Chapter 15 The Drum Major Never Lies
"So, where's this "cool thing" you spoke of, Boris?" Bendy asked looking ahead down the road. The sun was going down which was really Boris's cue to show them what it was.
"You'll know when we get there!" the wolf chirped.
They sky was a bright orangish-pink and the tree leaves rustled in the wind. There were suspiciously few people out and about on a day like this. That was when you remembered that everyone was probably out at the mall because of the evening sales that happen every Wednesday. It was hard to keep track of the days in the animation studio. If Sammy hadn't said anything earlier, you would've assumed it was Friday.
"Can't I hop up there with you?!" Bendy whined from the ground. Once again he was walking with Boris carrying you. It both annoyed him and filled him with jealousy. Well, you can't have it all.
Boris shook his head no at Bendy. "Sorry, but my shoulders are still tuckered out from carrying you to that lake the other day. I need a break too, you know."
The ink demon sighed to himself but continued without another complaint. Looking ahead, he saw a tall and wide structure. It was obviously a building with an enormous parking lot. Was this what Boris wanted them all to see? Upon closer inspection, you recognized the building. With dread. "M-My high school?!"
"Yep. But it's not like we're going inside. School's out for the day. Everyone's probably off doing homework or some after school activity. We should be the only ones out here," Boris replied strolling into the parking lot. He knew you probably didn't want to be there.
At first glance, you wondered why he had brought you there. However, with another step forward you saw a silver tower stretching for the sky. A winding staircase slowly made its way up to the top. Numbers that would be on a football field were written in the parking lot. It then occurred to you that this was the practice marching band parking lot. The one that would have marching band and color guard students marching on it around the clock in the fall and summer. It was spring now so it wouldn't be long before more marching band practices started being held. Boris made his way to the door of the tower. The band tower.
"Whoa... What's this for?" Bendy asked staring up at the tall tower in wonder.
You looked up at it trying to remember what it was for. "It's the band tower. The director stands at the top of that tower to help supervise the marching students while their marching. You know, to help out with fixing and cleaning their form and stuff like that. It's easier to monitor that stuff from high up where you can see everyone," you explained.
"Wow. That's cool. But who helps out with the time? Surely there's got to be more than a ticking metronome keeping people in sync," Bendy inquired hoping you'd have an answer.
"There are people called drum majors who direct the entire marching band and color guard by moving their hands in time with the metronome."
"But what if they don't do it at the correct speed? Then they'd be lying to everyone!" Bendy exclaimed.
"DRUM MAJORS NEVER LIE! Just because they don't! If they lie, everything's wrong, so they're always right. Even if they're wrong, if everyone follows them, then they're right," you told him feeling like you were making a way too big of a deal over a varsity activity that you didn't get involved in (unless if you actually do).
The door to the band tower was locked. Bendy half-heartedly kicked the door with his foot. It sounded like he kicked a metal fence and the clanging noise rang on for a good twenty seconds. "It's not opening. What are we gonna do? Climb it?"
"Maybe," Boris said.
"Are you Spider Man or something because I don't think I'd trust you climbing up that thing unless if you were," you told him seriously.
Boris laughed at the comment. "No, I'm not Spider Man. However, I am extremely handy in pick pocketing," he replied plucking a key from his pocket. "Ta-dah!"
"Wow! When did you have the time to do that?" Bendy inquired as he marveled at Boris's amazing pick pocketing skills. You'd think it'd be Bendy who would be doing all of that stuff, right?
The wolf shrugged as if he wanted to keep his ways a secret. "There are many mysteries of Boris the Great..."
"Well, what are we waiting for?! I wanna see the view!" you told Boris excitedly. The top of the band tower was a view envied by everyone who wasn't in the marching band. Why not the marching band? Because they had already seen it. I've been to the top of my school's band tower and it was AWESOME!
Once the door was unlocked, you all made your pursuit up the band tower. Stair after stair and step after step. Higher and higher stretching up to the sky. A cheerful cold breeze bustled on by after playfully ruffling your hair. A butterfly flew towards the side rail only to reconsider and find a nearby tree to make its perch. Finally, you reached the top and the world swerved away from you as sudden vertigo came crashing down on you making everything spin. However, when Boris put you down, a good long moment of gripping the side rail helped you to recover and you were fine. The view really was astronomical. Even though, it was just a parking lot with the markings of a football field. A distant look in Bendy's eyes brought your attention back to him. Was it distance... or amazement? It was still hard to identify those little glints of emotion he gets sometimes.
"Wow... I can see all the way to the ocean it feels like!" Bendy announced.
You had to nod with agreement. Even though, you couldn't see the ocean... "It's pretty for a parking lot. But... it is pretty chilly up here...," you answered suppressing a shiver.
Boris looked towards the ground and you saw something falling down onto the blacktop. It clanked. "Oh-no! I dropped my keys! I had better go get them!" he shouted suspiciously. Instantly he ran back down the winding stairway.
