capítulo 1: 10 em etheria.
The Despondos, Etheria.
Etheria, a planet similar to Earth in so many ways but as different at the same time, like being surrounded by 12 moons but orbiting no sun in the cold, dark, lifeless expanse of the Despondos, but thankfully for the planet's inhabitants one of the moons, which by appearance its largest, seems to act as a sun to provide the light and heat a planet teeming with life needs.
On the surface, Etheria seems to be a peaceful planet full of magic, beautiful flora, having 7 main kingdoms run by royal families who also had the ability to use some kind of magic containing it in magical stones called runestones, some of the first settlers of Etheria, called the First Ones, long ago found a way to harness the magic in a form of technology.
But if one were to ask around how things were the answer would probably be 'If the Horde weren´t such a worrying thing, life would be perfect´. Etheria had a war going on between the Princess Alliance, a collaboration between many of the Princesses of Etheria, both magical & not, and whoever was brave enough to fight, on the other side of the battlefield was the Horde, a mysterious yet technologically advanced armada, their goal is to conquer the entirety of Etheria for the name of Hordak as they took over the land and stole First Ones tech for their vile deeds.
Both sides had been at it for years but after many crippling defeats from the Horde, the Princess Alliance disbanded and concentrated on protecting their own kingdoms in an act of hopelessness, as years passed the Horde had been steadily succeeding in conquering Etheria, it would seem all hope was lost, until recently…
A former Horde cadet named Adora had found the Sword of Protection, the weapon carried by Etheria´s greatest warrior, the She-Ra, and as it turned out she was the next one. Adora had recently been promoted to be a force captain for the Horde but after finding the sword during an incident involving her childhood friend, Catra, and taking a joyride on a Horde skiff, she defected from the Horde to pursue her own destiny as she joined the Princess Alliance.
While her path to join the PA wasn´t smooth at first due to being from the enemy but everyone soon came to accept her as both She-Ra and Adora, she gathered other Princesses for the Rebellion with the help of her new friends, Princess Glimmer of Bright Moon, and master archer Bow, they gathered a number of allies like the plant-controlling Princess Perfuma, the water-powered Princess Mermista, the charming pirate captain Sea Hawk, and the tech-obsessed Princess Entrapta.
While trying to get the stubborn, and young ice-powered Princess Frosta to join the Rebellion during Princess Prom, a small group of Horde members consisting of Adora´s (currently former) friend Catra who felt both betrayed when her best friend left her and empowered that she was given a higher status among the Horde, old squadmates Lonnie and Kyle, and finally Force Captain Scorpia, the former Princess of the Fright Zone, where the Horde home base is located, she was made part of the Horde when the first forces took over her home and her entire family joined including 'giving´ them their runestone, the Black Garnet, to them.
Anyways back to the Prom, the group infiltrated the prom with an ingenious yet somehow obvious ploy to kidnap Bow and Glimmer in order to break down Adora mentally to rejoin the Horde, while the PA was able to rescue the both of them, it cost them what they perceived was the life of Princess Entrapta, unknowingly she somehow had escaped death in the nick of time, but was found and manipulated by Catra to join the Horde after making her think she was abandoned due to her being 'different´, while the PA mostly split up at the grief at the loss.
During her time in the Horde, Entrapta made a theory that the entire planet was integrated with First Ones tech and the runestones were the perfect way to, quite literally, hack the planet. By hooking up to the Black Garnet to drain other runestones of their power at the catastrophic side effect of having all the magic knocked out of harmony causing chaos on a massive scale, only leaving Bright Moon the only place with a shred of order, as this also froze the Whispering Woods, Brightmoons only deterrent against the Horde it allowed them to easily invade to destroy Brightmoons runestone, the Moonstone, and thankfully through some kind of well-timed miracle the other Princesses, including Frosta and pirate Sea Hawk, came to help when hope seemed to be lost for winning turning the tide of the battle against Horde and by working in unity with the Sword of Protection they blasted the invading Horde away to retreat and fix the disaster.
It seemed with the Princess Alliance officially banded together there would be nothing that could split them up now, but soon that will be put to the test...
The Kingdom of Bright Moon.
After the battle at Bright Moon, things have calmed down but not completely, with the Whispering Woods still defrosting the Horde is taking the opportunity to still tear it up to make way for another invasion, but the Princess Alliance have been preventing that, so the Horde upgraded their bots with the help of Entrapta to integrate them with First Ones tech to advance their capabilities and to secure more FO tech to make more, but that also was flunked by the PA all the while fully defrosting & healing the Whisper Woods, and taking one of the robots for analysis.
