It was a windy night, the waves lapping slowly on the Pacific Coast. Floating ideally on the cold Pacific ocean was a medium-sized motorboat named the Polaris. The captain of this vessel named the old fishing boat himself, claiming that naming it after the North Star would give him and his crew luck while fishing.
The boat creaked with every move it made from being rocked by the waters. The Polaris was not far away from the land, simply a few miles out from its usual docking port at a small coastal town titled Bristol Cove.
At the bow of the ship, standing with his hands shoved deep within the pockets of his coat and a beanie snuggly placed over his head, was a man who went by the name of Fredrick Walters. Fredrick Walters was the captain of the Polaris and the lead of his small fishing crew. Blowing out the cold air of the Pacific, Fredrick watched it disappear into the night.
From what Fredrick could see, there was nothing around them, simply the wide unwavering ocean.
Oh, how wrong he was, for Fredrick had no idea that right under his boat two creatures undiscovered by humans loitered, hunting for their dinner. Just a few feet under the boat, deep within the chilling waters, two creatures chased a school of fish.
Most would describe these two creatures as looking alike to monsters, but this was not the case. The two creatures were not monsters, but rather a life form known only to the legend of man. These two beings were sirens.
Scales ran up and down the length of their bodies, long hair flowing freely from their heads, and shark-like teeth protruding from their mouths. Instead of legs, both beings accompanied long tails with sharp fins at the end, making swimming through the rough terrane of the oceans easy. It was because of these tails that the two sirens were able to keep up with the school of fish.
Resting on their fingertips were talons used to help them grab fish or other prey. Despite their appearance, the voice they had was simply mystifying. Of course, sirens had their own way of speaking, their language sounding much like that of the noise a dolphin makes. A noise which no human was ever able to decipher.
However, when they sang, the voice of a siren was so pure, so perfect, it was able to enchant any human into doing whatever they wish, a siren could trick someone into suicide if they wanted.
Both sirens, sisters to the other, swam around, catching fish and eating them on the spot. This was their dinner after all, and they wanted to eat before the sun came up. Most sirens were nocturnal animals, and these two sisters were not excluded from the larger percentage. When the sun came up, it was bedtime, and their bed laid toward the bottom of the ocean, a place that the creatures of the land could not find them.
Both sirens swam within close range to each other, but unfortunately, the siren with midnight colored hair swam directly under the fishing boat while her chestnut haired sister swam further away from the boat. In a matter of seconds, the fish around the midnight haired sister began swarming around her, the siren looking around in a state of confusion and panic.
The fish should not be swarming her like this, she was their predator, they should be swimming away. As she looked around some more, the siren finally took notice that a fishing net was caught around her along with a good chunk of the fish she and her sister had been hunting.
❝𝒮𝐼𝒮𝒯𝐸𝑅!❞ The chestnut haired siren cried in the language of the sirens, her voice coming out to what humans would associate with the slippery sound of a dolphin crying, but to them simply sounded like everyday talk.
The midnight haired siren screamed, her voice echoing loudly through the waters, causing bubbles of air to float up, the net slowly reeling her along with the fish to the surface world.
❝𝒩𝒶𝒹𝒾𝒶! 𝒴𝑜𝓊 𝓂𝓊𝓈𝓉 𝑔𝑜 𝒷𝑒𝒻𝑜𝓇𝑒 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝒶𝓇𝑒 𝒸𝒶𝓊𝑔𝒽𝓉 𝒶𝓈 𝓌𝑒𝓁𝓁!❞ The midnight haired siren cried to her sister, the ocean taking away her tears, her talons sharp, but not sharp enough to cut through the thick net.
Nadia, swam in circles as her sister was taken toward the surface, screaming out for her.❝𝐼 𝓌𝒾𝓁𝓁 𝒻𝒾𝓃𝒹 𝓎𝑜𝓊, 𝐵𝓇𝒾𝓃𝒶, 𝐼 𝓈𝓌𝑒𝒶𝓇 𝓊𝓅𝑜𝓃 𝒾𝓉!❞ She promised, Brina seeing one last glance of Nadia before she hit the surface, her body falling on the hundreds of fish below her, the water no longer there to make her float.
