Lilium Stargazer
It was annoying that he missed every meal of the day for one reason or another. Damian was stubborn so even when Dick brought food to his room the young ex assassin kept the door locked- much to his older brother's chagrin, but he couldn't bring himself to eat when he was just so worked up. I've gone longer anyways for missions, one day is nothing.
When it was around nine, the short teen made his way down to the Batcave. No matter how many times he had been inside- it still always impressed him. Just a little. In a row there were cylinder tubes that contained different uniforms used over the years, different cowls, different helmets, different gloves, yet all of them brought forth a feeling of familiarity. It was impressive to see just how far everyone had come to display old costumes- like a museum, remembrance.
The usual signs of activity were there: Giant screens all lit up with different things, a giant console below, a leather chair that sat Batman whom was typing up what seemed to be a report. There was a section dedicated to the Batmobile and other vehicles, Jason's motorbike was gone so he still hadn't come by yet. I wonder if he's still on that mission. Damian hadn't heard anything from him in a while.
In one section there was a lab- it was, well, where they ran tests and diagnostics. The room next to it being their little infirmary area. Near the back of the cave was a training room- it was covered in rubber mats and full of mirrors, weights, punching bags, dummies, you name it- it was there.
Damian made his way over to the lab, only barely sparing a nod to his father who paused his work momentarily in acknowledgement. Inside the lab was the sound of beeps and whirrs, signaling tests being run. His eyes traveled to an LED screen that was displayed above one of the machines that held the two pills- his eyebrows furrowed knit tight as he grew confused from the results. Lots of the usual chemical compounds you'd expect to find in drugs were listed, no surprises there, but... there were a few that couldn't be registered. "N/A... what does that mean? Is it an unknown substance or is it something not able to be detected?" There were a few drugs like that- even in tests they couldn't be discovered unless previously confirmed by an outside party. So there was a big chunk of the compound missing in the data, which didn't normally happen.
Sensing footsteps making their way towards him, the teen looked over his shoulder to see Batman holding a manilla folder in his hand. Behind the cowl he seemed so intimidating. Truly the strongest fighter that Damian couldn't help but admire. Be proud that he came from this man. Batman stepped closer, holding out the file to Damian, "I ran the facial recognition software through your video and found that the man in the suit is named Terrance Phillip. He lives at this address in Crest Hill."
"Thank you, father," Damian took the folder and peered inside. It seemed that Bruce had already printed off the report data from the pills and put it in the file. It still bugged him that they couldn't tell what key components were.
"Are you heading out then?" Batman asked, as usual he was awkward, standing stiff but trying to show interest by asking questions. That, and he wanted to make sure he could keep tabs on Damian. Knowing what he was capable of- and yet also fearing the worst for him.
A nod was given in response, Damian tucked the folder under his arm as he made his way past the Bat, "I have to get dressed first. Then I'm on my way, I'll keep you updated," he assured- not needing Batman to ask. His determination didn't falter as he changed into his Robin uniform. Tonight would hopefully give way to a bigger lead- maybe he could even find out a supplier's name.
With the green domino secured to his face, the Robin made a dash out of the cave like a man on a mission. Which he was. Thankfully Crest Hill wasn't too far from where they were- Gotham Heights neighboring both Crest Hill and Bristol. Rich people neighborhoods. Though Damian was used to luxury, it was what he deserved after what he endured in his life. Fine furs and decorative weaponry weren't out of style for him.
As he just made it out of the barriers of the Wayne manor and Batcave- he yelped in surprise as an arm wrapped around his waist and he was hoisted into the air. He struggled for a moment before shooting a glare to the one and only Jonathan- whom was carrying him towards the destination he required, "Crest Hill, right?" Jon had asked in confirmation.
"I don't even have my phone on me so I don't see how you could've heard that without me knowing," Robin grumbled, before sighing and nodding his head, "he's in xxx condo 4A." Might as well enjoy the free ride.
