Chapter 3: Hawks next move
A/n: Hello! My fellow readers! here is the next chapter to this story, now without further ado let the chapter begin!
3rd pov
Inside the forte where members of the Hawk raiders, most of the members are passed out drunk from last night's celebration of a successful raid, while two of members are seen looking out towards the forest with the sun shining down on them. Those two happen to be Y/n and Gutsa with their swords at their side, Y/n is looking out the lands from the forte's walls with Gutsa resting her eyes on his shoulder.
????: Hey, you two seemed to be up early.
Y/n and Gutsa who as opened her eyes, as both look towards the stairs to see Judeau walking up to them.
Judea: Still talking to those birds are you? *sits on the upper section of the wall*
Y/n: I normally an early riser, something I picked up when I was boy and training with a blade.
Judea: Interesting, did you have a particular trainer?
Y/n: Yes... But I'll tell you later. Still too new of being a member of the Band of the Hawk.
Judea: I guess that's fair. So Gutsa What do you think of our group?
Gutsa: What do you mean?
Judea: Well, do you like it here? the same question can be for Y/n.
Gutsa: I don't know yet. It's different here, in most mercenary bands everybody's the same. It's easy to see that their ranks are made up of hoodlums and men of shady pasts.
Y/n: That and along with absolute bastards with major egos. Though That Corkus guy needs to learn between a fight that's survivable, to one that will get him and his troops killed.
Gutsa: That I can agree. But I think something's different here.
Judea: Huh, do you two think so? I've never thought about that. I'd have to say, it's because of Griffith. Everyone really admires him, we all expect great rewards to come to staying with Griffith. But to be honest were probably all gathered here, because of his charisma. Of course it's kill or be killed, we fight in bloody battles every day but as strange as it sounds. We can still live like normal people as long as we belong to this band.
Y/n: That does sounds strange. I'm not sure if my mentor would agree with that, since she likes to draw a line between wolves and sheep...
Judea: [Now where have I heard that before? I'll ask until a better time.]
Gutsa: What kind of guy is Griffith?
Y/n: *narrows his eyes* What's that supposed to mean?
Gutsa: *teasing* Oh relax, no need to be jealous of anything. I'm mere asking in terms of character.
Judea: Huh? Hmm, I can't say.
Y/n\gutsa: Say what now?/Huh?
Judea: Now, now listen. I can't really describe it, but I think Griffith really believes in something beyond battle, beyond victory. Now it's probably something he won't realize in his lifetime, but something drives him and it's something ordinary people like us can never understand.
Gutsa: A belief? In what?
Judea: In everything.
Y/n: That, doesn't really help.
????: Hey "Heroes."
Both Y/n and Gutsa along with Judea to see Casca at the stairs looking right at, the duo as she was referring her comment to Y/n and Gutsa.
Casca: Griffith sent for you two.
Y/n: Catch you later.
Gutsa: See ya.
As both Y/n and Gutsa follow Casca to Griffith, but before Y/n and Gutsa go any further to meet with Griffith, Judea called out to both Y/n and Gutsa.
Judea: Y/n, Gutsa. I have a funny feeling that you both will fit in with the Band of the Hawk just fine.
Both male and female mercs only stared at Judea, then proceed to follow Casca to Griffith as little the two didn't know was at the well to wash off, so when Casca showed them the direction and left to her own duties. Both Y/n and Gutsa were surprised to see Griffith nude, Y/n just shook his head as he is no fool to let his guard down even with not clothes or armor, Gutsa on the other hand was trying not to look bellow the waist area. Griffith glanced behind him to see both Y/n and Gutsa, which he acts casual for the two.
Griffith: Ah, would you care to join me? This is the best way to wake up.
Y/n: No thanks, though you could have just splash the cold water on your face. Also could you please cover up, for Gutsa sake.
Gutsa: *is trying to look at Grifith's face* Yes, please cover up.
Griffith: Ah, come on join me.
He proceeds to splash both, which got both Y/n and Gutsa wet getting the same irritated look on both of their faces.
Y/n: Would you quit it!
Gutsa: We're not children!
Griffith: *laughs* Oh no, now I done it.
Y/n then proceeds to grab one of the extra buckets and fill it with water, as he goes to launch the water at Griffith, the said leader of the mercenary band dodges it facing Y/n and leaving his guard down for Gutsa to sneak attack him with another bucket of water.
Griffith: Miss me!
Y/n: *smirks* Are you sure about that?
Just like that Gutsa splashes her bucket of water at Griffith, which hits Griffith leaving him wet and stunned from getting sneaked attack by Gutsa, while the said young woman and Y/n smirked knowing their team is on par. This then leads to a splash fight between, Griffith and the two new members of the Hawk, unknown to them Judea is seen on a section above the three young adults watching with a smile.
Judea: Tt's still early, but things are looking up.
Y/n's pov
After a while of splashing each other with water filled buckets, me, Gutsa and Griffith were tired and panting from the water fight, which has me sitting in between Griffith and Gutsa though I still have a little trick up my sleeve.
Griffith: That was a hell of an exercise-
I cut him midsentence by dumping water on his head while leaving the bucket on his head, much to his annoyance and my amusement. Even though my mentor probably wouldn't agree with me messing with my leader who is still nude, with my childhood friend but she was the best and only person I could trust along with treating me better than Gambino.
Griffith: Gah, Y/n...
Y/n: *smirks* You left your guard down, now me and Gutsa are even.
Griffith: Huh? *laughs* I surrender, you two won the day! You my firends are stubborn.
During this time, I noticed Griffith's necklace around his neck with an odd red orb and it seems he noticed me looking at the red orb.