Her skin felt sensitive at being exposed to the windy air of the surface for the first time in history.
Brina quickly prepared to defend herself as she was met with a bright light. The scared siren hissed, flinching away from the light as the net was dropped onto a hard rocking surface.
"Captain Fredrick, we've got something big!" Brina heard a gruff voice yell, her mind unable to decipher the odd language that sounded nothing like the talk of the ocean.
It did not sound as smooth and slippery as her native tongue, instead, it was dry and gruff. This only resulted in causing Brina more fright, louder hisses escaping her lips, her talons drawn and ready to claw.
Brina mentally counted the seconds it would take for her body to transform in order to adapt to her surroundings on land. All sirens had to ability to transform into a human-like state the second they hit land, but because Brina had never been exposed to land, it would take hours for her body to finally adjust and transform.
From others of her kind, Brina had heard the first transformation into a human was always the most painful. The fish around her flapped, Brina feeling odd as she used her lungs to intake oxygen instead if H2O. She hated this, she wanted to be back in the ocean with her sister.
Around the corner, Fredrick ran toward the two men in his crew, the wind whistling past him as he caught sight of the fishing net laid on the deck of his fishing boat. Immediately, he was able to see the huge tail in the center of all the small fish.
Never in Fredrick's twenty-nine years of life had he ever seen a tail quite like that. The fins were sharper than usual and the tail itself was extremely long, this was not right, this was no fish and Fredrick realized that.
From his left, Fredrick's right-hand man; Dave, held a shotgun threateningly toward what they assumed was an animal. On his right, was the newest and youngest member of his fishing crew, Alan. Alan, a twenty-three-year-old male, stood watching the tail flap about, all them holding their breaths.
Fredrick leaned forward, gripping the edge of the net. Above them, thunder roared, lightning cracking across the sky causing the wind to speed up, a sheer sign that rain was coming.
"On my count!" Fredrick yelled, Dave, loading the shotgun ready to shoot the thing flapping around with the fish. "One, two, three!" Fredrick ripped the net off of all the fish and the creature, the fish pouring off of the creature revealing the full thing.
The second the net was off of her, Brina screeched, her voice sounding like some sort of dolphin-whale hybrid. As the fish slipped off her, Brina was able to use her arms propelling her away from the discarded net, and toward the three human males standing in front of her.
Brina had not seen a human in a very long time, almost a hundred years, and in that time it was apparent that the human race had changed very much. Alan was the first to cry out, his along with the other's eyes nearly falling out of their skull at what they were witnessing.
A green-scaled human upper half, while the bottom was a fishtail. Sharp monster-like teeth and shiny talons, dark tresses of hair falling down its slender body. However, despite all of this, what caught the men's attention most was not the protruding teeth, nor the sharp talons with the webbed fingers, but instead, it was the eyes.
Those unnaturally stormy blue eyes, bluer than any normal persons eyes could ever hope to have. As Fredrick made eye contact with the sea-creature, he noticed right away how the pupil of her eyes shrunk, her focus on each and every one of them.
Brina snarled, revealing more of her pointy teeth, the men taking frightful steps back. Chaos ensued on the rocky boat, all of them screaming as Brina moved faster than any of them thought possible with only having arms to maneuver around.
"Shoot it, Dave! Shoot it!" Alan yelled, Dave, wasting no time in firing the shotgun, every shot missing the creature.
With animalistic screams, Brina pounced on Dave, her heavy tail causing Dave to go flying to the ground, dropping the shotgun. Dave cried out as Brina clawed him across the face, leaving a trail of three bloody lines, and a damaged eye. Dave grabbed the right side of his face, his eye swelling shut.
"Dave!" Fredrick yelled, Brina hissing as her head turned to the fast-approaching male human.
Using her arm strength, she circled around, whipping her tail out toward Fredrick, hitting him square in the stomach causing him to go flying back. Fredrick screamed as he was flung in the opposite direction of the creature, the boat rocking and waves picking up as he was nearly thrown overboard. Luckily, Alan caught his arm before his captain could go swinging over the edge.