Jon nodded and flew them relatively discreetly- which Damian appreciated greatly. He doubted his family would be happy if someone snapped a shot of a random meta carrying Robin haphazardly across the neighborhoods and posted it all over the internet. Jon seemed to be concentrating too, making sure as to not get detected by one thing or another. Which intrigued Damian... how was he doing that? Just what were his powers and skillset? So far he could deduce that Jon had super strength and flight, and he was just coming around to the idea that he may even have super hearing as well. The evidence was stacking up against him. Was he a meta? Alien? Someone who fell into a horrible accident but got crazy powers afterwards? There was a lot he'd like to know, but there were lingering doubts that Jon would tell him anything. Especially because Damian wasn't keen on sharing either.
There were a lot of heroes that shared similar power sets- so he couldn't properly narrow it down until he got way more info, but so far he seemed to be either an alien or unfortunate victim.
As Robin was lost in thought, Jonathan was using his x-ray vision and super hearing to keep eyes and ears out for civilians or cameras or anything that could sense them. Dami would be proud to know I'm taking such good care to keep things secret. Well, it benefits me way more than him. Oh well~
Dodging a few people staggering around and giggling- Jon eventually dropped them onto a balcony that was looking into the condo across the way. There were giant windows- exposing everything to people who intended to watch. Curtains were pulled back. Jon thought they were idiots. "Who makes a drug deal with all the lights on and windows open?" He whispered to his companion.
Robin snorted, stifling a chuckle, "I could not tell you. The drugs are rotting their brains," he murmured back. He reached into a pouch on his belt and pulled out a pair of binoculars that had thermal and night time vision. I wonder why he's been following me on this case anyways, is it truly boredom? He gnawed on his bottom lip absentmindedly- thoughts running through his head as he tried to get a grasp on things.
Jonathan had been watching Robin from the corner of his eyes. He didn't require anything to see, so he knew there wasn't anything particularly worrying happening, so why was Robin biting his lip like that? A frown fell on his face as he reached over and pinched the bottom puffy lip with his thumb and forefinger. His eyes couldn't tear away from such a thing which meant he couldn't focus. So Robin needed to stop it.
"Wh-What are you doing?!" Robin hissed, pulling away easily as Jon didn't have anything more than a loose hold on his mouth. Even from under the mask Jon could tell that the teen boy was blushing, embarrassed by such a bold action.
It only made Jon chuckle, resting his chin on his knee, pulling his hand away, "you shouldn't be doing that. You'll distract me," he warned- voice light, yet face entirely serious.
Robin gaped at him, puffing his chest out haughtily, "you have a lot of nerve, Jonathan . This is MY case and you're just tagging along because you don't have anything else better to do," he chided, returning his focus back onto the condo. It was nine forty-five.
"Then that makes two of us," Jon said easily, shrugging a shoulder as he leaned back to relax against a giant cement plant pot. He said my name for once. I need him to say it again. Why was his focus on that? More importantly- why was someone like Damian Wayne causing a shift of emotions for him? That never happened before.
I'm going to pretend I didn't hear him just reference Drake insulting me earlier, Robin thought with an eye roll. Honestly, he probably should be more weirded out that Jon seemed to know everything he said or did or what was said to him, but Damian couldn't even find it in himself to care all that much. Stranger danger wasn't a concept when Damian was often the danger to other strangers.
The fifteen minutes couldn't have gone by any slower than it actually felt. Robin was staring into the condo the whole time, trying not to let Jon's staring get to him. Crimson eyes burned into the side of his head- Jon not breaking contact once. Goosebumps dotted his arms and Damian was thankful Jon couldn't see. Which he could, but...
Eventually, Jon's attention was grabbed by something. Robin turned the binoculars in the direction that the teen beside him was looking- "that's the guy in the hoodie from earlier," he whispered. Hoodie was pushing a few boxes loaded up onto a dolly cart into the building. With the thermal sensors Damian could see as the red and orange blob make its way over to the elevator.
