed at them.

"Yo, Solus! Pixie!"

The Riolu and Sylveon stared at the silhouettes. When their faces got closer, Solus lit up. 

A Leafeon and Alolan Vulpix! 

"Maple! Crystal!"

The two girls skirted to a halt right before barreling into them. Pixie's ribbons were already extended, and Solus bounced back and forth as he waved feverishly.

"Hey, girls! It's been a while!" Solus sang. He flashed them each a playful wink.  

The Leafeon purred, extending her neck in a bow. "Likewise! It's so nice to see you again, Solus!" Around her neck was a brown satchel—much like Solus's, albeit smaller around the edges. 

More like a purse, if anything. 

Her Vulpix companion was jumping up and down on eager paws. When those wandering eyes landed on the Riolu, her smirk widened. 

"Solus!" Crystal squealed. 

"Uh oh..." Solus gulped. He sensed danger on the horizon.

"I've missed you two so, SO much!" Two seconds later, white paws tore through the grass in pursuit of them. 

Pixie braced herself: she knew how to handle this. Once the small pokémon was in range, she closed her feelers and twirled the white fox around—that did the trick. 

Pixie and Crystal giggled together, sharing a little nose-rub before the fox was lowered again. 





Sky blue eyes turned to the Riolu. Solus's heart dropped; he took a deep breath, but it was promptly knocked from his lungs as Crystal launched herself at him.


One by one the Riolu's ribs cracked. The ice-type had her face buried into him, squeezing his body with practiced paws. 

"I-I, uh, missed you too..."

Pixie and Maple shared a look, but there was no saving him now. Only Arceus could free Solus from that grip. 

Pixie walked up to the Leafeon after a short pause, bowing her head kindly. "Maple, you're looking lovely as ever! You're even more gorgeous than the last time I saw you—and you were beautiful then, too!"

"Oh, Pixie..." Maple hummed. Still the same effusive Sylveon as before. "You're too kind. I've missed you, too!" 

A pink ribbon circled around her. Pixie wrapped the Leafeon in a tight hug, taking a seat beside her. "What brings you girls here—to the circus, I mean? If Inferno and I knew you were coming, we would have invited you along!" 

A fair question. Maple tightened the bag around her shoulders, scratching the back of her neck. "It's, uh... a long story, actually. You got a minute?" 

Did Pixie have a minute? 


Yes, she did. 

"As long as you need!" An exclamation point made of ribbons formed above the fairy-type's head. 

Maple sucked a breath through her fangs. "It involves the Amethyst Elpi. My father asked me to sit in on a meeting they're having today—an expo, he called it. Don't get me wrong: it's an honor to go in his place! I guess I'm just a little..."

"Overwhelmed?" Pixie guessed.

Maple nodded coyly. "Yeah, that's the word."

They stared at each other. 

Seconds turned into minutes, and Maple couldn't help but marvel at the model in front of her. 

Pixie was perfect by every stretch of the world. Standing next to the celebrity felt wrong. Undeserved. That glowing pink face, slender curves, perfect fur...

'If only I was perfect, too.'

When a soft ribbon dragged across the top of her head, Maple finally looked up. 

"Oh, Maple, I'm sure you'll do great!" Pixie chimed. She rubbed the Leafeon's head-leaf, pressing their bodies closer. "It sounds to me like Draxue trusts you—which he should, since you're A-W-E-S-O-M-E!" 

Pixie spelled every letter out dramatically.

Maple smiled and covered her lips. "You really haven't changed, huh Pixie?"

"Nope!" An 'x' formed above her head. "And you shouldn't, either! You're perfect, Maple, just the way you are!" 

They hugged for a full minute. Maple braved a glance at her friend; Crystal had the Riolu on the ground, her nose digging into his scarf.

"Solus, this scarf looks oh-so cute on you! I love it!"

"P-Please, help..."

Maple and Pixie pretended not to hear him.

