Best Birthday Ever.
RT_Ninja: Hey guys, so I posted a sad birthday story earlier, so now I wanna do a happy one! So here's a happy little birthday idea for you and our darling Ace. If it's not your birthday, pretend the story is happening on it. Alright guys, enjoy!
Modern AU
Ace stared at the party invitation on his table.
You're invited to celebrate the birthday of (Y/N)!
Will be held at (address)
On (birthday)
Also, shhhhhhh! It's s surprise!
Ace sighed. Luffy was the one to plan the party, so naturally, Ace was last to know.
The party was today and he didn't have a gift.
Ace didn't know why, but every time it came to you and gifts, he always wanted his to be the best. Sabo said that it was because Ace had a crush on you. And maybe it was.
The secret of Ace's crush was apparent to everyone but you. Even Luffy could see it.
And the feeling was mutual, of course. And naturally. Ace was the only one blind to your burning obvious crush on him.
But, Ace didn't know. And even though he'd never admit it, it was his crush on you that made him want to be first in your books with everything.
The first person you call when you want to hang out.
The first person you come to when you're feeling down.
The first person that gives you the best gift on your birthday.
But he was drawing a blank.
"Think, Ace! What do you know about (Y/N)? Let's see, she likes art. Maybe I could make a sculpture for her? But I'm no good with clay. I can't carve ice. A wood carving! Perfect! But what of? Well, she loves (favorite animal). I could try to make one of those." He thought.
He walked out in to his shed and selected a nice big log he hadn't yet cut in to firewood. He thought for a moment and decided he should get a smaller piece of wood, considering he would only hurt himself if he tried a chainsaw carving. He was no Griffon Ramsey*.
With a sigh, he grabbed another, smaller log and began to carve it in to a (favorite animal) for you.
He successfully carved it after a few hours and went to get his blow torch to add shading to it.
That did not go well.
In only moments, the entire sculpture was up in flames. In a panic, Ace dumped a bucket of water on it. When all the flames were out, it didn't look much like a (favorite animal), but more like a pile of coal.
With a sigh, Ace tried again. The second attempt was worse than the first. As was the third. And fourth. And fifth.
Before Ace knew it, it was dark out and he couldn't even attend the party because it was almost over. He imagined your look of disappointment and felt his heart break.
He looked at the carving. He had finished the carving part, but he was afraid to try the torching part again. He didn't want to ruin your birthday.
With a steadying breath, he slowly tried to follow the pattern of the animal. His hand slipped as he started on the head, burning it in a way he didn't want. He was able to put out the flames before the whole thing caught. He turned off the torch and looked at the carving and wanted to cry.
It was horrible. The burn going down the side of the (favorite animal)'s face made it look horribly disfigured.
Ace took the sculpture and put away the blow torch in it's spot safely away and went and hid in his room.
He stared at the sculpture for a little bit, before stuffing it under his bed, away from the eyes of the world and -more importantly- you.
Once again, he imagined your disappointed face when you found out he had nothing to give you for your birthday. He felt his heart break further and imagined the party that he couldn't attend.
Sanji had made a beautiful cake for your birthday. Your favorite cake. The look of joy on your face when Luffy gave you the newest album of (favorite band) that you had desperately searched for. Your squeal of excitement when Sabo handed you the next edition of your favorite book series with Robin following up with a new series you had your eyes on that you wanted to start as soon as you finished your favorite. Nami giving you a pretty necklace that matched your (e/c) eyes. Zoro giving you an impressive dagger, considering you didn't have much control with a sword. Law shyly giving you a cute stuffed teddy bear that made you remember your childhood. Probably winning your heart and putting Ace out of your mind completely.
Ace pulled his knees to his chest and wrapped his arms around them and buried his face in them to hide the tears that were now spilling from his eyes. He was probably losing you, the most amazing woman he had ever met and the only one he had ever - and will ever- wanted in his life, all because he couldn't control a stupid fire.
"Fucking fire. You've helped me plenty of times before, why did you have to fuck me over this time? Now (Y/N) will never want me." He thought to himself.
Down stairs, he heard the door open. Luffy and Sabo must be home from the party. Ace fought back a sob, not wanting his brothers to hear.
"Ace?" A feminine voice called. Ace felt his gut clentch. You were here. Probably to ask him why he didn't come to your party or to tell him that you and Law were a couple now. Either way, it drove a knife through his heart.
Ace listened to the shuffling of feet and muffled voices as (Y/N), Luffy and Sabo searched for him. He was hoping you would just leave him alone. He heard light footsteps walk by his door. He held his breath. If he stayed quiet, you would think he's asleep and leave.
He heard a knock at the door and your soft voice call him. He didn't respond, hoping you'd leave, thinking he'd fallen asleep. But you knocked again.
"Ace, are you in there? It's me, (Y/N.)" You say. Ace said nothing, praying you'd leave. He heard the door open and barely saw the light from the hall hit him. You turned on the light as you stepped in and saw him.
"Ace!" He heard you say. He heard you run over to him and felt your small hands touch his large arms.