"So that's what fifty k looks like in drugs," Jon commented, though he glanced over to Robin, "hoodie guy? Could your fancy machine not detect his face?" He had a cocky smirk to his face that Damian just wanted to punch off.
"No, because unfortunately the only thing I caught of him in my video was a quarter view. Terrance Phillip was enough, and at least he could bring me to this guy," Robin replied, disdain lacing his tone.
Jon chuckled at that. He liked that about Damian, he'd reply to questions even if they were stupid or sarcastic. Was it a genuine quality of his? Or was it something like Damian had to prove he was smart so he'd answer every little thing?
Robin moved the binoculars with every step that Hoodie guy took. Watching as Hoodie traveled up four floors, until he stepped off and made his way to the front door. Pursing his lips, he watched as Terrance answered the door. They exchanged greetings and shook hands after Terrance inspected the boxes. He pointed to a spot in the room where Hoodie could place them- and Hoodie listened.
A camera in the lenses worked out for him as he snapped a few shots, mostly aiming for Hoodie's face. He also took pictures of the boxes being delivered itself and even after Hoodie left the condo, Robin stayed to snap evidence of Terrance opening the packages and counting them.
"What are we gonna do now?" Jon had asked after a few minutes, Hoodie long gone.
Robin hummed for a moment, before pulling the binoculars back, "we're going to sit here for a while to see if he does anything with these- or if he's just going to bed. I'll come back tomorrow to monitor again."
"Bo-ring, is that seriously what you all do?" Jon asked, pressing his face against the glass of the barrier separating them from the harsh drop to the ground below.
"You don't have to stick around, but most cases it is pivotal to get all the information as you possibly can to make an airtight case with the GCPD," Robin explained, "we don't want to turn in half-assed work and sees criminals walk free months later when they could have gotten years."
Jon just grunted, "seems like a waste of time and resources to keep rounding up the same type of people over and over again," he mumbled.
"Yes, well, that is the justice system here in Gotham, America, we must abide by those rules and laws. However annoying it may be," Robin stated, sagging his shoulders a bit. These kinds of talks often brought back his old thinking. But he knew better and had to be better.
There wasn't a reply, and Robin glanced to the space beside him- noticing that Jon had already flown off without a word. He sighed and uttered to himself, "I hope you heard that." Before going back on watch- feeling lonelier than ever before.
Jonathan was flying off in search of something. This had been the most times he spent off his little shuttle. His father nor Batman had picked up on it yet, but he wondered how long it would take before he was eventually caught. The thought soured like milk in his head, just when he was finally finding good entertainment with Damian.
Damian... Something about him was making him feel strange. Every day since their first meeting he couldn't get the other out of his mind. He spent way more time listening in to Damian's conversations than he ever did in the past four years that he knew of his existence.
"I hope you heard that." Yes Dames I did. I hear everything you say, I hear every heartbeat you feel, I see every miniscule reaction you have towards me. You're a flame to my candle. A light in my darkness. I refuse to ever let you go.
It had been about an hour since Jon had disappeared, and Robin was feeling the weight of patrolling alone even more. The warmth that was by his side felt even colder without a certain stalker filling that space. Still, work was important so he wouldn't let himself get distracted by such silly things.
Many red and orange burnt figures were moving about behind the lenses, Terrance had invited a group of people over. There was music, there were lights, it was a party. A get together of high strung individuals who needed drugs and sex to feel something. Pathetic.
His vision was suddenly obscured by a giant red blob and he pulled away from the gadget with confusion, before blinking up at Jon- who was standing there with a paper bag from some fast food place.
"Jon. You're back."
The grin just spread wider at the nickname, "what? Did you think I abandoned you all by yourself, Dami? You make me seem so cruel~" Jon mused, handing the paper bag to Robin.