Brina, in a state of panic, crawled off the groaning Dave, quickly slithering her way to the first open door she saw. Unfortunately, she did not realize that this was the boiler room and that the boiler room led to a dead end. However, Fredrick noticed this and immediately ran after Brina as she crawled inside the boiler room.
The second she was inside, Fredrick grabbed the door swinging it closed as quickly as possible, the boom it made quaking the entire ship. Within seconds, he had locked the door, Brina understanding her mistake, screaming as she pounded against the door trying to get out.
"What the hell is that?" Alan said in fright, helping the injured Dave off the ground.
Fredrick sighed, taking his beanie off as he ran his hands through his hair. Shaking his head, the captain himself was at a loss for words. He had never seen anything like what he and his crew had witnessed tonight.
"I have no clue."
"We need to call someone, like right now!" Alan was on the verge of tears, his emotions running wild.
"Who? Who the hell do we call about this?" Dave grunted, clutching his face harder. "I mean look what that thing did to my face! That door is only going to hold it for a matter of time!" Dave was pointing to the door, which was denting from the force of the hits it was taking.
From what they could see, this creature was stronger than any human they knew to exist. In fact, if they didn't know any better, they would say this thing was as strong as a shark.
"Dude, we need to call the police, or the FBI, or the CIA!" Alan was rambling, Fredrick slowly taking out his phone, having an idea of who to call.
"This might be a stretch," Fredrick got the attention of both Alan and Dave. "But, I think the Life Foundation might be the best people to call here."
Alan and Dave gave Fredrick looks of confusion, both of them not understanding why calling the science program was the greatest idea.
"The Life Foundation? As in, the Life Foundation, like Carlton Drake owned Life Foundation-" Alan was cut off by Fredrick.
"Yes, Alan, the Life Foundation. If I'm correct, exploration and the discovery of certain things are right up their alley. I am not trying to call the FBI and have whatever this is get labeled off, at least with them we'll know this creature will be studied rather than thrown back into the ocean." Fredrick explained, already having found the number and calling them.
It was a total of forty-five minutes after the phone call ended that the Life Foundation search and rescue team was landing with their helicopters and water planes around the small fishing boat.
Of course, after the call, Carlton Drake knew exactly what this small band of fishermen had found, and he intended to collect the prize as soon as possible.
The head of the Life Foundation security; Roland Treece, was sent to lead the mission. Roping down from the helicopter stationed directly over the small fishing boat, Treece hoped onto the unstable surface, his eyes connecting with the captain.
Waltzing forward, Roland held his hand out, shaking it with the captain. "Roland Treece, head of the Life Foundation security, now let's see what you found here, cap!" He exclaimed over the loud noises of the helicopters.
Fredrick looked to his crew, Roland following his gaze catching sight of the wounded Dave. From behind him, more or Treece's security team roped down, a large capsule starting to be lowered onto the boat. It was obvious this capsule was made to transport something around as large as a human, and based on the way holes were built in, it was apparent it was made to keep the cargo alive.
People on the security team quickly flocked around the capsule, helping lower it to the deck with no damage. It was important this capsule and the cargo it was to hold arrived back at the Life Foundation's lab safely, or else all of them could expect to be dead by Carlton Drake. It was their job to watch over and protect this cargo until it was inside the laboratory at the Life Foundation, after that, the cargo was the responsibility of Carlton Drake and his team of scientists.
Wolf whistling, Roland motioned to Dave's eye. "Creature got you good, did he?" He asked, with a hint of a smirk on his lips.
Dave, immediately disliking the man, sneered shaking his head. "She," He corrected, causing the security agent to raise his brows. "The thing that attacked me is a she."
"Hmm," Roland acknowledged, crossing his arms and nodding his head. "Very well, let's take a look at this she, shall we?"
From inside the boiler room, Brina had become quiet, ceasing her banging on the door. The boiler room was hot, and the heat caused for the transformation from siren to human to come quicker. She could feel the slow shifting of her cells, the slow process of losing her fins and talons in favor of legs and fingers.