Wondering why he'd simply announce that he'd dropped his keys in front of everyone seemed a little odd. Surely he wouldn't try to be that conspicuous... As soon as he was gone, there was an awkward pause between you and Bendy. Earlier events still hung in your mind and you were sure he was thinking about it. A first kiss was a little hard to forget...
"Uh... pretty sunset isn't it?" you asked.
"Yeah... Sure."
Gee, I wonder if Bendy's good at small talk? Hah!
"Do you think Colin's going to be okay? Last time I asked, he wasn't doing so good...," you pointed out trying again at breaking the silence.
"Colin? Oh, he'll be fine! He's awfully resilient. Heck, all of the Searchers are. You whack them with an axe and then they come back. It's kind of annoying after a while. I mean, you just want them to go away, but no matter how many anvils you drop on their heads, they all come back!" Bendy replied. Okay, maybe he is pretty good at small talk after all.
You tried to imagine Bendy dropping an anvil on their heads and then they just come back and still call him "Master". It was easy to see why he might try to step on them on purpose now.
"So..., do you really think Boris dropped those keys on accident?"
"No. That wouldn't be like him. I know him too well," Bendy answered staring down at Boris who only just then picked up his keys. He was taking his sweet time. It took him five minutes just to get down there! It would take him ten to come back!
Since Boris wasn't going to come back in a while, silence became the dominant topic. Much like other awkward silences, an unsettling feeling rippled between you and Bendy. Why was this so common for you? To not know what to say?
"Wonder how Boris found this place. I can't believe that he left the studio without us to come here," he thought aloud.
"Maybe he was just bored," you suggested.
"Nah. Probably did this more because of me. He never really considers himself. His character is to only do something if it involves me. You too, I'm guessing. He never lashed out at Sammy Lawrence like he did yesterday. To be honest, he almost scared me more than Sammy! I was expecting Sammy to do that, but Boris is usually such a nice guy. I never would've thought that he would openly attack him! Boy was I wrong, wrong, wrong. All that blather earlier about him being predictable, in reality, was a lie," Bendy admitted shaking his head at himself. "Insanity doesn't let you think! You say things you never usually would."
"I kinda figured that... But of all the places I had to come back to... I was a senior about to graduate here when I first went to your animation studio. All those years of school for nothing I guess. The problem with this school is that they praise the students who get good grades a little too much. I was one of the smartest people in the school." You looked up at the school remembering all of the different classes you took. Sure, you had Joey's intelligence, but you hated that. "During my extra time, I'd pour through books. They admired that. I'd do all of my homework. They admired that. I made grades so good that my A-streak shined like a rainbow! But when they told my parents... all of that praise went straight to their heads. That was when they decided that with a brain like mine, they could take my money to become rich. They said my knowledge was the door to a better life for all of us," you explained. The negative memory nagged at you and annoyed you like there was no tomorrow.
"For them," Bendy correct.
"For them...," you repeated feeling like such a tool.
"Look on the bright side, you don't have to see them again!" Bendy chirped trying to cheer you up. The sudden depressed feeling didn't ebb much.
Realizing he wasn't doing anything, he hopped over the rail of the band tower. You would have been worried, but you also remembered a very critical fact. He was Bendy. If he jumped off of the Willis Tower, he'd be fine. This was nothing.
"Boris!!" you heard him shout when he crashed down onto the ground... on his face. He straightened his bowtie professionally as if he didn't just land on his head.
"You forget to pack a parachute?" he asked in return.
"Yeah... yeah... Now pay attention-" That was when they began whispering to each other and you couldn't hear them anymore. What were they plotting now?
Boris nodded and came running back up the tower. Bendy, on the other hand, darted for the school. Once up to the top, Boris greeted you. "Howdy! Got my keys!"
"Took ya long enough...," you mumbled under your breath.
"Bendy's going to be right back. I just happened to set something up in advance. He told me you weren't feeling too good... Something wrong?" Boris asked you with sympathy in his voice.
You wondered if you should tell him you caught a case of the bad memory bug, but that wouldn't much help the situation because then you'd be thinking about it. Rather than answering, you rested your head on the side rail. It was still cold and you shivered unable to keep yourself from not.
"I know you don't wanna be back at your school. Believe me, I figured you'd feel something like this when we came here. Don't worry! We'll be leaving soon! I just have one little surprise for you!" he told you reassuringly.
A loud blast could be heard from behind the school. It was so loud that you jumped. Gunshot?! Nope. It launched into the air and exploded into a giant ball of color! It was a firework! Although, there was more than just a firework that shot into the sky.
"AAAAAAHHHH!!!! How did I even get onto this thing?!?!?!" demanded Bendy who had somehow gotten attached to the rocket. Once it exploded, he free-fell downward. He wasn't screaming when that happened. Curiously though, the only thing that went through his mind was Oh no, not again. Many people have speculated that if we knew exactly why Bendy had thought that, we would know a lot more about the nature of the universe than we do now.
