Trials of the traitors
The morning after the banquet the traitors decide to explore the islands and train.
The traitors split up to get themselves ready for the master's league.
"Guzma, Chloe, Cilan, and Marcus, May will be on Melemele island with Barry, Lyra, and Khourey. Keep an eye on them but do not approach them and do not say anything about Ash. If they approach you then simply act friendly but if they ask for a battle do not hesitate to mop the floor with them. Above all else do not maim their pokemon. That will be for later during the competition and only after they've lost.
"Lana, Kiawe, Mallow, and Stanley, remain in your facilities as I know that Misty, Paul, Trip, and Bianca will be there to challenge you. Follow the same rules as the previous group.
"Dawn, Acerola, Edge lord, and Sophocles, the same goes for you however remain near your facilities as they are technically protected by island trials. Really no one but the traitors will be able to get past the wild pokemon before the tournament begins. I've made sure of that.
"Finally, Lillie. You and I will be dealing with the traitors who are staying here on Ula'Ula island. We won't outright attack them but we'll nudge a little here and there to get them to come to us.
"Any questions?" Ash says still in his Kazuki appearance.
"Why can't we just confront them?" Chloe asks. "We can't let them know we have a grudge against them this would fall harshly back on us and ruin the plans before they've had a chance to begin. We need absolute certainty that our plan can and will go off without a hitch.
"What should we do if they find out that you're really Ash?" Kiawe asks. "If it comes to that then simply leave it be and I will deal with it." Ash says.
"Last question. What should we do in the event they defeat us?" Acerola asks. "You do as you would any other time give them the portion of the symbol you carry and send them on their way." Ash answers.
When no other questions get asked they're all sent on their way.
On Melemele island
May and her group of traitors wander around the island with her mostly focused on the scenery.
"May, can we just get to training?" Lyra asks. "Just a minute. This place is beautiful. Don't you just want to explore it first?" May says. "Not really. The master's league starts in three days. It's a good idea to get as much training in as possible." Lyra says. "Fine, buzzkill. How about we get information on the the frontier brains here. The more we know about them the better chance we have of defeating them." May says with a sigh.
"So where are the facilities?" Barry asks as Khourey tries to hold Lyra's hand but she pulls hers away and glares at him. "No clue. Let's check at the pokemon center." May says.
The four quickly head to the pokemon center to see it crowded with trainers.
"Calm down, everyone. I'll help each of you but I need you to form a line." Nurse Joy says. The crowd continues to be rowdy and not listen to nurse Joy.
"Simisage, use disarming voice." Cilan says coming out the back of the medical bay. With a comforting shout Simisage silences the crowd.
"Cilan, right?" May asks. "Yes. You four must be May, Barry, Lyra, and Khourey." Cilan says. "That's right.
"We're here to challenge the frontier facilities." Barry shouts catching everyone's attention. "You and everyone else here.
"Have you already registered to take the challenge?" Cilan asks calmly. "I'm registered to take on any frontier facility. I was doing it before I came to Alola." Barry says. "That's all well and good but since there are three separate battle frontiers you need to register in order to take on one from a different region.
"Follow me to the desk. I'll get the three of you registered." Cilan politely says angering everyone outside the conversation. The four traitors follow him to nurse Joy and register for the frontier.
"Would you be interested in the island challenges?" Cilan asks. "I'm interested." Lyra says. "So am I." Khourey adds. "We all are." May says. With that information nurse Joy registers them for both challenges.
"Shall we head to the frontier facilities first or the island trial?" Cilan asks. "There's only one island trial on Melemele island?" Barry asks confused. "Well two actually but one is a battle against the kahuna in which you need the normalium z in order to do." Cilan says.
"Norma-what?" The four traitors asks. "The normalium z. It's a z-crystal that allows you to use the z move breakneck blitz. Z crystals are similar to gym badges in that trainers need to collect them in order to qualify for the Alola league but they also allow you to use extremely powerful moves called z moves." Cilan says before going into detail on the various basic z crystals.
"Frontier facilities." May decides. "Alright. We'll head to the battle beach since it's the starting facility for those taking the challenge. It just so happens that it's close to both the island trial and the Battle meadow.
"Do you have pokemon who know fly?" Cilan asks. With a nod from all four traitors Cilan calls for a Charizard and leads the way to Kala'e Bay where they see a stadium sitting on a small island.
"There's the battle beach. I'll wait here so I can guide you from one facility to the next." Cilan says.
"How are we supposed to get over there? I don't see any boats to take us there." Barry asks. "That is the first test. You have to figure out how to cross without swimming. The water based facilities don't allow wet challengers inside." Cilan says.
"What are ride pokemon?" Khourey asks when he sees a sign that says "No ride pokemon if taking the frontier challenge. Immediate disqualification." Cilan gives a quick overview of ride pokemon.
When he gives no more information the four traitors begin to try and figure out the test.
After half an hour Lyra notices something below the water's surface. Cilan remains stoic as Lyra approaches a lump in the sand.
