"What the hell happened to you?" Timothy asked, mouth gaping as he had a droplet of coffee on his lip- staring at his younger brother who was walking down the hallway towards the kitchen.
Said younger brother looked up in confusion, "what?"
"Don't 'what' me, you have handprints on your neck," Tim quipped back. The two of them didn't get along much, but Tim did care. He was the perfect definition of an asshole older brother who treated his little brother as if he was bothered by his very existence yet also adored him and would defend him from anyone who wasn't family. Though Damian didn't need to know that. At least not fully. Their dynamic was predetermined and wasn't going to be something easily changed.
Damian only shrugged his shoulders, not entertaining Tim by responding which just seemed to make the elder more intrigued. "You know I'll just find out anyway. I am a great investigator," he pointed out.
Again, Damian only shrugged. "Mmh, if you say so," he sardonically replied, reaching into the refrigerator to grab the jug of milk. It was fancy milk- aka Damian really enjoyed going to farmer's markets and got his own favorite items. No one in the house wanted to risk a batarang to the throat if he found any of his stockpile not being the same as he left it.
It was silent for a moment. Tim stared at the youngest Wayne with a scrutinizing gaze, Damian could practically see the other running scenarios in the reflections of his blue eyes. They stayed put in their little game. Tim trying to find out all the possible answers and Damian keeping his mouth shut.
"If I ask you some questions will you answer them?" Tim asked, "I won't directly ask about the bruises."
Ah, so he wants to play a game. I'll bite. Damian thought with an amused smirk. "Okay, ask your questions, but I have the right to refuse to answer if I wish to. Can you handle putting things together with minimal answers, detective?" He turned to face Tim who had a 'game on' expression on his face.
The notable detective laced his fingers under his chin to use as a rest, "first question. Are the bruises connected to your disappearance from Jason's?" He questioned.
"That technically counts as a direct question, but I'll allow it," Damian snarked, but he hummed for a second before nodding, "yes."
Tim was quiet as he thought of his next question, then he spoke not a second later, "second, is this person dangerous?"
That was a tricky question, because technically yes- but at the same time Jon was also one of the most protective people of him. Thinking about how he wanted to play this- he realized he wasn't ready for the rest of them to know. He only now got to admit these feelings to Jon- he didn't want others to put their nose in his business before he was ready. "Yes."
The long silence that Damian took to think of a reply had Tim grow more worried, especially when he heard the response. He pursed his lips, leaning back into his seat, "final question, are you being safe?"
Safe? I'm getting myself into dangerous situations, not Jon. So I'm not. Damian inhaled slightly, "I may be being reckless in how I'm handling things. I'm not elaborating," he replied.
Blue eyes glinted with a bit of recognition, "right... your mission. I suppose in doing some investigating you'd have to interact with dangerous people as contacts and it makes sense if you can't talk about it," he commented- not looking totally convinced in his conclusions but it was the one that fit best at the moment. Damian only nodded which gave Tim enough confirmation that he was on the right track. Or was he?
It went back to silence. The only sounds heard in their presence was the song of birds chirping outside the window, the sound of milk being poured into a glass, Tim's mug making a thunk noise when he set it down, and the absolutely loud silence that came from the manor early in the morning.
Tim most likely hadn't slept yet, everyone else was probably in their beds back from patrol, and Damian had woken up early since he was banned from going out at night. It was frustrating. The manor wasn't warm and inviting. It was hollow and cold. The kitchen was an area that provided a bit of solace as it was Alfred's domain. Everything in it had the older man's gentle touch. Providing you didn't look too closely at the fake painting on the wall by the sliding glass doors. Behind it was a holed out space hiding a gun. One of Alfred's many. Always prepared to serve and protect the Wayne Mansion.
"Drake?" Damian inquired, setting his cup down onto the pristine marble. His emerald eyes were staring out into the gardens and watching the birds dance around each other. There was a lone black bird sitting amongst the flower bushes away from the others, watching the tanned birds fly and sing, and oh how the ex-assassin's heart twanged.
Looking up from his phone, Tim leaned into his other hand, "hm?" His eyes followed the other's mesmerized gaze out the window. It was a nice morning, but he didn't notice what Damian was noticing.
