P A R T || T E N
| D A R R E N
"The two of you are only making my job harder," Samira gripes, glaring at us like a mother who'd caught her sons doing something stupid as she hands Josh an ice-pack. My mate takes it with a sheepish smile only to wince, pressing the ice lack to the other side of his chin as he used his other hand to massage his overworked jaw. I feel a little bad that I'm the reason for his obvious discomfort. Samira glanced at him before turning the full force of her glower at me. "Did you finish in him?" she asked with a bite in her voice. Her brown eyes were guarded, lips set in an unhappy frown.
"No," I said honestly and her face completely transformed as if I'd given her the best news of her life. She's probably just happy that she has one less patient to deal with. I'm not against impregnating my mate but now is not the time at all. If only my wolf would get that through his thick scull. Even now he's hung up on filling Josh with our knot. It's distracting to say the least.
"Good," Samira smiled-no, she's practically beaming. "Good. Taking care of Kaleb with all this... mess going on is difficult enough. Having to worry about another pregnancy would drive me up the wall!" The grin that spread her full lips was genuine but the laugh that passed between them was a little forced. "Your mate's been all over you recently because he's experiencing the early signs of heat. The marking was the trigger. I suspect it will hit him full force within the week," The pack doctor continued as her eyes returned to a blushing Josh as his head snapped up.
"No. I can't go into heat now," My sexy ass mate groaned as best he could without moving his jaw too much. My knot still hasn't gone down despite Josh's efforts to literally suck all the cum from my body. Don't get me wrong. I enjoyed every second of his attempts. Watching him eagerly swallow my dick over and over was the sexiest thing I've ever had the pleasure of seeing. But after the fifteenth time of shooting my seed down his warm throat, I forced him to stop. I was worried he would overwork his jaw and I had been right.
"I agree!" Samira exclaimed adamantly. "You can't. I strongly advise against it. The stress you two are under right now wouldn't have been good for the baby. Goddess knows I wish Kaleb and that tiger would have waited just a tad longer for the very same reason." Her thin fingers caressed the sides of her temple in soothing circles as if she was warding off an oncoming headache.
"Is there any way I could maybe not go into heat?" Josh groused with a pout that made me want to devour his lips. As much as I would love seeing my mate even needier than he has been the past few weeks, it is for the best that he didn't go into heat at the moment. No matter how much I want to fill him up with my pups. Samira's eyes lit up as she smiled softly.
"I have just the thing, honey," She beamed, the stress she'd clearly been under evaporating in seconds. She walked over to her cluttered desk and grabbed her journal from the pile it had been hidden under, flipping it open. "A tonic that will suspend your heat-"
"For how long?"" I asked just to be sure it wouldn't be permanent. If that was the case then fuck the tonic. Samira quickly shook her head in the negative.
"Only temporarily. His heat will come in handy later." She put her journal down before walking over to the tall cabinet that held vials and glass bottles of all different shapes and sizes, some were full and others were empty.
"Come in handy?" Josh asked raising an eyebrow at her phrasing. "Am I a baby factory now?" I didn't even try to fight the smile that spread across my lips. It was good to see my pup get some of his bite back. Samira chuckled softly.
"Well, you'll have to give your Alpha pups, Josh. The only time that's possible is during your heat, honey." Samira said as if speaking to a child. Josh rolled his eyes and continued his ministrations on his jaw. Well, that's a good tidbit of information to have I guess. I almost want to argue that Josh getting pregnant isn't a requirement like she made it seem. If my mate truly did not want to have kids, I wouldn't force him.
"So, he takes this and his heat won't come, how long until his next one?" I ask, hovering over Josh who's sitting down and crossing my arms. "Hold on, hold on—more importantly, are there side effects?" I interrupt before she can answer the first question.
"No." Samira smiles turning around. "I wouldn't dare give him anything that would hurt him. Not when he belongs to my Alpha," she continues preppily, walking over with a vial filled with light blue liquid. That statement didn't sit well with me for some reason. I think it has to do with the fact that I never want Josh to view himself as an object.
"He's not my property Samira, he's my ma-" I correct her. Or try to anyway. The woman quickly cuts me off, tucking her curly brown hair behind her ear. Regret fills her eyes like she said something she wasn't supposed to.
"I know, trust me, I know. Please don't take offense," Samira smiled apologetically, "Guess the phrase is a little old fashioned huh?" I smile back gently, not wanting her to think I was mad at her. I wasn't upset in the first place. I just didn't appreciate her choice of words. I guess I forgot who my mate was because his next words had me groaning.