But it was discovered that the building was Entrapta´s handiwork and thought to be a prisoner forced to work for the Horde so an impromptu duo of Bow and Glimmer went to rescue her from the now Horde-controlled Dryl, as Glimmer felt the guilt of bringing others into rescuing herself and Bow, she didn´t want any more losses and Adora was busy training with Light Hope, but they only succeeded in capturing Catra before they had to hand her back due to threats that they´ll end Entrapta but as they did they were shown that Entrapta had joined the Horde (although she seemed to deny what she did by saying she´s only on sciences side), and when Adora found out she couldn´t believe it.
Anyways back to the story.
Bright Moon was, in a word, Beautiful. The kingdom was built around a tall rock formation with a waterfall surrounded by an ocean and the Whispering Woods, the castle was built next to the waterfall and is the highest structure, it was made of an ivory stone resembling almost a sort of crown and on the tallest spire there were a pair of wings near the top, the village was next to the castle, the village mainly consisted of large cylindrical, curved top buildings made of white stone, and finally, in front of the castle was the runestone called the Moonstone, it stood on top of a golden tower on a rock in the middle of the water, there were 2 bridges connecting to it, one was on the front that connected it to the mainland, the other was on the back that was suspended in the air and was connected to the castle.
In the castle, guards were at their posts, the horse that Adora accidentally turned magical known as Swift Wind is flying around the sky above the kingdom, and all the princesses were in the operations room where they would discuss what new mission needs to be done, but today was different.
¨Entrapta joined the Horde¨!? Almost everyone questioned as they wanted to know their ears were playing tricks on them.
¨Unfortunately¨. Bow responded sullenly.
¨I don´t know what the Horde did to make her change sides, but I know Catra had something to do with it¨. Adora spoke as she stared at her reflection on the sword, feeling like she failed someone else again.
Glimmer put her hand on Adora's shoulder in an attempt to all her attention. ¨Oh come on Adora, it´s not the end of the world, at least not yet¨.
¨Yeah while Entrapta´s not on our side, at least she doesn´t have too much of their spirit¨. Bow said trying to cheer Adora.
¨I know, it´s just that I wonder what we have done to deserve this¨. Adora glumly answered back.
Everyone looked at each other at her words, many of them had thought Entrapta had perished when the door to the exit of the Horde home base closed before she could get out and let the purging commence, you had to be there to understand.
¨Maybe we need some new… I dunno, allies¨? Mermista spoke up thinking getting more friendly faces would at least distract her and help them fight against the Horde.
¨You know, maybe you´re right¨. Adora said as a look of realization spread on her face. ¨We need someone who knows what to do when things go bad¨.
¨Yeah, someone super awesome¨! Frosta added in.
¨Someone who can, I dunno, surprise us regularly¨. Mermista spoke up adding her opinion.
¨I agree, we need someone with a sense of humor¨. Perfuma said also adding in a piece of suggestion.
¨But where are we gonna find this new ally¨? Glimmer asked, as great the possibility of getting a new and powerful ally and most possibly friend would be, they had really no idea where to go from there.
Everyone stopped to think about what Glimmer said, they really had no idea where to find this guy.
Adora sighed and spoke. ¨Well, if we can´t get more help at least we can be thankful that the Rebellion can´t get any worse¨.
Before anyone could reply a sudden boom of thunder and a flash of red light from outside resonated from outside.
¨Ah! What´s happening¨?! Adora questioned in a panicked tone as the sound of lightning boomed outside.
¨It came from outside¨! Bow responded as everyone went to the nearest balcony.
From there everyone saw the event taking place, a large swirling red vortex had appeared in the sky above Brightmoon.
¨Okay, what in the world is that¨? Glimmer questioned as the swirling vortex shot out lightning.
Then something began to show itself coming out of the vortex, much to everyone's shock, a large metal airship came out of it, the ship was orangish in color and had a rifle-like appearance, in front of it was a large tuning fork-like feature, and there were large red orbs and tubes around the ship. To everyone, the ship had a villainous vibe to it.
The airship glided through the air as the vortex dissipated but not before a visible explosion from the lower front causing 2 objects to be dislodged, one was a large brownish-red dart-like object while the other was a smaller yellow spherical object. The former crashed near the edge of the Whispering Woods in front of Bright Moon, causing its landing to be felt, while the latter had landed somewhere much deeper in the forest.