And with every second, it became more painful. Brina was now reduced to simply curling on the ground, her eyes closed in agony. With every breath of air, the change added more pain. Not to mention the fear she felt.
She heard all the helicopters, all the human machines, and she had no clue what they meant. She could hear all the voices, all the chattering, the rough and dryness of their talk, knowing not what any of them were saying.
Human language had to be the most confusing thing ever.
However, understanding nothing of what they were saying, of what those machines did, of what they planned to do to her, only added onto her terror. Before, when she was scared, alike to an animal, she lashed out and defended herself to what she assumed was a threat. But now, she was in pain from the looming transformation, she could not defend herself, she was at the human's mercy and that in itself was a terrifying thought.
The transformation was not far off now, Brina estimated less than an hour before it completed and she transformed into a human. Even when she was a 'human', it would not take away from her natural siren nature. She would still contain her superior strength, her superior senses, and the second she touched salt water once more, she would change right back into a siren.
Brina's thoughts were cut off by a sharp pain bursting through her tail, the siren squealing in unmasked torment. From outside the door, Fredrick who was unlocking looked to Roland, both of them confused.
Quickly, Fredrick swung the door open, both men startled at the condition they found the creature in. Now, with everything calmed down, and the siren not moving as much, Fredrick could truly see her look.
Green scales crawling up and down her body, a large tail with sharp fins, webbed fingers with talons at the end, and wet raven hair. Despite the monstrous appearance, Fredrick and Roland were both able to see an odd sort of beauty lingering within the creature. A beauty which pulled them in and made them want to do anything for her.
If only she could sing for them.
Roland shook off the thought, his mind clearing the second the creature looked at him with wide unnaturally blue stormy eyes.
Right away, Fredrick noticed that her pupil was no longer shrunk, but instead, it had dilated back to its normal size. Seeing it now, so vulnerable, Fredrick could not help but think that perhaps he had made a mistake by calling the Life Foundation. Surely, this creature deserved to go back to her home in the ocean, not to some lab. However, it was too late, he had to give it up. Clearing his throat, Fredrick looked down, stepping away and allowing Roland to do as he wished to the creature.
Admiring the creature for a second more, Roland turned his head toward his team. "Sedate her, boys!" He ordered, a single man coming in between Roland and Fredrick, aiming a sedation gun at the scaly neck of the creature.
Brina seeing the oncoming threat, let out a weak screech, attempting to scoot back through the pain, but it did nothing to protect her from the syringe. The shooter shot the sedative at the creature's neck, the vial full of liquid landing right on her neck draining inside of her.
Brina roared in pain, but her head quickly lulled, an unexplainable wave of sleepiness washing over her. With another shot, another sedative landed next to the first syringe, emptying more of itself inside her. As the two sedative drugs flowed around inside her, Brina found herself becoming numb to the pain of the transformation and the shots of the needles, her mind shutting in on itself as she closed her eyes falling into a deep slumber.
"That should keep 'er out for at least twenty-four hours, plenty of time for her to get back to the lab." The shooter informed Roland, as he walked to the slumbering creature pulling the two syringes out of her neck.
"Good," Roland expressed as more men came, beginning to carry the creature out, placing her into the capsule made solely to hold one of her kind.
"What is going to happen to her?" Fredrick questioned Roland as he walked toward the rope he had come in on.
Turning around, Roland delivered a shady grin toward Fredrick. "Nothing that concerns any of you. And if you keep quiet about all this, I am sure you will find yourselves paid handsomely in gratitude."
He knew this was wrong, but Fredrick along with the other two men on his team found themselves nodding. A little extra money for a creature that wasn't supposed to exist was not too bad. Right?
And so, the men watched as the capsule containing their catch was lifted into an awaiting helicopter. Roland gripping onto the rope nodded his head toward them. "Nice doing business with you, boys." With those parting words, Roland was airlifted away, the men watching as the helicopters and planes flew away leaving them on their small fishing boat in the middle of the Pacific.
It was only after they were gone that the rain finally began to fall. And unbeknownst to anyone on the fishing boat, Nadia swam circles around them underwater, weeping for her sister to return.
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