I fix my school uniform and look at myself in the mirror. I tie a red bow around my neck and I put on a yellow sweater without sleeves, covering in part my white t-shirt, under it. I also check that my gray skirt is alright and I run outside, out of my room.
Outside the door I find two little yokai waiting for me...with my socks and my shoes in their hands. I take the sock and the shoes, giving them some candies in return <<thank you guys, now I have to go>> and I immediately run toward the dojo. I put on only my socks, and i leave the shoes outside <<sorry!>> and I enter inside the dojo. Chizuru sighs <<you're late>> and she walks toward me, ruffling my short hair <<you cut your hair again?>> I nod <<yeah, if they become too long it will be annoying>> she chuckles and cross her arms <<then it's best if Kejoro doesn't see you, she will be furious, because she always says that she want to see you with long hair someday>> I roll my eyes annoyed <<yeah yeah, I know. she's been hiding the scissors in the house for years>> she laughs <<yes, but Kappa always puts them back in their place, right?>> I grin <<what can i say? he agrees with me, long hair gets in the way if you have to fight>> she shrugs and grab her long hair, tied in a braid <<yes, but you don't need to always cut them you know? Well, it doesn't matter.'s too late to train with swords so...>> I interrupt her puzzled <<but...we still have time before school>> she shakes her head <<Nurarihyon wants to speak with you and your brother in the common room. There is a meeting right now between the clan's leaders...and i bet that it's important so hurry up>> I nod curious <<okay...then it's best if i go now>> she nods and hug me <<good>> I hug her back and run away.
I arrive in front of the common room's door and I look inside. The room is really big, and near the walls there are many demons...the most powerful yokai of the Nura clan, who rule around our territory. Grandpa is sitting in front of everyone with Rikuo next to him.
Grandpa smiles at me <<oh! there you are, come closer and sit at my side. Today is an important day>> and he pats the empty place near him. I nod, looking worried at Rikuo...who is looking down with a troubled expression on his face. he's been sad and worried since yesterday, when he came home from school...i wonder what happened. Mum said to leave him alone for now, because...if he want, he can come himself to talk with us about it.
I sit near grandpa, and in the meanwhile the demons in the room are talking lively among themselves. Grandpa clears his throat, and everyone in the room shut up immediately. Grandpa smiles <<good day to you all, how's everyone doing recently?>> and a monkey yokai shakes his head <<ehh not so good lately, humans don't get scared so easily anymore. However, supreme commander...why you gather us here today?>> grandpa smirks <<i was just thinking that it's time...i have to choose someone as the third>> every demons smile pleased for the news, but one in particular was smiling more than the others. Gagoze is a terrifying yokai, with green skin and a mouth full of big fangs...and his figure is covered with a brown cloak.
Gagoze smiles <<this is really a good news. it's already been a few years since the second long will the first continue to work even when he's retired? it's so sad>> and he chuckles. I bit my lips annoyed...i don't really like yokai like him, so full of themselves.
A young and beautiful spider woman hugs Gagoze <<supreme commander, when it comes to evildoing...there's no one who can match Gagoze-sama! This year alone, all the child kidnappings were the work of the Gagoze group. I also heard that his wife killed many of them in the the good old days>> I freeze, outraged and furious. I try to answer, but grandpa puts a hand on my shoulder, stopping me. Gagoze pushes away the spider girl <<now now, sending large numbers of children down to hell is just my job>> and he nod satisfied, looking at me and Rikuo with the corner of his eyes. I glare at him, refusing to be intimated by him...but grandpa didn't even blink <<i see, it's seems you are working really hard Gagoze>> but then he puts his hands on my and Rikuo's shoulders << can't be you. Regarding the matter of the third...i thought I'd leave it to my brave grandson Rikuo...and my beautiful granddaughter will be his also Gyuki can retire too, and my grandchildren will rule together>> and he chuckles.
Everyone widen their eyes shocked, gasping stunned...especially Gagoze, who look at us shocked <<w..what?! The young master and the young mistress?!>> Mokugyo Daruma, an old yokai, looks amused at Gagoze <<what's the matter Gagoze? You don't look so good>> but Gagoze turns pale and shake his head <<<<'re imagining things>> and he looks angry at me and Rikuo.
I gulp <<that's...>> also Rikuo looks troubled <<wait grandpa...>> but grandpa smiles at us <<what's wrong? you're not happy? Rikuo, you always said that you wanted to be my successor with Riko at your side, right? Nothing can surpass my own blood, and you two resemble me...that's more than enough to acknowledge you both, right?>> I nod, looking worried at Rikuo who copied me slowly. Grandpa smiles and point at the demons in front of us <<good, then it's decided! Rikuo, for now on you are my successor, and Riko you're the vice-commander from now on...a demon becomes an adult at thirteen and you're already fourteen. Me and Gyuki will teach you what you will need to do and then you can immediately take his place>> but Rikuo jumps on his feet screaming <<no! I don't want this! if...if I have to be around these kind of guys from now on...everyone will just hate me even more!>> grandpa looks at him surprised <<Rikuo...>> but Rikuo continues to scream <<i didn't know that the yokai were such horrible being! And I'm not like you at all grandpa!>> and he runs away.
I jump on my feet <<i'm sorry grandpa>> and I bow my head <<but if Rikuo doesn't want to be the third, then...neither I will be the vice-commander. Don't get me wrong...but if I have to command cruel monsters like Gagoze then I don't want to command at all>> and I run away, following Rikuo.
