Chapter 19: The Day in Hexside
-Everything starts at Hexside School, on the day of the entrance exam, Luz was rehearsing the 2 spells she knows and as for Ben, he was practicing them to do them too, these are the same spells that Luz knows.
-At the same time, Eda was supporting them and when it was time to introduce themselves, they both prepared to do their best.
Luz: I'm not ready for this, Eda. Maybe we should go back.
Eda: Nah, kid. You got this. Just do what we practiced.
Luz: But what if... What if I mess something up? Or what if I do something wrong? What if I die? *anguished*
Ben: Don't exaggerate Luz, just calm down and you'll do fine.
Eda: That's true, I had to do the same thing when I was a witchling, It's like a rite of passage, granted, I was a little more skilled.
Luz: Eda!
Ben: You're not helping
Eda: Right, right, sorry, sorry, Now, get pumped.
Luz: Pumped!
Eda: Get ready
Luz: Ready!
Eda: Now go *pushes Luz onto the stage*.
Ben: Good luck Luz
Eda: You're next
Ben: Yes, I know.
-As in the Original Story, Luz makes her presentation with confetti-serpentine.
Prin. Bump: Right. The human that wants to be a witch, Against my better judgment, I've allowed you to take this exam into Hexside, But can you even do magic with all your... human parts?
Ben in his mind: But they are almost the same as the ones you have
Luz: I sure can
-Luz takes 2 leaves out of his fanny pack.
Luz: It's said that humans can't do magic, but l've discovered a lost technique, that changes everything *places the leaves on the ground and presses them*.
-On those leaves were the glyph of Light and Ice, that demonstration of Magic impressed Principal Bump.
Prin. Bump: Spells cast with paper? I've never heard of such a thing. But is it enough to pass the exam?
Luz: Uh..... *nervous*
Eda: *in a low voice* Improvise.
-As in the original story, Luz folds her eyelids forward, and also slips in a puddle of melted ice, and then accidentally creates another ice pillar, bringing herself face to face with Principal Bump.
Ben: Oh no...
Luz: I failed, didn't I?
Prin. Bump: Believe it or not, I've seen worse.
-Luz falls off his ice pillar.
Prin. Bump: Welcome, Luz, to Hexside School of Magic and Demonics! *throws a red pamphlet at her head*.
Luz: Hurray *sore*
-Our hero comes to help her.
Ben: Luz!!! Are you ok?
Luz: Yes, I'm fine, but what matters is that... I'm a student at Hexside *jumps for joy*
Eda: I'm happy for you, kid
Ben: You too Luz
Luz: Thanks
-At that moment, Principal Bump interrupts the moment.
Dir. Bump: Aham, well Mr. Tennyson, you're next.
Ben: Yes sir *rushes to the stage*, Amm, hi, I'm Ben Tennyson and I can do this too *he also pulls out 2 sheets with Light and Ice glyphs and presses them nervously*.
Dir. Bump: Mr. Tennyson What are you doing?
Ben: Well... spells?
Prin. Bump: You are a very special case, what will qualify you to enter Hexside are your very peculiar abilities *points to the Omnitrix on Ben's arm*.
Ben: Ahhh I understand sir
Prin. Bump: Please follow me to the Hexside courtyard.
-In the courtyard were Ben, Principal Bumb, and some students, also Luz and Eda were there as spectators.
Prin. Bump: Alright Mr. Tennyson, seeing your abilities at the Covention and the many leaks of you showing off those curious skills *shows an image of your most recent transformations*, I would like you to put them to the test in this little test to determine your admittance into Hexside.
Ben: Okay, Principal Bump
-At that moment a student from the abomination class and a student from the plant class appear.
Dir. Bump: Alright Young Tennyson, let's see what you can do ¡RAISE ITS ABOMINATIONS!
???: Yes Principal Bump *invokes 3 huge abominables that head towards Ben*.
Ben: Ahh, I've dealt with those things before, and with the help of.... *activates the Omnitrix and transforms into our favorite Pyronite*
Heatblast: HEATBLAST!!!! *shoots powerful bursts of Fire at those abominations, drying them out in the process*.