Robin flushed at the nickname he had received in return, before swatting at Jon, "I am on duty. No civilian names," he warned, taking the bag though with slight gratitude. "What is this anyways?"
"Yes mom," Jon said, sarcasm practically oozing from his words. Besides, he was using his civilian name. Not that he had any others anyways... "Also, I have no idea. I don't have money so I just flew through a drive through and took some random person's bag as it was being passed over." A shrug.
That just made Robin stare at him, mouth dropped open slightly, "and just why did you think that was a good idea?" He asked, voice stern as if he was scolding an elementary schooler. Might as well be with his emotional intelligence.
"Come on, it's not that bad. They'll just get their order redone since they very clearly didn't receive it," Jon insisted, "besides, you didn't eat at all today. Need those nutrients to make sure you grow taller than five feet," A tease.
"I cannot believe you. Just because- ugh I can't even begin to explain why what you did was utterly abhorrent," Robin groaned, but it would be a waste to discard perfectly good food. So he opened the bag and pulled out a couple items, one was a burger- which he handed off to Jon, a small thing of fries, and an apple pie. Those two he kept for himself. Unhealthy, disgusting, but Jon was right he did need food. Even if he mocked him for his stature in the same breath.
Again he heard things he couldn't possibly have known.
As he nibbled on a fry, Jon looked at him inquisitively, "why'd you pass up the burger?" He wondered, unwrapping it and staring at Robin as he bit into the greasy mess.
Robin swallowed the fry he had been chewing before pulling another one out, "I'm a vegetarian," he answered, popping a fry into his mouth. Yes, incredibly unhealthy... but once in a while a salty soggy fry should be fine.
Jon rose a brow, "vegetarian? What's that?"
"Come on. You seriously don't know?" Robin asked, staring at the teen who just returned the stare with a blank expression, "it's a lifestyle where I don't eat meat. I'll consume things like milk, eggs, honey, or gelatin- but people who don't are called vegans."
"Oh I've heard of vegans, there's a lot of memes about them," Jon said with a solemn tone, it made Robin laugh.
"True, they can be insufferable- though I do admire their dedication," Robin commented, "animals are truly the best thing on this god forsaken planet, even in all the universe. I'd feel safer locked in a room with a wild beast compared to a human."
That got Jon's interest, "so... you like animals then? I guess that's not a surprise since you don't really talk with or have people friends," he inquired, a bit of ketchup on his cheek.
Robin hummed, setting the fry package aside, "I do enjoy animals a lot. I have a dog named Titus and a cat named Pennyworth," he informed, but he got a little closer to Jon as he reached his gloved hand up to the alien's face, gently wiping away the ketchup that lingered, "besides, can't say that I don't have human friends now. I have you, and you're incredibly messy." He pulled away from Jon's personal space, pulling a napkin from the paper bag and wiped off his glove from the tomato-y substance, not really paying any mind to what he just did or said.
It was a genuine action, Jon couldn't hear the difference in the other's heart and he couldn't see any perspiration or raised hairs or anything, Robin was just... He called me his friend. His face tingled from where the other had touched, it felt more like a caress than anything. An excuse to touch him? His mind ran wild with that one. Maybe he wasn't alone in staking a claim.
"We barely know each other and yet you claim me as a friend?" Jon pointed out, shining a toothy grin, "you know that I could be dangerous, right? I haven't done anything that could convince you otherwise."
Robin went back to peering inside the condo, apple pie in his lap with one hand on it, he didn't move from his spot as he said: "I'll figure you out soon enough, just like I'm afraid you will as well."
Afraid. Jon let that sit with him a while as he relaxed back against the pot. It was silent for a moment between them, just eating their food and waiting for anything to happen. Robin had moved the empty pie box off his lap to write things down in a notebook, snapping pictures every so often, the silence was... comfortable.
This chapter is way longer than I expected LOL I wanted to include some bonding and also some plot... haha... comments appreciated hehe~
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