Chapter 2: working with The Band of the Hawk

A/n: Hello my fellow readers! Here is the next chapter to this story, now before this chapter starts I want to know on when should I do a lemon with female guts, I would include Casca but it would be too early for that with Casca, but I would like to know when I should do one with her too, when building enough trust with the reader. Now with that let the chapter begin.

3rd pov

As night as taken over, Gutsa lays on her sleeping bag with her top off revealing bandages from her duel with Griffith's duel, before Y/n had awoken from his unconscious state while the said young man was in the same tent as her laying next to her resting.

Gutsa: [I lost. I was beaten completely, it's almost a joke. He talks openly and smiles like some innocent kid. But he dislocated my shoulder clearly without hesitation, just like pulling off a dolls arm.]

She then turns to her side to try and rest herself, but sadly she still can't get her mind off from her duel with Griffith and in frustration hits her fist on the ground.

Gutsa: *low tone* Damnit! Who the hell is he?!

Just then She hears some commotion, which not only caught her attention but also Y/n's attention with his eyes shooting wide open.

voice1: Are you serious about killing them, Corkus?

Corkus: Don't you even think about chickening out now. There are seven of us, that want this sorted out.

Outside of the two's tent is Corkus along with five other men, plotting on killing both Y/n and Gutsa, while the five men were not soo keen on trying to take on either Y/n or Gutsa since they saw the two fight and kill some of their friends.

Corkus: *points to one of the men* You told me that you didn't like them either, and let's not forget that H/c bastard killed Dan.

man1: Yeah, but he and his friend are so strong and skilled. The girl can be mean sure, but the guy doesn't seem too bad and from the look on his face, he didn't kill Dan cause he felt like it. Besides didn't Griffith say-

Corkus: *smirks* Don't worry, look the two are a sleep and are the only ones in the tent. plus the girl is injured and can't possibly lift that sword.

Unknown to the group of men outside of Y/n's and Gutsa's tent, the two people they planned to kill in their sleep were wide awake and silently grabbing their weapons.

Corkus: Then, we'll convince Griffith that the two ran off or something. After we dump their bodies in the woods.

Y/n: [The plan would have worked, if they didn't suck at keeping their voices down or sucked at stealth.]

Gutsa: [This bunch of idiots can be no problem, compared to him.]

Corkus: Sam, you go first.

Sam: Why me?! You, never go first.

????: You better not do it.

The sudden voice surprise the group of men, while Y/n and Gutsa heard the voice as well and decided to hold off and listen in. While the group of men turn to reveal the sudden voice belonged to Casca herself.

man2: *whisper tone* Casca?!

Casca: The girl is still far beyond your skill level, even in her current condition and I do not need to explain the skill of the young man with her.

Corkus: Tch. I think I'll take my chances.

Casca: Go back to your tent like a good boy, Corkus.

Corkus: Casca! Why do you want to save them?! *get's a thought* I see what's going on here, You laid down beside the man for the past two nights, no wonder you have feelings for-

He get's interrupted by Casca, drawing her sword and pointing right at Corkus' neck surprising him and the men with him.

Casca: If you say anything like that ever again, I'll chop your head off.

A/n: I'm just going to say this, Casca best female character by far in the Berserk series.

Corkus: Ah, hey! I was kidding! calm down.

There was a brief silence between the two, Casca glaring at Corkus as if staring straight into his soul which gives Corkus the idea to back off and not push his luck with Casca.

Corkus: Come on, let's go!

He and his men ran off back to their tents and Casca lowers her sword, watching the group run off. Then sheaths her sword and Y/n places his sword back down, then moves the tent opening out of the way causing Casca to look at him, while Gutsa is behind him.

Y/n: Look, like I owe double.

Gutsa: And I only owe her one.

Casca: I didn't do it for either of you. I was just acting on Griffith's orders. I hope you both drop dead in battle, or soon.

She then leaves while the two watch her leave, though Y/n didn't seem phased by what Casca said to him, while Gutsa took a little offense to Casca's words.

Y/n: Geez, I'm starting to think something crawled up her ass an died, which gave that crappy attitude of hers.

Gutsa: More like trust issues, to me.

Y/n: Let's get some rest.