Prin. Bump: Interesting, I've never seen a totally dried out abomination before *takes a chunk out of a dried out abominable*.
-At this point Willow and Gus walk over to the courtyard to watch Ben give his test.
Gus: Hey, that's the Fire creature that Ben transformed to defeat Amity's abominations.
Willow: Yeah, I remember.
-On the other hand, Amity was also watching Ben take his test from another part of the courtyard.
-Back to our Hero's Test-
Heatblast: Ha!, that was easy, once you know the weakness of these things, it's easy to beat them *plays with one of his fireballs as if it were a small ball*.
Prin. Bump: Interesting, well second part of the test, RELEASE THE MONSTER PLANT!
???: Yes Principal Bump *turns the plant in its pot into a towering carnivorous plant*.
Heatblast: Well, this will be easy *begins to create a ball of Fire in his hand*.
Prin. Bump: Wait Mr. Tennyson, you'll need to be another creature to defeat the plant.
Heatblast: No need, I can defeat it.
Prin. Bump: I'm well aware of that, but I'd like to see more of your other forms, I imagine you have one or two other forms capable of resolving this situation, right?
Heatblast: As a matter of fact, yes, I have another way to solve this situation that will work to defeat this plant *presses the Omnitrix on his chest turning into Florauna*.
Wildvine: Wildvine!!!!
Prin. Bump: That's what I'm talking about, please continue.
Wildvine: Alright
-The carnivorous plant was attacking Ben with several bites, but Florauna always dodged them, but the carnivorous plant used its arms and entangled Ben, trapping him and ready to devour him.
-Our hero was about to be eaten!
Wildvine: I don't think so, my friend. *sprouts spines out of his body undoing the carnivorous plant's grasp*
-With Willow and Gus
Willow: I didn't know Ben could turn into a monster plant *amazed and happy*.
Gus: That's amazing.
Willow: I need to ask him a lot of questions about that plant being *excited*.
-Back to Ben and his test
Wildvine: For a carnivore you're pretty depressing, let me show you an alpha *slides his head into the carnivorous plant around his neck and dives underground to everyone's amazement*.
Prin. Bump: Can he go underground?
-The carnivorous plant was confused until out of nowhere, Ben gave it a stern surprise.
Wildvine: SURPRISE!!!!
-The carnivorous plant was scared of him for a moment, but immediately regained its composure and decided to come back for him to devour him.
-After so many plant attacks between Ben and the Carnivorous Plant, Ben was able to defeat it by throwing one of his explosive fruits into the Carnivorous Plant's mouth and making it explode!
Wildvine: And this proves that this plant is the superior one.
Prin. Bump: *claps hands* Excellent work Mr. Tennyson, you have impressed me, you are now officially admitted to the school of magic and demonics, Hexside.
-Ben detranforms back to human and receives it.
Ben: Thank you Principal Bump
Eda: Yes!, my two humans got into that silly Hexside school!
Luz: Yay, finally *hugs Eda*.
Prin. Bump: Well if you'll excuse me, I'll go to my office to arrange the entrance papers.
-And so Luz and Ben were finally admitted to Hexside-
-The next day, Eda was carrying Luz and Ben with the Hexside uniforms on the staff.
-Ben was calm and holding his dizziness, but Luz was very nervous.
"Imagine Ben accompanying them on the cane and with the uniform that Luz wears"
Luz: Mm, we gotta go back. This was a mistake, Ah gonna mess things up again and everyone will see, and...
Eda: Right, you gotta calm down *speeds up* What are you nervous about? You've been to school before
Luz: That's why I'm nervous!, at my human school, I didn't make a good first impression, this is my chance to be seen as something other than a screaw-up.
Eda: Hey, don't worry about what those dorks think, If you want my advice? walk into class and punch the first kid you see, To establish dominance.
Luz: Awww, I won't be doing that, but thanks.
Eda: And how are you Ben, you look so calm.