The ship continued its downward descent over the woods to its disappearance over the horizon, and if one were to pay close attention to the direction of the descent it would seem it might crash in a rather unpleasant place, but that´ll come later. The Alliance was more interested in what just happened, and the objects that just fell from it.
¨Okay… What just happened¨? Mermista said, cutting the tense silence.
Suddenly the familiar form of Swift Wind appeared and landed next to the still bewildered group on the balcony.
¨Hello trusty companions, I came by to wonder if my eyes just played tricks on me or I saw what I really think I just saw¨. Swift Wind commented as he trotted towards his friends, and when he saw the expressions on their faces he knew the answer to the question. ¨Never mind¨.
¨I don't think that was the Horde¨. Adora spoke up. ¨That didn't look like anything they ever built¨.
¨So what was that¨? Perfuma queried.
¨That is what we´re gonna find out¨ Adora said with a determined tone. ¨C'mon guys we have some searching to do, and by the way Swift Wind, by any chance you saw where any of the 2 objects crashed into the woods¨?
¨I did, but I only could follow that larger one as that smaller one was a bit too fast¨. Swift Wind answered.
¨That's all right, but right now we have a mission to do¨.
The Whispering Woods, deep within...
Trees, many twisted in appearance but all wooden with green leaves surrounded the crater made from the familiar curled up form of the alien form of Cannonbolt. Ben had taken quite the beating when he landed, even though he had done this feat from far greater heights it still caused major pain in the butt, literal
¨Ooouch...¨. Ben groaned as he uncurled from his ball form and into the more bipedal form lying in the hole. ¨Note to self, either change mid-fall into a flyer or phase through the walls first¨.
The Omnitrix began to beep as his signature green flash of light came to turn him back to human, as the flash died down the sight of Ben Tennyson came into view, his clothes were somewhat dirtied as they were covered in dirt but either than a few minor bruises he was relatively unscathed.
He got onto his feet and looked at his surroundings, he seemed to be in some kind of forest but could already see it wasn´t some a completely Earth-based one, the trees although normal-looking many appeared contorted, yet still looked stable to stand, there were also many strange-looking flowers and other plants growing off of rocks, and he could almost swear to himself he heard barely audible whispers coming around him.
¨Okay, now comes the question, where am I¨? Ben questioned, as he straightened himself out he felt something hard in one of his pockets, he took it out and saw it was the taydenite lens he took out of the interdimensional beamer from Vilgax´s ship, he put it back into his pockets with a sense of indifference and turned on the communicator function on the Omnitrix to contact Plumber HQ.
¨This is Ben Tennyson calling Plumber HQ, over¨. He said into the Omnitrix but the only response back was only static, Ben tapped on the device to see that would do anything, but only a singular message showed.
¨Communication unavailable due to being out of range of any communications hub¨. The error message said.
Ben raised an eyebrow of concern about this, his Omnitrix could get a signal from just about anywhere in the universe, then again the plumber signal range can only reach so far, so that meant he had finally got out of any signal range or something else was afoot. But thankfully he had another way to tell where he is in the universe.
¨Omnitrix, commence universal positioning system¨. Ben spoke into the Omnitrix.
¨Acknowledged, please raise Omnitrix above your head and towards the sky¨. The watch said back, Ben did what it asked and after a few seconds the Omnitrix beeped and spoke out. ¨Error, no celestial objects, aside from several moons, one being a small dwarf star, to triangulate general position in the universe¨.
Ben was once again confused, but at least he knew he was not on Earth anymore because since when did Earth have 'several moons´? And by the looks of what appears to be the sun appeared to a moon given the fact the Omnitrix said so, this further complicated things.
The Omnitrix wielder took a long look around and decided on his next course of action. ¨I gotta find some kind of town or a sign of civilization, after that I can start by finding Vilgax, kick his butt, and then find a way home¨.
Ben climbed out of the crater, chose a direction, and started walking. While he was walking he had thought of something ¨If I´m in another dimension, then I hope this one´s decent¨.
In another part of the woods, a while later...
An advisement to Queen Angelica that they were gonna investigate the anomaly that just happened, and a quick 'be careful´ talk from her later the Princess Alliance set out into the woods.
Adora was riding on Swift Wind flying above the trees to get a better view over them to find where the larger object fell while the others were on the ground to see if they could find any sort of sign of where it also fell.
¨I wonder what landed here¨? Glimmer wondered.
¨I do too, but I hope it's not something evil or explodey¨ Bow replied, hoping it was something useful, like a supply drop or at worst a broken piece of technology.
Bow seriously hoped it was something useful because right now the Princess Alliance needed to get every advantage they could get against the Horde since Entrapta sided with them, especially when she upgraded Horde robots.