Pixie smiled, sucking tense air through her lungs. "You're still young, Maple. You'll make a great leader one day—I know you will. But sometimes, you just gotta take a deep breath. Live a little, make memories, have fun..." 

The tone switch caught Maple off-guard. The Leafeon looked at her—Pixie was being serious. 

That's a first...

"Maybe you're right..." 

A cloud passed by overhead. Then another. One of them looked like a computer, and another resembled a hammer. Maple transformed the various shapes in her mind as she leaned against Pixie. 

"Guess life moves a bit quick sometimes, is all," she finished with a low whisper. 

The days of cloud-watching with Crystal when they were kids came back to her. Brown and white tails intertwined, the wind against their backs.

She and Crystal were one of three countesses in Sylva Skies. Draxue and Celestia, their respective parents, owned two separate districts: the Galena Collis and the Creedite Woodlands, respectively. 

When news broke of the Garchomp and Alolan Vulpix having offspring of their own, the two leaders were quick to schedule a day to meet. 

Or, rather, for their daughters to meet.

Maple and Crystal: the next generation of leaders!

Born two years apart. Maple remembered the small Vulpix stammering over every word when they were younger, barely keeping a smile...

Over a decade later, they were practically sisters.

Funny how time changes pokémon.

Pixie's voice drew her mind away from the clouds. "Inferno and I are here for you, too. We live in the Collis, after all, so if you ever wanna crash out with Solus and us for a few weekends..." Pixie was still talking, but Maple zoned out temporarily.

Something the Sylveon said reminded her of something important... or rather, someone important. When the fairy-type stopped talking, it clicked.

"Wait, sorry—Master Inferno? Is he here?"

At the name Inferno, a sporadic Vulpix perked up. Her... victim was sitting up again, his face paler than a ghost-type.

"Is Inferno here, too!" she squeaked. The white Vulpix squeezed herself between Maple and Pixie. 

Pixie rubbed the little gremlin's head. "Yep! He should be somewhere down there... grabbing a few pictures, I believe!" She pointed a paw down the dirt road. 

Dozens of pokémon flooded the various booths. Trying to locate the Blaziken proved pointless, and after a small shrug, Pixie folded her ribbons. 

"If you stick around, I'm sure he'd love to say hi!" 

Maple and Crystal chirped simultaneously. "Of course!" They beamed at each other.  

In Maple's case, Inferno was her mentor. He'd been training her for well over two years now, and it was how she met Solus and Pixie—or, well, how she met Solus. Pixie had her face plastered on enough make-up brands and products around the Galena Collis that every pokémon vaguely knew her.   

 In Crystal's case, the Blaziken owed her a hug or two (or six).

"Maybe we can all get a picture together?"

All three girls looked at Solus. He could feel kiss marks on his chest and between his eyes, and all over his body. "If you guys have time, of course?" 

Quiet ruby eyes looked to Maple. 

"I'm down!" Maple purred. She turned to the Vulpix. "Crystal, how about it? A picture before the road?" 

The question was rhetorical. 

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" Crystal squeaked. She brushed her tail against Pixie, tapping the fairy-type eagerly. "You wanna join us, too?"

Pixie thought about it. All three pairs of eyes were on her. On one hand, a picture sounded cute—and she liked cute! She was almost tempted to say yes, but after a short giggle and wave of her feelers, she turned it down. 

"Nah, you three have fun! I'll wait here for Inferno to get back!"

"Oh? Are you sure, Pixie?" Maple tilted her head. All being considered, she wanted a picture or two with Pixie. "We can just wait for Inferno together first? We still have an hour to kill..."

"No, no, you three go have fun! Solus hasn't seen you guys for a while, and a picture of just you three sounds too cute to pass up!" She wrapped a ribbon around all three of them for emphasis. 

Maple conceded after a long stare. If Pixie wanted to stay back, she'd respect the decision.

Solus stepped forward first. The Riolu stretched his arms carefully, wary of the far-too-innocent face Crystal was giving him. He couldn't prove it, but he swore she was the devil. A demon who killed through hugging and smothering you to death. He looked at Pixie.