I find him in the inner garden of the mansion...he's standing near a tree with his face down, and Tsurara and Kubinashi are looking worried at him from the engawa. I walk toward them <<i'll take care of him, don't worry>> Kubinashi nods <<young mistress, what happened?>> I shake my head << I have to speak with Rikuo>> and I walk toward him. I stop behind him <<Rikuo?>> he jumps surprised, and look at me upset <<big sister...i'm sorry. You wanted to be the vice-commander and rule with was your dream and now because of me...>> I hug him <<ssh, don't worry...i'm not angry. But later you have to apologize to grandpa, for screaming like that...alright?>> he nods and we sit on the ground. I wave at Tsurara and Kubinashi, letting them know that everything it's fine, so they both bow and go away. I look at Rikuo <<now...tell me what happened>> he nods <<i thought demons were cool and dad and grandpa, but at school everyone hates demons. When I tried to defend grandpa's name...they made fun of me, saying that Nurarihyon is only an old and grumpy yokai. I also tried to explain that he's our grandpa, but they called me a liar>> I caress his head <<this is why I told you not to tell around that he's our grandpa. But if it helps...i also didn't know that in the clan there are people like Gagoze, so I didn't accept grandpa's offer either>> he smiles a little, but then mum appears and come closer <<guys, if you don't go now you will be late for school...again>> we widen out eyes and jump on our feet <<crap!>> and we run away.
I exit quickly from the school, running across the street...toward Rikuo's school and the bus stop, so we can go home together. I arrive at the bus stop, seeing two of Rikuo's classmates teasing him. I recognize them immediately, because they are in Rikuo's class...they're Jiro Shima and Kiyotsugu Kiyojuji.
Kiyotsugu smirks toward Rikuo <<what's the matter little monster? You don't take the bus with us?>> and Jiro chuckles <<don't invite him! We might get attacked by yokai. That reminds me, his house is really old and falling to pieces. it's like a haunted house>> and they get on the bus...leaving Rikuo behind, who looks sad toward the ground.
I look at the scene furious, and then I run toward the bus getting on it. I run toward Kiyotsugu and Jiro, who are sitting in the back. I punch them on their head making them yelling in pain <<if I see again a scene like that you will answer to me! don't you ever dare treat Rikuo like that again!>> and I tried to punch them again, but Kana stops me <<Riko-san! forget about's not worth it>> I sigh and nod, but then the bus closes the doors and start to move.
I look around, noticing that Rikuo is not here, so I look outside the window...seeing that he's still outside, on the bus stop. I gasp, but Kana takes my arm and make me sit near the window. she sits near me <<i tried to convince him, but your brother said that he wants to walk home alone>> I put my back against the seat, sighing tired <<geez, thanks Kana>> and I take my phone from my school bag. I type Karasu Tengu number and put the phone near my ear. He answered immediately <<Riko-sama? What's the matter? Something happened?>> I sigh <<yes, Rikuo lost the bus. Can you go to him and take him home? it's gonna get dark soon>> he answers quickly <<of course! I will take him home safe and sound>> and he shut the call.
I put away the phone and the bus enters in a dark tunnel, but then everything begins to tremble and I heard a big rumble...two big rocks blocked the exits.
I quickly hug Kana, who screams terrified like the others...but due to a jolt I hit my head violently against the window, losing consciousness immediately after.
I feel someone shake me <<Riko-san! Riko-san! Wake up please!>> and slowly I open my eyes...seeing Kana above me who is crying and trembling. The tunnel is dark, and I sit up slowly...feeling my head throb, so I put a hand on it feeling something wet. I look at my hand seeing blood, but then I hear the children around us screaming scared...and I noticed that we're not in the bus anymore, but outside, beside it. Probably the children who are unhurt carried out the others outside the bus, because now it's upside-down and it's dangerous.
There is a strange fog around, and I see the others behind Shima. He has a torch in his hand...and he's looking at a strange group of people dressed in white. Everyone trembled scared, but I widen my eyes recognizing Gagoze at the head of the group. Gagoze looks around chuckling <<it seems that the tunnel didn't collapse completely, there are so many brats still alive...oh well, I suppose we'll just have to slaughter everyone>> and he laughs, scaring more the children. I take an iron pipe from the debris and run in front of everyone <<run! Hide behind the bus!>> and everyone run away, hiding behind what remain of the bus. Kiyotsugu screams really scared <<demons really exist! Run for your life!>> and he also hide himself with the others. Kana grabs my arm with tears in her eyes <<Riko-san let's run away!>> but I push her away <<go! I will join you later>> she tried to protest, but I interrupts her <<now!>> and she runs toward the others.
