
"So... Acquaintances?" Jon's voice sounded from above Robin's head.

It was night time now, the moon high in the sky, and Robin was going off on a lead he had received from Red Hood. The shorter male was crouched as he had his eyes on a dimly lit warehouse. No longer was he surprised by the sudden appearances from the alien.

Robin pulled out his binoculars to see how many goons were surrounding the area. "Hmm? Should I have said something different?" He inquired, adjusting the view from his scope. There were the original four thugs getting out of a car that rolled up. No doubt there to pick up the newest orders. Friends who deal together, stay together.

Jon floated down, hovering above the small figure- yet pressing his chin into dark hair, "you're the one who reads shoujo manga, you tell me. Do you just let random acquaintances kiss you?" His hands came down to rest on Robin's shoulders, squeezing just a smidge. "Or is it just me?"

A shiver traveled down the teen's spine as Robin felt those hands on him, hearing that jealous and possessive tone- questioning him and all his morals, yet unsatisfied with how Damian had described their relationship. "Just you."

"Just me? Then that doesn't mean I'm a mere acquaintance, right?" Jon pushed, putting more weight into his Robin sized cushion.

Green eyes hidden behind a domino rolled, "I guess not. What would you describe it as then?" Refocusing on the task at hand. It would be unfortunate if he was too distracted to work again. Should I tail them or should I try to enter the warehouse..?

"Tch." Jon seemed on edge, pushing himself off of his Robin, who was more focused on doing a stupid job than giving him any attention. Typical. The antsy feeling only served to weigh down on the young vigilante below- who sighed heavily.

"Sneak us in, and I'll give you a reward later," Robin promised, tucking the binoculars back into his utility belt. His masked face looked up to stare at Jon's sour expression. Though at the promise of a reward-the black haired boy's body released the tension gathered and his lips were no longer pursed.

His eyes go from dull to full of shine at even the slightest bit of attention. Is it because it's me or is he that desperate for it? Robin wondered, a weird ache poking at his heart. It would be sad if Robin weren't special, but that may very well be the case. The first person that entertained Jon's presence would definitely serve to be a beacon on his love and affection map.

Jon bent down a bit, holding out his hand for the Robin to take. There wasn't any hesitance either from the other, it was an immediate connection before the supe lifted the Robin into his arms and zipped off towards the warehouse.

It was cold and dreary as usual, but at least it wasn't raining, but maybe if it was raining it would be easier to cover up their tracks. Or at least hoping for fog wouldn't be too selfish.

They landed at the side of the building, where there was a small window near the top of the wall- a bunch of boxes and scaffolding stacked to give them access. If you didn't have a superpowered flying teen with you anyways.

Robin was held up to the window, where he dug into his utility belt for a tool to help him with the window lock. It wasn't rocket science, so it was easily break-and-entering-able. His tool shimmied and the sound of the lock switch flicking let him know he could slide the window up.

He stuck his head into the window, peering into the darkness. From what he could see, there were boxes upon boxes piled floor to ceiling. There was also a truck with the Bite symbol spray painted onto it. A couple of guards or workers were walking around the perimeter- no one looking up of course. Two were over by the truck, unloading more of those boxes.

Reaching into his utility belt once more, he grabbed his phone to take pictures, he could feel Jon rest his chin on his shoulder as he did so. Distractions. "There's nowhere for me to land if I climbed in and dropped, so I'll enter through the window but dangle from the sill until you float your way in to get me down," he whispered to the alien.

Jon nodded his head, "aye aye," he said, helping Robin through the window, where his green gloved hands held onto the edge- his boots planting firmly against the wall to help him brace. I wonder how long he can stay like that? He thought a little morbidly, before shaking his thoughts clean etch-a-sketch style. He made sure Robin was secured, confirming that with a nod from the other, and then made his own way through the opening.

Floating quietly behind Robin, he hooked his arms under the other's knees and armpits, pulling him safely from the wall. Still going unnoticed by the workers below, the two of them found a stack of boxes that was stacked high- and landed on them to peer down below.

"I didn't notice any cameras on the scanners, but do you notice anything out of the ordinary?" Robin asked, staring down at a worker who was carrying a gun. Though it was apparent to Robin that the man didn't know how to hold it correctly. Meaning he didn't have the training or experience to deal with it.

Red eyes looked around the room, using his x-ray vision to see through the boxes and walls, gauging everything with scrutinizing ease. "Mmm, nope. Think we're in the clear, but you should know every box from I can tell is holding like thousands of those pills," he explained to the Robin.

"Interesting, it looks to be a supplier's stop. Drivers hired by the supplier come here with lots of stock, they drop off the boxes here for the dealers to pick up what they need, the dealers go on the streets and sell... but..." Robin frowned.

"But where is the money going?" Jon finished, putting a finger to his chin in thought. From where they were at, and what they could see, there weren't any safes to deposit any money into- and there definitely didn't seem to be any bigwigs here to collect the cash.

Robin sighed softly, pulling out his phone to write out notes. Jotting down two potential routes they could do- watch over the warehouse and wait to see if they find anything or anyone who would be picking up the money, or do they wait to find a dealer and follow them around and see things that way?

Jon read over the other's shoulder, humming as he rested his cheek against him, "d'you think we could get Jason to do a stakeout?" He suggested.

"The problem wouldn't be getting him to do that, it's if he finds out I want to do the tailing he definitely will tell Nightwing and the others and they won't think I'm healed or okay enough to do so and I'll end up on the stakeout instead," Robin explained, annoyance lacing his voice.

