Platycodon Grandiflorus

Flying through the air at high speeds to avoid cameras and other surveillance was always tricky, because Jon had to pay attention to his surroundings in case he accidentally sets off someone's scanners and he also had to rely on hearing Jason's voice to lead him to the spot they were supposed to meet at.

Straining his ears, the black haired teen plummeted towards the ground, landing with a crack in the ground and dust surrounding him. Jason was standing there looking unimpressed, wearing a pair of oil stained pants and a white greasy shirt, and holding two soft drinks.

Jonathan looked confused, raising a brow, "why are you dressed so casual?" He questioned his future brother-in-law.

Jason snorted, giving him a one over, "says you. You're wearing ripped jeans and a black hoodie looking like an edgy teen, drink," he pushed one of the cups into Jon's chest, "we're doing some... incognito work. It won't work if I'm Red Hood and no one knows you either way but I may have to rely on your powers so it's kind of a bonus you're dating my prissy brother," he explained with a brotherly smirk. It made Jon want to gag.

"O-kaay, so where are we going?" Jon asked, bringing the straw to his lips and drinking. Though he soured once he tasted strawberry milkshake... he'd prefer a soda or water or a bitter type of drink. Sugary sweets were more suited for someone like Damian, not him.

"Dude, who hates milkshakes? You're a freak," Jason said with a dramatic sigh, but he continued to walk them towards the subway station that was just down the street, "we're going to a bar in the less tasteful parts of Gotham. Pretending to look for jobs."

Continuing to drink the drink he didn't necessarily like but wanting to be polite to the guy he'd have to get along with if he wanted to marry his prince- Jon tilted his head a little intrigued, "that's an interesting idea, but I literally look like a minor. I'm not really racking in the adult criminal vibes."

"No, but you're a teen criminal and they're just as desired as adults. Possibly more since you're supposedly easy to mold," Jason jeered, slurping his drink down- creating an annoying noise that caused the alien with super hearing to wince.

Jon shrugged, "to you I'm a criminal, to me- I was serving justice, but I get your point. I'm not afraid to get my hands dirty," he agreed, dodging a glob of pink gum stuck on the ground. He had a face of distaste.

"That and you look like you're up to no good. Your aura is so depressing," Jason mused, snickering as the teen stumbled. Gotham was beautiful in a bleak way. Depending on the parts you were in you could even say it was gorgeous with the architecture and public services- but that was only in the more prominent areas. Everywhere else was full of litter and broken down systems.

The subway was no different. Getting onto the subway in midtown where it was relatively clean with new ads showcasing jobs or clothing lines or shows or insurance were neatly painted or plastered on the walls and the bright lights exposing every person there was incredibly different getting off at the Bowery and seeing only dimly lit tunnels with garbage everywhere and the homeless taking refuge from the elements. It was depressing how in the nice neighborhoods there was hostile architecture where the cops were more prevalent but go to a place where no authority cares about anyone there's a certain type of freedom and 'kindness' even if sad.

Jon followed Jason's lead when stepping out of the subway, stepping over the turnstile without paying (no one paid here), and climbed up the cracked stairs. The area was recognizable as being an area where the bats often helped the helpless and fought off villains as no police presence there was helpful unless Gordon was called in. Still, he was curious about where they were going.

Also, Jason literally lived in the area, which had Jon thinking about why the man was in the theater district. "Why didn't you just call me when you were home instead of having me tag along while you were out?" He questioned.

Jason shrugged, "cuz I was helping someone out with their bike. See all the grease? Also I figured it would be good if people saw us traveling around by subway in case someone is watching cameras and I don't mean the Bat," he motioned towards a suspicious looking city camera that was tucked into a crevice. A red light looming as a hidden threat.

Accepting that answer, Jon continued to follow Jason through the familiar streets. Was Jason known amongst the criminals as that guy that moves around a lot? Did no one know who he was and he just appeared from time to time? Was he that guy down the hall that helped you out with something broken? Jon wondered if Damian knew these answers. Still, he was surprised with himself for actually being curious about another human being other than Damian. The most likely conclusion being Jason was important to Damian so in turn he was someone to be curious about if you took in how his emotions worked.

They walked further away from where Jason lived though, so the area was getting more unrecognizable. He looked around and though he did see a bunch of poor people- he also noticed they seemed a lot happier than those he saw when walking around Old Gotham with Damian.