I walk forward, ready to fight <<Gagoze, what's the meaning of this? Who gave you the permission to attack someone in the main house's territory? And don't you dare say that it was grandpa!>> he smirks <<i see that one of our targets came directly between our fangs, you're really a nice kid>> I grit my teeth << want to kill me and Rikuo. You won't get away with this!>> he laughs <<really? And what are you going to do? Your beloved grandfather is not here, and even with the second's blood inside your veins you're still a little pathetic human brat. You gray existences are only scums! And you will never be one of us! you're not even real are alone in this world and this will never change!>> I tremble struck by his words...and they hurt like hell <<i...i don't...i can't...>> he laughs more loudly <<it's absurd that the old man really thought of entrusting the clan to two brats with mixed blood and not to me! After I kill you and your little brother, he will have no choice but to give the clan to me!>> and he launches himself toward me, ready to kill. But then, the wall near us explodes and someone takes me in his arms from behind. Gagoze's hand stops a few centimeters from my face...because now there is a red wire wrapped around his fingers, and it's stopping him. Kubinashi pulls the red wire in his hand, pulling Gagoze away from us <<don't you dare touch them>> and I look up, toward my savior's face. I widen my eyes seeing a really familiar face...but he's so different.
Rikuo's hair are long and raised...with two colors, white above and black under. His eyes are ruby-red, and he's also a little taller. He continues to hold me in his arms without difficult, and behind him i see many yokai. Rikuo looks with glacial eyes at Gagoze <<i hope you have a good explanation for this>> and he puts me gently on the ground. He takes the red haori from his shoulders and press it on my head <<hold still, this time...i will protect you>> i wince a little for the pain, but he gently takes my wrist and make me press the haori on my head alone.
He walks in front of me, and the curious children come out from their hideout, but then they scream more scared because some yokai from our side tried to help them. Chizuru, in her demoniac form, makes them hide again behind the bus. she also scolds the demons who tried to help them <<don't come closer! you all are scary looking>> and Rikuo nods agreeing with her. He notices his classmates and look at them <<she's right, but the important thing is that everyone is safe>> and he looks at Kana <<Kana-chan, if you're scared close your eyes>> and he takes out his katana. He looks at Chizuru and she nods, understanding his silent order. She gently but with decisively makes Kana and the others hide again.
Mokugyo Daruma asks angry << you have any idea of what you've done?!>> but Gagoze plays dumb <<what I've done? Only my job like always...i just attacked a group of children, that's all>> I yell angry <<he's lying! He wanted to kill us, making it all look like an accident!>> Rikuo frowns <<it's pretty obvious. Gagoze, you wanted to prove that you're a great demon by killing children? The true is that you wanted to eliminate me and my sister, for taking the position of the third for yourself>> he looks at him with disgust <<'re really a miserable and pitiful little bastard of a yokai>> and he puts a hand on his hip.
A furious yokai from Gagoze's group grabs Rikuo's collar...without understanding who is standing in front of him <<what was that asshole?! How dare you speak to Gagoze-sama like that?!>> Mokugyo Daruma tried to stop him <<wait! He is...!>> but the demon begins to tremble...and then he falls on the ground...dead. Mana licks her lips, moving her tail amused <<fool, don't touch Rikuo>> and Gagoze turns pale <<w..wait, you just said Rikuo?! So he was not in the bus? fuck! Kill him! And his stupid sister too!>> and the battle begins.
Aotabo, a big orc, with his strength he massacred quickly many Gagoze's minions...together with Kurotabou and the others. Also Chizuru killed many of them, using with mastery her katana.
In less than a minute Gagoze's group was killed, leaving alive only Gagoze <<this can't be clan being defeated like this. we've killed more than anyone here...we're the strongest fighting force...>> Chizuru looks at him with glacial eyes, making the gold inside them sparkle <<you're disgusting and hypocrite. You should be content to be part of the Nura clan, it's already more than you deserve>> and Aotabo nods <<Gagoze, you want to be the master of the yokai...because you killed countless numbers of humans. don't you have any pride? Give it up. This scheme of yours...even cutting your fingers won't atone for this>> but then Kana, Shima and Kiyotsugu come out from their hiding place...probably curious, but Gagoze saw them and attacks them immediately.
Gagoze laughs <<ah! Watch me!>> but then Rikuo, with an impressive speed, jumps between him and his friends, and he hits Gagoze in the face with his katana <<don't touch them with your filthy hands>> and Gagoze backs away, screaming for the pain. From his wound erupts a lot of blood, with a black fog <<th...that sword. Ah! How could I be beaten by a little brat like you?! What do you have that I don't?!>> and he continues to backs away...terrified <<when among all the yokai...i'm the most feared of all!>> Rikuo didn't even blink <<a child-devouring demon...that truly is fearsome. However, one that preys on the weak and kills them with this world of darkness, that demon is the least fearsome creature of all>> Gagoze gasps shocked.
Rikuo walks slowly toward him <<it's sad...that such a foolish creature would be among the ranks of my servants. Therefore...i will take on the position of the third! I'll never forgive anyone who will hurt humans! Tell this to all the demons of this world! I'm going to become the lord of all the monster and my sister will be my vice-commander! Together we will guide our clan!>> and with an attack he cuts Gagoze in half...killing him <<every single yokai will join our pandemonium that will fire up the night!>> and Gagoze's body disappears in a cloud of smoke.
The dawn begins to rise, and we all admire Rikuo...feeling powerful admiration and reverence for him...also Kana, Shima and Kiyotsugu admire him too, and Kiyotsugu whispers <<amazing...and yet he's so short>> and Shima nods <<he's so cool>> and Kana almost fainted <<so...monsters really exist>> and they passed out, relieved probably because they're still alive.
