Rudbeckia Hirta

Ugh.... Could this night be any more boring? Jon wondered as he wandered down a dark street. He was told by Jason that he was supposed to meet a customer there. From that point, he would sell the drugs- take the money, bring it back to Jason and boom done. Then they'd wait for the next person.

Honestly, the work just sounded boring and pointless. He would have much rather watched from a distance as Jason did all the talking and communicating. It would've saved him so many awkward interactions.

But... Well, he supposed it was an interesting experience nonetheless.

So there he was. It was dark and chilly (not that he felt the temperatures in a way that mattered) and the alien was standing with his back to an old storage unit's wall. A customer was coming- he could hear the sounds of staggering footsteps several feet away. The sure signs of an addict- the erratic heartbeat, the uneven breathing, every step was a struggle but they'd crawl through the pits of hell for another shot of whatever they were after. Disgust filled Jon's senses. He just couldn't understand addictions. Wanting an escape- he could wrap his head around it. But destroying the lives of people around you who supposedly care about you just so you can get a high? It never sat right with him.

Jason seemed to have more empathy for the people around them in these types of states- but perhaps that was because he got to see the good of the people before they turned to that life? Or maybe it was because he could understand the reasons behind it? Didn't matter. The alien's duty was just to get this drug off the street to help Damian. He'd be his moral compass- and that was perfectly fine with him.

The man came around from the shadows and walked up to Jon- a confused and disgruntled expression on his face. Clearly put off from buying drugs from a teen- but the expression was completely wiped once he saw Jon pulling out the bag that contained the pills. The high was everything. Ruby eyes narrowed- he questioned what was in Bite? What would happen if he took a pill? A Kryptonian with anger issues and one devoid of feelings and restraint wouldn't be too good on the world.

"How much do I owe ya?"

"You already know how much," Jon stated cooly. It was true though, they were given the price and amount before the meet up. This guy wouldn't be able to trick him. The man pulled out a few crumpled bills with only a small utter of complaint- handing over what he owed and taking what he expected in return.

Those dangerous eyes watched the man scramble away with his collected goods- Jon was busy putting the money away and as such- he didn't pick up on the danger coming for him. Within a second- the young alien was slammed into the cement wall with a loud boom. The feeling of the hard surface behind him cracking and splintering around his body that was barreled into made him dizzy for a second. Losing wind wasn't something he was used to either. Only a few people could do such things.

Gasping- his eyes snapped up to see a very angry Kon-El. Connor had a scowl on his face- out of his Superboy costume, wearing a black leather jacket that was covered in different kinds of pins (notably a rainbow one) and a pair of bright red jeans. He did not look happy to see his brother.

The pressure of his older brother's forearm braced against his chest made him feel nauseous- he wasn't used to that kind of panic. Yet- he didn't let his face betray him. He wouldn't show weakness to him. No one deserved that kind of vulnerability from him- except for Damian of course.

"I can't believe this. You sneak off the station without me or dad noticing and then you spend your time fucking selling drugs?! What is WRONG with you?!" Connor demanded to know, he pressed rougher when Jon wouldn't answer. Just staring blankly at his older brother.


"I don't get it- I just don't fucking get it, hurting people wasn't good enough so your next move is to do drugs? Deal them? For what reason?! ANSWER ME, JON!"

The teen held his tongue. It didn't matter if Connor yelled at him and accused him of things that weren't true. Okay technically they were true. He was just caught red handed selling drugs and he did have a history of hurting people- but what was the point in even defending himself? I'm sorry, Dami. Looks like this is the end of the line.

A figure whirled around the corner before calling out to them, "CONNOR!" It was Jason, looking exhausted- it seemed like he heard the loud ass noise coming from the area Jon was at and feared the kid blew someone up- but instead he stumbled upon Connor Kent. Clark's first 'born' son.

Connor blinked in confusion, his hold on Jon didn't waver, "Jason, whatever you do- stay out of this. It doesn't concern you and it's not safe," he insisted, looking back at Jon's unwavering red eyes.

