Chapter 1: two mercenaries

A/n: hello my fellow readers here is the first chapter to this story. now I looked through the comments and see that Smaug has won being the reader's inner demon dragon I was really hoping for the Bull, but you guys made your choice. now let the chapter begin!

Y/n's pov

my name is Y/n me and my good friend Gutsa have been wondering mercs since when we were kids. our story was that we were picked up by a band of mercenaries as babies and raised by Gambino in the ways of the sword. the guy was not easy with training and would make sure we would learn fast on how to fight and not die. sometimes I would but heads with him and killed the guy that try to lay a finger on Gutsa, but every now and them I would see him be somewhat afraid of me like I'm some kind of monster. I fancy a sword and my bladed finger gauntlets making a unique fighting style for myself. then Gambino then tried to kill Gutsa, but I killed him out of self-defense while the other mercs thought I killed him out of cold blood. now me and Gutsa are on our own helping an army take over a castle.

Y/n: man these guys are not letting up huh?

Gutsa: yup. let's not let them take all the kills.

Y/n: right.

we then charged with our blades in hand taking out enemy soldiers left and right as well as any castle defenses to prevent us from advancing. as we entered the castle taking out enemy soldiers we stopped to see a large armored man with a large two handed axe killing our allied soldiers for the job.

Y/n: *whisper tone* huh. he seems like a challenge.

Gutsa: *whisper tone* yeah wonder who he is.

large armor man: *laughs*

random soldier1: gah! it's Bazuso!

random soldier2: the Grey knight Bazuso?!

Bazuso: as long as I stand here none shall pass! who else wants to feel the blade of my axe!

random soldier2: that's Bazuso! known as the 30 man slayer!

random soldier4: also known as the Bear slaughterer.

head soldier: grr. quit your doodling you cowards! defeat him and earn the bounty!

me and Gutsa heard some of the soldiers too chicken to fight Bazuso all because our employer wasn't paying much. but me and Gutsa decided to take on Bazuso which caught some of the soldiers attention. I put my sword on my back while Gutsa reaches for her sword while we were walking closer then stop just in front of Bazuso.

random soldier1: who are those two?

random soldier2: their still kids.

random soldier3: but look at the size of their swords and the boy's gauntlets their not normal. does those runts think they can use those?

random soldier4: their just for looks their gonna get slaughtered!

random soldier5: but they have no experience!

Bazuso: *laughs* hey kids! do you two really want to fight with me?

we said nothing not even caring about what the other soldiers say about us or our weapons while Bazuso underestimates us.

Bazuso: I see you two got some balls, but your gonna regret it. when I chop your heads off with my axe! either way it's pathetic that kids like you two are permitted to fight on the battlefield. there seems to be a shortage of soldiers in your army or are all the men cowards!

gutsa and I then charged at Bazuso with Gutsa taking the frontal attacks while I use speed and attack where he left himself open with my clawed gauntlets making shallow cuts. all this was making Bazuso pushed back by Gutsa's frontal attacks and leaving himself open for me to strike when blocking Gutsa's attacks. this amazed the other soldiers then I see Bazuso swung his axe at me, but I duck under and slide passed him. he then sings at gutsa who blocks it with her sword, but I noticed that the axe was breaking from the impact. I then charged once the two separate their blades I got behind Bazuso and clawed his back feet making him lose balance.

Y/n: Gutsa! now!

with no hesitation gutsa charged at Bazuso with the said large armored man swings his axe at gutsa's head, but once it made contact with her helmet it breaks and knocks her helmet off surprising Bazuso. then Gutsa's sword struck Bazuso's side leaving a large cut as blood was spewing out then Gutsa lift her sword in the air to end Bazuso who tried to pleaded "mercy", but it was too late as the sword cleaved his head killing the large armored man.

Y/n: in the next life never underestimate your enemy.

3rd pov

unknown to everyone on the ground a certain group of individuals was watching the fight from above. one was wearing white silver like armor that resembled that of a bird with three other men in armor

armored man1: didn't realize that our opponents had anyone like those two. *refers to Y/n and Gutsa*

armored man2: must be some kind of mercenary.

armored man3: wondering which one of you is stronger?

armored man1: don't be ridiculous non of those two are a match for our leader. isn't that right Griffith?

the man known as Griffith stayed silent holding his necklace that had a red oval shaped gem around his neck before giving an order.

Griffith: evacuate this forte

armored man3: alright. we had a good run three months isn't bad when no one thought we last for three days.

once the soldiers that Y/n and Gutsa helped the leader of the group gives the two their money for the job with the added bonus for killing Bazuso.

leader: here's your reward you two. go a head check the amount.

as Y/n and Gutsa checked their bags counting the money they earned for the job not even bothering listening to the leader.

leader: you two impressed me today. even if it was a fluke a fleshling and a young girl like you two defeating Bazuso. well it's truly unbelievable. young man and girl would you two consider servicing me on a regular basis? your salaries could one day be tripled I would even promote you two too a ranked warrior if you like. don't you two think that is a deal that a mere mercenary could never resist? huh don't you?

after the two finished checking the money they placed the bags on their belt and start to leave not even bothering to look back.

