AKA Cupid can suck your dick!

AKA Cupid can suck your dick!

Confirming the fact that there's no change in her normal routine and Jessica must feel comfortable, Killgrave has made it clear that he isn't going to isolate Jessica in any way.

Jessica tested him immediately, so on the morning of that fourth day of her staying there she gave Trish the address of the villa.

She was sure Killgrave would argue about that; instead he, who has nothing to hide, made his stuff prepare a table for the two girls, in the garden, to make them have their breakfast undisturbed.

There's an unusual sunny day in the beginning of January that allows such a thing.

He made his staff prepare a table for him, too, but far from them, to allow the two sisters to have their privacy.

He can see them, but he can't hear them.

Jessica has just finished telling Trish about her New Year's Eve celebrations and the following days.

"So, don't you find it unreal? Me inviting you here in the wolf's lair, as you used to call it, and you accepted, like it was nothing! And the wolf doesn't even dare to protest!" the brunette says, pouring some orange juice in her glass.

"Since he came to me, asking, mind you, not ordering, to help him to make that surprise to you for New Year's Eve, I really don't know how to consider that wolf anymore." the blonde grumbles, as she crunches the muesli in her yogurt. "By the way, guess what? I've had a pretty interesting New Year's Eve, too..." she adds, feeling the urge to confess everything to her best friend.

" 'Would you like some other tea, Mr. Killgrave?'" Jessica exclaims out of the blue with a high-pitched voice.

"Jessica, are you okay?" Trish frowns, but then she follows her gaze and figures out she's looking at the table far from them, where Killgrave is dealing with his staff.

Or rather only a person from his staff.

"That's what I bet she's asking him, because she's oh so caring! She's Ingrid, Kevin's waitress." The detective explains, but the speaker is only more and more confused.

"I understand..." she grumbles, as the waitress is really pouring other tea, just like Jessica has foreseen.

"Nope, you don't understand! She's a fucking concentrate of perfection, starting with her physical appearance. You can't see her very well from here, but, trust me, she has a top model's body, she has two sapphires instead of two eyes, she's barely twenty years old... and she's bonde. A naturally blonde, I mean, she is a sort of Swedish Barbie!" she points out.

"Hey! I'm naturally blonde, too!" Patricia snaps, insulted, covering the little darker regrow of her hair with her hands.

"Who said anything about it?" Jessica pretends to get along with her.

Noticing that Jessica seems to pay attention to her again, the blonde makes another attempt.

"Jess I've met this guy, oh, wait I already knew him, but..."

"I wish she was only a waitress. Instead, she's so much more!" Jessica starts complaining again, her eyes glued to the table on the porch. "Kevin keeps telling me how fucking perfectly she irons his shirts,"


"That the house shines like a new pin, and you can't find a single speck of dust, not even with a magnifying glass,"


"Not to mention the flawlessly way she sets and clears the table. She's simply perfect and beautiful. A Swedish Barbie with a fucking Mary Poppins' attitude!" Jessica goes on ranting, crumbling a slice of toasted bread in her fingers.


"What?" the brunette turns abruptly towards her friend.

"Oh my god, you're jealous!" she figures out.

Jessica bursts out laughing, thanking her lucky stars that she's not drinking anything, otherwise she would have choked.

"What?! Oh, please, don't make me laugh! He can fucking get laid with that fucking Swedish Barbie, I don't give a damn!" she snaps.

If nothing else, she quit staring at that table, otherwise she would notice that Killgrave is not there anymore.

- That's the typical reaction of a not jealous type, right!- Trish muses, sarcastic. - It's clear that now you wouldn't pay attention at anything I have to tell you... -

"Now I gotta go, I've a meeting for my talk-show and then I'll have lunch with mum." she gets up and waves her bye.

She has almost reached the gate that brings to the main street where she has parked her car, but she finds someone who is waiting for her.

"Just the girl I needed to find!" Killgrave sneers.

"I guess it's not that difficult to find someone in a place that you know inside and out." she grumbles, not wanting to show him how tense she actually is.

Okay, she might have changed his mind about him, a little bit, but to be alone with Killgrave always gives her the creeps.

"I had the feeling that Jessica was glancing at my table more than once. You know, Patsy I could ask you what you two talked about, I could extract every little thing Jessica has said, maybe about me..." he begins circling her.

Patricia is strung high as a violin; she knows she won't be able to resist if he orders her anything.

"But I'm not going to do that. I don't want to play dirty anymore. You're free to go. I won't hold you here." he stuns her with his decision.

That's why, once she crosses the threshold, she's back in her tracks.

"Killgrave!" she calls him out, before he walks away.