The two went back into their tent, with Y/n laying on his back sleeping while Gutsa snuggles up against Y/n, this was a common thing that the two would do and still do as they live on.

-small time skip still in night-

Y/n's pov

After me and Gutsa gotten some rest, we were called in by Griffith along with some others in the Band of the Hawk and listen to Griffith's plan of attack.

Griffith: On the hill, our opponents have headquarters manned by a proximately two thousand soldiers. Our mission is to burn the provisions and other supplies stored behind the hill, theoretically the enemy will masked their troops in front of the hill in case of a night attack. This is my strategy, we'll march through the river and attempt a surprise attack from their rear. Once there, we'll pick the shortest distance back to the castle gate and run through the mist of their forces in a single dash.

Y/n: [Through the middle huh? It's not a bad plan, but I better make sure we ain't walking into a trap.]

Gutsa: [through the middle?]

Hawk merc1: Any reinforcements?

Griffith: No, those that hired us cannot afford to lose any more resources.

Corkus: Cause, there all a bunch of cowards!

This got some of the other members of the Hawk to laugh, while Griffith looks on at his men and I just sigh at, who I'm assuming is Crokus being as bit immature and I can guess that Gutsa feels the same thing as me.

Griffith: The rear guard for tonight, will be Gutsa and Y/n if you two accept?

Gutsa: Huh?

Y/n: Say, what now?

This didn't just surprised me and Gutsa only, in fact some of the other members of the Hawk where surprised by this as well. The members talked amongst themselves trying to question, why would Griffith put me and Gutsa in charge of the rear guard, despite the fact that we did kill one of their friends and are practically new mwmbers of the Hawk.

Griffith: You'll have to help all your fellow soldiers escape, while containing hundreds of enemy calvary men on a straight run through the woods. Can both of you manage it?

Gutsa: Is that an order?

Griffith: *light smile* It is.

Hawk member1: Is Griffith trying to test them?

Hawk member2: Poor them. I doubt it they make it through in one piece.

Hawk member3: Maybe they'll just sneak off.

Casca: No. Griffith wouldn't just give them such an important position as a test. [He truly believes in them.]

There, was a momentarily silence, between me and Gutsa who had yet to reply to Griffith, Just from Griffith's expression he believes that Me and Gutsa are capable of doing this task.

Corkus: [No, I don't have to worry about killing them.]

With that, the gates open and we make our way to the enemy base, but since we're going to attack form behind we travel through the river bank and had to help our horses to walk through it.

Y/n: [This guy, has an interesting strategy.]

I look on ahead and see our scout motioned us to stop, to which we did and I can guess that there might be an enemy soldier drinking form the river or being placed as watch. Then I heard a splash sound, which meant that the soldier was taken care of and we continue forward to the rear of the enemy headquarters.

3rd pov

In the enemy base shows two soldiers standing guard of a tent and two more soldiers near the fire keeping warm, a couple feet away from them is one soldier in a blanket struggling to keep warm from the cold of night.

soldier: It's freezing out here, it must be my luck in life. How did I end up with guard duty on such a creepy night. I want to go home. *shivers and sniffles*

As he continues doing his job, he starts to see three glowing lights within the forest and it confuses the man, but it reveals to be Griffith with his band of the Hawk and the soldier stands up losing the blanket.

soldier: Enemies?!

The band of the Hawk moves forward and the soldier runs back to his fellow soldiers, confused on why they came from the opposite direction, the soldier calls out to his fellow soldiers as some of the Hawks rode passed him.

soldier1: It's a raid?!

One of the soldiers charged at Griffith, only to get his throat sliced by the said man's sword and more soldiers come out of the tents, but were being quickly killed by other Hawks as well Y/n and Gutsa.

Griffith: Set the fires!

The Hawk members that held the torches go around throwing the torches at the tents burning them, then some of the tents exploded around the enemy camp signaling the Hawks their job was done.

Griffith: Disengage! Break for the castle! This is done!

The Hawks then make their way to the front of the camp to run for the castle, some of the soldiers were caught of guard and killed has some of the Hawks pass by them.

Griffith: Move it! double file!