"Do you think there's a place for everyone in this world?" Mostly it was a question directly about a certain Kryptonian, but it didn't hurt to feel reassured about his own feelings as well.
Setting his phone down, Tim rubbed his chin in thought. Eventually nodding his head, he was always slow with replying to serious questions. Unlike a lot of people he actually cared about how his words were perceived. "I think everyone has a spot they belong to, whether it be a job, or a hobby, or even just being beside another person- I think there's room for everyone. A woman might not want to get married and is career focused so her place is doing what she loves, another woman might want to have a family so she enjoys being amongst her children and partner and feels fulfilled. I guess if you're talking about yourself, you don't talk much- but you aren't as invisible as you seem," he had a small grin, "you prioritize your work but it's not fulfilling, or at least it's not actually where you belong."
Damian scowled and whirled to face his brother with a glare, "is this another way of saying I'm too dangerous to be Robin again?" He questioned heatedly, his fists were balled by his side. Quick to upset. Honestly that showed how far he came from being near sociopathic just escaping the League.
"Calm down, that's not what I'm saying," Tim dismissed as he waved his hand in a circular motion, "I'm just pointing out that being Robin isn't giving you everything you want in life. You are Robin because it is the right thing to do, but is it what you want for the rest of your life? Can you picture living a completely satisfied life like that? Being Red Robin isn't my place, but it grants me access to that place. I like being a detective, I get to be a detective and solve crimes too complicated just for the police force. I like using my brain and also helping people in the process. Bruce's place IS being Batman, that is something no one can contest- but even if he is your father that doesn't mean you have to feel the same as him," he explained.
Taking in that information left Damian processing a lot more than he expected. He hummed softly, sitting down on the stool at the counter, contemplating what he wanted. Truly, the only thing he could think of was a flash of ruby and dark inky hair. His cheeks flushed and he felt his heart skip a beat for just a moment before he got himself under control. "That's stupid."
"Says you," Tim snickered, "besides- you're still young and figuring your life out. I know you act like you're fully grown, but you're also in the time of your life where you should be goofing off and making mistakes," he added, though it seemed like he had said something wrong as Damian visibly deflated.
"I've made enough mistakes for a lifetime," Damian insisted, standing up and storming past the surprised Drake- leaving his expensive glass of milk behind. Wasteful. Just like himself.
"Whatever you say..." Tim uttered under his breath, sighing heavily as he sneakily grabbed the glass to drink so it didn't just spoil. It was delicious and healthy after all.
Lying down in his bed, Damian stared up at the ceiling, his eyebrows were furrowed and nose scrunched in mild annoyance as he tried to process whatever it was he was feeling. Dressed in a pair of shorts and a black tee, he was rather comfortable. The fluffy white socks made of wool though were a bit warm. He sighed, grabbing one of his pillows beside him and pulled it over his face.
Why was he so uneasy? Why did he feel so unrested? Was it because of his mission? How he felt like he failed twice now? Whomever it was, knew Damian Wayne was looking into things, now he couldn't even go outside. Not even at night if he didn't want his vigilante persona being connected.
"Disgusting." Damian's voice was muffled behind the fabric, full of disdain.
"What is?"
Shooting up from his bed, he stared wide eyed at the alien- who was 'innocently' standing beside him like he had been there the whole time. Damian relaxed upon realizing, not feeling unnerved he couldn't sense the other- long getting over that.
Jon smiled at the other, pleased that he was a relaxing presence to the Wayne. Though honestly he probably shouldn't be. "So, what's disgusting?" He asked again, leaning close to him- practically nose to nose with his new love.
Damian's cheeks tinged a darker shade, but he blinked and pulled back from Jon, tilting his head curiously, "why hasn't your dad or brother checked up on you? I just realized you are planning on staying with Todd and you didn't mention them once," he pointed out, not really getting in the mood to tell Jon he found himself to be disgusting- so deflect with something else he was concerned about.
Pouting, Jon pressed their foreheads together, staring at him intensely. Yet, Damian didn't budge. Staring right back. Relenting, Jon answered- but he didn't move his face away: "Dad and Connor are on their own missions, I'm not really someone they want to be constantly reminded of so they aren't listening in or paying attention to."
"Is that not saddening?" Damian asked softly, his breath hitting Jon's face as his personal space was invaded.