"We'll come back here when we're done, 'kay?" He flashed her one of his classic winks. Pixie found it adorable every time.

"Will do! Go have fun, you three!" 

The Sylveon waved them off three seconds later, making herself comfortable. Up ahead, she spotted the same family from before leaving the booth: two Lucario with a little bundle of fur zooming between their legs. 

Pixie hadn't noticed the tiny Riolu kid before, and she watched the family for several long seconds...

Too long. She really oughta look away soon. But for some reason...

"Are we a family, too?"

The thought breached her mind. The words felt foreign as they ran down her tongue. 

A family? Like that one? 

The answer was obviously no. She and Inferno had only been dating for a week now, and Solus wasn't their...

She cleared her throat. For some reason, finishing that thought tugged her heart the wrong way. 

Twelve years ago: the beginning of her modeling career. Year one of a four-year-long apprenticeship. Minutes before closing, she met Inferno and the Riolu for the first time at her father's bakery.

She remembered that day vividly...


"Excuse me, sir?" Inferno had a coin tucked between his talons. Fifty bits. The Arcanine behind the counter stared at him—then grunted.


"This is short notice, but..." He motioned to the sleeping Riolu latched around his neck. His eyes were pleading as he extended the coin forward. "I'm a defender from the Collis, and I have to meet down at the Falls. It's urgent, but I can't take him with me..."

The Arcanine glared at him. They closed in under ten minutes—a trip to the Falls would take at least an hour, and that was only to get there.

He sighed. "I'm sorry, pal, but we close soon. Have you tried the other shops in the area? There's a sandwich shop only a half-mile down the woods—"

"Everywhere else is closed!" he pleaded. The Riolu around his neck stirred; Solus was a heavy sleeper, but they'd been traveling for miles. 

Inferno waved the money again. "I can pay you more than this if you need! I promise, I'll be quick—just an hour or two."

Ignus was hesitant to speak. The Blaziken looked hopeful, and the Riolu curled around him looked harmless. He closed his eyes and thought hard about the decision... but to his surprise, he didn't need to say anything.

"I'll watch him, Dad!"

Pixie emerged from the kitchen wearing a small chef hat. She looked at the Blaziken and Riolu duo, then jumped next to the Arcanine. Her dad gave her a thoughtful, long look, but ultimately sighed.

Then those white fangs curled warmly. 

"Whelp, you heard her. You can leave the kid here."

It all happened so fast. Without many words to say, as well as needing to leave for Lotus Falls as soon as possible, Inferno grabbed the Riolu by his arms and maneuvered him onto the Arcanine's pelt.

The defender let out a low, relieved exhale. "Thank you, you two! I'll be back soon—"

"No worries! We'll take care of him!" Pixie jumped on the counter and pressed her face close. She stared into his eyes. "You have my word. Now go!"

Inferno stared at the Sylveon... specifically her eyes. They were bright—confident. He found himself unable to look away. 


When the gravity of the emergency settled in again, he bowed and offered a final wave. Smooth talons dropped the fifty bits on the counter before he rushed out of the bakery...

Five hours.

The trip took five hours in total. It was well past three in the morning when those glass doors slipped open again. Expecting to find an irritated Arcanine and betrayed Sylveon, he was surprised to see the trio sitting at a table decorating poképuffs.

The Arcanine helped Solus spell out names on all the cookies, and Pixie switched from hugging the small kid to moving his paws along the icing with her feelers. All three looked up when he entered the building.

"I'm... I'm so, so sorry..." Inferno started. He was looking at the Arcanine specifically, but he was surprised to see the fellow fire-type chuckle in response.

"No need to apologize. You had to do your job." He looked over at his daughter. She was smiling at him. He focused back on the Blaziken, nodding his head reassuringly. "It was the right thing to do. We don't need your money, either." He slid the fifty bits back on the table.

Before Inferno could walk up and grab it, a Riolu was staring into his eyes.