As the Hawks went through the forest and the enemy soldier runs up to their general to ask what to do next. While Y/n and Gutsa follow other Hawk members from the rear, surprised that how quick and efficient this mercenary band works.

Y/n: [This guy is good and plans well, almost reminds me of my mentor.]

A/n: I'll reveal the reader's mentor in another chapter and you can guess who it is, I'll give you a little hint "War... I am War."

Gutsa: [ It's crazy, I've never been a part of efficiency before.]

Both Y/n and Gutsa look back to see a group of enemy soliders following behind them, this makes both of them smirk.

Y/n\Gutsa: [Now it's our turn.]

They both slow down enough for the enemy troops got, within striking distance and the enemy soldiers swung first, but only for both Y/n and Gutsa to block and strike the men down. Then one came up to Gutsa and both clash blades, then one soldier runs pass Y/n, Gutsa and his fellow soldier to strike at the youngest Hawk member, But Y/n's horse got close enough for the said man to grab the enemy soldier's wrist and stabs the enemy soldier killing him.

Y/n: Get out of here, kid. Me and Gutsa got you back.

youngest Hawk member: Okay!

The younger member made is horse picks up speed, while Y/n moves his back to Gutsa's side, after she killed the soldier she was fighting with a group of enemy soldiers behind them.

Y/n: Now, that the others are ahead, let's make sure these guys stay on us.

Gutsa: Right!

-meanwhile with Griffith-

As Griffith and his men made it back to the castle, the people that hired his group wait for his return.

noble man1: Fine work, Griffith.

noble man2: That will hold their efforts for at least a month.

Griffith got off his horse and bows respectfully to the two noble men, and gives his report to them.

Griffith: The battle is not yet over. Excuse me.

He then takes off his helmet and heads towards the castle gates, while the two noble men did not take lightly of the young man's actions.

noble man2: If all the nerve.

noble man1: What insolence.

Casca looks at Griffith, who walks up to one of his men that hasn't got off his horse, and Casca follows right behind Griffith.

Griffith: What are our loses?

Hawk: member: Nothing serious.

Griffith: Excellent.

Hawk member: It's thanks to Gutsa and Y/n, you should have seen them taking on a group of heavy calvary all by themselves. Even if it was on a straight rode through the woods.

Then, they heard someone's horse coming up to them and it was the younger member of the Hawk.

Hawk member: Ricket? Where's Gutsa and Y/n?

Ricket: Y/n sent me back, without him and Gutsa.

Hawk member: Oh no, I hope their still alive.

They turn back to the trail that Ricket came from, waiting for the two recently recruited members to return.

-back with Y/n and Gutsa-

As both Y/n and Gutsa still in the forest killing the enemy soldiers one by one, while Y/n was off his horse with his sword out and kick the soldiers off their horse and either stab them with his sword, or stabs them with one of his claw gauntlets under the chin and throw them over his shoulder. Y/n then jumps on Gutsa's horse as the two rode off with some soldiers behind them, Y/n jumps on one soldier's horse and slit the soldier's throat killing him with his clawed gauntlet and uses the horse to ride on, while Gutsa killed a soldier next to her.

Gutsa: [It's time for us to go back.]

Then two soldiers with crossbow, that fired at Y/n's and Gutsa's horses which the bolts hit both horses front legs, that causes their horses to fall forward and land on the ground.

Gutsa: Shit!

As the two stand back up readying their weapons, to face the incoming group of soldiers to fight them head on.

Y/n: [Time to see if these guys are wolves or sheep.]

Gutsa: [We've failed.]

But the soldiers were then killed by arrows to the throat, which Y/n and Gutsa turn to see Griffith with two Hawk members, one being a member with heavy armor. This surprises Gutsa and Y/n seeing the man that is leader of the Hawks came back for them.

Gutsa: Griffith?!

Y/n: [He came back? Not a lot of leaders would come back for just two soldiers.]

Griffith: Gutsa, take my hand!

Gutsa does so which Griffith pulls her up on to his horse and turns to run back to the castle, while Y/n hops on to the heavy armored man's horse, who kills an enemy soldier that tries to attack the two.

Griffith: Retreat!

soldier1: Don't let them escape!

The soldiers follow the last members of the Hawk, not knowing that the enemy soldiers were heading towards the castle that hired the Band of the Hawk.