As she reaches into the water she feels a lever that she pulls reveals a bridge to the facility
"You should hurry the bridge is on a timer." Cilan absently comments. The four rush across and barely get to the island in time.
"'Bout time you figured it out." Guzma says from a top the wall of his facility.
"Are you the brain here?" Barry asks. "No duh, stupid. The name's Guzma. I'm the beach boss brain." Guzma says before pressing a button causing a door to open in front of the traitors. "Come in."
As they head in they see a battlefield that is mostly submerged in water.
"A water battlefield. Easy." Barry says. "If you think so then step right up." Guzma says with a smirk as he meets them down on the battlefield.
"Hold on I should go first." May protests. "Nah, toots. Blondie thinks he can call my battlefield easy he goes first." Guzma says with a chuckle.
"What did you call me?" May angrily asks. "He called you toots, toots." A female voice says from the battlefield bringing attention to Plumeria and several team skull grunts who stand by the battlefield.
Before anymore can be said Barry storms into the trainer's box which is closely backed by a wall. When Guzma takes his place Plumeria takes her place as ref.
"This is a one on one battle between the beach boss brain Guzma and the challenger Barry from Twinleaf town in Sinnoh. Both trainers will be allowed the use of two pokemon and the battle will be over when both of one side's pokemon are unable to battle. Substitutions are allowed." She says.
"Hey! How do you know my battle information and why only two polemon?" Barry asks annoyed. "She knows it because she's one of the refs for the master's league.
As for the number of pokemon Alola frontier rules for Melemele island are two pokemon." Guzma answers rolling his eyes.
"Trainers, send out your pokemon." Plumeria says. "Golisopod, come battle for ya boy." Guzma says. "Staraptor, get out here." Barry says after staring at his opponent's pokemon for a second dumbstruck.
"Battle begin. The challenger has the first move." Plumeria says.
"Staraptor, use growl followed by quick attack." Barry says when his pokedex has no information on the opposing pokemon. "Golisopod, use first impression followed by ice beam then sludge bomb." Guzma says with an intimidating, and extremely creepy, smile.

Right off the bat Golisopod is faster than it appears and lands a strong first impression then a much slower ice beam letting the growl lower its attack Stat. Staraptor tries to retreat to minimize the damage it takes but the ice type attack follows it. Unable to get away Staraptor decides to go head on for the close combat. The second the ice beam cuts off the predator pokemon accelerates quickly and loses control of its attack forcing it to take the sludge bomb.
"Staraptor is unable to battle. Will the challenger please send out his final pokemon?" Plumeria says. "Return, Staraptor. Skarmory, get out here." Barry angrily says. "Return, Golisopod. Thanks. Ya boy appreciates it. Vikavolt, help out ya boy." Guzma says. "Battle resume." Plumeria says with a smirk as Barry grows frustrated at yet another unknown pokemon.
"Skarmory, let's keep to a distance. Use air cutter followed by swift and metal sound." Barry says causing his group to face palm. "You heard'em, Vikavolt. Use thunderbolt then string shot into electroweb and gulliotine." Guzma says. This time Skarmory is the fastest and is able to fire its air cutter but finds no mark as it moves quickly to the left. The thunderbolt strikes quickly but seems weak getting Barry to smile until he sees that the electric type attack was a cover to hide the bug/electric using string shot on the water. The electroweb falls on the iron bird pokemon forcing it into the water where it gets caught in the string shot. Like a bolt of lightning Vikavolt strikes with guillotine.
"Skarmory is unable to battle. The winner is the beach boss brain Guzma." Plumeria says with a smirk before Barry goes into a rant about fining Guzma for beating him. Plumeria and Guzma just watch him impassively for several moments before Guzma makes a call.
"Yo, Kazuki. It's ya boy Guzma. I got a dumb blond threatening to fine me for beating him. What should I do?" He says. "Just ignore him. He does this quite often." Ash says. "Got it. Guzma out." The beach boss says hanging up before asking for the next challenger.
As the traitors leave the facility Barry is the only one leaving without a portion of the torrent symbol.
"Ready to head to the next facility?" Cilan asks nonchalantly as they make it back to the beach. "Lead the way." May says as Lyra looks thoughtful.
Meanwhile on Akala Island
"We've been wandering around this damn forest for hours, Misty. Where the hell is the facility you said you knew the way to?" Paul asks annoyed. "Shut up, Paul. I just got turned around by those creepy bug types." Misty bites back.
"Fomantis isn't a bug type. It's a grass type." Mallow says walking up with a Lurantis.
"What do you mean it's not a bug type. Of course it's a bug type." Misty argues. "I've lived in this region all my life. I know what I'm talking about." Mallow says rolling her eyes.
"I saw you at the banquet last night with Kazuki. You're Mallow right?" Bianca asks. "That's right. I'm the jungle queen. Frontier brain of the battle jungle." Mallow says.