Jason sighed and ran a hand through his hair, "actually it does, he's here because I asked him to be," he informed him, glancing at Jon who seemed just a tad bit surprised he wasn't thrown under the bus immediately.

The elder alien whipped his head around to gawk at the other man, "say what?" His glared hardened, "you shouldn't even know of his existence- and if you do then that means he snuck to Earth or you somehow discovered his station. He should not leave there, you don't understand the kind of danger he could bring," snapped the kryptonian clone.

Putting his hands up in surrender, Jason took a few steps forward, "no, I in fact know exactly what he's capable of. I'm telling you that he's not going to cause any trouble- so let him go," he insisted, calm, confident in his words.

"There's no way that you know... if you did then-" Connor's hold pressed harder- the wall behind Jon was cracking more and the alien just didn't respond- no matter what was being said or done, "why in the hell do you need his help?"

Stepping closer, Jason didn't lower his guard- he didn't want to piss off Connor and get into a fight with him. Then he'd had two angry batkids on his ass and he did not want that outcome. "You have to promise me you won't tell your dad." Jon felt his breath catch. Jason was... protecting him? But why?

Connor scrunched up his nose, "and just why shouldn't I?"

"Because you have to trust me on this, I'll explain if you promise- also you can't tell baby bird either," Jason warned, crossing his arms- preparing for that wilted reaction. Which he got when Connor instantly dropped Jon to face Jason with intrigue and also despair.

Something he couldn't even tell Tim about?

"Fine. I promise, spit it out," Connor put his hands on his hips, a sassy-like pose that somehow suited him. He didn't look over at Jon who held a hand close to his chest as he tried to catch his breath.

It honestly pissed Jason off. Sure he didn't consider Tim or Dick or any of the others his family- but he would at least hear them out first. Too many heartaches had been caused by immediately jumping to conclusions in their line of work- Connor should know better.

Jason sighed, "Jon is living with me for the time being. He flew down to Earth to help Damian with some bad guys and they ended up stumbling upon a large drug operation. I'm helping them out because I know my way around this area- but it's pretty huge and we need all the help we can get," he explained as honestly as possible. It was tough to try bluffing a kryptonian.

And Connor didn't even look fully convinced, "what makes you think that Jon will even listen to you? He doesn't listen to anyone," he stated bitterly. So many years of trying to get Jon to understand right from wrong only left bruises and a broken arm.

Scratching his cheek awkwardly, Jason cleared his throat, "actually... you don't have to worry about that. You see, he somehow won Damian's heart and the two of them are actually dating. Damian knows everything about Jon and your brother is absolutely whipped for him..." he lamented, it was so weird telling people about Damian actually dating.

Though, Connor's reaction wasn't what Jason nor Jon was expecting. Connor spun on his heels to face Jon and grabbed his shoulders, shaking him, "WHAT?! YOU LANDED A ROBIN?! HOW?!" He pulled away- gripping his own head groaning, "I spent years trying to date Tim and you managed to rizz up the most UNAPPROACHABLE one?!"

"Did you just say Rizz? Nevermind..."

Jon finally broke his silence, he faced Connor- shoulders straightened, "I have found someone I care about. I am not much different, I would hurt someone if he asked me too, but I know now that I can feel things. I want to follow him and do whatever he wants me to do- I'd even kill myself if he asked," he stated, completely serious in his convictions.

The words weren't really that reassuring to Connor, but... it looked like Jon was trying. He wasn't causing too much trouble- especially if he and his father hadn't even heard about it. Still... romance was a bit worrying. They were young and young couples got into fights all the time. He worried that Jon might have too negative of a reaction to a petty argument. He sucked in a breath, glancing to Jason, "who all knows of Jon?"

"Just me and Alfred," Jason answered, motioning towards Jon with an unimpressed look, "he's been good so far, only had a couple mild instances- but we are keeping things under wraps. Damian is also insistent of this- I mean it's his relationship and I don't blame him considering how your families are."