A pause, but Jon just smiled and reached up to the smaller boy's shoulders- pushing him back so Damian was in the blankets looking up at the alien that had all the (physical) power over him, "it's not sad. I don't care. Why care about anything that I can't control when I have you?"
Again with his blushing and his dumb heart for skipping its beats. By Jon's wide grin it would be right to assume he was playing close attention to it. "You speak such sweet words, beloved... where are the actions?"
Jon looked surprised, seemingly shocked that Damian could outright flirt with him- but from the conversations before it did make sense that he'd be able to as he was trained to not be flustered- but he could tell by the warmth of the other and the heart rate that his love felt flustered as he did so.
"My apologies~" The alien mused, dipping his head down place his lips upon his sweet prince's. Damian's lips were soft, like budding flowers. Jon knew his own were not as soft- the other male probably took great care of things like that. From the last time he inspected the room he found lip scrub and a few chapsticks, that would do it. The paler of the two's lips were rough and chapped, but Damian wasn't complaining and never mentioned it before so it couldn't have been too bad.
Damian went to move his arms up around Jon's neck- but he quickly grabbed him by the wrists and pressed them back down into the mattress, not breaking the kiss either. It caused the bird to groan in defiance- but he didn't bother to actually make a move to break the hold.
Moving his mouth slowly, he was a quick learner. Damian was more experienced than him- which was unfortunate... he felt a bloodlust like never before simmering in his bones... but he was the one Damian wanted and liked, so he would do everything in his power to keep the other by his side. Even if that meant literally using his power. He wasn't letting go of Damian anytime soon. All his.
"Mine..." Jon whispered against the soft mouth, trailing his kisses down the other's temple, possessive as they were gentle. Dami's skin was warm and malleable beneath his wandering hands that he didn't even realize had moved on their own.
Letting out a shaky breath, Damian nodded, "mhm... yours..." he confirmed, not denying the undeniable. Playing tsundere only worked in moments where he wasn't desperate for attention or whatnot.
Pale spindly fingers splayed against the tanned stomach, pressing his palm down- adding pressure and relishing the whimper that came from the other. If Damian was going to be bored all day for gods knows how long- then Jon would entertain him. He would be a good boyfriend.
But as they made out, and as Jon practically absorbed all of the heat Damian was providing, he suddenly paused in irritation. Leaving the Wayne look up in confusion, panting breathlessly as the other had pulled from the kiss- with a delightful sounding smack of the lips.
"Something wrong?" He asked, green eyes hazy, pupils dilated.
Jon groaned knowing the signs, he hated that he had agreed to help out and also listen to Jason in exchange for keeping secrets and shelter- it was annoying. "Jason is calling for me. Since I don't have a cellphone he's relying on my super hearing and he's incredibly annoying," he grumbled.
Damian frowned, pushing himself up onto his elbows, "is he saying why?" He questioned.
"Yeah, he has a lead he wants us to check out, but during the day," Jon leaned down and kissed Damian's lips once more, "I'll prove my words with my actions next time..." he swore, ruby eyes glinting with promise.
The emerald eyed male shivered slightly, but nonetheless nodded his head in affirmation, "it's fine. I'd rather we solve this case as quickly as possible..." he lifted a hand up to press a finger against Jon's lips, "the sooner it's over... the sooner we can spend more time together... so do make sure you hurry."
No other words were needed and Damian actually laughed as Jon hightailed it out of there. If he looked hard enough Damian could swear he saw a dog's tail and ears. Tail wagging fast as the wind.
Soooo sorry for long wait! Unfortunately I work at a conference hotel in a tourist town that is popular almost all year- pair that with the holidays and it's been so exhausting!
I see all your comments and I appreciate each and every one! I think this is the most fulfilled I've ever felt writing and from your comments I actually feel like it's worth it. I used to give up on stories and my writing or just be sloppy because I felt like I wasn't appreciated or I was just boring and my ideas were only something I'd enjoy. I love writing for myself but I also love sharing my passions with others and I find more enjoyment when others enjoy with me!
Thank you again you make everything worth it!
As for this chapter let me know what you think! Kind of boring but I'll be updating again tonight so take this as an appetizer (aka their quick makeout~) until I get to the good stuff!
See you later!
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