

We broke the kiss..... Laurance was looking at the ground blushing like a tomato like me..... I had to
Forgive him....... I mean I don't have too but I want too...... I still kinda have feelings for him...... Also for Vylad...... I said "I-I forgive you....... I can't stay mad at you forever...." Laurance looked at me and said "R-Really?!" I nodded he smiled and hugged me.... I hugged back.. And I said "Promise you won't date another girl?" Laurance chulcked and said "Promise you won't date another boy?" I laughed and said "Why cuz you like me?" "Maybe why you saying that also?" "Same...." We both chuckled and I looked at Laurance watch it was 10:00 and we had school tomorrow.... "Laurance..... We have school tomorrow and it's 10:00" "Tomorrow is Saturday...... Maybe should go your mom might be worried" "Yeah umm ok bye" "See ya!" I let go of Laurance and walked home...

I opened the door and saw my mom and she said "Y/N! WHERE WERE
YOU?!" "I was at Mia's....." "hmmm...... Ok!" I went to my room and Mia texted me and said

M:Wanna prank the boys?

You:Who boys?

M:Laurance, Travis, Dante, and Garroth

You:Only us?

M:no Cadenza, Kawaii-Chan, Nicole, Katelyn, Aphmau, Trisha, Me, And you!!!! So wanna do it?

You:Sure I'm up to it!

M:So I texted the boys to come to my house 5:00 sharp! And all of us girls go on the balcony and grab a water balloon and then when there like under us we drop
It on them.... HEHEHE!


M:Coen here at 3:00!




~next day~

I got out of bed and got ready...... I looked at the clock and it was 1:30 pm..... It was hard to get out of bed..... And took my time getting ready...

I went to Mia's and I was last even if it's 2:00 and We saw the boys already.... We went on the balcony and grabbed a water balloon... We splashed all I've the boys.... We went to the backyard and grabbed 4 buckets filled with water balloons. The boys went in the backyard and grabbed two buckets and first splashed it on me and Mia.....

~after balloon fight~

"I'm all soggy and wet!" Cadenza whined "Shut up Cadenza we all of us are" Lucinda said to Cadezna "Whatever!" Cadenza said in a sassy voice!

We got changed ~Don't ask how thy got changed~ and Laurance said "now what are we going to have another water balloon fight" all the girls said "OH HEY NO!" Mia said "no! I wanna eat nachos!" "Kawaii-Chan does not like Water balloon fights..... Well sometimes even Cadenza-Sama right?" "Yeah!" I just chuckled

~School On Monday~


I was walking down the halls..... A Boy and saw Y/n????!!!!


I was talking to Laurance but then I saw..... "Hey Y/n~" "What do you Want MIDNIGHT!" "Midnight?" "Yeah" Guessing why I'm surprised.... Well "He's my ex..." "Oh!!!!! WAit WHAT!!!" "So Y/n how are you..." Midnight said in a flirty tone... I replied "REALLY GREAT!!!! Until YOU showed up...." "HAHAHAHA so since your still single.... Your still availab---" I accidentally said "IM ALREAY TAKEN!" I put my hands on my mouth.... I did not mean to say that.... Poop... "who is your boyfriend?" "Laurance!" I COVERD my hands once again!!! I looked at Laurance and he knew what I wanted him to say/do..... "Yup! I-I'm Y/N'S GIRLFRIEND!!!!!" I was blushing really hard and said "We should go now Laurance! Bye Mr.Demon!" I grabbed Laurance hand and walked away "Why did you say that I was your boyfriend! I'm not your boyfriend! (yet...)" "I'm sorry!!!! And what did you say in the last part?" "N-Nothing! Nothing!" Laurance was lightly blushing... I chuckled and then we walked to put homeroom... "Ok class today we are have a new student Midnight! Now midnight go sit next to Y/n" ~Also Y/n is between Midnight and Laurance~ I was surprised! And I saw midnight said "Thanks miss?" "Ms.Harper..." "Hi Ms.Harper! It's a pleasure to meet you!" "Your so nice" ms.harper said "Oh why Thank you," Midnight replied, "YOR so nice also!" I rolled my eyes and whisperd to Laurance "Do you know what he is doing?!" "NO!!!"

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