The handsome persuader turns to her.

"Just because you chose not to abuse of your power over me and you preferred the not easy way, I'm going to tell you something, of my own free will." she gets closer to him, catching him off guard. "Don't lose hope!" she whispers to his ear, before leaving, this time for real.

Smiling to himself, the man goes back to his table, he doesn't mind if Jessica has already left.

- Paradoxically, this time not using my powers gave me more advantages than when I actually use them. - he muses, already plotting his next move.

Something that requires a tiny bit of his powers.


"A-are you nuts? Asking me to bring you here what I found about the Grundlock's case?" a very uncomfortable Malcolm snaps.

They are in the living room of Killgrave's villa, as the persuader is reading a book, not close enough to hear them, but only to see them.

"I needed this stuff to go on. Besides, you had to receive this baptism of fire, sooner or later! You've been here for almost a quarter of an hour and it seems nothing bad happened to you, right?" Jessica strikes back, as she examines the documents he brought to her.

She considers Malcolm her business partner by then, but she'll never say that to him.

"Well, it doesn't mean that anything bad couldn't still happen. Next time you'll come to me After all, it's still your flat!" he insists.

"Now I have a full time mission here," she rolls her eyes "It's not that I can get much far. I left yesterday, but only to pick my stuff. If I stayed out much longer... oh, well, I should test how Kevin would react, I should assure myself that he won't give vent to his disappointment with his staff..."

- Oh well, maybe only with the Swedish Barbie... NO, Jessica, dammit, remember? You're on the Good side!- she reproaches herself.

Just the fact she thought of her made that young waitress appear with a tea tray.

As Malcolm gives her the highlights of his investigations, Jessica's eyes go wide, staring at Kevin and Ingrid.

The blondie bent over him as he cups her face in his hands.

Even if that move is covering her visual Jessica could easily guess what is going on.

- He's kissing her!- she realises, breaking in two the pen she's using to take notes.

Malcolm associates that reaction to the fact that maybe she doesn't like something in his investigations, so he tries to distract her somewhat and he seems to know very well what can catch her whole attention.

"You know, Jessica, last time I saw Killgrave, he gave me a command..."

"Yeah, I know, he prevented you from talking until we started the Christmas Carol.." she absently answers, glad when she sees Ingrid going back to work.

"No, I mean, there was another episode, something you don't know. It happened the day after Christmas, I've accidentally met him and he gave me an order."

"Which one?" Jessica is almost afraid to ask.

"He asked me to go to Trish."

"He's such a bastard! He did because he knew that something tender was going on between you two," Jessica surprises him with her answer. "And I bet he ordered you to arm yourself, before going to her."

"Yep, sort of..." he vaguely nods.

"Fucking bastard! That's why he made me leave the own, with that stupid New Year's Eve excuse! I knew he couldn't change for real! He must have made you two have a fight, while I was in London with him... by the way, why aren't you two wounded? I mean, of course, I'm happy you're not.... but if he..." she frowns, figuring out that something is wrong in her suppositions.

"Jessica, let me explain. Yeah, he said I had to brought something with me before going to Trish: a bunch of roses, to ask her to spend New Year's Eve with me." Malcolm astonishes her with his revelation. "Which is something I already wanted to do, I just lacked the courage, he gave me that courage. And, yes, Trish and I had a fight... beneath the covers of her bed!"

"He did... you two..." she mumbles incoherently.

"That was what Trish was trying to tell you this morning, but you seemed so distracted. However now I gotta go. Next time you will go to your office!" Malcolm leaves, choosing the longer path, anything not to meet Killgrave.

It's Jessica the one who is more than determined to meet him.

She walks confidently towards his sofa, sitting next to him.

She steals his cup of tea from the table and takes a sip.

"Eww, how can you like this shit? It's not even spiked with Bourbon... or any other alcohol!" she grimaces, making him smile.

"Jessica, to what do I owe this honor? I suppose you didn't come here only to criticize my proper Englishman's habits." he says, with a calm tone. "So, did you have fun with your friends, today? Then, don't you dare say I'm not permissive." he adds as he keeps reading his book.

"I have the feeling that you did have fun with your bimbo!"

"Huh? I'm afraid you've lost me..." he pretends to frown, as he turns the page.

- Right into my trap, my darling!- he silently rejoices.

"Your stupid waitress. I've seen you before. She kissed you!" she retorts.

"You totally fell for it!" he chuckles, closing his book.

He decides that Jessica must have his total attention.

"What? You kissed her, didn't you?" she wonders, puzzled.

"I didn't at all. I've just asked her to check if I had something in my eye and I placed my hands on her face as she checked, so it could seem a kiss!" he reveals everything.