"INFERNO!" Solus cut in, zooming from his chair and jumping into the Blaziken's arms. Inferno's face lightened immediately; he hugged the little gremlin nice and tight, twirling him around the air.

"Hehe, hey, buddy! Sorry that took so long." He ruffled Solus's head tuft. To his surprise, he noticed how smooth the fur looked; like it had recently been brushed and stylized.

"Daww..." Pixie whispered, but it was loud enough for all three of them to hear. She stepped forward from her chair, jumping on the table next to Inferno. She had the coin tangled up in one of her ribbons and offered it to him. "Before you forget..."

He hesitated to take the money back. On the one hand, he felt terrible for making two random pokémon spend five hours of their night watching over a kid that wasn't even theirs... but on the other hand, they were offering.

He took it with an appreciative smile. "You guys... I really don't know what to say."

Pixie hummed for a moment. When the Blaziken looked at her, she sat down on the table and offered him an innocent wink. "Maybe your name, for starters."


A single tear fell from her eye. Just as the new trio made their way into the booth, a sneaky voice startled her from behind.

"Heyo, Pix! Where's Solus?"

The Sylveon turned, wiped an eye happily, and proceeded to point toward the photo booth. Inferno was back just a minute too late. Pixie was still elated to see him.

"Maple and Crystal are here, too! They're all taking a picture together."

Inferno hummed. He studied the Sylveon's eyes—they were gorgeous. Just as beautiful as the day he fell in love with her. He sat down on his knees, showing Pixie the various pictures as well as the scarf he bought Solus. The scarf explained why it took so long, and Pixie eagerly anticipated Solus's reaction when he saw it.

When they organized all four pictures, Pixie sat down beside him. A soft feeler wrapped around his side, keeping him close. She leaned her head against his shoulder.



He snuck his talon around her. They giggled before falling quiet again, and Pixie glanced at the final picture one last time: all three of them, with Solus's bright smile infecting the digital square.

She leaned back, taking a nice, happy exhale before staring into Inferno's eyes.

"I love you."

From inside the photo booth, three happy faces were staring into the lens.







"Let me make sure I have this straight..." Kloud pinched his eyes between the two. A Gallade and Lucario—his supervisor and leader respectively. "You want me to play door service during the expo today? Nothing else?"


"And when the criminals arrive, I'm supposed to... let them inside?"


Kloud sighed. He wasn't sure how much he liked this plan. Letting criminals into a facility was usually the opposite of his job. 

He was a defender, not a tour guide.

"You sure I can't just apprehend them instead?" the Umbreon mused. "It's just a few low-life thieves. They won't stand a chance against me—"

"No. You are to stick to the plan." The Lucario narrowed his eyes.

A chill ran down Kloud's spine. Talking back to Hydra, the leader of the Amethyst Elpi, was an unwise decision.

Kloud bit his tongue, bowing two seconds later. "Yes, sir. My apologies."

"No need." He held up a paw. Silence, and then a drawn out breath. "Now, allow me to recap our plan."

The jackal's eyes trailed to the Gallade—Aeru, his right-hand general. The two shared a knowing nod. 

"Aeru. You're on exhibit duty. I've contacted Draxue, and he's assigning three of his defenders in the area to assist you inside. They'll remain undercover, but you can contact them via an earpiece. I'll provide you with anything else before we depart."

"Yes, sir." The Gallade bowed cordially.

Hydra smiled. "I'm counting on you to guard the vault. Exhibit Three, first floor. I can guarantee that's what they're after..." He paused. "I saw it clearly in my vision."

A brief tension cut the air. Kloud waited his turn, noting Hydra's amulet in the process.


The Lucario wore it like a necklace—much like himself, albeit with a longer chain and different color. Hydra's amulet reflected the colors of the ocean, sparkling with mystical shades of blue that absorbed the sunlight perfectly.

The ability to see into the future.

Kloud remembered Saphero explaining it once.

Sylva Skies was split off into four districts. Each district had its leader, and each leader inherited an amulet. In Hydra's case, the Amethyst Elpi entrusted him with the Amulet of Foresight, a powerful piece of magic that did exactly what it suggested.