"We must be close then. I'd like to challenge you." Trip says. "You are close. Follow me." Mallow says but as she turns Lurantis stops her.
"Is something wrong?" Paul asks. "Would any of you happen to be wearing some form of repellent?" Mallow asks after listening to the grass type. "I'm wearing bug spray. Why? Is your bug type thinking of running?" Misty taunts until Lurantis slashes at her in warning. "Trust me Lurantis isn't scared she just hates that foul smell it gives off." Mallow sighs.
The green haired girl shakes her head and leads the way to what looks to be a massive tree with low hanging vines.
"The battle facility is at the top of this tree. If you want to challenge it start climbing one of these vines." Mallow says.
"Isn't there a less dangerous way to get up there?" Misty asks. "Well yes. If you were an aura guardian you could leap from ledge to ledge along the trunk." Mallow says before she and Lurantis take the short way up. With a bit of grumbling from Misty the four get to climbing.
About half way up Misty loses her grip and begins to fall.
"Passimian, grab her." Mallow calls out as she looks down to see the falling woman. Quick as a whip a Passimian catches Misty and helps her climb up.
As the traitors reach the top they see what looks to be a dome-shaped building.
"Welcome to my facility. Step inside and we can get to the battles." Mallow says standing by the door with Lurantis.
"So you're an aura guardian?" Trip asks as he takes pictures of the botanic facility. "No but I've done physical training to get near that level. Also no photography in the halls or on the battlefield. It's bad for the more sensitive plants." Mallow says.
"How is photography bad for the plants?" Paul asks. "I misspoke. It's not the plants but more the pokemon hidden within them. This facility has fairy types that don't do well with technology around so the battle jungle has only natural lighting and nature based properties." Mallow says.
As they arrive at the battlefield the traitors see its a grassy battlefield surrounded by a garden of flowers beneath a sheet of glass.
"I'll go first." Misty says. None of her companions argue the statement though Paul rolls his eyes.
As Misty steps up she sees an aether foundation employee step up to ref the match.
"This is a one on one battle between the forest queen Mallow and the challenger Misty. Both trainers will be allowed the use of three pokemon and the battle will be over when all of one side's pokemon are unable to battle. Substitutions are allowed. Trainers, send out your pokemon." The ref says. "Shiinotic, come on out." Mallow says. "Staryu, let's play." Misty says. "Battle begin. The challenger has the first move." The ref says.
"Staryu, use harden followed by confuse ray and swift." Misty says. "Shiinotic, use leech seed then poison powder and flash." Mallow says. While staryu is setting up to take a hit Shiinotic wraps it up with leech seed and poisons it. As Staryu goes for the confuse ray it's blinded by flash which also brightens the room considerably as the plants above absorb the light and give off a soft white glow like fairy lights. "Shiinotic, use giga drain followed by moonblast and charge beam." Mallow says as the light fades and the swift misses. "Staryu, rapid spin to get rid of the leech seed then hydro pump and recover." Misty says. Staryu still seems dazed by the flash but gets rid of the leech seed. The rapid spin misses the the grass/fairy type who takes a small leap to the right and lands a giga drain. As Staryu gets its bearings and fires the hydro pump the blast of water is met by a moonblast which cancels each other out. The charge beam comes quicker than the recover and demolishes the water type.
"Staryu is unable to battle. Will the challenger please send out her next pokemon?" The ref says. "Politoed, let's play." Misty says slightly perturbed. "I'll stick with my Shiinotic." Mallow says. "Battle resume." The ref says.
"Politied, use swagger followed by bounce then ice ball." Misty says. "Shiinotic, use leech seed followed by sleep powder and dream eater." Mallow says. Shiinotic easily avoids the swagger and attaches the leech seed before putting Politoed to sleep before the bounce can start. With a quick and powerful dream eater mixed with the leech seed Politoed is down for the count.
"Politoed is unable to battle. Will the challenger please send out her next pokemon?" The ref says. "Gyrados, come out my aquatic blue beauty." Misty say extremely angry. "Return, Shiinotic. Two is enough. Tsareena, come on out." Mallow says. "Battle resume." The ref says.
"Gyrados, use flamethrower then fire blast and hurricane." Misty says. "Tsareena, use teeter dance then trop kick and leaf storm." Mallow says. Tsareena is unexpectedly fast and not only dodges the flamethrower but also causes her opponent to hit itself in confusion due to teeter dance. Before the hurricane can start Tsareena gets in a trop kick and leaf storm. The hurricane ends up causing gyrados to hit itself again causing Tsareena to throw in another trop kick.
"Gyrados is unable to battle. The forest queen wins." The ref says.
The other three members of Misty's group trues to win the symbol but all meet the same fate.
"Here's some advice. Try your luck at the battle lake with my friend Lana. Most challengers go to her first. Or better yet start on Melemele island like everyone else." Mallow advises before going to get something to eat. The traitors are escorted back down the way they came and out of the forest.
Jōhin'na taizai, naitofu~yūrī
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