Rikuo walks toward me, but then he just fell on the ground unconscious. I scream scared and worried <<Rikuo!>> and I run toward him with the others. I quickly take him in my arms...but then I stop shocked, seeing that he's human again and he's sleeping. I blink a few times <<eh?!>> and Tsurara screams <<he's human again! Why?!>> and everyone looks at each other, searching for the answer. Chizuru kindly takes him in her arms <<because his blood is only for a quarter yokai, he can only be a yokai for a quarter of each day>> we all turns toward her <<what?!>> and I stand up quickly, but my head hurts more and everything becomes black.
I fall back, but Kurotabou catches me worried <<Riko-sama!>> and I hear others screaming my name worried...but everything faded.
And I continued to sink deeper.
Chizuru pov
The image faded away, and the water begins to glow again...but then a soft voice says with a firm tone <<that's enough>> and everything becomes dark. I shiver scared, and the others exclaimed surprised, but then...a new light illuminates a little hill near...with a bare cherry tree on it. Kondo-san asks <<you guys also see that?>> we all say yes, so Hijikata-san suggests <<then we have to try to go there>> and we did that. When we touch the grass of the hill...we finally see each other again. Osen-chan runs toward me <<Chizuru-chan! Are you okay?>> I nod looking around curious. Kondo-san sighs happy <<we're all alright, what a relief>> and Hijikata-san nods.
Nagakura-san sits on the ground, putting his back against the tree <<yeah, all that darkness was getting old>> but then I hear someone above us chuckling <<Nagakura, could you not touch this tree? it's not a backrest>> we jump surprised and we look up...seeing a beautiful woman sitting between the tree's branches.
Her long and raised hair are indigo above and black under, and she has ruby red eyes. Two long strands of black hair falls on both side of her face...and they continued reaching her ankles. Her yukata is a little open on her chest and she's...beautiful and sensual. She looks and our shocked faces and smirks <<you didn't really think you were here alone, did you?>> I look at her paralyzed for the shock...she's so different, but I recognize her immediately.
She jumps down from the tree <<i bet you have a lot of questions, but it's not a good time...because we are trapped here, and we don't have much time left by now>> Okita-san smirks with cold and sulky eyes <<ohh? You got any more dirty secrets to hide Riko-chan?>> Nagakura-san turns pale <<wait what?! Riko?!>> Harada-san sighs <<really Shinpachi? Who else could she be? Although I must admit that...if we hadn't seen Nurarihyon and his descendants in those memories, I probably wouldn't have recognized her either. Riko, you're a completely different person now...everyone can see it with just one look>> and she winks amused at him.
Hijikata-san frowns <<so...until now you've been making fun of us>> but Osen-chan stops near Riko, defending her <<i don't think so. When I met her for the first time...i immediately figured out that Riko's powers were sealed inside her. Which makes me wonder...Riko-chan, how is possible that you're speaking with us in this form? And why you didn't tried to tell us the true about yourself before?>> she sighs and cross her arms <<i guess I can quickly answer these questions, but if you want the full answer it's better if you ask the other Riko...human's things are not my best>> Sannan-san with a strange interest asks her <<the other Riko? What do you mean?>> she puts a hand on her chest <<i mean exactly what I said. You recognized me as Riko, and I am her...but not entirely. I'm the Riko you never met, the yokai dormant inside her...because I'm only a quarter of who you call Riko. The human personality is the dominant one, but I also exist as you can see>> Kondo-san nods thoughtful << have two personality?>> she shakes her head <<not exactly, we are more like two sides of the same coin. We coexist at the same time...but we shouldn't be like this>> Okita-san crosses his arms <<you are speaking about what Sen said earlier? About your sealed powers i mean>> she nods <<that's the point. Hisao wants to kill me and Rikuo, because we will be the next commanders of the clan, but he is not working alone. He and a rat yokai named Kyuso kidnapped Kana and Yura...Rikuo's friends, for lure us into a trap. Me and Rikuo tried to save them of course, but in the end I ended up here>> and she looks at Okita-san and Hijikata-san <<and for the record, I never lied to you. If it came out that Nurarihyon's granddaughter was a guest of the Shinsengumi...we wouldn't have only Kazama and the others oni for enemies>> but then our eyes meet...and after a second she smiles a little << I understand>> and she puts a hand on her hip <<i know that you also have many question for me, but you have to wait like the others>> and she looks at Osen-chan and Kimigiku <<i hope that you understood that we're prisoners inside a demoniac art>> Osen-chan nods and Kimigiku sighs <<Hisao spoke about some of his powers that can make revive people's most painful memories, so we assumed that we're trapped inside this ability>> but Harada-san adds <<and thanks to that power we saw Riko's memories, but i don't understand why we also saw some of Nurarihyon's memories>> Sannan-san with a serious face says <<probably it's because Nura-kun is from the future>> and Riko nods <<that's for sure, a loser like Hisao can brag all he wants...but he's not so powerful. his demoniac art isn't perfect at all, and it got one thing wrong. His art mistaken my anger for that woman for sadness...because I miss my father. Plus the fact that we are not in my time...his demoniac art messed up everything by connecting my memories of that woman with the time when my grandpa fought her. But I don't care about that...i really didn't want to see again that little girl>> and she frown, looking on the side with eyes full of anger and sorrow. We look at her surprised...feeling her strong rage, but then she calms down.
Okita-san walks toward her <<so you have a plan to get us out of here?>> she nods with a serious face <<of course, but it will dependent on you>> and she crosses her arms frowning <<i can talk with you here now because this art play with people's mind, making the body sleep. But I'm still sealed inside myself, which means that like this I can't use my powers and I can't break this stupid demoniac art>> and she sighs irritated.