Maybe with less money they got to enjoy life in a more meaningful way? They're grateful for what they have and whatnot. He eyed a mother and child, the kid was asking for ice cream and the mother looked a bit sad before smiling and saying: "If you're good this week, I'll get you an ice cream on Tuesday." He wondered why that was the offer? Why that day?

Jason seemed to be paying attention to what Jon was confused on and nudged him, "Tuesdays there is an ice cream truck driver who does discounts near the river, but only on tuesdays. So parents get a good bargaining chip with their kids without raising them to be spoiled either," he ruffled Jon's hair who glowered.

It was funny how similar Jon and Damian were, Jason chuckled and removed his hand. They truly were a match made in- probably hell. Or maybe it was heaven that they were able to find each other despite their circumstances.

"I'll get you ice cream later, scamp."

"I don't want any."

"Sure you don't."

"I don't!"

"My Alibi? What a stupid name for a bar," Jon commented, staring at the brick building that had red neon lights.

Jason was heading to the door when he nodded, "yep. It's supposed to be a play on "what's your alibi? Oh it's my alibi" or something like that, but yeah it's too on the nose," he agreed as he motioned for Jon to follow.

On normal occasions, he wouldn't bring a teen to a bar. Like, he had some morals, but he was kind of grasping at straws on leads and Damian had gotten drugged literally twice and he was super careful- either Damian was getting sloppy or the case was something they were in over their heads about. Maybe both.

Jon didn't seem uncomfortable, which would be the reasonable case as he could punch their heads off their shoulders, and kept his head held high. His eyes were blank, even if there were bright lights in the room Jason seldom thought those lights would actually reflect in those bloody orbs. Perhaps the only time he seemed to sparkle was in regards to a certain Wayne.

As Jason found a spot to sit and was about to pull Jon next to him- he heard a piercing Boston accent: " Jason is that you?!"

Whirling around, he spotted Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy chilling on a sofa, both looking surprised at seeing his presence. Speaking of, he was too. They weren't dressed in uniform, Ivy sporting a forest green pencil skirt with a white v-cut blouse, and Harley had her hair in a ponytail wearing a black sleeveless turtleneck and a pair of bright red shorts. Of course the shirt had a diamond cut out on the chest.

So there they all were, out of uniform and all of them knowing each other's secret identities. They were the only a few villains that knew Jason's identity- these two were honestly the safest to deal with and he can admit that he diiid on occasion play cards with them and drink.

Ivy's eyes looked over at Jon and she rose a brow, "now this is someone I don't recognize. You got another brother?" She inquired with a teasing tone as she sipped her chilled drink.

Jon confidently corrected, "brother-in-law."

Harley choked before looking excited, "oh ehm gee, who got hitched?! He looks young! Does he just have a baby face?" She asked gleefully, standing up from the sofa to circle Jon like a shark in the water.

Jason slapped a hand to his forehead, "he's cocky, but he's Damian's boyfriend," he introduced, "Jonathan or Jon or Scamp."

Looking proud at being called Damian's boyfriend- Jon puffed out his chest, but scowled at the nickname 'Scamp'. "Don't call me that."

"Damian has a terrible nickname and now you do too, it's a blessing," Jason joked, before he grabbed two of the stools and dragged them over to Ivy's table. She herself looked perplexed over this new information and maybe even looked a bit miffed. Jason sat down and assured, "it's a new thing. Demon would've told you at your next event or whatever, speaking of which, why are you two dressed like sexy substitute teachers?"

Ivy relaxed and leaned forward, "I am helping a research team who recently discovered a strange plant. I too am interested in discovering its properties- also I want to be there if they try using it for bad if it shows signs of danger," she explained, "Harley here just wanted to match."

Harley had gotten distracted from her ogling that Jon was finally able to sit down next to Jason, leaving her to bounce back to the sofa, "yep! Now whatcha up to? It's been a while!"

"Well, we're actually trying to find work. A certain drug popped up on the market and it's becoming dangerous," Jason replied, "did you hear about that complex and everyone inside being brutalized?"

The queen of clowns frowned and nodded her head, "yeah I did here, 's a shame. I mean murdah to that degree is just sick, that's why I got outta that business. I'll pop a guy if I gotta but to me it seems like the drugs are just an excuse to kill later. A cover," she spoke, resting her blonde head on Ivy's shoulder.

"If I hear anything else about it I'll let you know, as for now you might have some luck asking the bartender for a guy named Tony. Tell him you're looking to work even the dirtiest of jobs, not sure what he'll say though considering you have a cabbage patch kid with you," Ivy advised.