¨Well we won´t find out what it is until we find it¨. Frosta added in jumping over a rock.
¨Yeah... I mean what´s the worst can it be¨? Glimmer replied.
¨Hey guys! I think I found it¨! Adora shouted from the sky pointing towards a certain direction to the supposed fallen object, then flying off to it.
The PA ran in the direction to Adora all the while avoiding branches, rocks, and the occasional bug but eventually they made it to the crash site.
The object in question was a large 30-foot long brown and red dart-like metal object that looked like it would be part of an insect if there were more visible ports for the legs, despite it making a large crater in the ground it still looked intact. Adora and Swift Wind landed beside the rest of the PA.
¨So that´s what fell from that airship? I expected something a little more… more¨. Glimmer commented, she half-expected it to be something more menacing and cooler, to say the least.
Adora approached the crater with the hope it could be some kind of First Ones tech or something the Horde made but she soon saw through the design and general vibe it gave off showed it wasn´t.
¨Hey Bow, could you scan it to see what it is¨. Adora asked.
¨On it¨. Bow answered as he took out his tracker pad and started doing some scans and diagnostics on the strange object but all scans came back with confusing results. ¨Uuhhh… Okay, that´s new¨.
¨What´s new¨? Asked Perfuma.
¨According to these scans this thing is not First One's tech, more like otherworldly, these energy signatures are off the charts¨. Bow explained as he scrolled through the data. ¨In other words what we have here could be the greatest thing we ever found since finding Adora and the Sword of Protection¨.
With that Adora perked up and said. ¨Well what are we waiting for? Let's get this back to Bright Moon and see what this thing can do¨. She slid down the crater and used her hand to soften the impact on the piece of tech, but that´s when something happened.
A loud mechanical hum came from the mysterious machine, it started shaking causing a large dust cloud to generate.
¨Gaahh¨! Adora yelped out as she scurried out of the crater and towards her friends.
Through the dust cloud, everyone saw the shape of the object began to sprout 3 mechanical legs from the narrower bottom half letting it stand straight and the top half began to pop out massive clawed arms and a form of a head.
When the dust settled everyone saw the form the fallen object had taken shape of a massive roughly 40-foot tall robot, it had 3 insectoid legs, 2 coming from the front & one from the back from its thorax-like bottom, a pair of large arms with black metal claws that flexed about. The chest, pelvic region, forearms, and head were covered in a rust-red colored metal armor. Finally, its head was curvy and domed, showing off 2 large bug-like eyes that were glowing red to show it was activated.
The giant robot carefully walked out of the crater in front of the Alliance, who all took a bit of effort to get a safe distance from the imposing machination.
The robot looked around its surroundings, seemingly taking in its surroundings.
¨Do you think its friendly¨? Adora questioned hoping it was.
The Chimerian War Drone continued to look around the forest, according to its sensors and scanners, it sensed both the energy signatures of the ship of its master and of the Omnitrix, the former being way farther than the latter.
But before it could go back to its master or attempt to eliminate Ben Tennyson it sensed something else, an energy signature that was quite similar to concentrated mana, an energy common to its dimension of origin, but the readings were narrower as if it were more specialized in different fields, and there was a large concentration of it not too far from its location.
Somehow its AI reasoned to go investigate the nearby concentration, yet a disturbance close to its legs caught its attention, it lowered it head to see a group of humans and a winged horse standing in front of itself, strangely enough, it also sense a large collection of the strong mysterious energy coming from many of them, realizing these beings had identical readings from different distant areas it knew what it had to do first before doing anything else.
¨ENERGY INFUSED LIFEFORMS DETECTED¨ The Drone called out, voice sounding like a horn with its signature echo, laser cannons popped out of it palms and back of its shoulders on flexible metal wires, all aiming as they powered up at the Princess Alliance. ¨MUST ELIMINATE NEW TARGETS BEFORE PURSUING PRIMARY OBJECTIVES¨.
¨Nope, no it´s not¨! Everyone sans Adora shouted.
Ben was still walking through the forest he crash landed in, so far his trip to look for any civilization has been, in a phrase, frustratingly confusing, the Omnitrix wielder could almost swear to himself he passed the same seemingly smashed rock for the third time while walking in the best straight line he could do in the forest.
¨Argh! This´s getting me nowhere, I swear this place is moving around to get me lost¨. Ben groaned as he kicked a stone from the smashed larger one into the trees.
