Red's P.O.V

      "Thx for taking care of Mason for us while we go out to do stuff" "No problem Adam now go we got this" I say "Ok bye guys!" Adam says as he and Alesa get in the car. "Bye!" Ross says as he's playing with Mason. " r-r-oss" "OMG HE SAID MY NAME!!!" I heard Ross squeal with excitement. "That's amazing Ross" Max says as he puts his arm around Ross and I see Ross blushing. Oooooooo Someone's got a crush yes my ship is sailing! "Why are you so happy Red?" Barney ask "It's just that I see my ship sailing" I whispered to Barney. He then looks over at Max and Ross who were feeding Baby Mason right now. "I guess your right Red...hehe I think they would make a cute couple" Barney says as he wraps a arm around my waist. "Yep" I say "Awwww now your a mess now we got to clean you up now messy boy" I hear Max say "Barney and Me will give Mason a bath while you guys take a break and it's my turn anyways to take care of Mason so give me the cutie~!" I say with excitement. "Ok here you go here's the little cutie~!" Ross says as he gives me Mason."Come on Barney we're going to give Mason a bath!" I say as I start up the stairs with Mason and Barney right behind us. Now Max and Ross can have some alone time.

                          Ross' P.O.V

     I start cleaning up the mess Mason had made when eating and I feel Max staring at me from behind. "Ummm Max while are you staring at me?" I ask as I feel a blush come on to my face. "W-what! Ummm" Max stuuders "Max are you ok is there anything you want to tell me at all?" I ask "W-Well th-there is something I need to tell you....." Max says "Well what is it?" I ask "W-Well I-I L-love y-you......." Max says with a big blush across his face. "R-realy!?" I say with joy and Max just nodded his head yes. "It's ok if- I cut off Max by kissing him. He didn't kiss back for a few seconds. I'm guessing from shock but kissed back. It was a kiss full of love (If you can't tell I'm bad at this XD) but we had to pull back to breath this thing called air. "Umm so what are we?" Max said "What ever you want us to be" I say and give him another kiss. "Then will you be my boyfriend?" Max asks with his arms around my waist and my arms around his neck. "Of course I will be your boyfriend" I say. "I'm pretty sure Red and Barney are playing with Mason right before they put him to bed. So do you want to watch TV to pass the time?" Max asked "Yeah let's watch ANIME!" I say like a little child. "Heheheh this is one of the reasons why I love" Max says and gives me a kiss on the cheek. "Hehe I love you to now let's go watch so anime!" I say will pulling him to the living room.

                    Barney's P.O.V

    "Awww he looks so cute when he's asleep" Red said quietly while rocking Mason in his arms. "Yes he dose Red now let's let him sleep" I say with my arms arms around him and my head resting on his shoulder. " Yeah I guess your right" Red said as he lays Mason down in his crib. "Do you want to ever have kids some day" Red said while looking down at Mason. "Yeah some day Red some day..." I say and give him a kiss on the cheek. "Now let's go and check up on Ross and Max and see what they are doing." I say "Yeah let's go see what there up to" Red says as we walk out of the room and walk down stairs. "Omg my ship has sailed across the world" Red says and I look over to where Red is looking and see Max and Ross asleep cuddling each other. "Your right how about we leave them alone and we can make some lunch for us" I say "Ok but can I go take a picture of them real fast!" Red ask "Yes you can" I say while laughing "Yay!" Red says and goes to take a picture. God I love him so much I say to myself.
Well I hope you guys like this chapter and leave a comment on how this was or if you guys have any ideas for the next chapter. I will see you guys later bye!

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