Gutsa: our contract expired today didn't it? since the fighting is over around here.

leader: wait a minute. I would secure your positions and income. you two won't need to put yourselves in danger as well.

the leader of the group reaches to try to put his hand on Gutsa's shoulder, but Y/n was quick to notice and grabbed the man's wrist.

Y/n: don't touch her. the lady said our contract has ended.

Y/n glared at him, but Gutsa placed her hand on his shoulder calming him down as the two continued to leave the forte.

-small timeskip-

as both Y/n and Gutsa walked along the pathway faraway from the Forte while on the hill not too far from the path that both mercenaries walk on a man sees the two.

man1: hey! someone's coming.

 man2: huh? *looks over to sees Y/n and Gutsa* hey isn't that the two who killed Bazuso isn't it?

man3: what are they doing around here? shall we go get them?

man2: they were our opponents.

man1: eh, doesn't matter, the jobs done.

man4: *walks up behind the three* than again I'm sure their coin purses are full. you know those two got plenty of money for defeating Bazuso.

man1: *looks at a man with silver white hair* Griffith! mind if we go get them?

Griffith who is laying on his back resting with his eyes closed, but still awake to hear the men of his group.

Griffith: do as you please.

man4: *chuckles* okay guys come with me.

then a chuckle was heard as the men turn towards a rather dark skinned woman with dark hair sitting on the hill looking.

man4: what are you laughing about Casca.

Casca: you don't really think you'll beat them?

man4: ha, that's what you say, but I'm the one wo was supposed to beat Bazuso and become famous. I won't be satisfied until I killed the ones who came between me and my glory.

Casca: then you'll die.

A/n: to be honest I have to agree with Casca there and you guys can agree with me on that.

man4: ha, you'll see what happens.

back with Y/n and Gutsa who were on the path they stop and notice that the wind was blowing around them.

Y/n: huh? must be my inaginiation.

Gutsa: agreed.

but then the same group of men then charged at the two mercenaries while the said two notice them heading right for them.

gutsa: bandits!

Y/n: *sighs* there is never a dull moment.

man4: get them!

man2: got it!

man3: on it!

the two then charged one went after gutsa and the other went after Y/n while the said two dropped their bags and pulled out their weapons. one man got close to Gutsa who quickly slashed at the man's side making a deep cut. then one large man went after Y/n swinging his weapon, but Y/n used his gauntlets knocking the weapon to the side and quickly cut off the man's arm, but quickly ends the man by stabbing him in the chest with his bladed gauntlets. the man leading the group stopped seeing his men quickly killed by the two.

man4: dear god, these two are too damn powerful.

Y/n: *looks at the body of the man he killed* rest for I have no ill intentions towards you.

while back on the hill a group of men watch the fight go on seeing two of their friends killed quickly  as the fight started.

random man: look at what those two did to Dan and Earl.

random man2: damnit what is Corkus doing? fight or get out of there he's going to get himself killed.

Casca: see, I told you so.

Griffith: Casca.

Casca: huh?

Griffith you better go and help them.

Casca: wha wait  a minute! are you kidding? it's all corkus' fault.

Griffith only did was stare at Casca with his light blue eyes as Casca gave in and followed her leader's orders. while Y/n and Gutsa stand facing the group of men that attacked them without warning. while y/n flicked off some of the blood on one his gauntlets.

man4: *looks at one of the men with him* hey! you go next.

man3: why me?!

then Gutsa charged at the one leading the group that attack them catching him off guard, but then an arrow was shot aiming at Gutsa luckily Y/n was quick enough to catch it with his free hand. the people fighting look to see another person on a horse with a cross bow in hand that stops in between the two mercs and the group that attack them.

man4: Casca? are you backing me up?

Casca: of course I'm not! I'm here on Griffith's orders. *looks at the mercs* now step back.

Y/n: we don't have to fight. we can stop now if you take your men we'll leave peacefully.

Casca: *throws her crossbow away* after killing our men? no can do.

Y/n: *sighs* they never take the easy way.

Gutsa: honestly did you expect them to take it?

Y/n: good point.

Casca then charges at the two with her sword drawn and swings at Y/n, but he quickly deflects the attack with his sword then jump kicks Casca off her horse. Casca then get's back up and charges at Y/n again who blocks her attacks with his sword easily then moves Casca's sword away from him and throws a punch knocking her helmet off. he was slightly shocked to see that the person he was fighting was a woman, but his friend Gutsa was also a woman.

Y/n: huh? small world.

Casca lands on the ground on her butt she quickly picks up her sword again to continue fighting Y/n.

Casca: you bastard!

she swings her sword, but Y/n instead of blocking with his he used one of his free hands that gauntlets were on to block the sword surprising Casca.