Y/n: Hey, Griffith what is that? *points to the red orb*
Griffith: *motions the red orb* Oh this? Well I got this from an old fortune teller woman along time ago.
Gutsa: Fortune teller? Did she say what that thing is?
Griffith: It's a bailet, but she called it the "egg of the king", for once you possess this you are destined to rule the world.
Y/n: Sounds hard to believe, from what I've heard with promising stories of fortune or power, theirs always a price to pay.
Griffith: You would be right about that, in exchange for your flesh and blood.
Gutsa: Rule the world?
Griffith: *tosses it to Y/n* Catch!
When he tosses it, I instantly caught it which both me and Gutsa got a good look at this bailet thing, from what I can see it appeared to have some kind of nose, mouth and closed eyes that just staring at this thing gives me an unsettling feeling. This feeling grew stronger when one of the closed eyes, opened up to reveal an eye with a blue iris and looks right at me, it freaked me out that I toss it back to Griffith who catches it.
Griffith: But, I don't really know how it's supposed to work. It looks alive though, doesn't it?
Gutsa: It's creepy.
Y/n: To me, that thing looks like it's nothing but trouble. And you were given to this by a fortune teller? Didn't it ever come to you that it might be curse or something?
Griffith gives it a look, but then turns to me and Gutsa with a grin on his face presenting the bailef.
Griffith: Be afraid. *teasing tone*
Y/n: Anyway, going back on track. You didn't really give me and Gutsa an answer since yesterday.
Gutsa: Why did you come back to help me and Y/n during the battle? Neither me nor Y/n wouldn't have, aside for it either being me or him.
Griffith: I wasn't about to lose two warriors of yours and Y/n's caliber in such an insignificant battle. Especially after I put so much work into acquiring you two.
Gutsa: Huh?
Y/n: Say what now?
Griffith then stands and turns towards the sun looking at it for a moment.
Griffith: Gutsa, Y/n... you must believe, we have only just taken the first step... The band of the Hawk victory in several battles, it is the dawn just the beginning. The real fun for us has yet to come, we'll risk our lives for it. *turns to Y/n and Gutsa* I will have my own Kingdom, you two must fight for me. Because you two belong to me, I will choose the place where you two will die for me.
-small time skip-
3rd pov
Once noon hit Y/n, Gutsa and everyone of the Band of the Hawk were outside of an enemy forte for them to attack and take control of, while both Y/n and Gutsa were in the back with their hands holding the grip of their swords.
Y/n: [He's got big ambitions he strives for, that I'll give him but what purpose would him owning his own kingdom be?]
Gutsa: [Even if he wants his own kingdom, he isn't royalty or a Noble. He's not even a knight. He's nothing more than a leader of a mercenary band and yet the way he stated it, as if it were his right.]
Griffith: The enemy numbers about 1,000! The first unit leads, while the second and thirds cover the flanks. *brings up his hand* First unit, charge!
The first hoard of soldiers charge on ahead, with Y/n and Gutsa being among them to attack the enemy troops. Along with them remembering the harsh life they had as young kids, both Y/n and Gutsa struck down enemy soldier after each one, Gutsa remember the times Gambino was hard on her with training and Y/n often standing up to the said person with no hesitation, not even breaking when Gambino punished him. Then the two remembered on another job with Gambino that ended with him getting hurt, to the point where he couldn't partake on jobs which Y/n did not care about Gambino, cause on that very day Y/n met his mentor and trained him into the person he is today.
Then With each passing moment for Y/n and Gutsa taking out each enemy troop and slowly taking full control of the forte, the two then remembered the fated day where Gambino tried to kill both of them, but it lead to Gutsa gaining the scar on the bridge of her nose. While Y/n killed Gambino not with his sword, but his sharp bladed gauntlets which Y/n showed no hesitation or guilt. Thus the two had to leave their former mercenary band, when they thought they murdered Gambino, the two then focused on the current events at hand and killed any enemy troops that came their way to the point they captured the forte and Gutsa laying in corpses.
While Y/n sits on one of them next to Gutsa sharpening his and to make sure it lasts as long he does, then Griffith walks to the two and looks down at Gutsa.
Griffith: Oui, still alive?
Gutsa: Ya... Think so.
Griffith: *smirks* You two seem to have the Devil's own luck. *offers his hand for Gutsa* Come on.
Y/n stands and places his sword back on his back, while Gutsa only stared at Griffith's hand for a moment, then takes it as the leader helps the female merc.
Griffith: On the battlefield a soldier's life is worth no more than a silver coin, as if it were nothing. Most men's lives are controlled by a handful of Nobles, for the convenience of royalty. Well even a king should be unable to live his life as he pleases.
Y/n: That your not wrong, to my eyes I could consider the Nobles weak like sheep just waiting to be slaughtered.
Griffith: That's one way to put it. We all are swept by this tide known as "fate" until we eventually leave this world. We will run out of time and the tide of my life will recede before we know who we really are. In this world, there must be one man whose preordained course of life is the key to ruling the world. Regardless of his existing social position or class. That man could be part of this world's true privileged class, that man could have the absolute power of a god.
Y/n: [Of a god? That sounds like a person who thinks he's worthy of that power.]
Griffith: I know there's something more for me. *turns to both Y/n and Gutsa* It's funny, I've never told this to anyone before, just you two.
Y/n\Gutsa: [Just us? Why out of the many possible people in his band, he chose us.]
To be continued
A/n: And done! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, now I went back to the bio and questioned on female Guts' attire since the pic I used would be not very suiting for a battlefield. So She wears similar armor and clothes as cannon Guts from beginning of the Band of the Hawk and so forth, but they are more fitted for female Guts. I hope this makes more sense for anyone having that sort of question and I'll catch you guys in the next one.
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