Chapter 10
Keith got out of the ship he saw a male and two females coming towards them he knew they were the other Keith had no plan on becoming friend with them and Keith guess that ezor and narti sense this because ezor up and start talking and narti tap Keith and Keith guess that she want him to follow her but as they walk lotor shouted "narti are you not going to introduced us to your new friend "
Narti shook her head and point at ezor as if to say ask her which he did but ezor was walking to Keith side and when she was there she turn around and put a hand on his shoulder and said "lotor this akira and he is an friend of mine for the last two months or more he save me and got kick out but he still owns me a favor for something so he is here for the day helping me out and he is also going to help narti "
"Oh from where" ask lotor
"The blades and no he came with the paladians and he even said if I get out of line you can shoot me so there" yell ezor
"I see so why would he be on earth "ask lotor
Narti took Keith wrist and pull him from the ship room and pull him probably half the ship till they came to a room and went inside
"I am guessing I am helping you first "smile Keith
Narti nodded and they went to work Keith could understand what the papers were saying and he did his part faster then narti
Narti faceless face look at him as if they were eyes
"What you gave me history stuff and I am hardly not going to read a history book this whole time" smile Keith
Narti stood up and she start to transform into a pretty girl
"True" smile narti
Keith stear for a second because he realised he was stearing
"Don't tell anyone only ezor and you know" frown narti
"Why then show me" ask Keith
"You have honesty eye and its mean you can tell if you are lieing by your eyes when you look at me for the first time your eyes look as if you were afraid but you don't act afraid so and you finish your work early and didn't lie you your eyes were lighter so "smile narti
"Okay wait does your cat know "ask Keith
"No I sent her out when I heard you were coming but I didn't think lotor and the other would be that the landing area" smile narti
"I still don't know which is which I have to guess this whole time "sigh Keith
Narti laugh and said" axca is the blue skin and zethrid is the big ears "
"Oh thanks" smile Keith
"No problem just say I told you which is which and if lotor ask you to take your mask or hood off you can just say narti in your head and I will come or I will sent ezor I put up a link to our minds when your guard was down so if you know I am busy call ezor and what age are you "smile narti
"18 and you make no sense" smile Keith
"Well oh someone is coming" said narti then change back to her one sided form and told Keith to put up his hood and put his mask on
a 2 minutes later the door open
"Well akria is it all I want to say is if you do anything to them I will hurt you" smirk lotor
"Why would I hurt them" ask Keith
"I know how you pure no-" is all lotor could say before Keith said "what makes you think I am a pure blood "
"Wait what "said zethrid
"As I was trying to tell you if you look at him from far away yes he looks like a pure blood but can you not see now that he has garla markings on his cheek and human skin plus he only cover up so he wouldn't be punish for being our friend" smile ezor
They look at Keith and saw that only his eyes thing that was cover and the hood cover his forehead and his hair then look that the part that isn't cover and saw pale human skin and garla markings
"Oh sorry" frown lotor obviously embarrassed that he was wrong
"Its fine" smile Keith
"So any plans with them" smirk lotor
"No we are just friend plus ezor answer too quickly when I ask her if she like you and narti never replied soo "smirk Keith
Ezor , narti and lotor blush at this and axca, zethrid and Keith laugh
"Well this is awkward "said lotor
"Well did akria help "ask ezor
Narti nodded
"Did you have to help him "smile zethrid looking at Keith
Narti head went from left to right two times as if to say no
"Oh who was finish first "ask lotor looking at Keith as if he was trying to find out who this person was
Narti point at Keith
"Traitor "mumble Keith
Lotor and the general heard this and frown and said "what "
Narti cat jump onto narti shoulder then she wrote something down and then put it up in front of everyone and it said
Akria don't like being around people so he can be rude and he live on earth for 18 years and he is 18 so he understand it naturally so he might be weird for him to be in a room with other that are half breeds
"Oh well it was weird the first time for us so I guess if he is short temper that makes sense" said axca
"Yeah he is "smile ezor
"I don't growl" Keith
"Yep he does "smile axca
"Ezor don't you have work to do "ask Keith
"Yeah you are helping me so follow me "smile ezor
Keith follow ezor into a room and finish before her so after that they met up with narti all was going well until Keith saw zarkon and grab ezor and narti by the shoulder and pull them around the corner and said "zarkon "
They heard footstep then lotor came out of nowhere and said" I see you met akria "
"Who "ask zarkon
"Ezor and narti friend that is helping out" said lotor sounding confused
"Is it a boy with a mask over his eyes and wearing black clothes" ask zarkon
"Yes" smile lotor
"Well he just grab two of your general by the shoulder and pull them around the corner and said zarkon" said zarkon
"Well according to ezor and narti he has a short temper so I think they told him to stay away from you since two people with short temper in the same room is not a good idea" said lotor
"Well tell them to come out" said zarkon
"Axca "ask lotor
"Yes lotor" said axca then she walk to where they were and said" better come "
They went to zarkon
"Well so that is akria have we met before" ask zarkon
"I think you might have you see according to ezor he hide her from the other blades when she was trap and they now been friend for 2 months or more he seems to have a garla mind and a human skin "smirk lotor
"So you let a blades on my ship "growl zarkon
"Well he textually isn't since he is Keith you really think I cannot tell it him but great choice in clothing I guess ezor did gave it to you so" smirk lotor as hagger appeared with the druids
"Sh- "said Keith before he was knock out
"Ezor how could you and narti "ask axca
"Because she wanted a better way and Keith hide her from the paladian since he was on that ship according to our spy and you see Keith family didn't like him much and a doctor did something to his voice thing and he can control it and they put a fire stone in him when he was 10 I got this from his file anyway Keith has 5 other siblings starting from oldest to youngest okay Kevin is on our side violet our side a missing half sister and Adam our side then him then lilth our side so Keith is the last known living one so with them all have been genes meaning their great grandmother being half garla half atlean and with that said shiro being his older half brother. When Keith was four his doctor want to see if he could get the boy preagent and so he did that the boy let his feelings out he became known as either the fire king or the fire beast as he grew up knowing they chose he's destiny to be an assassin and on his 6 birthday his father left without a word when he was 7 lilth had an accident and that was done purposely by his friends so out of anger he kill them and cover up but he forgot people have memories and shiro cover for him, shiro look after them and he was I look after by his grandfather so yeah but as the story goes on Keith made bad friends and all the people that he love usually leave him but my guess is you didn't ask him to change since everyone has a problem with the person he is so" smile lotor
"So you thought you could do it the kind way was it working" growl zarkon
"Yes it was "said ezor
"She is telling the truth" said hagger
"So he has the fire stone and they never use it why ask "zarkon
"It was a secret it was hard to find his file "said ezor
"So lets see how strong he is "smirk zarkon
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