Casca: what the?!

Y/n: nice isn't it?

y/n then moves Casca's sword away then strikes with his sword while Gutsa and the other men watch the two exchange strikes. the men that know Casca were surprised that Y/n is doing well against Y/n while Gutsa knew her close friend was fine.

random man1: my god!

random man2: Casca has been driven into a corner.

random man3: non of is can beat Casca. except for Griffith.

Casca: [his skills with his sword and the strength of each strike are incredible and he used his gauntlets to strike and block attacks.]

Y/n then moved Casca's sword to the side and sweep her legs knocking her to the ground then moved his sword over his free arm pointing the blade at her. until a spear was thrown landing in between the two stopping Y/n in his tracks and looks to who threw it. he sees a man wearing armor that resembled that of a bird.

Casca: Griffith!

y/n: [huh so that's his name, but why does his armor resemble that of a falcon or a bird?]

Casca: be careful! he's very strong.

Griffith: will you put up your sword?

before Y/n could say or do anything Gutsa charged at Griffith who noticed her and starts to draw his sword. Gutsa then swings her sword at Griffith, but he blocks it with his then tips his sword making Gutsa's sword move and missing her target and leaving her wide open. Griffith goes for a strike, but Y/n with his free arm that has his gauntlets getting in between them.

Y/n: we can talk this out. you put your weapon away then me and my friend will do the sa-

before he could finish Casca took the opportunity stabbing y/n in his side with her sword, but didn't hit anything that could kill him instantly, but leave a nasty wound.

Y/n: [man and I was going to show mercy.]

Gutsa: Y/n!

Y/n's pov

I was having a nightmare of the things that happen to me and Gutsa as kids then me running from a large dragon like creature, but it's features are hard to describe. than it starts to talk with a really deep voice.

dragon like creature: remember boy. kill anything that would take the things precious to you. cast them into the fire. show them the true wrath of a dragon!!!

it then breathed fire on me, but it was enough to wake me up from my sleep and I start to feel someone next to me giving me warmth. I open my eyes to see that I'm in some kind of tent that I don't recognize.

Y/n: [huh? what happen?]

I start to sit up slowly since I did get stabbed I also noticed that I have bandages around my body as my armor were placed at the side. I then get up and moved out of the tent to see that I'm in some kind of camp with people minding their own business and maintaining their weapons and armor.

Y/n: [huh, I must be in some kind of mercenary band, but whose? maybe that Griffith guy?]

I then notice the same woman that I fought with out her helmet talking to a man with silver like white hair.

A/n: I tried to find one with both of them in casual looking clothes instead of their armor.

Y/n: [it's that woman that I was going to let live.]

I then notice the woman walking right towards me with an angry look on her face and see that she was beautiful black eyes. once she was close she threw a punch at me, but I blocked her fist with my hand.

Y/n: I recommend that you don't do that to a man whose still healing.

woman: whatever. if it were my way you and your friend would be dead. *walks away*

Y/n: [yesh what crawled up her butt? I don't even know her and some of her men attacked me and Gutsa first.] 

????: don't let it get to ya. Casca is the restless type always rebelling her life as a mercenary it's probably she's far more skilled than the rest of us.

I turn to see a blonde haired man around mine and Gutsa's age if not slightly older sharpening his knife.

Y/n: I won't hold it against her.

blonde haired man: she still can't get over that Grifith gave her the order to lay down with you for two whole days.

Y/n: I see...

blonde haired man: while your lady friend wanted to be the one to do it, but that was mostly due to her uneasiness with Casca since she did stabbed you. but Griffith managed to calm her down and chat with her.

????: I see that your awake.

I turn to see the same man that what I could assume that Casca was talking too walking up too me with my gauntlets and sword.

y/n: you again.

Griffith: yes, I am Griffith and you are?

Y/n: Y/n. my name is Y/n where's Gutsa?

Griffith: if that's you friend with the large sword. than she's resting in one of the tents.

Y/n: why resting?

Griffith: after managing to calm her down once she heard that you'll make a full recovery soon. I asked her to join my Band of the Hawk, but it turned into a little fight where I won.

Y/n: I see...

Griffith: *looks at Y/n's gauntlets and sword* you have some interesting weapons. I have never seen a pair of gauntlets being used as weapons and the metal they are made of is quite durable to block a sword.

Y/n: thanks I try to take care of them as good as possible.

Griffith: I see that. but I want to kno-

Y/n: if your asking me to join your group. than yes if you have gutsa in it than I'm in it too since we come as a package deal.

Griffith: *chuckles* beat me too it. * hands Y/n his gauntlets and sword* you might want to head to that tent. *points to a tent* that is where your friend is resting and welcome to the Band of the Hawk.

Y/n: with pleasure.

To be continued

A/n: and done I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. do let me know in the comments and I'll catch you guys in the next one. 

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