Hijikata-san asks annoyed <<if that's true then...why aren't you asleep too? Because if you are awake, then there's no sense in what you said earlier about your connection with your human personality>> she frowns annoyed <<are you saying that I'm lying?>> her eyes are sharp like blades, but Hijikata-san stands still in front of her without blinking. Riko sighs <<like I said before, this matter is really complicated...but I'm not lying, and I will repeat it as many times as it takes to make you understand. Consider it my word, as the vice-commander of the Nura clan for you...who posses a title like mine, the one of the vice-commander of the Shinsengumi. Now, if you have finished to make useless complains I can continue to explain>> she looks around, waiting for someone that wanted to interrupt her again...but in the end no one speak and she nods satisfied <<good. Basically I'm awake because...i am much stronger than Hisao, not even in a thousand years that snake will be on my level...he can't win in a fight between our fears>> she licks her lip <<i can fully destroy him with only a hit...and I can't wait. He challenged me, and now he will pay for that>> and her sharp eyes frighten me a lot...she's dangerous and ruthlessly. I'm afraid of her.
Kondo-san asks <<what do you mean with fight between fears?>> and I remember immediately Yuichi's explanation, so i speak up <<some time ago, she and Keikan-san explained to me that is almost like...a fight between their willpower>> Osen-chan nods <<yes, more or less. So Riko-chan, even though your powers are sealed, you were able to use them for keep a part of you awake, because this part of you is much stronger than Hisao, right?>> Riko nods <<exactly. I also kept your spirits afloat, because if you had gone too deep you might have been lost forever. The result was that you saw my memories, and you were able to talk with each other at the same time...but there is also another reason of why I prevented you from being lost. That bastard hid our way out in front of our eyes>> we listen with attention, and I ask <<what do you mean?>> but Okita-san smirks <<she means she needs us to get out>> and Riko smirks in return <<you're right. The trick is simple...we need to wake up the owner of the memories, but if you were asleep too this would be impossible>> she puts her back against the tree <<of course I can't do that, because I'm the person you need to wake up...but I did what I had to for make sure that you could do that. If you wake up my human part then...I can use my powers for break the demoniac art>> Nagakura-san scratches his head <<ahh, I'm not really getting it. didn't you said that your powers are sealed?>> but Hijikata-san frowns and crosses his arms <<then we only need to destroy the thing that keeps them locked>> and Riko smirks nodding. I ask timidly <<then we have to find you, right? I mean, your human part>> she sighs amused <<you haven't noticed yet? I'm in front of you from the start>> and the tree behind her begins to change.
The tree trunk becomes transparent, but reflective like a crystal. The inside is full of water, and it flows through the roots, leaking out from below creating a gigantic pond of water around the little hill...where we have been immersed until a little while ago, and inside of the trunk there is the human Riko!
She is floating in the middle of the trunk, with her legs pressed against her chest...she's sleeping with a pained expression on her face.
We look shocked at her, but the demoniac Riko looks at her with a pained expression <<we never stopped reliving our memories...this demoniac art is torturing us mentally to drive us crazy. I also...can't take it anymore...hurry up, you don't have much time>> and she falls back, disappearing.
I look around <<wha...what are we supposed to do? How are we supposed to do what she asked?>> Harada-san smiles a little <<we'll find a way, she trusted us and I want to repay her trust. And it appears that I'm not the only one...look>> and he points toward Nagakura-san, who is punching the tree trying to wake her. Hijikata-san sighs <<as if something so trivial could work>> but Kondo-san asks <<then what can we do?>> Sannan-san shrugs <<if we want to resolve the problem, we should at least know why her powers are sealed inside of her...there must be an important reason behind everything>> and he sighs.
Osen-chan though about if for a moment <<long ago, Riko-chan told me that it was probably due to her father's death...she must have suffered so much. Usually when the powers of the gray existences get sealed, it's because the human blood inside of them is fighting with their demon blood...or because their two sides simply disagree about something important>> I think about it for a moment <<then...if we understand why her demon blood disagree with her human blood, we can fix this situation...right?>> Hijikata-san nods <<but it won't be easy>> but Okita-san ignored us and walks toward the tree, pushing Nagakura-san away.
We look surprised at him, but he crosses his arms <<it's not so hard to see where the problem is...we only need to remember the incident with that Gagoze, and what he said to her>> Kondo-san widens his eyes understanding something <<of course! Ehm...>> he looks at Osen-chan and Kimigiku <<can I ask you something? What do the demons think about people with mixed blood? like Nura-san and her brother>> Kimigiku widens her eyes surprised <<do you mean the gray existences?>> and she frowns <<in the yokai's world they are not treated really well, because they are creatures who don't have a place in our world or in the human one. They are in the middle. They must earn their place, and even so there will be always someone from both sides that will not accept them completely>> Osen-chan nods frowning <<she's right. Many people despise the gray existences because they are different. Riko-chan was lucky to be born into a loving family, who treat her as their equal...but in the end she's not really a demon>> and she also sighs sad.