He looked around the only familiar landmark and thought of the one way he knew of that could, more or less, grant him a sense of direction, and that was waiting for a sign by the universe.
¨Alright universe, show me a sign, I don´t care if it´s bad, just tell me where to go¨. Ben said in a strangely calm way.
After a few seconds he heard a loud explosion coming somewhere in the forest, turning to the sound he saw through the top of the trees several red lasers, flurries of bright lavender sparkles, a torrent of water, several pointy pieces of ice, a large plant tendril, a powerful gust of wind, what appeared to be energy nets, and a few arrows. Then after a small period of time Ben saw a giant Chimerean war drone jump high above the trees spin its 3 legs and crash back down causing a noticeable tremor.
'A war drone? It must´ve fell off the Hammer when I crashed out of it, and now some locals are dealing with it´. Ben thought, realizing he must take care of a problem he may have unintentionally caused and whoever is dealing with it may not be properly prepared for fighting the tech of an intergalactic warlord with an eye-popping reputation.
¨Thanks universe, and by the looks of things it's hero time¨! Ben thanked as he turned on the Omnitrix selected an alien and slammed down the dial, in a flash of green Ben had turned into ¨Fasttrack¨?
Fasttrack was a bipedal feline-like alien with blue fur on his face to neck and clawed hands & pawed feet, and green eyes surrounded, he wore a black bodysuit with green stripes on the arms and down the chest, the Omnitrix symbol on the front of the green & white belt acting as the buckle.
¨I was trying to get XLR8! *Sigh* Oh well, needed to go fast, either way, it has been a while since I used him, let´s just hope I´m not too rusty¨. Ben said to himself, he then got into a position similar to those starting an Olympic race and bolted at super speed towards the battle, unaware that his adventure has only started.
(Back with the Princess Alliance, a minute ago...)
¨If that´s the case...¨. Adora spoke with a tone of determination as she took out the Sword of Protection from her back, raised it above her head and shouted ¨FOR THE HONOR OF GRAYSKULL¨!
In a flash of bright rainbow light coming from the teal gem of the Sword of Protection, Adoras body shone white, visibly she got to 8 feet tall and the sword more ornate.
When the light shedded away instead of her normal appearance with her old Horde uniform, with long dark blonde hair in a ponytail and bluebell eyes, she now wore a white dress with a golden, 6-pointed flower on the chest with an azure gem in the center and it was cut through the middle with a gold line that connected to the collar, the dress also sported golden pointed pauldrons, the dress sported a white skirt with a pair of skin-tight shorts underneath it with a golden stripe at each side of the hips, finally, it sported a red knee-length cape. She also had golden cuffs on both of her forearms and wore a pair of knee-length boots that were mainly colored white & gold but had visible aqua highlights. Finally, she now wore a thin golden tiara with wings on each side and a red jewel in the center. Her hair was now long, wavy/straight light hair that appeared to be glowing, and had light blue eyes.
Adora was now in the form of She-Ra, Princess of Power.
¨Alright guys, let´s do this¨. Adora spoke to her friends and turn to Swift Wind. ¨Swift Wind go back to Bright Moon and warn them we are under attack¨!
¨On it¨! Swift Wind replied as he took off and Adora charged at the robot.
The drone was clearly not fazed by Adora´s sudden transformation as it fired a flurry of red lasers from its shoulder cannons, letting the palm lasers charge and firing it at the Alliance.
Everyone dodged the blast, causing a tremendous explosion to be resonated as it struck the ground, as each member recovered they unleashed a move on the drone in an attempt to restrain it so it could be easier to take down.
Bow first used a couple of arrows to strike a few arrows to cause a few weak spots to form, but his arrows simply ricochet off.
'What´s that armor made out of´? Bow wondered, his arrows could penetrate Horde tank armor, meaning to him this wasn´t any normal battle robot.
Glimmer teleported in front of the drone face and blasted its eyes with a sparkle blast in an attempt to destroy them and hopefully blind the robot, but the eyes somehow held up to the force of the blast. The robot swung its head forward to headbutt the princess but Glimmer simply teleported out of the way and back to the ground.
Mermista then forced a torrent of water at the vile machination to see if it would short circuit it, but the technology of Vilgax withstood the aquatic attack while it backed up slightly at the force of the torrent, if the drone could backtalk it would probably say 'Refreshing, now let's see you evaporate´ while it raised its arm and fired a large laser at the water princess. Thankfully, she jumped out of the way before it hit her.