Ben: Well.. actually, it's been a while since I've been to school, so I feel a bit weird, plus I'm not used to wearing a uniform *touches Hexside's uniform*.
Eda: Don't worry, I know the uniform is a bit ugly, but you'll get used to it, but there's something I need to tell you.
Ben: And that is?
Eda: It avoids being the centre of attention.
Ben: But almost everyone on the Islands already knows what I can do.
Eda: I know that, I mean don't draw attention to yourself, there will be people who will admire you, another group of nerds specifically interested in that bracelet of yours and others who will envy you to the point of wanting to hurt you, I remind you that that ability with your bracelet is very unique to the Islands, so be careful
Ben: I will be careful Eda, but thank you, I will take that into consideration.
Eda: It's okay
-The 3 of them arrive at Hexside and land at the entrance.
Eda: Hey Luz, Last chance to back out, and earn a new bad girl coven patch. *pulls out her fake badge* Quitting, It's like trying but easier.
"Imagine Ben with them."
Ben: Eda, stop that.
Luz: Haha Nah, I'll just earn it when I quit showering. Bye! *she runs off*.
Ben: Bye Eda, I'll see you when school's out.
Ben in his mind: If my 10 year old self heard me say this, he would be very angry disappointed in me.
Eda: Hey!
-The two of them turn around to see Eda in the distance.
Eda: Just try not to be too nice, they usually are, especially you Ben.
Luz: Thanks Eda, I'll keep that in mind
Ben: I'm not promising anything
Eda: Well, *begins to levitate* See you after school.
-After Eda's farewell, the two continued on their way, looking at Hexside as the students they are now, being amazed, especially Luz.
-On their way they both find Amity and an abomination beside her helping her to carry her books.
Amity: Hey, Luz!... Ben!.. Congrats on getting in and not being in the baby class.
Luz: Thanks Amity
Ben: Yes, thank you
Luz: Up top!
-Amity returns the high fives and also her abomination but ends up staining Luz's face, this last made our hero laugh, but without the aim of making fun, then Amity leaves to continue with her duties.
-Luz removes the mud from her face.
Luz: Blech! Wow, my first day at Hexside, A chance to discover my true magical potential and maybe meet a hot yet vulnerable upperclassman. *flirt*.
Ben: Hahaha, well... you won't know until you get inside *steps forward to the door*.
-Out of nowhere, a voice is heard from Luz's backpack, it was King.
King: Dream on
Luz: King?
-King comes out of Luz's backpack and touches his nose.
Ben: King, what are you doing here?
King: You guys are a free ride to the best buffet in town! *jumps into the trash can* The trash cans here are filled with half-eaten gold! by the way, Ben, in your backpack I kept some utensils that can help me to ease my digestion of this food.
Ben: Really? *He starts looking in his backpack and finds items I didn't keep.
Ben: Old cutlery and a used tablecloth?
King: Don't judge me, there are times when I like to be refined.
Ben: Ok *gives his stuff to King*.
Luz: Okay, but if anyone asks, you don't know me *she walks away*.
Ben: Wow, isn't that going too far? *also leaves*.
King: Have a wonderful school day! strangers.
-Luz and Ben were heading for the door and just outside were Willow and Gus who greeted them warmly.
Willow and Gus: Luz... Ben... *cheerful*.
Luz: Hello. fellow Hexoleos!
Ben: What's up guys!
Willow: Hello... Classmates
Gus: They did it, Guys! *uses magic and creates a phrase that didn't fit the moment*
Gus: Sorry. I was covering all my bases
Willow: So, do you know who those witches are? *She points to the coven flags.
-Luz turns around to see what Willow was pointing out.
Ben: Who exactly? *turns to see what Willow was pointing out*
Wiilow: They are those are the heads of the main nine covens. Each one excelled at a magic school like Glandus, St. Epiderm and, of course, Hexside. Are they prepared to enter these hallowed halls?
Luz: Hmm, that's what I'm gonna figure out right now.
Ben: Me too, how bad can it be?
Luz: See you on the other side, friends. *enters Hexside*.