I walk toward the tree, touching it for a moment <<now I understand...Riko told me about herself and her family. She tried to hide it, but she was always so sad for some reason...i bet that this is why. She said that she want to fight and protect the people she love, but that she can't do it>> Okita-san chuckles <<she can't? Of course she can't>> I look at him surprised and offended <<Okita-san!>> but Harada-san puts a hand on my shoulder <<no, he's right. You can't truly fight if you are pretending to be someone else>> I, and also Kimigiku and Osen-chan, look at him without understand, but Hijikata-san sighs and nod <<what an idiot, she said that she wants to protect people, but we too...who want to be samurai, in the eyes of many are fake. Nura! Do you think this has ever stopped us?!>> and Okita-san nod smirking <<you can't fight with all your strength if you deny three-quarters of idiot. You want to prove yourself to people? Then use everything you have, including your human blood...or I will really kill you this time>> and the trunk of the tree begins to break...a little crack appears in the middle, and it continue to become bigger.
I now understand what they wanted to say, and I cover my mouth can't become strong if you hate a part of yourself!
The tree exploded, and I instinctively cover my face. The water inside the tree comes out making a big wave...and it covers the little hill. Okita-san tried to catch Riko, but she passes through him divided herself, and also the demoniac Riko appears in front of us. The human Riko slowly opens her eyes and look at herself...and the demoniac Riko smirks. They smile at each other, and under our astonished eyes they becomes two black shadows. A light emerged from the darkness and it blinded us...but the last thing I saw are the two shadow melting becoming one. Then i hear Riko's voice say <<accept me...and don't give up the other you>>
Yuichi pov
The battle continued for long minutes, and the three masked demons helped us holding off our enemies with ability. But then we hear a loud noise from inside the was like something made of glass broke. We all stop and look toward the temple...waiting to understand what was that. The girl with the blue mask clap her hands happy <<finally!>> and the girl with the black mask smirks satisfied <<yes, you could say that again>> and the guy with the red mask looks toward the temple waiting for something.
Hisao snaps his tongue <<what was that?!>> but the girl with the blue mask chuckles <<nothing, only the sound of your defeat>> and from the inside of the temple a group of people come out. I widen my eyes surprised, seeing the people who were under Hisao's demoniac art. Yukimura and the other two oni girls are there too, and they are looking at the battle hidden near the wall, but...where is Riko?
Yamazaki and Shimada sighs relieved seeing them, but Inoue runs toward them <<Kondo-kun! I know that you will not believe me but...a group of demons attacked our headquarters!>> Hijikata snorts <<we noticed>> and Hisao screams furious <<how?! How did you break my demonic art?!>> but a shadow appears behind him <<it's underestimate me>> and the new yokai girl puts a katana near his throat. Kiku looks at her furious <<you bitch! Who the hell are you?!>> and she moves her branches toward her, ready to attack. The new girl kicks Hisao in front of her, using him as a shield and Kiku stops her attack. Hisao fall on the ground, and the new girl gets ready to fight.
Riko pov
I smirk and look at my enemies <<well? didn't you came here for kill me? I'm here now, what are you waiting?>> and I move a little my katana, shoving that I'm ready. I saw the enemies widen their eyes shocked, and Hisao looks angry at Kiku <<you said that she couldn't transform!>> but I chuckle <<Kiku...even after all these years I see that you still act in the shadow like a coward>> she looks at me with hatred <<you...this is my chance to avenge my husband! I will kill you and all your friends!>> I roll my eyes <<i remind you that your dear husband attacked me and my brother...Gagoze brought that on himself. You were smart enough to disappear after his murder attempt, but it seems that I overestimated your intelligence>> Kiku grinds her teeth furious <<it's all your fault! Yours and your brother...if only you stupid gray existences were never born my Gagoze would have become the third! A stupid brat with a dirty blood in his veins like Rikuo doesn't deserve to be the third! And're even worse!>> I raise an eyebrow annoyed <<you can say whatever you want, but Gagoze had his chance for steal Rikuo's title...and we all know how that ended. This amply shows that only Rikuo can be our leader, and I...whatever happens...i will be at his side>> I raise my sword, pointing it at her <<so...if you want to be his enemy, then you're also mine>> and I turn serious.
Hisao growls <<you still can't do nothing! Without a pandemonium you and your brother are weak! You can't do anything alone!>> but in response, three masked yokai join me. I smirk amused, and I put my katana on my shoulder <<then you're stupid and also blind, if you look closely you'll see that I'm not alone>> and the girl with a black mask bows a little her head toward me <<sorry to be late>> and the boy with a red mask nods. I half smile <<yes, you're pretty late>> and I look at the girl with the blue mask <<but considering that she's here too...i'm not surprised>> and she chuckles guilty. Yuichi frowns <<you know these demons?!>> I nod <<it's pretty obvious. Make your men retreat, and take care of the wounded, we will take care of Kiku and her men>> Kiku frowns amused, chuckling a little <<only you four? Ah! I bet that you with the masks are also bastards from the Nura clan! Then who are you really?! Show your faces cowards! And how did you get here?!>> the guy with the red mask puts a hand on his chest <<interesting questions...but you only need to know one thing. In every group a captain has a team, so we are only...the vice-commander's squad from the Nura clan>> and we all prepare to fight.
Hisao trembles a little << was you, wasn't it? You hired that mercenary from Tono for steal some of my flowers for travel through time! Fucking coward!>> the girl with the black mask shrugs <<that knucklehead owed me a big favor, so he did what I asked>> I take a few step ahead <<, considering that you dared to attack this place, you will pay the consequences>> but the girl with the black mask puts a hand on my shoulder <<patience...there are still a couple of guests that are missing. 'get ready the rats traps' remember?>> I look at her curious, but then a furious scream breaks the silence, and a person appears from nowhere.