Next came Frosta, who summoned several large ice shards and made them go to the drone to impale a whole bunch of holes into the drone, but to her efforts, a lot of the ice were shot down by the shoulder cannons and the few that did survive just shattered on the orange metal that was its armor upon impact, not even scratching.
¨Grr… Take this you weird robot¨! Frustrated by this she made an ice hammer and made a charge & jump to strike one of its legs, but her hammer shattered at impact barely damaging the leg, she made a short fall but one of Perfuma´s flowers cushioned her descend and pulled the ice princess out of the way before being crushed by the drones tip of the leg.
Speaking of Perfuma, she made several large vines sprout and some trees to ensnare the drone and hopefully crush it, and while it worked out great at first the drone popped out several nozzles from its body and those nozzles sprayed a white cloud of something chemical-like in smell, the plants ensnaring the drone and those closeby immediately began to wither and eventually perish as they were nothing but brown husks of their former beautiful selves.
¨Okay… What was that¨? Perfuma wondered, as the drone broke free of its restraints Netossa & Spinnerela ran up beside her.
¨You were on to something there Perfuma maybe we need a different approach with the same strategy¨. Netossa added in as she generated a net ball and turned her gaze to her wife, Spinnerela. ¨Spinny, make a tornado and throw it at the robot when I tell you, I have an idea¨.
¨Will it be great¨? Spinnerela asked with a smirk.
Spinnerela did as Netossa asked, generating a small tornado on the ground nearby, Netossa made a bunch of net balls and placed them in the miniature storm, while the others kept distracting it, and when she placed enough for her plan… ¨Now¨!
Spinnerela made the tornado go to the drone and Netossa made all the net balls unravel just when the tornado hit the drone, the weight of itself didn´t make the drone go with the mini storm but it did jerk around because of the force of the wind.
When the wind settled everyone could see that the drone was covered in blue energy nets, basically tangled in place. Netossa then made the nets tighter, causing it to nearly lack all mobility.
¨All yours Adora¨! Netossa called out, Adora nodded and charged with her sword to finally land a strike that could critically damage the robot.
¨Let's finish this¨. Adora commented as she jumped up high to stab the drone directly in the chest, but before she could she barely noticed a faint red glow from the robot and before she could strike, a wave of red electricity blasted off the drone causing Adora to be shocked and thrown back into the ground hard, this also dissipated the energy nets, freeing the drone.
¨Oh come on¨! Shouted Glimmer in exasperation, what they just did was possibly the most effective move they´ve done to it and it still wasn´t showing signs of wearing down after breaking out.
¨I wouldn´t be surprised right now if it did something to make us all vulnerable¨. Adora added in trying to stand up again, but the pain of being shocked was still running through her body.
¨Hey, don´t jinx us¨. Mermista cut in.
After that phrase was said a loud mechanical whir came from the drone as it crouched close to the ground, and jumped hundreds of feet high above the treeline.
¨What´s it doing¨ Asked Perfuma.
The drone then spun its 3 legs like a helicopter for a brief moment, hovering for a second, before plummeting to the ground.
It landed with a powerful crash, causing a great tremble and quake to resonate across the immediate area, the Alliance was thrown off their feet many landing into whatever they were launched to like trees, bushes, behind large rocks, unluckily Adora hit straight on a boulder nearly knocking her unconscious, thankfully due to still being in She-Ra form her injuries were still externally on the minor side but she was visibly beaten up.
Adora´s vision was blurry and distorted, yet she could still make out the form of the giant robot approaching her with its arm raised up pointing its laser charging up directly at her, Adora tried to raise her sword so she could turn it into a shield to block the laser but it was knocked out of her reach & her blurry vision obviously didn´t help her find it. She looked up to that the laser was about to fully charge up and fire at her, she closed her eyes and used her arms to cover herself up in a hopeless attempt to protect herself from the inevitable demise...
Yet miraculously at the moment she heard the laser fire, she felt herself being picked up by something at high speeds and carried away from the blast site. Adora opened her eyes to see who or what saved her, as her vision cleared up she stared at the face of a cat-like being with blue fur with black fur around the bright green eyes. Her eyes widened at the creature that reminded her so much of her friend Catra.
¨You alright miss¨? The cat-like being asked her, with a slight squeaky-tone voice.
¨Uh… Yes, thank you, name´s Adora… Weird cat thing¨. Adora replied in a weirded out manner as she was placed down on her feet, in her She-Ra form she was a few inches taller than it, but the being showed no reaction to her height.
¨In this form, its Fasttrack¨. The being now dubbed 'Fasttrack´ corrected.