"I completely disagree. I'm definitely Daddy's property," Josh catches my gaze in his and winks. If we were alone in the room right now he'd be spread over my lap, ass up. Such a naughty pup. Samira forces a smile, handing the vial over. Josh puts his ice pack down and takes the small bottle. "You wouldn't have any Tylenol, would you?" Josh asks with a sheepish smirk. Samira shakes her head in the affirmative.
"Yes, I do. Drink that and I'll give you some." My mate follows her directions, putting the vial to his mouth. I look away because for some reason simply watching his Adam's apple bob was enough to cause my pants to stir. It brought to mind memories of how it felt to have my dick being swallowed down his throat. Now's not the time to think about this.
"So, now that I've taken the magic potion, will we still be able to have fun or what?" Josh asked, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. Samira smiled reluctantly. Of course he'd ask that. I can't blame him. It's a pretty important question.
"Yes, but use condoms just to be safe," She advised. Josh's nose scrunched up in distaste obviously not happy with that bit. Can't say that I was either. I was hoping the medicine she gave him would be enough, but it seems that's not the case. The thought of having a barrier between my dick and the sweet walls of my mate was enough to have my wolf growling in irritation.
"Are you serious?" Josh whines unhappily. "I might as well just use a fucking dil-"
"Josh," I warn, trying to keep my laughter at bay. Samira's face is priceless as she turns her nose up at us.
"Oh, get out of here you two," She shoos us out after handing Josh the pain pills he'd asked for. Josh stands and stretches, giving Samira a grateful smile before walking out the door. I nod in farewell and Samira gives me an unsure smile, not meeting my eyes. "Enjoy the rest of your day Alpha."
"You too, Samira," I respond, leaving the room. Josh limps ahead of me muttering to himself intelligibly. If I didn't know any better I'd assume he'd gotten into a fight and lost. But I do know better and I would be lying if I said that I wasn't proud to be the cause of his limping.
What we'd learned from Samira wasn't too surprising given all that happened—or better yet what hadn't happened last night. We were so close to conceiving a child I cant really wrap my head around it.
Do I want to have a baby with Josh? Hell yes. Right now isn't the time though. Plus I don't even know if my mate truly wants kids or if it's because of his heat. Either way we can decide on all that later, we have too many problems at the moment that we can't ignore.
Josh plops down on the couch in the living room with a wince. He tosses his icepack on the coffee table, sinking back into the plush cushions. I watch him, taking in his tender movements and try to feel sympathy, it's hard when m wolf is in the back of my head encouraging me to make his condition worse. Josh catches my gaze and rolls those beautiful blue eyes of his.
"You could at least pretend not to look so proud of yourself, big guy," He drawls with a smirk that makes my heart stutter. He's so damn sexy. I got lucky. I snort before going to sit next to him, careful not to jostle him too much.
"In my defense, I did tell you to stop baby," I grin teasingly. With a groan Josh allows his head to plop backwards as he shuts his eyes.
"You weren't telling me to stop when your dick was all the way down my throat." He notes, his tone haughty and full of the sexiest confidence. I lace my fingers through the hand that was closest to me.
"As if you'd have listened. You were so far gone, you damn near cried when I took my dick from you after the last round," And what a sight that had been. His eyes were watery and glazed over like he was in a trance, his lips were pink, plump and wet with cum and his saliva. It had been so hard not to continue, especially when he was being so eager but I managed although I truly don't know where the strength to do so came from. He was all of my dirtiest desires come to life and all I wanted to do was mess him up more. Fill him with my cum more. Knot him. I almost did. Several times. It's a miracle we're not still in bed knotted together right now.
Josh waves me off lazily, peaking a blue eye open to look at me. "What can I say? I'm you're cockslut, aren't I?" He whispers, his gaze falling to my lips.
Yes, you are daddy's cockslut. I reply through our link before giving my pup what he was obviously yearning for. I press our lips together and Josh releases a soft sigh into the kiss, a happy content sound that warms my soul. I love this man so much, it's scary sometimes. My hand that's not holding his reaches to grip the back of his neck in a firm hold. It's a little domineering the way I force his head to turn the way I want it, but I know Josh liked it from the low moan that crawled up his throat.