"Thanks ladies, but don't worry about him. He's tougher than he looks," Jason assured with a flashy grin, motioning to Jon that they were leaving, "my place next week?"

Ivy smirked, "if you're prepared to lose."

"Hah, tough shit, I won last time," Jason boasted, standing up.

Ivy just waved him off as Harley just giggled, "byeee! I want an invite to the actual wedding!" She mused as Jon nodded and followed after his sort of mentor.

They were entering the small crowd and Jon questioned Jason, "why are you so cool with them?"

Jason shrugged, "all of us bats are pretty cool with Harley and Ivy. Harley just needed help out of a bad relationship and Ivy needed to prioritize her goals. They ended up helping each other with that, but we never had bad blood with them. They're good people, they just do bad things," he explained. "Sort of like how me and the demon are, though I doubt he'd view himself like them. He likes them and views them higher than himself."

Jon furrowed his brows as they arrived at the counter. Jason was talking to the bartender and the alien was left thinking about his beloved's self esteem. Maybe he and Damian would be the guy version of Harley and Ivy? He rubbed his chin in thought.

His attention was grabbed when Jason snapped in his face. Looking up, he saw Jason standing next to a portly man who was looking impatient. "What?"

"This boy seems like a petulant child," the man scowled.

Jason rolled his eyes, "just show him," he commanded Jon, and then Jon seemed to understand, and that this was Tony.

Keyword: seemed.

They were all talking about toughness and whatnot, so he just looked at the man next to him who was loudly talking about being a piece of shit and his piece of shit achievements and the alien reached over- grabbed the beefy forearm, and snapped.

The man yowled and whirled around to face the kid who just broke his arm, "you fucking brat!" Not a smart man for thinking he could land a punch against a person who broke his arm with a squeeze- but before he could even prepare to throw a punch, Tony stepped in.

"You're dumb as a sack of bricks, but you're strong. You'll do," he waved the beefy man off before turning towards Jason who just looked like he was hit with said sack of bricks. "Meet me at this location at sundown tonight. Don't be late." With that, he left for a room behind the counter.

Jason seemed to get his wind back and yoinked Jon out of the bar, dragging him down the street until they were in an isolated alley. The older male spun around and faced the blank faced alien, "okay what was that??"

Jon tilted his head, "you said show him, I assumed you meant my strength," he responded.

"Yeah! Like breaking a chair or the counter or something! Throwing your fist through a wall, your brain went to breaking an arm??" Jason sounded exasperated.

"Well, he was being loud and annoying. I didn't really think of anything else since it was the first thing that caught my mind," Jon shrugged, tone cool and leveled. It just made the vigilante groan- putting his hands on his knees.

Jason took a moment to get his thoughts together, sitting up, "okay, next time we're in a bar full of criminals, don't attack one of them so we aren't put in a dangerous situation," he ordered.

Jon stared eerily before smiling, "I don't take orders from you. You're not Dami," he had this weird insistence about him. Completely content in his thoughts.

"What, are you his dog or something?"

"If he wishes."

"Gag. Okay fine, be stupid if you want to- but you're going to be cleaning up the messes, besides- if you do something too dumb he'll get mad at you so you better keep it together," Jason warned, pointing a finger at him like a chastising mom.

What he said seemed to register in Jon's head as he got a surprising expression of horror before collecting himself, "fine. I'll do whatever it takes to make him pleased," he agreed with a morose tone. Truly he did not want to mess up and have Damian mad at him.

But what if Damian mad at him was hot? Dammit. He had to pick his battles and which type of anger was worth it. Sad-mad angry Damian might not be as hot as "I'm going to throttle you because you're stupid" Damian. Okay, then those were his guidelines. Sad-mad Damian was off limits. With newfound confidence, he faced Jason once more, "so where are we going?"

"Well we have a few hours to kill, so we can prepare and scope things out, but there's another warehouse near Dixon Docks. We have to go to Chinatown and meet Tony there before we can get in," Jason informed, "make sure you don't mention Damian's name at all. They already found him as a connection- they might find him too close and dangerous so leave his name in your mouth."

"Aye aye," Jon said sarcastically, rolling his eyes.

He could totally do that. It wasn't like Damian was the only thing on his mind and his favorite topic and the only reason he was even doing this in the first place, right?

I do be reading those batfam and Harley and Ivy headcanon posts... don't mind me...

Also I try to remember where all these buildings are and I'm using a map linked here but I do be getting shit confused so just ignore it unless it can't be ignored LMFAO

I hope you enjoyed !

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