Jessica seems to be relieved, but then she goes back to her rough attitude.

"Well, I don't know why you're giving me all these explanations. I mean, okay, we kiss each other once in a while, but it's not we are together or shit like that, oh c'mon! But mostly I don't give a damn about what you do in your bedroom! Also because, I mean... you have been surely had your animal instinct to satisfy during all these months..."

"If it can't be you, then I don't want any other else, Jessica. And you know better than me that Hope has only been a tool to arrive to you." he declares so seriously, staring deeply into her hazel/green eyes with so much sincerity that disarms her.

"Oh." that's all she can say. "However, what you did today is wrong!"

"What?! To give such an innocent order to the waitress? Or my hands on her face? Or..." he starts losing his patience, raising his voice,

"Trying to make me jealous, this is wrong!" she snaps.

"If you say so, it means that, at least a little, you're jeal...."

Kevin can't speak anymore, for the simple reason that his mouth is busy into a kiss that Jessica demanded with irruence, grabbing his shirt collar to pull him to herself.

So now that shirt is not so perfectly ironed anymore.

Kevin afford himself the luxury of passing one hand through her silky-smooth black hair, as he places his other hand on her back, pulling her closer.

As it happens most of the times, it's Jessica who ends the kiss first, after a remarkable amount of time.

"It's just that I think that I can concentrate better on my mission about trying to make you a better man... if you haven't any distractions around." she justifies, as he stares at her with a knowing smile.

- Probably you also have the super power of denial! - he ponders, amused.

"Given that I only have eyes for you and I'd like my power to still work on you just to instil that concept in that pretty head of yours," he pauses, making her smile. "I don't think that Ingrid could be a distraction: she fancies Daniel."

"Really?" she asks intrigued.

"Yep, she confessed that to me."


"Did I say 'confessed'? Okay, I ordered her to tell me if there was someone she fancied.... which is the same thing that later I asked Daniel, too... guess what he answered?" he shows a sly smile.

"Ingrid!" the brunette says with a smirk, but then she changes attitude. "Anyway, it's wrong, you can't rummage in people's mind so undisturbed!" she reproaches him.

- Shut up, Jessica. Until twenty minutes ago you just wanted to break plates on an innocent girl's head and scalping her Tyrolean braid!- the detective examines her own conscience.

"But..." he protests, biting his upper lip.

"On second thought, it's definitely less harmful that a cut on a finger. You're making progress." she admits, making him smile.

"And that's also the main reason why I didn't fire my chef." Kevin confesses. "I ordered them both to declare to each other tonight, after dinner."


"What? They already wanted that." he shrugs.

"Just like also Malcolm and Trish already wanted that, right?"

"Did Patsy tell you?" he figures out.

"Actually, nope. Oh, well, now that I think better, probably she was trying to tell me that, but I didn't give her the chance." she replies vaguely. "But Malcolm told me everything."

"That bloody talkative gossip guy! I shall shut his mouth once for all!" he growls, annoyed.

"No, you won't! I didn't say it as a bad thing; quite the contrary: I think it's really awesome what you have done." she catches him off guard with her statement.

"Do you? Really?" he almost asks her in disbelief, his eyes wide with awe.

"Of course, I do. You've always used your power to separate and make something end; now you're using it to unite and make something new start. I'm proud of you, Kevin. This is the right path." she smiles at him, putting both of her hands on his shoulders, before pushing herself closer for a quick peck on his lips.

Kevin doesn't know if he should be happier for her words of her gesture.

"Cupid can suck your dick!" she says cheerfully.

"Oh well, it has just happened twice, pure coincidences... it's not that I want to make people fall in love for the rest of my life..." he grumbles.

"I bet you don't. Don't worry, I have something else in store for you. Time to time!" she reveals, mysteriously.

"Okay, but... coming back to present time..." Kevin murmurs, staring mischievously at her as he lays down more comfortably on the sofa."Instead of Cupid, you could suck my..."

The second after, Kilgrave found himself on the carpet where Jessica has shoved him.

His head is still aching while she dominates from above, twirling a threatening fist in the air.

"Pig! Dare to finish that sentence and you can say goodbye to your teeth!"



What do you say? Should Jess stop thinking so ill of poor Killy every time? XD

This is the first time I write about a jealous!Jessica .... actually this one shot wasn't even planned ... but in the reviews of the previous shot one Italian reader said she would like to see Jessica dealing with a potential rival... and here we go XD
so if you have any request, feel free to ask, I'll try to please you, if I can ^^'
I hope this story made you smile :)
crazier stuff will happen, lol
see ya soon <3

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