Ben: See ya *also enters*
-In Principal Bump's office, he was watching a report on the latest happenings at Glandus School, until Luz and Ben walked into his office.
Luz: Hiya, Princy-B! Can I call you that?
Prin. Bump: Absolutely not.
Ben: Is something wrong? I notice it differently
Prin. Bump: Well... Today we will be visited by the Emperor's Coven for a routine inspection If we want to impress them, they need to join a coven track before they arrive.
Ben: I'm going to try a bit of everything.
Dir. Bump: What?
Luz: Actually, Principal Bump, I've made my own schedule. *Luz pulls out a list*, First, vet care for mythical beasts, then healing and dealing, and then after lunch..
Prin. Bump: Hahaha, studying multiple tracks at once? No one does that.
-That statement astonished Luz and Ben.
Ben: What are you saying? Aren't Coven track like maths, science, communication, sports, etc.?
Luz: Yes... I was wondering the same thing, although it doesn't matter, Then I'll be the first one to learn several track at the same time.
Ben: Well, I'll be the second one.
Prin. Bump: No, they won't, according to the rules, a good witch and warlock needs to hocus-focus, they can only pick one of the nine tracks, and they won't want to embarrass me in front of the inspector.
-This made them both nervous.
Ben: Wow, alright
Luz: But all the tracks are so cool!, Is there some sort of enchanted article of clothing that can sort this out for me?
Ben: Is there something like that?
Prin. Bump: Well, there used to be *remember something ugly*.
Luz: I don't know if I can choose just one.
Ben: And I, since I don't know how each coven works 100%, I don't have the clarity to make a good decision and not regret it.
Prin. Bump: Then I'll choose one for you.
-Principal Bump chooses the class of both of you randomly deciding on potions.
Prin. Bump: Ah, yes! The potions track. You humans are filled with liquids, right? *he casts a spell to change the colour of Luz's uniform and Ben's uniform*.
Luz: Oh, I guess I have always liked pouring things into other things. *looks at his new uniform*.
Ben: Um... I don't know if yellow suits me, can I use my transformations for this class?
"Picture Ben on the scene in Potions class uniform as well."
Prin. Bump: Well of course just avoid destroying things.
Ben: Alright *puts his arm behind his head with a bit of embarrassment*.
Prin. Bump: Well this goes for both of you, I expect you to be on your best behavior. *approaches a mural* Based on the costly repairs from recent incidents, we could really use a donation from the Emperor's Coven. Now, you two, off to class *uses his magic to send you to the classroom*.
Luz and Ben: Whoa!
-In the classroom, Luz and Ben take their seats.
Teacher: Welcome to a new semester, Let's get stirring! Today we'll make... fog brews. *demonstrates* BEGIN!
Luz: *takes a test tube* See? potions are fun!, *inserts liquid into his pot* You could spend the rest of your life studying this, right?
Ben: Well, let's see how interesting this could be *takes a test tube and inserts the liquid into his pot* This looks like Science, and I have the right Alien for this situation *activates the Omnitrix and transforms into Gutrot*.
-Ben's transformation left those present astonished.
Gutrot: GUTROT? I wanted to be Brainstorm
Teacher: Shhh, be quiet and concentrate on your potion.
Gutrot: Yes, teacher.
-As in the original story, Luz didn't feel safe to be in that class because seeing through the window a student from the oracle track and Wilow having a friendly fight in the courtyard, made Luz very excited to enter other tracks, but she inadvertently neglected her position causing the room to fill with a lot of steam and receive a scolding from the teacher.
Teacher: Aham!
Luz: Sorry, sorry *continues with his potion*.
-Ben sucked up all of Luz's steam and examined it.
Gutrot: Ammmm Luz, you overdid the Sulphate Chloride, I was supposed to put just a little bit and add ¾ of Metasulphoride.
Teacher: Wow, it seems we have a genius of potions in our midst, I'm surprised you know what chemicals are needed to make the fog brew.
Gutrot: Hehe, Thanks teacher.
-Luz felt uncomfortable in the track she was in.