"Ace! Are you okay? What's wrong? I saw cut and burned pieces of wood in the yard, are you hurt?" You asked. Ace shook his head, not looking at you.
"Ace, please look at me, I hate seeing you like this." You said. Ace peaked out at you through his hair. Your (e/c) orbs filled with worry. Your eyebrows pull together and you lean towards him, your (h/c) locks falling in your face.
"Ace, please look at me, I know you're awake." You said. You reach out and tug on his hair the way he only lets you do. Unable to resist you, he looks up at you. Relief swims in your eyes as well as a hint of amusement. Slowly the amusement grew and you had to press a hand to your mouth to suppress the giggle.
"Ace, you have ash all over your face." You giggle, unknowingly making his heart flutter a bit, but he believed that you and Law were now a couple, so his enjoyment didn't show.
"Stay here, I'll get a cloth to clean your face with." You said and stood up. You went in to the bathroom and grabbed a wash cloth and dampened it so you could clean Ace's handsome face. You returned to his room to find tears rolling down his face. Worry washed over you and you ran back over.
"What's wrong, Ace? Did you hurt yourself?" You ask worriedly. He shook his head. You sigh and raise the cloth to his face and began to wipe away the ash from his forehead, cheeks and chin. Your heart beating loudly in your ears as you did.
"I didn't see you at the party." You said. His heart sunk a little further. "I was worried about you. Did you get sick?" You ask. He shook his head. You set the cloth down.
"Then why didn't you come? I missed you." You say. Ace sighed and rested his chin on his knees.
"I found out about the party this morning. I didn't have a gift to give you, so I tried to make a wood carving of a (favorite animal), but everything just turned out wrong." He said. You nod.
"That's what the burnt wood in the yard was for." You say and he nods sadly.
"Nothing I tried worked. Everything just went wrong and I didn't have anything to give you. I'm sorry. You probably like Law now." He said, murmuring the last part, but you still heard it and was confused.
"Why would I like Law? I mean, yeah, he's my friend and all, but I don't like him." You say. He looked up at you as you brushed your (h/c) hair behind your ear.
"Because he gave you a cute little gift." He said. You cock your eyebrow at him. You had to admit that even though he was already cute to you, how he looked so helpless in the moment made him look adorable.
"He gave me a teddy bear. It was cute and all, but he didn't seem to enthused to be giving it to me." You said. Ace looked up at you. You sat back at your ankles.
"Ace, to me, it doesn't matter what I get, it matters who gives it to me." You say, smiling gently at him, making his stomach flip and his heart skip a beat.
"What do you mean?" He asked. You smiled at him again.
"If someone I don't like gives me a really pretty necklace, I'd end up tossing it in a drawer and never looking at it again because I'd only see that person whenever I looked at it. But, if, say, you gave me something like... A stick with a little smiley face on it, I would put it in a place where it would be the first thing I see when I wake up and the last thing I see when I go to sleep. Not because it's just a stick, but because it's a stick that you gave me." You say. Ace stares at you blankly, still not quite getting it. You giggle at the innocent look in his eyes, reminding you more of a little kid.
"Ace, even if you gave me a piece of burnt wood, that would be the best present I ever got. Because it came from you." You say. Ace blushed and looked down. You giggled at how cute he looked.
He suddenly crawled over to his bed and pulled something out. He hid it behind his back and walked back over to you on his knees. You gave him a confused look and he stared at the ground between you two.
"I-I made this for you." He said, pulling the (favorite animal) carving with the burned face from behind his back and handing it to you. You gently took it in your hands and looked it over.
To Ace, it was a horrible monstrosity and he regretted giving it to you and he wanted to take it back immediately.
But to you, it was beautiful. You felt tears build in your eyes as you looked over the pretty carving.
"Ace..." You choked out. "It's beautiful. I love it." He looked up at you in confusion.
"But it's terrible. I burned it's face." He said with a frown. You giggled.
"I think it gives it a personality. I love it. It is the best present I've ever gotten." You say, hugging the carving to your chest and smiling up at Ace. He blushed.
You two sat there in awkward silence. He continued to blush as you smiled down at the carving of your favorite animal that the man you loved had spent the whole day trying to make for you.
Ace suddenly got an idea, unsure if you would like it though, but he decided to try it anyways.
"I have another gift." He said. You looked up at him in confusion. He quickly stood up. "Wait here." He said and darted out of the room. You sat on the floor and waited. You could hear him faintly talking with Sabo in the other room.
You hummed to yourself lightly and admired the piece of work in your hands. It really was beautiful. You had no idea why Ace would be so ashamed of such a beautiful piece of art work. It actually was very well done. The head and body of the animal was really well done. You knew if Ace had shown up late to the party with this in his hands for you, the rest of your friends would have gone silent with how beautifully done it was.
You heard the door shut and looked up at Ace as he re-entered the room.
And you burst out laughing.
Ace had his signature grin on his face as well as a light blush on his adorable freckled cheeks. But what was making you laugh so hard was the little (f/c) ribbon tied on his head.
