
"What in the living fuck did you do to my cat?!"

Adam, who was left unsupervised for more than five hours in the apartment alone, smirks with pride and joy at his horrid sinful artwork. His sin he committed involved Gary; the tramautized victim from beginning to end.

"My poor baby!" You immediately crumble down to the floor before the once fluffy black cat, who was in face shaking tremendously, turn over with Gary in arms to scold the high ego satanic angel "What the fuck is wrong with you?! This is fucking insane even for you!"

He laughs at that, the weapon a.k.a razor in hand still, to which he slumps over without a care of this problem "What's so bad about a hair cut? Bonus! That bitch is not as fat as we thought! Fucking liar is skinny as fuck!"

Livid. You were so livid about this situation. Just what the fuck did a innocent animal do to deserve this?

"Cooked for yourself tonight you fucker!"

"Waite wha-?"

He didn't have time to react for your on a mission to make a cat size hoodie for Gary. Victim of Adam. Most likely will have to bundle him into a cat burrito to keep warm. The weather is dropping low tonight.

Walking into your room, door locked shut, Gary was set under the covers of your bed. Satisfied mews were heard after leaving him to burrow away in darkness and warmth...

"Oh, come on! It's not like I killed it!" Adam was at your door, to which you groan, speaks more "I mean, didn't he need it? The dude looks like shit."

"Cats are not meant to be perfect Adam! And for God sake! He looks so sad and depressed now!"

Gary pokes his fluffy head out, seeing you already picking out and sketching his soon to be cat hoodie, to which decided to hop off the bed to sleep and cuddle into your lap. He was safer, calm, and protected now that his caring, sweet owner was here. He even began to message your left thigh for a few minutes before turning himself into a naked partly cat loaf. Sleeping with delightful loving purrs every once in a while.

"I'm sorry should I ignore that bitch looks exactly like that lasagna loving possibly type one and two diabetes fat ass cat? Did you even notice that? I sure as hell did!"

"Adam, leave us alone! You done enough!"

"Oh come, babe! Don't do this to me-!"


That seems to work. For the moment you said that, voice turn low and proven to him your beyond livid, the angel who sinned so low backs up. He walks away to leave you two be. Silence swallowing the small crappy apartment the rest of that horrid day.

Only, still upset with Adam, to have a note written in gold ink. Slipped under your door right after double knitting a cat sized hoodie for Gary three in a half hours later. Gary was now asleep on your bed, arms in the air and snoozing away without a single care in the world.

You stared down at it with eyes that could kill...

"Are you going to pick it up or not?"

"I'm not planning to after what you done today." You snapped at him, brushing your now clean hair before heading to bed with Gary, to which turn off your desk lap as well "If this is about dinner suck it up and cook for yourself. Apparently, you can cook."

A frustrated sigh left Adam, thinking he was going to be mean and stuff, only to hear something different. More soft. Less mean. An entirely different person.

"I....I want to apologize for what I did to Gary. I should have waited to communicate with you about it, and since I'm staying here rent free, I....I messed up by trying to fix it myself.."

You're not used to hearing this. Not from him. This was unprecedented and surreal...

"I also, well, wondered if you're up to heading to the carnival down town...Yeah know, me and you.."

The door cracks open a smidgen, spying curious (E/C) eyes stare into the entirely yellow masked eyes of Adam. They didn't brew and overflow with rage. Just uncertainty and curiosity in them.


"Yeah, sweet cheeks?"

One of your fingers points at him from top to bottom quickly "Your form.."

He blinks, thinking about it, to which smiles at his idea "This? Oh, don't worry! I got a plan B in store always!"

Your eyebrows perk up at his words. He noticed that immediately to only fix himself up, eager to have you by himself tonight.

"What you say roomie? Wanna join me or not?~"

Adam thin smile turns bigger as you nod slowly after a minute. A quick "We'll take the bus there. Let me change real quick." was said before the door shuts, leaving Adam to silently fist bump the air in victory, to only skit scattered around to make himself look perfect tonight.

°•○•°Five minutes later°•○•°

Gary did not want you to leave. Not with Adam. He meows and rubs his body around your legs. He was doing everything in the books to keep you here, hoping you'll give in and cuddle him to sleep, only to be kissed on the head goodbye and sweet dreams. Leaving him to sleep without any further trauma.

Unlike the date with Lucifer earlier today, you had your moth tattoo exposed. Your cloths were simple dark shirt and pants. Nothing cute. However you did cover up Adam's protection charm with your watch. Wasn't so fancy but works..

"Okay, I'm ready!" You just found your small backpack purse, ready to leave now, turn to face the so called Plan B "Ready to--"

There stood in Adam's place was a human man. No angel. A fucking human brunette haired man with yellow gold eyes. A tall bitch by 6"5. He looked around the age of 20-30's only because you spot silver hair on his side burns. His pale skin and looks blend extremely well with the clothes he woren. Brown and white theme....fancy looking unlike you...

"Well? What you think babe? Do I look good?" He teased you by spinning around, a 360° view of his fabulous self, knowing damn well you stunned about his little secret he been keeping "What's wrong? Cat got your tounge baby?~"

'He is...damn that cake. Fucking hell, why is he hot??!'

"Why didn't you show me this earlier? This could have helped me with mailing and stuff.." It was true, saved so much time if he did helped out this way.

He shrugs, finding it amusing "You weren't supposed to know angels really do exist sooooo.....yeah. This too until now that is."

"I didn't believe in God anyway. Still don't."

Adam eyes seem to soften at that, a emotion you can't see under the mask, only for him to act more out of character. He sounds.....worried. For you.

"He lives babe and he is real. I wouldn't be here if he isn't. If I were you, I start believing now."

You couldn't help but laugh at that, I mean, this was an angel telling you to believe. That is quite new. Only you shake your head at him like if it were a total joke. It wasn't.

"Why should I? There is nothing to save here now."

"It'll save you!" Adam snaps, fist clenched up into a tight ball, spooking you due to the way he reacted, only to calm down by sending a flat finger spread hand through his hair, calmer and slightly less worried, golden eyes borrowing into (E/C) orbs "Believe in him so you can be saved. That is all that matters to me.."

The silence that came after was blooming every second bigger than before. His words. His reaction. Everything. This wasn't the Adam you grown to know over four days.

This was a man far from who you thought you knew; A unexplored territory in need of exploring and rediscovering..

Those eyes of his trapped you long enough, something blooming within your chest, to only grab your things with a quick "Let's get going. I wanna try the food down there." Before opening the door to awaite for him to step out.

Coming back down to earth Adam did follow suite. Even after that his entire posture, emotions, even features changed. It was different however after closing and locking the door, following Adam from behind, you blamed the cold for your flushed cheeks and unsettling nerves. Only, as if your thinking the same thing, the human angel blushed far deeper. Dwelling in embarrassment for how soft he has become and slowly revealing how this mortal grew on him.

The two ventured to the carnival, emotions brewing, into the cold night where stars shine the brightest.

Gary; Tramautized victim of Adam^^^

Adam's suite^^^

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