D-Daddy... He called almost sweetly, his voice submissive and compliant. I kiss him harder as he allows my tongue to pillage his mouth-to claim what's mine. I almost-almost-took him right there on the couch but the sound of footsteps coming down the stairs brought me to my senses. I pull away slowly, making sure to tug and nibble Josh's bottom lip before I departed fully. He whined, trying to follow but stopped just as Zev and Kaleb entered the room.
Later. I promised, swiping my thumb against his beautifully tempting lips. Josh groans in disappointment but backs away, settling against the cushions again. Seeming not to have noticed our moment, the omega and tiger couple walk over to the couch. Well more so Kaleb whose steps are hurried and excited and headed straight for Josh. A happy grin lights up his face, his grey eyes shining happily. Zev follows close behind like a man following pure sunshine. His gaze never strays from Kaleb. He's constantly looking ahead of the omega, ready to remove any threat or obstacle that could possibly be in his mate's path. He's like a giant, hulking shadow.
"Josh!" Kaleb squeals happily as he plops down beside my beta. If the action caused Josh any discomfort, he doesn't show it. Instead he grins wickedly at Kaleb, sitting up a little.
"Runt," Josh responds. I honestly love Kaleb for the comfort his presence provides for my stubborn mate. Seriously, without him I don't know if Josh would have made it this far. Kaleb gave him something to protect since he felt that he wasn't worthy himself and in a way I think that saved him. That's the power of an omega I guess. They're rare, but their existence brings stability to packs fortunate enough to have them.
Their conversation gets cut off for a moment when Zev picks up his pregnant mate and sits with him secure in his lap. Kaleb's tiny body is practically swallowed by Zev's enormous arms.
"Hi, Darren," Kaleb greets and I smile. Good to know I'm not chopped liver. Despite being a a few months older than me I've always considered Kaleb to be like a little brother to me, ever since my parents took him in he's been the sibling I never had.
"Hi, Kaleb, how are you feeling?" I ask, eyeing what I could of his distended belly. Werewolf pregnancies are fast but even with having twins I wonder if it's normal for him to be this big so soon he looks like he's halfway to popping but it's only been two weeks.
"I feel fine!" He exclaims. "I just wish this big lug would be believe me when I tell him that." Zev just rumbles rubbing his nose against his mate's jaw in a show of affection. I don't think he's even paying attention to the conversation he seems wholly immersed in all things Kaleb.
"So, am I having nephews or nieces? One of each?" Josh asks excitedly. Kaleb's entire demeanor shifts into exuberance. The smile that pulls his pale cheeks could warm even the coldest room. It was infectious. I find myself smiling too.
"I-I kind of hope I'll have one of each. I've always wanted a little girl and having a mini Zev sounds amazing." His words were soft and hopeful, full of longing and love for his pups. I admit, I'm a little jealous. Given the current situation, the prospect of Josh getting pregnant can't be considered. I'm envious because after being told that I can't have a family with the love of my existence I want to-badly. I'm a pretty patient guy usually, maybe it has to do with the natural instinct to claim Josh as mine entirely.
If he was pregnant that would be irrefutable fact. Everyone would be forced to acknowledge it. They would all know, especially Jared, that Josh belongs to me—his Alpha.
My mate glances at me over his shoulder with the most adorable smile before diving back in to whatever conversation he and Kaleb were having. I was so swept up in my thoughts I didn't notice the topic change.
Still, I was only half-listening when Josh went on about having to use condoms and expressed his distaste for it. Zev and I were in the same boat, pretty much, listening to our mates catch up while cuddling close to us.
I have to say that I will miss having the odd couple around. Zev has become a good friend and watching Kaleb leave is going to be hard for me. As an alpha and as a brother. Overall though, I'm happy for them. Very happy. I just hope they don't go too far. Even after they leave, I'll still consider them a part of our pack. They always will be.
Josh shifts a little against me, wincing a bit as he did so. Kaleb noticed and opened his mouth to say something but then his cheeks turned pink and understanding entered his eyes. This caused Josh to laugh and I couldn't help but snicker a little. Kaleb let out an embarrassed humph that made Zev finally turn his attention toward Josh and I, only he was glaring like we'd just kicked a puppy.
Both Kaleb and Josh laughed at this. The omega rubbed his mate's arm effectively redirecting his attention. I bit back another scoff. Zev definitely could care less that we were in this room with them right now. I can't blame him because when Josh gets pregnant I'll probably be the same or worse.
We just need to get through this bullshit first. I don't even allow myself to start thinking about our situation. I just want to enjoy this moment with my mate and my friends.
My family.
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