"Stakeouts are boring..." Jon agreed, pulling away to lean on his hands, "but maybe we do the stakeout to get your family off your back and give us time to research stuff?"

Robin smirked slightly, "you just want to be stuck with me for several hours a day, don't lie," he teased.

Jon smirked widely, "I wouldn't lie about wanting to spend time with you, Dami," he admitted honestly, which just seemed to make Robin flush and look away from him once more.

"Names..." Robin scolded halfheartedly, busying himself with his phone instead. He was texting Jason the coordinates of the warehouse and told him to trail anyone who was coming for a dealer's pickup. His choice of scumbag. Seemed to be plenty of dealers to choose from.

All he got back was a thumbs up emoji. Which annoyed Robin greatly. "He could at least respond professionally," he hissed quietly, shoving his phone back into his belt- stewing over stupid shit. "Well, we have a few hours to go of patrol, ready to stay in?"

The alien nodded and gave a thumbs up, snickering at Robin's deadpan reaction- dodging an elbow from him. Besides, if it landed it would hurt Robin way more than himself.

It had been a couple of hours since they camped themselves out on top of the box tower, monitoring the business below. Nothing really changed much, the truck driver had left the building and Robin noted to follow a truck whenever they weren't stuck on stakeout duty. A couple of workers swapped shifts, and a few dealers had been by.

Due to Jon's super hearing, he informed Robin that Red Hood arrived and was waiting on a prey outdoors. "Hmph, didn't expect him to be able to do it tonight, good for me I guess."

After Red Hood left to follow a random dealer- they were left in silence once more. Jon was getting bored, three hours into the operation. It was three in the morning, Robin would want to stay out for another two or three hours at the very least. He was patient, unyielding, because he believed in a patient virtue. Good results come with lying to wait.

But eventually, some chatter did seem to pick up. Jon leaned forwards on the box, getting to the edge- not that he really needed to lean in closer to hear better- but hey maybe it was a placebo thing. Robin glanced over at Jon's interest and pulled out his camera to snap pics of the two chatting in case they needed their identification for later.

"Boss sure has been making a lot of this stuff, where do you think it comes from?"

"We're not supposed to talk about it, you know this."

"No... but like, I've been hearing some stuff. Bad stuff."

"What kind of stuff?"

"Not every batch is the same, there's some special batches I hear he sends to people he wants to get rid of, and at the same time... people go missing."

"So? The special batches are a poison, not that the regular stuff ain't, but obviously the special stuff is a weapon."

"Have you, seen what it does? Just one pill and you become a monster..."

"If you don't want to turn into a monster, you better stop talkin about it- right?"

"Y-Yeah... right..."

Jon rubbed his chin, thinking about what was said. The two crooks stopped talking, the meeker one going off to patrol a different section of the warehouse. It was dimly lit, but that wasn't an issue for the kryptonian.

"What did they say?" Robin asked, his voice quiet and close to his ear- Does he do this by accident or am I being tortured right now? Jon wondered.

With that, Jon cleared his throat, "it seems that what happened at the apartment complex wasn't a mistake. The giant we fought was given a special drug that turned him into a monster to use as a weapon. I don't know if it can or was following orders or if it only knew destruction, either way it isn't friendly," he explained.

"Huh, so there's special batches then? I wonder how it's given or if it's done by random? It would be hard to target a specific person if they were handing them out at a party..." Robin gasped, "maybe that's why they were attacked? Terrance was buying from a dealer but in turn was dealing whatever he bought- like a third party buyer."

Jon made an 'o' shape with his mouth, "ooh, so that means the big boss got mad that someone was trying to get in on his business and sent an unlucky treat along with the next order?"

"Mhm, but the question is- where was Terrance taken? His body wasn't found," Robin questioned rhetorically, before looking to Jon once more, "do you think he was the giant?"

Ruby eyes glinted with realization, but he shook his head, "nah I don't think so. I saw what Terrance looked liked and even had his scent, if he was turned into that monster they would have shared some similarities. The giant was someone else, I'm assuming some poor dude from the party," he explained.

Robin hummed in acknowledgement, "then that means someone had to have been there to witness things, if only to report to the boss the drug worked, and also to kidnap Terrance. If we go back to the other disappearances I'm sure we'll find similar carnage, this was a great lead," he stated, a pleased expression on his face.

Jon stared at him for a moment, before leaning close, stealing a breathless kiss from the other- who made a noise of surprise, but the kiss was over as quick as it had begun. Robin blinked, mouth gaping before turning to give Jon a ' what the fuck? ' expression. The alien chuckled, "that was my reward."

It was quiet for a moment, but then Robin sat up straight, "we should do some research on any missing persons from the past couple months... to continue the investigation," he covered up his embarrassment by talking about the case- but it couldn't cover up the color tinging his cheeks and ears.

"Where would we do the research? Unless you mean you in the batcave with your brothers and I have to listen from space?" Jon asked, tone flat. Clearly unhappy that he was left out of some crucial case stuff.

Robin glanced at him, biting his bottom lip for a moment, before coming to a settlement in his brain, "we can infiltrate Todd's safehouse. He wants to meet you anyways, and besides that- it would be easier to share the data we collect since we ended up working the same case," he replied, it was clearly a branch of trust. Jon didn't want to damage that.

Hi guys! I am so sorry for the long delay, unfortunately was going through a breakup so I didn't have much motivation to do any hobbies LOL, but I'm fine now and I'll be going back to a routine schedule uwu I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I'd love to hear your thoughts and I appreciate each and every comment- y'all make this worth writing and I am so happy so many of you enjoy it! Until the next time >:)

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