Chapter 27


Zia opened her eyes slowly and stirred in her position. The cold hard floor had somehow turned into a soft bed. The conjusted, dark room had become a luxurious bedroom with white walls. She looked around after fully opening her eyes. Jimin's room?

"Oh you're up? How are feeling?"

Jimin entered with a tray in his hands. And on the tray was a bowl that probably had soup. Zia could tell it was soup due to steam rising above it.

She nodded and sat up. Jimin placed the tray on the table next to the bed and seated himself on the bed.

"When did you bring me here?" She asked.

"The moment I saw you passed out." Jimin answered.

"Which is?"

"Last night."

The whole night has passed?

Zia turned to check the time. 9:06 am.

"Where is Jungkook?" She asked.

"He's with Kang, probably talking to him." Jimin shrugged.


"Yeah, Jungkook was angry- no he was furious yesterday."

Zia looked down for a moment, not know what to say at that. Of course the old Jungkook was still there. She knew.
Something struck her mind, ruining everything else.



"What if I go for an abortion?"

The smile that was resting on Jimin's lips, fell at that. He shifted closer to the girl, cupping her face. She averted her eyes from her lap and fixed them on Jimin's.

"Listen to me very carefully okay?" He spoke softly, Zia nodded.

"What Taehyung did is completely his fault, not yours and not the baby's. The child, who's not even in the world will be punished for something it's not responsible for. Even you were struggling and punishing yourself something that isn't your fault. Will you really want a life to be killed before it even makes it to the world?" Jimin said.

His voice had such tenderness and love in it that anyone would melt. To Zia, his words and voice were like honey. Though she wanted to believe him. But its not that easy how it sounds, and she knows it well.

"Saying to keep the child is easy, think about it practically Jimin. Its going to be very hard, harder than whatever I've faced till now." She said.

Jimin agrees, its not going to be easy.

She continues, "Just think, a child without a father. There'd be no one to protect the child from the world, no one to give his name, no one whom the child can call 'dad'. What will the others say? Okay forget about the others. What will I say, when this child asks me about their dad? What will I tell him/her? That you're a mistake? A mistake I'm still living with? No Jimin...I-I can't..." She cried.

Jimin closed his eyes, trying to hide his tears. She's right. It would be hard for both, the child and her. She involuntarily moved towards Jimin and hugged.

" something..." She whispers in a shaky voice, "I don't know what to do.."

"Shh.." Jimin patted her back and with one hand and the other one stroking her hair.

This time, Jimin really has to do something.


"Jimin hyung!"

Jungkook called as he walked inside the mansion.

"Kook come upstairs!" He heard Jimin shout back from his room.

Jungkook obeyed what he was told, and knocked on the door.

"Come in." He heard him say.

He opened the door to find Jimin sitting on the chair and Zia on the bed with her phone.

"Hyung can I talk to you for a second?" He asked.

Jimin nodded and came outside.

"Is everything alright?"

"Yeah, a few of Crimson's contracts have been terminated and with that Zia's too. And....Kang will be taken trial. I'm doing everything I can." Jungkook told his hyung.

Jimin smiled proudly and patted his shoulder, "You're doing a great job. You're very brave Jungkook."

Jungkook smiled, "uh did you tell Zia about the papers?"

"No, I told you, you should be the one to tell her about that."

Jungkook nodded and they headed inside.

"Zia?" He called, she looked at him.

"I...How are you?"

"Better than before." She smiled.

Jungkook sat beside her as she kept her phone away. The boy fiddled with his fingers at first, but eventually managed to gather all the courage from every corner of his body. Jimin gave him the papers, with an encouraging smile.

"What is thi?" She asked, looking at Jimin and then at Jungkook.

"Open it." Jungkook said.

The girl hesitantly opened the envelope, like how Jimin did yesterday. She pulled out the papers and read them one by one.
For some reason, she couldn't believe if it was true. She looked up to see the boys just to find them already smiling fondly at her.

Jimin held tears in his eyes. He was happy that Zia was finally getting this. And Jungkook had tears because he was happy that he's finally able to correct his mistakes.

Zia read it again. And then again. As if the words she read previously were just an illusion and would change the next time she reads it. But no. The words remained same.

"Ju- Jungkook..this is..." She stared at him in confusion.

"I know. And trust me its not a mistake, its to correct them. I should've done it earlier. I...I'm sorry. I really am." He said.

"But how? Out of nowhere?"

"After everything I did to you directly or indirectly, I think you deserve this. A break from everything, from Crimson, from the filth, I know what happened will never leave you but you can atleast stay from all of this now. Remember that day, when we first met and you told me the story about how different like to live their life differently? We snatched that right from you... I'm sorry. This is the least I can do for you..." He said.