Since the Elpi revolved around science and discovery, it only made sense that their amulet would center around precognition.

Kloud kept his lips sealed, watching the Lucario face him again.

"Kloud. You'll wait at the front entrance. Expected occupancy is around fifty to fifty-eight guests. When you see the two targets, let them through and give Aeru the signal." His eyes drew over the Umbreon cautiously. "You remember their profiles, correct?"

Kloud nodded. "A Jolteon and a Gro... Grovel? The green one."

"Grovyle," Hydra corrected.

Kloud nodded. "Grovyle, yep. Got it—I'll radio Aeru once they make it through!" He kept his chin raised, eyes bright.

He may be stuck on door duty, but this was the first mission Hydra had ever given him directly. Compared to his daily chores and the (occasional) special tasks Aeru posted on the community bulletin boards, this job felt top-secret.

"As for me," Hydra started, pointing at himself. "My amulet is guiding me elsewhere. It won't take long, but I can't guarantee my assistance if things get messy. Kloud, Aeru, I'm resting my faith in your hands."

"Don't worry, sir," Aeru spoke up. He held a blade over his chest. "We outnumber them five to two. Once they enter the exhibit, we'll deal with them discretely and promptly. No bystander will get involved."

That was the plan, at least. Remove the criminals without making a scene. The museum was a sacred temple, with some pillars and stones stretching centuries into the future. If any fight were to break out, or if any bystander at the expo/otherwise caught wind and panicked, they'd have a whole new problem to worry about.

Hydra nodded and reached for the bag at his feet. "The museum will be in good hands." He grabbed two thin earpieces, clicking each one on and handing it to them individually.

Kloud stuck the small metal behind his amulet, while Aeru popped it in his ear. They nodded once they were finished.

"These are connected through a private channel," Hydra continued. "Leave them turned on, and I'll ask Draxue to connect the other three."

"Will do." Kloud nodded. Adrenaline rushed through his veins.

"We have exactly thirty minutes to station ourselves. Twenty-five after that before the expo begins..." The Lucario took a slow, relaxed breath.

The plan was set into motion. He reached down and grabbed an earpiece of his own, holding it in his paw for the time being.

"I suggest we depart soon. Do either of you two have any final questions?" Hydra waited for their reply before zipping his bag closed. They were huddled across the street from Coma Coffee, talking in a discrete alleyway.

Kloud looked at his supervisor, then back at his leader. No question came to mind.

"Nah, I think I'm ready." That classic smirk rose to Kloud's lips again. He ducked his head one final time, swishing his tail to the side. "I won't let you down, sir."

"All good on my end, too," Aeru added, smiling dimly. "You ready, Kloud?"

The Umbreon needed no further push. He turned and followed the Gallade to the sidewalk, parting Hydra with a final wave.


The Lucario watched them disappear. Five seconds, ten, thirty...

"Alright..." he murmured. Long enough. He peaked his head from the alleyway; the coast was clear. Nobody else was around.

He opened his palm again, stuffing the cheap earpiece into his right side.

Come on, pick up...

His amulet flashed. A brief buzz of static came through, followed by a thin, distorted voice. He whispered urgently.

"Do you copy, Firenze?"

No response. The static was overbearing, but Hydra focused hard until a brief, clear sound came through.


"Did you receive my instructions?"

Three miles away, a masked pokémon stood perched atop an abandoned rooftop. A hood cloaked his entire face, and he was holding an earpiece with his right hand.

"Yeah, I got them. I'm in position now."

The voice on the other line was quiet. He waited for the Lucario to speak again, and that came after five long seconds.

"My amulet is never wrong. I don't know what it means, but I have a feeling I know who's behind it..." The voice trailed. He waited for Hydra to finish.

"I'll need at least thirty minutes."

The masked figure looked down at the bright streets of Amethyst Elpi, a thin smile parting his lips.

"Don't sweat it, Hydra. You can count on me."

"I always do."

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