Connor seemed to be pondering it over, he bit the inside of his cheek- looking over at Jon. He couldn't... figure out how he felt. At one point he really did... adore Jon. At one point, he was his baby brother who he would've made happy no matter what. So many things happened in the gene department and also from the parenting mistakes of Clark and Lois left a lot to chance when it came to the kind of person Jon could become.

Looking at him now, Jon still seemed the same empty person, but Jason was vouching for him. Putting himself on the line, even when Jon said such ominous things. Why? The alien couldn't tell. Maybe Jason was just a softie in general? Jon wasn't even looking at him. His ruby eyes were focused on the sky above them. Perhaps looking out for their father?

"Dad isn't even in this galaxy right now, he's helping Green Lantern out with something soo... I guess that means you have that much time to build a case for yourself," Connor said, turning on his heel, "I won't tell anyone, but if you step out of line I will take you down again."

Again. Memories of Connor throwing him into a wall the first time when Jon was eight had flashed through Jon's mind. Deserved. He thought. The phantom feeling of his mother's bones cracking still lingered under his fingertips.

Jon didn't acknowledge Connor's words, but Jason sighed in relief for the both of them. The older alien turned to Jason once more, "if you end up needing any help- just call for me. Keep an eye on your brother, Damian is smart but smart doesn't always mean careful," and when Jason nodded- Connor finally flew off, leaving a dust cloud behind.

Then, Jason sighed again, walking over to where Jon stood- narrowing his eyes as the cracks in the building behind them where there was an imprint of a smaller body now. His hands reached up and he started dusting off the debris from Jon's shirt and hair- to which the alien looked perturbed and confused.

"You don't need to do that."

"And you don't need to stay quiet and not defend yourself," Jason retorted, raising his hand to flick the younger's forehead- even if he couldn't actually feel any pain from it. "Jeez it pisses me off for you, it's like dealing with a superpowered version of Bruce and the others ™. No wonder you get along so well with the brat. Speaking of which, you checking in on him?" His arms were crossed, tapping his foot irritably.

You raise kids with callousness and you release callous kids onto the world.

Ruby eyes flashed, but Jon didn't seem too bothered. At the mention of Damian, though, he brightened considerably, "he's been sewing something with Alfred from what I can hear. He knows I'm listening in so he's been very careful to not describe anything. I can only hear from a distance not see so that's a huge disappointment," he grumbled- the idea of Damian hiding a craft from him was piquing his interest even more.

Jason shrugged, "probably being sappy and making you something like a scarf or a blanket. He seems like the type," he commented, pulling out his phone, "anyways- come on. We have to go meet up with the guy. Hopefully we can actually get something out of this."

"Mh, okay," Jon shrugged his shoulders and twisted his upper body- releasing the tension and hearing pops and crackles from the altercation with Connor. Was nice to know he didn't immediately die but you know- still worrying that he knew now. Even if he swore not to say anything. Nostrils flaring slightly, he followed Jason to their next destination.

It was three am by the time they were nearing the end of the night. They were on their way to meet with the 'banker' as Jason referred to him as. Monopoly reference. No names, just an address sent from a burner phone.

As the moon hung high in the sky, the two males waited with determination and nerves. If they failed here, they didn't know when the next lead would come around. All they had to do was place a tracker on him, all they had to do was hear his voice. That way, Jon would be able to add it to his mental registry and he'd be able to hear him anywhere.

When the banker finally showed up, it was a surprise to see someone who looked so young. They had on a doll mask though, which concealed their face and actual age. But by statue alone and the sound of his circulatory system- Jon guessed he was on the more youthful side.

Jason found the doll mask fucking creepy, he couldn't imagine a giant with it on kicking your ass like Damian had dealt with. Also getting drugged by another one. Lovely. Banker walked up to them, holding out their hand. Not saying a thing.