Zia had tears brimming in her eyes. Although this time, they were more of happiness. She glanced at Jimin, who nodded in acknowledgement and then at Jungkook, who has been staring at her for all this time.

"Thank you" she said and hugged him.

Jungkook bit his lower lip to keep him from crying. He never imagined for Zia to actually say 'thank you' to him, cuz he never did anything deserving a 'thank you'. He hugged her back.

"And I'm sorry." She whispered.

Jungkook felt everything inside him floating. He let tears, that he has been holding in for all the time, finally flow. The feeling he got when he held Zia for the first time, the day she cried her eyes out on Soojin's death.

Zia noticed the boy was crying, she patted his back allowing him to cry all he wants.

"Its okay." She whispered.

Jimin smiled from a distance, he was leaving them to have a talk. He saw how Zia was gently handling the boy who was on the verge of breaking. He turned around and slowly exited the room not making any noise.

A few moments later Jungkook calmed down. Though his eyes were still red from crying.

"Why are you sorry?" He asked.

Zia hesitantly looked down before speaking, "I always blamed you for something that could've happened either way, whether you interfered or not. Now that I think about it, it would have barely had any affect. I'm sorry I've been so mean to to you."

Jungkook took her hands in his, making her look at him, "No. You did what anyone would do if they were treated like that. You don't have to apologise to me...ever." he smiled at her.

Zia stared at him, before nodding her head subtly.

"Jungkook, about the papers-"

"Don't worry about anything. I've cleared all the things. You're free to go."

"What about you? You think I'll leave you to suffer alone? You might be thinking I hate your guts. But you don't know, I never managed to bring myself to hate you. I know I said I hate you and stuff...I never meant it."

"I know what you're trying to say. But I can't just leave everything and come with you. I have to deal with Kang and set off Crimson slowly."

Jungkook's brown orbs stared at Zia's ocean blue ones. He wanted her to move on with her life, forgetting Jungkook ever existed. He believed that if he stays around the girl, he'd end up hurting her again. And she has already had enough. So the best option is for her go far away from all of this and live her life the she wanted initially.

Zia shook her head. Jungkook sighed and said,

"Zia w-"

Jungkook was interrupted with a pair of soft lips on his. He slowly closed his and went with the flow. His hand rested on the girl's waist. The kiss wasn't a long one. Just a short but soft, delicate, slow and full of meanings kiss.

They pulled away, Jungkook rested his forehead against her. Zia's eyes were still closed.

"You're making it hard me for me to let you go." He whispered staring intantly at her. He smashed his lips on hers again, this time with more longing, then stopped after a few seconds. "But you have to go..."

A tear escaped Zia's eyes as she opened them, "Don't forget me." She said.



Jungkook, Jimin and Zia sat in the room where silence was now taking over the laughters that were heard a few moments ago. For the first time, and maybe the last time too, they talked and laughed together.
The subject soon came about the fact that Zia will go somewhere far from Crimson, far from Seoul. And Jimin will go with her. Because Zia said she won't be able continue alone. And that's kinda true. Not that Jimin will be able to continue without her. He promised and he will never leave Zia alone.

"Jungkook are you sure you'll be okay here?" The older male asked.

Zia glanced at Jungkook hoping for a reasonable answer.

"I've said this before and I'm saying it again, don't worry about me. I'll be fine. Kang will soon be behind the bars, Min Yoongi is our lawyer. And I'll take down Crimson gradually, While establishing a new start for me too." Jungkook explained. Zia and Jimin nodded as he smiled at them.

"Yoongi oppa is the lawyer?" She asked, glancing at Jimin.

"Yeah, I told him about what happened and he was ready to take our case." Jimin replied.

"He's one of the best lawyers in Seoul, there's no chance we'd lose." Jungkook said.

"I agree. He's extraordinarily smart." Zia said making Jimin chuckle.

"Okay, I think I should go now." Jungkook said and stood up.

Zia and Jimin followed to see him off. Jungkook took one last glance at both of them. Maybe this is the last time they're meeting. He hugged Jimin and then Zia and said,

"Thank you so much both of you. And also I'm sorry for whatever I did."

"Don't be." Zia said and smiled at him.

"Goodbye" he whispered not leaving Zia's eyes.

And for the third time today, she had warm tears developing in her eyes. Jungkook too was sad. When everything somehow became right between them, the rest of the things around them collapsed.

It was the right person, the right feelings, just the wrong timing.



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