
" Wade do you know who murdered Your boyfriend, Peter Parker?" Steve finally asks.

Wade looks at the table in front of him unsure how to answer. " I -"

( Don't say it. It makes it too real.)

[ You need to confess your Sins]

" - Mr. Wilson. I need you to come with me. I'm sorry Mr. Rodgers, something has come up. Mr. Wilson is being requested under a stage two emergency." A woman interrupts.

" Under whose authority?" Steve asks.

" I'm afraid that's classified. Now Mr. Wilson if you come with me."

" Wait. Wade, can you answer my last question?"

" I Don't." The Mercenary responds.

[ Stop lying. No more lies! Look at what lies have done, They have only stripped us of Our only love!]

' Just this one. The last one.'

Steve watches Wade as he the Anti-Hero stands. He looks over at the woman waiting for him only glancing back at the super soldier once before being led off.

" What am I being requested for?" Wade asks once he's sure Steve isn't still staring at his back. He was sure Steve could see right through his lie.

When the woman doesn't answer Wade stops walking, about to say something only for someone to abruptly cut in front of him, dragging him away by the fabric of his clothing. He looks down to see its the teenage girl from earlier trying to drag him away.

Wade plants his feet only to trip over himself when she continues to walk, un-phased by the resistance. " What are you doing?" He asks in annoyance, " Aren't you supposed to be watching that other boy-"

" Isn't he supposed to be in medical treatment with Mr. Parker? " She cuts in.

Wade shuts his mouth as guilt overtakes him once more.

" Thought so." She says.

" Where are you taking me?"

" A broom closet." She responds.

" I'm not-"

" And then I'm going to kill you."

Wade isn't sure how to respond at first but in the end starts to chuckle. " I'd like to see how that works out for you. Maybe you haven't heard but I'm-"

" Immortal? So is my mother. " She says before Wade is rather forcefully shoved into a quickly opened door. " Hold still."

" What are you-" The Merc attempts to speak before being cast into darkness.

( Does she have to cut off every one of our sentences?) is the last thing White gets to complain belfry he too is separated from Wade as he enters Death's presence.


" Wade," A familiar voice hums.

" Death," Wade responds warily.

" It's been so long. Why have you been avoiding me?" She asks a cold hand trying to caress his cheek. He moves his head away and takes a step back to separate their personal bubbles.

" No, I'm sorry Hun but I Have Peter,"

" No, you don't silly. You gave him to me, remember? He belongs to me now. Just as you do now." She purrs taking a step closer. Wade blinks as watches as the beautiful skeleton vanishes suddenly.

" Okay." He says to himself glancing around not sure as to what just happened. " Um, hello?"

" Good Lord, do you know how jumbled of a mind you have? Took me long enough to penetrate it much less try to sort through it. Why do you small creatures always crest your own delusion when you come here? It's truly annoying." A new voice says causing the Merc to flinch in surprise.

" Holy mother of-"

" Holy? Human, I promise you I am anything but Holy." The dragon says with a dangerous look of amusement.

" May I ask who or what are you?" Wade manages.

The creature ducks down to become somewhat eye level with him. The giant creature only able to bring its head down to brush the ground to do so.

" I am the true Death." She says. " The true creature the elusion hides from you. It is a pity you where cursed to be immortal over the love of a figment of your small mind. The other who has done that to you will me highly disappointed when he realizes he is only attracted to an image of mist. Though you have been useful by bringing her into my realm, she is a... The tool I have learned to use." The dragon says, moving to slowly walk around the small man.

" Something about this really makes me feel like a little hobbit, only I don't have a handy little ring to allow me to run away." Wade more or less mumbles to himself.

" And what is a hobbit?" The dragon asks while turning her large curious blue eyes to look at him. Her glossy black scales reflect the light from an unknown source as she turns again to continue circling the man from a slight distance so she wasn't in need to look strait down to see him.

" Hobbits are little people, smaller than dwarves. They love peace and quiet and good tilled earth. They dislike machines but are handy with tools. They are nimble but don't like to hurry. They have sharp ears and eyes. They are inclined to be-"

" One of your human fantasies I see." The dragon says no longer interested. " Humans have always been good at creating new stories and creations," she says mildly fond.