-The class ended and Luz left a little dissatisfied.
Luz: Ooh, boy! Stirring is the pits.
Ben: Well, you might be a little right, stirring doesn't seem to be as fun as it's made out to be.
Luz: But you managed to gain the teacher's respect.
Ben: Yeah, but, I don't know, this never happened to me when I was in school, it's kind of a weird experience.
Luz: Well...what else is on the schedule for today? *pulls out a list of the class topics*.
Ben: Kind of repetitive, aren't they?
Luz: Yeah, Oh man!, I'm sorry, elbow *speaks to his own elbow*.
-As in the original story, Luz notices a crystal ball that a student in the oracle class left behind.
Luz: A crystal ball, May be it can show me if I'm on the right track.
Ben: Do you think?
Luz: I don't know, but I want to use it to be sure.
-Ben stops her.
Ben: Whoa! Wait Luz, what do you think you're doing? "Good first impression" did you forget?
Luz: That's right, Good first impression.
Ben: Well, let's hurry, maybe we'll find Willow and Gus in the dining room.
-The two of them leave the place.
Ben: Lucky we have them as friends here, so we don't feel so lonely, I hope we can chat for a while, I also hope we can find a Smoothy or something similar, what do you say Luz?... Luz?
-Ben notices that Luz is not with him, and then he sees her near the shelves of crystal balls.
Ben: LUZ!!!
-Ben walks over to where Luz is.
Ben: What do you think you're doing?
Luz: I just want to see if I'm in the right track, I won't be long
-From the Crystal Ball comes out some kind of spectre, the unexpected appearance of the spectre took Ben by surprise causing him to unintentionally knock over a bin and scatter the trash in the hallway.
Ben: Oh no, this is bad
-The spectre comes completely out of the crystal ball and startles Luz.
"Imagine Ben on the scene too."
Spectre: You'll both be in trouble very soon...
Luz: Wow! Wait, what'd you say?
-Without warning, Principal Bump appears in front of Luz and Ben, very annoyed.
Prin. Bump: Ahem!
Ben: Hahaha! Hiya... *nervous*
-Luz seeing the Principal, put the crystal ball back in its place and acted as if nothing had happened, of course, that didn't fool Bump-
-Afterwards, Principal Bumb takes Luz and Ben by the arm for what they did.
"Imagine Ben being dragged away by Principal Bump as well."
Luz: But I wasn't studying other subjects! I uh... *pulls out one of her fog potions*.
Luz: Fog Brew! *drops her potion on the ground and nothing happened* Yeah. I figured that wouldn't work.
Ben: I just knocked over a bin accidentally, if you like, I'll clean it right away!
-Principal Bump did not listen to both of their statements and continued taking them down the hallway.
-After the tour, Bump took Luz and Ben into a room where there were 3 other students, a girl, a boy and a cat.
Ben: Amm... Principal Bump
Luz: What is this place?
Prin. Bump: This is the place where all troublemakers go *with his magic he changes the colour of Luz and Ben's uniforms from yellow to grey*.
Prin. Bump: The detention track
Ben: WHAT?
Luz: Ahh..NO!!!! *scared*
Luz: Detention track? But this can't be possible
Ben: She just grabbed a crystal ball, and just knocked over a bin, ACCIDENTALLY!, this is exaggerated.
Luz: Yeah, I-I thought I...
Prin. Bump: Yes. Actual detention still needs... repairs, in the meantime, I am keeping all troublemakers far away from the eyes of the inspector., they'll try a newtrack next year.
Ben: Wait, What? Next year?
Luz: But I'll be back in the human world by then.
Ben: Sooner or later I'll go home too, and I wouldn't want to stay bored here.
Prin. Bump: Well, maybe they'll have better luck in their world *she walks away, slamming the door in their faces*.
Will Luz and Ben be able to endure the kind of punishment or get out of it? Find out in the next chapter.
I hope you liked the chapter, remember to support the chapter by giving lots of stars and comments of encouragement, with me it will be until next time.
Bye ....
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