Kyuso throws away a burned flower, stepping on it furious <<Hisao! You said that the little Nura brat couldn't fight! You fucking liar!>> and he grabs Hisao's collar. Hisao looks at him astounded <<what the fuck are you doing here?! You stupid rat! I gave you that flower only for emergencies!>> I chuckle stepping forward <<look who's here, a pathetic scared rat>> Kyuso turns around angry <<what did you said?! You bast...!>> he stops and turn pale, widening his eyes <<she also's impossible! you're Riko! How can you be alive?! I killed you!>> I snap my tongue and lift my finger, moving it left and right slowly <<tsk tsk>> and I smirk <<you didn't kill me, you beaten me almost to death, breaking my bones. You then left me to die here in the past, thinking that I was doomed. You and Hisao should have killed me when you had the chance, because now...i'm awake. So, tell are ready to face me this time?>> but a new voice behind me say <<it doesn't matter if he's ready or not, he sealed his fate the moment he challenged us and hurt you>> I smile happy recognizing that voice and i turn around, seeing Rikuo in his demoniac form walking toward me.
He stop at my side, throwing away a burned flower, and with the corner of my eyes I see Yuichi and the others look at us stunned and amazed. I chuckle and Rikuo smiles <<sister...this is the first time we meet in this form>> and a little voice, near his haori yells <<young mistress! I can't believe my eyes!>> I look toward Rikuo's back, seeing a little crow clinging on Rikuo's haori. I raise an eyebrow <<Karasu Tengu, you're here too?>> he nods and fly toward me <<yes! This is a wonderful day!>> Rikuo ignored him <<we will talk later, now...>> he looks toward Kyuso and the others <<we have to do some disinfestation>> but Kiku growls and scream <<attack them! Kill Nurarihyon's grandchildren!>> and her yokai, more or less ten demons, begin to run toward us yelling. Also Kyuso turned himself in a gigantic rat for fight and do the same.
I hear Chizuru screams my name scared...i ignored her, but some demons turn toward her direction curious. Hisao looks at her and turn pale, stopping shocked. Rikuo smiles and gives me a red cup full of sakè, and he takes out another for himself.
He looks at our masked allies <<step back>> and he smirks. I understand immediately what he is planning and I nod <<my squad doesn't need to get dirty with the blood of such unworthy enemies>> and I put the cup near my lips...exactly like Rikuo. We look at each other with the corner of our eyes and we blow inside the cups, moving the sakè with our breaths. From the little waves inside the cups comes out two big vortex of blue flames. The two vortex fuses together, and they trap inside them our enemies...burning them with no escape. Their screams of pain and anger echoed around the temple, and Kyuso yells <<w..what the hell is this?!>> Rikuo smiles <<ougi meikyou shisui sakura>> and i tilt a little my cup, showing that the sakè is still making little waves...and they are continuing to feeding the flames <<until these ripples die down...they'll keep burning everything>> and the flames burn everyone inside...turning them in ashes.
But then, someone sweeps away with a sword strike the flames and runs toward us, ready to attack. The girl with the black mask with a very fast movement jump in front of me and Rikuo, unleashing her katana.
Her katana stops Kazama's sword making a metallic sound. He frowns, looking at her sword <<you are...>> but the girl quickly grabs a gun hidden between her clothes, and she aims at his head. She shoots, but Kazama tilt his head to the side dodging the attack...but the bullet slightly scratches his cheek.
Shiranui stops nearby and whistle impressed <<i never seen a gun like that, so that Jubokko was telling the true...they're from the future>> and Amagiri looks around frowning.
Kazama jumps back smirking <<so that's how it is>> and Osen-chan yells at him <<go away! There is nothing here for you!>> and Hijikata growls annoyed <<it's appear that our problems never end. First the two oni girls, then Hisao and all his friends and now you...this isn't a gathering place for demons!>> and the last comment make Yuichi smile a little amused.
Kazama responds to Hijikata, but continued to look at his opponent in front of him <<you can continue to babbling, but in the end you Bakufu's dogs remain only fakes samurai. If Nurarihyon's grandchildren weren't here, you'd be long dead>> but Rikuo walks near the girl with the black mask <<whoever you are, if you threaten me, my sister or our friends are my enemy>> but Amagiri jumps between them <<stop! Plenty of demons already died tonight, there is no need to spill more blood. Besides...the night is almost over>> Kazama looks irritated at him for a few seconds, but in the end he puts away his sword and begin to go away <<i will be back>> and the others two followed him.
Osen-chan follows him immediately, yelling at him upset <<this time you'll have to listen to me! You won't run away like last time in Shimabara!>> and Kimigiku followed her immediately.
I sigh and the others come closer, but I noticed that Chizuru is passed out...probably for the anxiety. Hijikata looks suspicious at the three masked yokai <<on the other hand...who the hell are you?>> and Rikuo looks at him for a long moment, probably understanding that he's Shiro's father.