¨This form¨? Adora questioned raising an eyebrow, but the ground shook when the giant robot approached the two, cutting their conversation short.
The drone sensed the life signature of a Citrakayah, but immediately soon after it sensed the very familiar energy signature of the Omnitrix coming from it. The AI now knew what it has to do now instead.
¨PRIMARY OBJECTIVE DETECTED! MUST ELIMINATE BEN TENNYSON¨! The robot blared out for the second time before it aimed all its blasters at Fasttrack though it called him 'Ben Tennyson´.
¨I´ll explain later, right now it´s time to turn up the heat¨! Fasttrack answered as he tapped the green hourglass symbol on his belt and let a bright flash of green light, blinding Adora in the process.
Ben´s POV…
Ben had been racing through the forest as Fasttrack getting towards the supposed battle site, surprisingly the forest didn´t seem to get him lost this time, and when he got there he saw the scene, the Chimerian war drone was approaching an unusually tall teenage girl wearing a white & gold outfit with a red cape that screamed warrior princess lying almost unconscious on a rock, the drone was about to fire certain death upon the girl.
Realizing what he had to do first he rescued the girl from the drone with only moments to spare and carried her away to a safe place closeby, unknowingly & coincidentally it was right next to a tree where a sword that appeared to belong to her was somehow embedded into it.
Now with priority one out of the way, he now turned his attention towards the war drone and turned into Heatblast, a magma-based humanoid lifeform whose entire body consisted of yellow magma covered in red rock, his rocky head was constantly appeared to be on fire giving the slight appearance for hair, his hands were large & had 4 fingers including a thumb, and his feet were ovalish having 2 pointed toes & one on the back end, the Omnitrix symbol on the center of the chest.
The girl, now he knew her name was Adora, was temporarily blinded by the green light, but when she came to be she went wide-eyed shocked to see the sudden transformation into a different being, though she could do something similar this was something a whole new level for her.
¨Alright Adora, get to safety, I´ll handle this bucket of bolts¨. Ben, in a raspy voice, gestured, then he blasted off the ground by using his fire powers towards the drone.
¨Uh, okay… Now where´s my sword¨? Adora looked around until she turned to the tree and saw it embedded in it. ¨Huh, thanks fate¨.
Back with Ben, the fight with the drone unbeknownst to him he did way better than Adora & her friends time with it, mainly because he had experience with Heatblast and knew what he was up against. The drone fired many lasers at Ben while he was flying by blasting fire below him, every so often blasting a fireball at the drone attempting to cause a form of damage but it still took the damage relatively well.
¨Dang it, Vilgax must´ve upgraded their armor, maybe a little more explosive approach will help¨. Ben wondered, he threw one more fireball at its face to temporarily scramble its optic sensors, to bring out his plan he then blasted the ground and brought out several firey rocks using his limited terrakinesis. ¨Alright you overgrown tin can, eat lava bombs¨.
Meanwhile, Adora was trying to get her sword out of the tree, she had both hands on the handle and a foot on the trunk of the tree using the leverage to pull out the sword, with every tug she made the tree shook until with a pop the Sword of Protection got out of the tree, also causing 2 more things to fall out the tree with a thud, it was Bow and Glimmer.
¨Adora...¨? Bow painfully started to say.
¨… Did we win¨? Glimmer dizzily asked.
¨No and not yet¨. Adora answered as she helped her two friends get up.
¨Wait, who´s fighting the robot¨? Bow asked.
¨That guy¨.
The best friend squad looked at the battle ensuing to see a humanoid being completely composed of magma and rock using floating flaming rocks as explosive projectiles at the robot and dodging more lasers, the being looked like it was doing better than they were as dents became visible.
¨Did the fire princess finally come around to help us¨? Glimmer wondered out loud.
¨I don´t think that´s the princess, I think it´s something else¨. Adora replied. ¨Besides that´s a boy¨.
Ben was still firing lava bombs at the drone, mainly at the shoulder lasers to leave it less armed and make it easier to fight head-on but those lasers shot them down due to the bombs being easy to hit and with the rate he was throwing them he´ll need to make more soon, and that will leave him vulnerable to more laser fire.
'I´m gonna need something more flexible to keep up with it, maybe...´. Ben got an idea as he threw his last lava bomb at the drone´s face, scrambling its optic sensors again, causing its red eyes to show cracks. And that's when he pressed the Omnitrix symbol on his chest to change forms into Bloxx, a large gorilla-like alien who seemed to be fully composed of red, blue, & yellow plastic toy blocks, there was an audible clacking and clicking noise coming from him as he moved around. ¨How about we play with toys instead of fire tough guy¨? Ben quipped with a hollow gruff voice.
