chapter 24

keith didnt know what to do somehow in a way he start to feel at home with the generals and lotor, they didnt call him emo or mullet. they didnt judge. ezor was like an annoying younger sister,narti was like a quiet middle child not that middle children are all the same but still and zethrid was like a problem child and axca was like either an older sister or like a mother and lotor was like a father and an older brother. keith could see the different to the generals and voltron. voltron just use at what they are good at and try to see the bright side of thing even when it isnt until it because to big of an problem sure they worry but they alway try to cheer up while the generals and lotor just does thing in a prase where no one can tell whats going to happen and once there is a mission they finish it and it done time to relaxeds 

keith unsally gets a tap from narti then she push her towards the other as to say ask them as if she could read his mind which he never ask because he was still deciding but the next day it was  october the 23 he was woken to ezor and narti shaking him and once he was sat up they yell "happy birthday " 

lotor,axca and zethrid came running in and said "whats with the yelling" 

"guys have you forgotten even if half slibing keith and axca have the same birthday" smile ezor 

"and this is why i like how no one expect for my family which i techilly have 11 slibing i forgot shiro is my 7 year older half brother anyway know my birthday" growl keith 

"really "ask ezor 

"yep they know alot about eachother and even i know alot about them but they dont know a thing about me i wouldnt be suprise if they dont even know my surname" frown keith 

"well not here" smile ezor 

"sure" sigh keith as he got up 

"well happy birthday" said lotor 

"can you please stop reminding me" ask keith 

"keith you need to forget about the past okay "sigh axca 

"or what" growl keith looking at axca

"or you are going to have hell today as well as  me" smirk axca 

"great" said keith with scarcastment 

axca laugh 

"can i please get change" ask keith 

the general blush and went,lotor follow them laughing 

a couple of mintues later 

keith was in the control room and was going through some files, he was gave a job which was looking into files from either lotor or hagger sometimes zarkon but when he was looking through he found a file with a password he wasnt a code so he had to guess he fail 2 times so he guess one that was ridules which to his suprise it work but he put in his birthday so what then keith look at the files one was hagger other lotor. he look through haggers first it. it was about him. he read it then went to lotor because haggers file said lotor had a plan

keith read lotor he went white lotor was just trying to get him to join and to tell secrets but also be his new friend but tell voltron secrets he heard something behind him to see the general so he turn it off but he heard 5 different foot where was lotor. a couple of seconds later he knew lotor had grab his neck now choking him 

"i see you read it" growl lotor 

"you never said anything about a file i wasnt allowed in" grasp keith grabbing lotor hands and trying to pull them away

"true but you know what i said last time" growl lotor 

"you just said you never told me so how was i suppose to know you said to check all files even the ones with passwords" grasp keith he was losing condinsece 

lotor sigh and look at keith then grip tighter. keith couldnt breathe and he was panicking 

"i shouldnt have listen to ezor now its going to be sad for axca" growl lotor 

keith look at the generals they look as if they were watching a friend die then he look back and he thought of something for his final words he wish he didnt care about them and voltron so he rat on something else and said as he was taking his final breathe "the blades headquaters are inbetween 2 black holes there is a star in the middle in that star is a base theres lots more but i only know that one and thanks for......being ...friends" then lotor leted go and keith lose condinsece 

"what did he just say" ask lotor 

"i think he just rat on blades and call us friends of his" said ezor shrock 

narti transform into her actually form 

"narti i know you had that form for awhile now" sigh lotor 

"oh anyway the reason i was putting my head in your dirtion was because keith was serouisly thinking about staying and after that i think he denifly wont" said narti 

ezor , axca , zethrid and lotor look at narti and said "what" 

"yeah you mess it up thats why he wasnt volinet just now he cares about voltron and us so he rat on something he didnt care about hes only tie to the blades is hes mother blade and she might be alive so can i please take him to the healing pods" said narti 

lotor step away from keith and nodded. narti pick keith up and brought him 

lotor whisper "what have i done"

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