It was so rediculous yet, so cute at the same time.
You stood up and set the carving on the dresser. You walked over to him, still giggling at the ribbon on his head.
"What's this?" You giggle. He grinned brightly at you.
"I'm your second birthday present from me. I know it's pretty late, but for the rest of your birthday, you get to do anything you want with me." He said, emphasizing anything, making you blush a little bit.
"Anything, huh?" You ask. He nodded, still grinning at you. You tap your chin thoughtfully as you glance at the clock on his night stand.
There were only two hours left of your birthday. Only one thing really to do at this point. It was a brave move, but it was what you have wanted for a while.
Putting on a brave and sexy smirk, you walked towards him. When you reached him, you wrapped your arms around him and locked the door behind him, a mischievous look in your eyes.
"(Y-Y/N)? What are you-?" He started. Your sexy giggle cut him off.
"You said anything I wanted, right?" You ask. He nodded, his blush getting deeper. You grin at him.
"Well, this is what I've wanted for a long time." You say and stretch up on to your toes and throw your arms around his neck and pull him down in to a kiss. He was tense at first, but then he melted in to your kiss, slowly wrapping his arms around your waist. Your tongue darts across his lower lip. His lips part and you slip your tongue in to his mouth, his tongue dancing with yours.
When air became a must, you broke away from him. A smile danced across your lips. A bright grin filled his face.
"You like me?" He asked. You shook your head. He felt his heart drop in to his gut.
"I love you, Ace. I have since we were kids." You said. Ace pulled you closer to him and brought his lips to your ear.
"I love you, (Y/N). Ever since we were kids." He whispered in your ear seductively, driving you wild.
You grab his hands and pull him towards the bed with you, a grin on your face.
"Come on. I want my birthday present." You murmur in to his ear, driving him wild.
He gently pushed you down on to the bed and captured your lips with his. His hands slipped beneath your shirt, causing you to gasp. You reached up and pulled the ribbon from his head and tossed it away. He carefully pulled your shirt from your body and tossed it to the floor. You followed his example and removed his shirt.
Your hands wandered his toned torso. You knew he worked out often, but you didn't realize he was this ripped. The guy had a freaking six pack and the way he flexed his muscles under your touch was driving you insane. You breath shook as your hands wandered his chest. His chest shook with a chuckle at you.
He slipped his hands behind you and unhooked your bra and slipped it off, exposing your chest to him. His hands moved down to your waist and he pulled your jeans from your body. Your breathing hitched as you were suprised you were actually doing this.
Ace pulled away so you both could breathe. He looked you over as he did so.
"Damn, (Y/N), you've been hiding from me." He murmured. You propped yourself up on your elbows and leaned closer to him.
"I could say the same about you." You said and pulled him back down in to a kiss. You reached down and tugged open the button of his jeans and he wiggled out of them. His boxers did little to hide his excitement.
You placed your foot on his hip and kicked his boxers off quite litterally. He was completely exposed now. There was no turning back.
He reached down and pulled your underwear off, leaving you at his mercy.
"A-Ace." You gasped as he pulled away.
"(Y/N), are you sure you are ready for this?" He murmured. You nodded. He placed a gently kiss in your neck.
"I love you, (Y/N)." He said.
"I love you, Ace." You said.
He positioned himself between your legs and pressed your lips to his. You gasped as his length entered you. It hurt, but you didn't want him to stop.
Starting slowly, he began to thrust himself in to you. You moaned against his lips, the pain slowly starting to fade as he picked up speed.
You found yourself short of breath as he was unable to multitask kissing and making love to you at the same time.
"(Y/N), I-I'm gonna..." He started. Even though this was your first time, you knew what he was trying to say.
"I-I am, too, Ace, just keep going." You moan breathlessly in his ear. He did as you said and continued, capturing your lips once again.
Soon, you hit your climax, him hitting his not long after. He pulled out and fell to the side of you, panting hard.
You pulled the covers around the both of you and curled against him. Even though you couldn't see it in the dark, he smiled down at you.
"I love you, Ace." Your quiet voice came from the dark. He wrapped his arms protectively around you.
"I love you, (Y/N). Happy birthday." He said. Your heart fluttered at the words.
"I lied." You said.
"Hm?" He asked. You leaned up and kissed him gently on the lips.
"This was the best birthday present I ever got. And I love it." You said. You felt him smile as he buried his face in your shoulder.
Curling up to him again, you smiled. One thought past your mind before you finally fell asleep.
Best birthday ever.
The End
* Griffon Ramsey is my favorite chainsaw artist. Seriously, she does beautiful work. If you haven't seen her work, you can check it out on YouTube.
RT_Ninja: Hello there all my lovely readers! I hope you enjoyed that! Mainly because... This is the first lemon fanfic I've written. *Face as red as the hair in the character of my profile pic.* Ahem, anyways, that's my little one shot, I hope you liked it! If today is your birthday, then happy birthday! I'm just gonna go wash away this dirty feeling now...
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