"Ah, it was a tough night- how about you?" Jason asked, making conversation to get the ball rolling. Hopefully.

But the banker didn't take the bait. Smart, like Jason. He only held his hand out more urgently. It was eerie and Jon was trying to memorize the heart pattern if he couldn't hear the voice. Heartbeats were way harder to pick out, they weren't all unique. But the Batfamily had the most unique of all if Jon had to decide. They were all kinds of nuts and their heart patterns or even lack thereof reflected that.

Jason pulled out some cash they received and placed it in the Banker's gloved hand. Covering all steps, no fingertips, no face, no voice. "Will we meet you here next time?" Jason inquired, tilting his head as if he were innocently asking.

It didn't yield much promise since the masked man ignored him, counting the money. Then he paused, facing Jason and holding out his hand again- making a motion to pay up.

"Whoops, give ya the wrong amount did I?" Jason mused, playing the fool perfectly. He pretended to dig through the bag he had- mumbling to himself as he dug through. Jon heard the man exhale sharply, tapping his foot impatiently.

Jon eyeballed the Banker and his mask. Memorizing every detail. The face was like a porcelain doll to a T. Red heart shaped smiling lips, pink painted cheeks that looked blended at the ends, the eyes had painted on eyeliner with baby blue eyeshadow to match. Painted on baby hairs that were reminiscent of Betty Boop. His eyes narrowed, they were perfect copies to the other doll masks. It was then he realized something...

There wasn't a place to see.

At least, it didn't look like you'd be able to see from the mask. Jon's staring must have finally made the Banker uncomfortable because he started shifting awkwardly, clearing his throat to Jason to hurry up. 'Get me away from this freak.' Vibes. As if he weren't wearing a doll mask and taking drug money.

"Alrighty, here ya go," Jason chirped, whipping out the rest of the money- placing it into the man's hands. He didn't pull away immediately, smiling at the smiling mask, "see ya soon."

The banker's stance faltered a bit. It wasn't like Jason actually threatened him... but these two dealers were unlike any others. They didn't seem like they were in need of the job- more like they wanted it. That made the banker nervous. Perhaps he should contact the boss about it.

Nodding his head, the Banker flipped through the bills- counting out a certain amount and then sliding over their pay. A phone was pulled from his pocket and he texted someone quickly- probably a confirmation. Jon couldn't see through the phone to just see the screen which was a shame. Powers and their limitations... but the Banker tucked the phone away and turned from them- walking off without a word.

It was silent as Jason and Jon watched the masked figure disappear into the distance. Jon waited until he could hear the steps become faint enough he knew the other wouldn't be listening in.

"I couldn't hear his voice so it'll make tracking him that way hard," Jon told the other, a disgruntled expression on his face. Not being able to solve their problems with his abilities was annoying as hell.

Jason ruffled his hair, "no problem. Brucie may suck a lot of ways, but he sure knows how to get good tech. I put a very very tiny tracker in the bills, no problemo," he gave a thumbs up as he dodged Jon swatting at his hand.

No wonder he took forever to find the bills.

"Now what?"

"Now we get some sleep. We can track him tomorrow."

"Why not tonight?"

"Because frankly I'm exhausted and nearly had a heart attack today. Besides, it shows tracking history so we'll be able to see all the places he visited if he even went anywhere else," Jason assured, heading towards the area to the station. Time to head home. Where he inadvertently adopted a crazy alien teenager who ate everything in sight in the middle of the night so Jason couldn't catch him red handed. Brat.

YIPPEE!!! connor knows! Figured someone on Jon's side should find out since Damian's side has two hehe... but will connor actually keep a secret? Especially from Tim? Who knowsssss~

Thanks for reading! I'm conjuring up some juicy chapters the next few! I hope you'll enjoy! i also saw people who found my tiktok commenting on my art that they're excited about this fic and it makes me so happy! Thanks so much for your support- it means the world to me!

(tiktok is chainnoli if anyone is interested! I may draw more jondami)

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