" Why am I here? Why haven't I been here before?" Wade finally asks since clearly, his hobbit narration was unwanted.

The dragon stops pacing to instead sit on her haunches. " You haven't seen this place for what it really is before because I haven't needed you before this. You are here Wade, Son of Wil because I need the second Hatchling, the Endering to live. "

Wade frowns momentarily at the interpretation of his last name before responding. " If you mean that boy, I'm sorry but I can't help you."

" No, but your mate could have. He was."

Wade falls quiet, fighting away tears.

" If you're supposed to be death, if you have some sort of power why can't you save him yourself if you're so worried about his survival?"

" If you have what you call a healing factor why can't you fight off the disease eating away at your flesh every moment of every day?" The dragon shoots back. " Because it doesn't work that way!....It just doesn't work."

" Why am I here?" Wade whispers ducking is head in submission to the statement.

" Because I need you. Or more appropriately, your Mate needs you and I need your mate because that hatchling needs him. I can bring him back but in return, you will need to care for him."

Wade looks up at the dragon. " You'll give him back?"

" Only on one condition. I can't do it without a trade-off."

" Anything you can have anything just please can I have him back?" Wade asks unashamed of his pleading and tears as he cranes his neck to look up at the large creature.

" It isn't something for you to give. "

" What are you talking about? What do you need to take?" Wade asks.

" You need to promise you will care for him, help him." The dragon says with sadness as she gazes down on the broken human at her talons.

" What are you taking?"

" Wade promise me, promise him. Promise your Spider."

" I promise just please tell me what you're going to do."

" I'm taking his ability to die. " She says quietly before turning away.

" Wade!" He hears Peter yell out before he is once again cast into darkness.

" Wilson!" The girl hisses before glancing over her shoulder.

" What just happened? Is was that-" She cuts him off by covering his mouth with a hand but he continues to talk from under it.

Her eyes reflect light like animals before she aggressively moves her hand away to pinch his tongue and pull it as far as it would willingly go out of his mouth before she closes his jaw making him bite it harshly in the process.

" Shut up." She hisses.

After a moment of silence as she looks at the door of what Wade assumes must be the inside of a custodians closet she pulls him up and leads him out of the small room all the while still pinching his abused tongue, leading him around with it like its some sort of convenient leash.

She stops causing him to run into her as she glances around. Tony stark passes by sending them a confused look but then notices Wade utterly confused and hurt expression causing the billionaire to snicker before continuing with his day.

( What was this person's name again?)

[ She's probably that dragons daughter if that wasn't all just a dream. Steve said her name was Max.]

( is she leading us to Peter?) White asks painfully.

Max starts to move again, leading him down every which hallway until they came to stop in front of a freezer.

" You need to hurry. I'm going to grab his body and you need to make for the exit down hallway F4. I've already found a replacement but you need to be out of this building in 45 seconds when I say go got it"

" ey et igh thy ong,"

" Right," She says letting go of his tongue, wiping her fingers on her jacket before opening the freezer she goes in and quickly comes back with a body bag all the while leaving Wade trying not to have a panic attack as the sound of the gunshot echoes in his head, trying desperately not to think of what is in the bag.

She hands it to him. " Go."


Wade lays Peter down on the Spider's own bed. He didn't want to bring him to his own home. He couldn't.

( This isn't going to work)

[ It was a dream. There is no such thing as dragons, they aren't going to bring Peter back, just as Death wouldn't. She's probably wondering what the hell happened while where there. Why we broke down. She just had to approach us like that. She should have known how broken we would be.]

" Maybe it's a way of getting even with me when I broke up with her for Peter."

[ She isn't the one who made you pull the trigger.]

' I know.'

( if you hadn't done it we wouldn't be in this mess. We wouldn't be further asking if we are sane because Peter would be here to tell us it's okay. )

" I know," Wade snaps.

" Wade?"

Wade looks up to see Peter.

Peter is staring at him with wide, horrified and fearful eyes.

" Peter," Wade breaths moving over be near his love only for his heart to break as Peter moves away.

" Don't touch me!" He says staring at Wade.

Wade could practically hear Peter's Spidey Sense humming in his mind as the threat stands across from where he lay.

( That's all we are now)

[ a threat]

( a hate)

[ A fear]

' His killer.'

Totally not feeling this. Sorry for garbage quality

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