Lol. The quotes!
Once again, Bendy came hurtling back towards Earth. Only this time, he landed on Boris! That's a nice change of pace, isn't it? Come to think of it, not really because it was still a crash landing... Anyway, both of them toppled over to the ground and ended up piled on top of each other on the ground. Boris forced a laugh and Bendy looked like he had just been blown up.
"Okay... THIS time I forgot the parachute...," Bendy snapped.
You felt your depression instantly vanish at the ridiculous situation. Bendy got blown up and Boris became a landing pad! A smile crossed your face and you desperately tried to laugh. "How did you even get stuck on that rocket? The thing wasn't even that big!" you told him.
"My shoelace got caught!" Bendy protested.
"Your shoes don't have shoelaces, Bendy!" you told him.
"Yes, they do! Well, they did... The rocket blew them off. They're probably swirling up in orbit somewhere," he replied looking up to the sky.
Meanwhile in space...
(Insert random shoelace here)
"Huh...," was all you could say as you stared up at the clouds. The rocket didn't fly that high for sure. However, you don't argue with Bendy's logic. You know, unless if he says something like Sammy Lawrence is the hottest guy on Earth or something. That would introduce quite the problem, wouldn't it?
Boris was able to stand on his feet after Bendy finally hopped off. The three of you got a final look at the stunning view. Of course, all good things must end. That was the cue for all of you to leave and retreat somewhere else. And that was when Boris suggested getting a pizza! How could you say no? But that wasn't nearly the most interesting event happening in town...
Far away, a certain man hid in the shadows. Poking his head out from behind a tree, he spotted the number hanging above the door of a huge house. There was a doorbell under it resting just next to the door. It was tempting to go ring the doorbell, but he didn't want to person to answer to not be Lesla. If her mom or dad were to answer, bad things would probably happen to him. Reluctantly, he just decided to play stalker. Sneakily, he snuck to the other side of the house.
Only one of the windows to the house was open. It was the one to the kitchen. That didn't help him at all. He thought of giving up when the window on the second floor opened. Lesla had opened the window in her room. Sammy nearly gasped in astonishment at his luck. Since when did he ever have anything go his way. He plucked a pebble from the ground and chucked it inside the window. At first, there was no response..., but then...
"Huh? Where'd that rock come from? How could it have come from outside? Is it raining rocks or something?" Lesla's voice inquired. She walked up to her window and looked out. Surprise and delight lit up her face when she saw Sammy. "SAMMY!"
"Lesla! I need to talk to you about something!" Sammy shouted to her.
Nodding, she backed away from the window. "I'll be right there!" She then disappeared into the depths of her room. Moments after, she came running around the corner of the house. "I can't believe you're here! Why'd you leave the studio?" she asked him skidding to a halt in front of Sammy.
"Uh... Various reasons. Listen, you remember Bendy, correct? The short guy with horns?" Sammy asked her.
"Uh-huh!" Lesla chirped coming up onto her tip-toes and back down when she answered.
The music director looked left and then right as if he were afraid that someone was watching him. He would never under almost any circumstance do this. This was the only exception. "The animation studio... I've secretly been longing to leave that place for a long time. The only reason I worshipped and loved Bendy the way I did was because of a promise he made to me. I understand that he hasn't enjoyed my clingy nature to him, but I had to make sure that he remembered what he promised. However, ever since that girl came, he's been completely distracted from me! It's clear now that he won't change me back, so I... kind of want to get back at him for it."
Lesla's eyes stretched wide and curiosity buzzed in her mind. "What do you mean? What are you going to do?"
"I want your father to get rid of the animation studio."
"What? I thought you were completely against that!" she exclaimed. There were no limits to her surprise.
Sammy clenched his fists with a betrayed emotion burning in him. "I don't want to live like this anymore... He told me he'd fix it! Goes to show that some people who say they are your friends really don't care about you at all...," he growled.
A knot twisted in the pit of his stomach. There was still a part of him that believed that Bendy cared about him just a little. It asked him why. Why would he go against him? When he began to doubt his decision, he cracked down harder on himself. No. He couldn't back down now. The creator never lied to anyone. Now, it was the creation who was lying to the creator.
"Are you sure? Where are you going to go once the place is gone?" Lesla asked with worry.
"I don't know. And I don't care anymore."
"...Well..., maybe there is something I can do!"
Something she can do? Lesla had no idea how much she had influenced his mind over the entire day of knowing her. She showed more appreciation for him than anyone ever had. If she cared about him more than Bendy did, then maybe his life wouldn't be nearly so pointless anymore.
It's over, Bendy.
This is my last song to thee.
I don't care what you tell me anymore.
Because now I'm coming to settle the score.
You'll feel the pain which you gave me.
I'll email you lies about your happy life unending.
I don't care what you say anymore.
It's over.
It's over.
"And you will regret everything."
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