I look at Hijikata <<it's not yet the time for presentations, there is still something we need to resolve>> and I look toward the girl with the black mask <<between you and me, right?>> and she points her gun at my head <<you got it, but I didn't expect anything less from you>> Rikuo frowns and tried to interrupt us, but I raise my hand stopping him and the others <<this is my fight, don't interfere>> and I look at everyone. Kondo-san frowns <<wait a moment...!>> and he begins to walk toward us, but the guy with the red mask walks in front of him, stopping him <<you are the Shinsengumi's commander, Kondo Isami...right? I'm sorry, but we won't wait any longer. This is something between yokai, so stay out of it. I'm telling you for your own good>> but Nagakura irritated walks in front of him <<don't fuck with me! Who cares if you are demons or not!>> but Harada puts a hand on his shoulder <<wait Shinpachi...>> and he looks at the three masked demons <<you all obviously know already Riko, and she know you, but...after what happened, we deserve at least an explanation>> and Okita adds annoyed <<and you better be quick, considering that you are cowards who don't even show their face>> but Rikuo shakes his head <<they have their good reasons for not showing their faces, for the moment you just need to know that this situation is their fault...they organized all this mess>> and he crosses his arms.
I smirk and look at the girl with the black mask <<it was're the person Hisao mentioned when he sent me in the past. You and he made a deal for killing me...but then he betrayed you for Kiku. I'd say that this a good reason for fight each other>> and I point my katana at her <<tell me...what are you up to? Why you tried to kill me in such a stupid way?>> she smiles <<i didn't wanted to kill you, I just wanted to make you stronger for your sake...and also for the clan. So one day, if you still want me at your side...we will fight that damn fox together>> I sigh amused <<then...what are you gonna do if I don't want you after this?>> she grins <<the decision shall be taken by the commander...Rikuo, but it doesn't matter. If you decide to banish me...i'll leave without regrets. But if you decide to cut my head for treason, then you need to know that I still have something to protect, and I can't die like this. By the way, your grandfather was aware of my plan, and he agreed>> i sigh exasperated <<that old man...>> and also Rikuo rolls his eyes annoyed.
Karasu Tengu looks at us shocked <<you got to be kidding me! Riko-sama please...ah!>> I look at him angry <<i will say it for the last time...this is my fight, so stay out of it. This is an order from your vice-commander>> and Karasu Tengu bows his head obediently. Rikuo crosses his arms <<the one with the red hair was right...too much blood was spilled tonight, so don't kill each other or I will interrupt the fight>> and he puts his katana on his shoulder, emphasizing his words.
I look at the sky <<it'll be dawn soon...this fight will be short>> and we begin.
She fire at me without hesitation, aiming at my legs, but I jump into the air...avoiding the bullets. I run toward her <<you'll have to do more than that!>> and I attack her from the side. She blocked my attack with her katana, but her hood fall from her head...showing her really long white hair, tied in a braid. She kicks me hard in the stomach, but I quickly grab her pistol...stealing it from her hand backing away.
I throw away the gun, feeling the pain for the kick...i probably have a broken rib. I smile happy, knowing that this time she's fighting with all her power. I point to the pistol <<these toys don't fit our fight, fight with honor...for old time's sake>> and I smirk at her. She frowns serious <<sorry but no. I saw death many times, and I'm ready to fight and use any kind of trick to protect those I love...including those without honor>> and she grabs her katana with both hands <<but for you...i will fight fair now. You deserve it>> and she attacks me. She runs toward me with great speed, but I block her attack and we continue to fight...blocking and attacking each other attacks with ability many times.
After a few minutes we didn't managed to hurt each other, but I begin to get accustomed with my new abilities and a dense fog falls on the temple, covering our feet. Big dark cloud covers the sky delaying the dawn...our fears are fighting too.
The girl jumps back breathing heavy <<good, you're really good...but the most important rule for win a fight is...>> I finish the phrase <<end it quickly, saving energy>> she nods and unleashes also her kodachi. She raise her katana and her kodachi in front of her, making an x with the blades <<because finally we can have a proper fight>> and I vaguely hear the others exclaim shocked seeing her swords, but I ignored them because I'm focused on the fight.
I nod raising my sword <<yes...the next attack will be the last one>> and I breath slowly...listening to my instinct. A light dark fog covers my body, as if it were ink...and the girl attacks me with a faster speed than before, but I jump back disappearing. The fog covers me completely, hiding me from the others. She widens her eyes, searching me with them without success...but then she smirks <<you still have a lot to learn. If your fear is not strong enough then it's useless>> and she raised her swords and cuts the air...making a vertical gash in my fear lowering her blades. The fog around me was cutting in half and it disappeared...making me visible again. I widen my eyes surprised, but in a split of a second I realize something...i have the perfect opportunity for end this fight!
I quickly jump on her swords, pushing them down...and I attack her aiming at her face. At the last second she moves her head to the side, letting my sword cuts instead her hair and a piece of her mask. My blade made also a large cut under her eye. she gasps jumping back, but I kick her...making her fall on the ground. I quickly sit on her chest, blocking her arms with my legs...and I point my katana at her neck winning the fight.
Around us there is only silence...broken only by Sannan-san's wails of pain, because of the blood...but he's resisting.
She smiles happy at me <<finally...the student has surpassed the teacher. You've become very strong Riko>> and her mask fall slowly...ending near her now really short hair. Her wound heals right away and I move away my katana <<you could say that again Chizuru>> but then out of nowhere, a ray of light hits my face blinding me. My strength abandoned me and everything becomes black.
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