Gutsa: Why did you come back here?

Griffith: Hold your tongue.

They continue to head down the path to the castle on horse back, while the enemy soldiers still continue to chase after them, one soldier got close to Y/n and the heavy armor man's horse, but Y/n swings his sword cutting the soldier's head off. But due to both Gutsa and Y/n being on horses with someone on the same horse, the weight of Gutsa and Griffith was slowing down the horse and even more so with Y/n and the heavy armored man on their horse.

Gutsa: They'll catch us, we're double mounted.

Gutsa, then see a light ahead of them which Y/n also sees and smirks knowing that, they are almost back to the castle and the enemy soldiers are about to run into a trap.

Griffith: Hang on! We're almost to the end of the woods.

Once they reached the end of the forest, Griffith gave the order to spread out and the enemy soldiers stop to see row of allied soldiers with cannons aimed right at them, now realizing where the enemy soldiers are at, but it was too late for them to turn back and run.

allied soldier1: Fire!

They fired the cannons at the enemy soldiers, they were unable to run back as the rows of cannons fired upon them killing them in large groups, but some of the more lucky survivors were running back to their headquarters and captain. The soldiers cheered in victory against the enemy, Casca looks on by the gate looking at Y/n and Gutsa while some of the Hawk members run up to Griffith and Gutsa, while some of them run up to Y/n who was surprised that they would come up to him.

Y/n's pov

After the we did our part in taking out the enemy troops supplies, most of the Hawks were with Griffith celebrating on a good job, while Me and Gutsa were away from the group sitting on the castle walls. Gutsa was admiring the night sky, while I was cleaning and polishing my sword making sure it is well maintained to last as far it can.

Y/n: That Griffith guy is something, right?

Gutsa: Yeah, despite his age Griffith has the qualities to be a great leader.

Y/n: You noticed it too, even his men believe in him.

Gutsa: it's hard to believe that he is a leader of a mercenary band.

We then start to hear foot steps coming up the stairs, we turn to see that it's Judeau, Ricket who I saved and the heavy armor guy if I heard other people in the Hawk call him "pippin."

Ricket: hey, Gutsa and Y/n!

Judeau: What are you two doing up here? Gossiping with the birds?

Ricket came up to me, with a smile just looking at him makes me remember being as young as him, when I was hired by my mentor before she set off to other lands.

Ricket: Thank you for your help during the battle. I only just made it because of you two. I'm Ricket, I really admire you two, I never seen two people who is a really amazing fighters, except of for Griffith.

Y/n: No problem, kid.

Gutsa: We did nothing more than our duty. I can't speak for Y/n, but I have no reason to be thanked. *to Judeau* Same thing goes for you.

Judeau: Well I won't argue about that. Anyhow follow us, a party isn't as lively without it's heroes.

Gutsa: Huh?

Y/n: Sorry, but I'm probably hearing things thanks to the cannons.

Judeau: The celebration that you two may be hearing down there, is an honor of both of you.

Y/n: I have no words to say.

Gutsa: I... Wait, we never asked for anything like that.

Judeau motions to Pippin with his head, which the heavy armored man walks up to the two and picks them up with one arm and placed them on his shoulders, which interrupted with Y/n maintaining his sword.

Y/n: Hey! Put me down, I was in the middle of cleaning my sword!

Gutsa: Hey! What are you doing?! Put us down!

She used her elbow to his Pippin in the face, but it didn't even phase the man and only made a small bit of blood come out of his nose, while both Judeau and Ricket were surprised that Gutsa would do that.

Pippin: Let's go.

We were taken down to the little party, with the other members of the Hawk and Pippin put us down and we were given drinks, which the other members gave us a toast seeing this me and Gutsa took the drinks and chat amongst the other members. I which smiled an just enjoyed the party, it was nice to be surrounded with actual friends, which I remember being around good people, when my mentor hired only me.

Y/n: [This might no be too bad after all.]

To be continued

A/n: And done! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, do let me know on what you guys think of it also do let me know on the idea of the character I hinted being the reader's mentor, a better person than Gambino in my opinion. Do let me know in the comments and I'll catch you guys in the next one.

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