Unbeknownst to him, a little earlier the other princess had recovered from the tremor and quickly made their way back to the battle as they heard the explosions, expecting to see at least Adora discovering a weak spot, but instead, they saw a fire-composed being fighting it and Adora, Bow, and Glimmer nearby, at first they all thought the fire princess had finally decided to help them but when, with a flash of green light, the being turned had turned into a strange tri-colored and geometric ape-like creature, disproving their guess.
¨Uh okay, that's new... again¨. Mermista commented at the scene, she was amazed when Adora turned into the She-Ra for the first time in front of her, yet this was a whole new level.
¨Is he made of toy blocks¨? Spinnerela questioned.
To unknowingly answer the wind princess´s question, Ben turned his left arm into the Bloxx-lobber and began firing blocks at the drone, those exploding on impact, while using his right arm to help him move around and dodge more lasers, all the while managing to blast it at a faster rate than Heatblast.
¨I think he is¨. Netossa replied.
¨Who cares what he's made up of, any enemy of that robot is our ally¨! Frosta exclaimed adding in her point.
¨Yeah, but toy blocks aren't exactly what anyone would use to fight giant robots¨. Perfuma added in.
Despite the logic, the apparently shape-shifting being was doing well handling the giant robot despite the material disadvantage, deciding to go in for once and for all to get rid of the annoying shoulder lasers to finally land a final blow.
¨Okay, this has gone far enough, it´s time we finished this¨! Ben said with determination turning his left arm back to normal and stretched his arms around the large arm of the robot and gave it a hard pull, causing the drone to jerk to the ground. Taking the opportunity, Ben grabbed one of the shoulder lasers and yanked it off, exposing several wires and making a few sparks fly, while causing him to stagger back a bit and fall on his butt. ¨Alright, one more to- *ZAP*¨!
Ben was cut off when the other laser blasted him straight at the head, causing it to blow into pieces and body to remain frozen.
The Princess Alliance went wide-eyed at the scene, a few of them started to tear up at the death.
¨NOOO! He was the best ally we never knew¨. Bow bawled on his knees.
As Glimmer set her hand on his shoulder in comfort, Adora was still observing the still body and saw what she could only describe as a miracle.
¨Guys look¨!
When they did they saw the beings head literally rebuild itself with audible clacking & clicking, it looked like nothing ever happened to it.
¨Ugh, I will never get used to that¨. Ben groaned getting back up. ¨Alright gearhead, no one blasts my head without getting one heck of a beat down¨.
Ben stretched his arms again to grab the 2nd final shoulder laser and finally gave it the hard pull to put it at a ranged flexibility disadvantage.
¨Alright, now for the final blow¨. Ben ran up to the drone and jumped, as he was rapidly approaching the torso, he once again pressed the Omnitrix symbol, and with that, he had turned to Diamondhead. He turned his arm into a blade and stabbed it in the chest.
The alien hero then made large veins of crystals grow throughout the war drone, cutting and severing many vital components even making protrusions in the armor, eventually, the eyes turned dark, signifying it was defeated, and finally it fell to its side powerless.
Ben took out his arm from the drone and took some deep breaths for rest after that one intense fight.
'That was intense, if Vilgax made those new Adaptordroids & upgraded some of his older technology to fight me, what else does he have under his sleeves´? Ben mentally sighed and wondered, with how much advanced & experimental tech his nemesis had stolen recently, he could have just about anything at his disposal.
¨Hey, uh… shapeshifter¨!
Ben turned to the voice to see Adora and behind her was a group approaching him, consisting of 6 other girls with unusual hair colors & seemingly royal clothing that looked like they allowed combat and one boy with dark skin & hair wearing a white top with golden armor adorned with a red heart that left his midriff exposed and a pair of blue pants with a pair of white, yellow, and red boots, he also had a bow and arrows carried on his back.
¨Thanks for the help, we had a lot of problems taking this robot on¨. Adora thanked, while she was very glad she was also wary of this thing's power, being able to take down a powerful robot, not even all the princesses could stop.
¨Yeah, no problem, I do this on a regular basis¨. Ben replied back. ¨Now if you will excuse me I´ll show you what I meant by 'this form´.
Ben then pressed the Omnitrix symbol, causing the telltale flash, when it died down what the Alliance saw was the most surprising thing they ever saw, the being that fought the robot in three different forms was a person like them!
¨Name´s Ben, Ben Tennyson, I'm a superhero¨.
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