Chapter 4

"Paintball?" Massie gaped as we pulled up to a paintball place.

"No way..." I said in awe. Paintball was my favorite thing to do, and I was excited. I heard the other girls start whining to Liam about how they were gonna get hurt or that their pants ripped...hey, they were the ones who wore sports bras.

"Ladies please!" Liam called, all the girls stopped whining and went back to their seats, pouting. "Everyone will play and if you have a problem with that then get your plane ticket out cause you're going back!" He added. I could tell he was getting upset.

"H-h has anyone played before?" Massie asked. I raised my hand and so did Liam. "See, you've never even played. It washes out and I promise you'll have fun." Massie said.

"And if ya' don't, then suck it up." I added. Massie slapped my arm and I glared at her.

"Thanks Massie. Thanks Bethany." Liam told us, giving us a smile. "Now lets go." We all climbed out of the car and walked into the studio.

"You want glow in the dark paint or regular paint?" An employee grumbled.

"Glow in the dark." Liam replied. He passed over a pouch of paintballs to everyone and a gun to everyone.

"Oh my gosh. I'm holding a gun!" Hannah squealed, holding it by its barrel and at an arms length. I rolled my eyes and we walked to the playing area.

"Who wants to be a team captain?" Liam yelled. No one raised their hand but me so I stood next to him as the girls lined up.

"Ready to get the biggest ass kicking of your life?" I murmured to Liam.

"Have fun with that. I'm an experienced paintball player." Liam responded with a chuckle.

"I've been playing since I was 6." I smirked. I heard Liam gulp and broke into a full on smile.

"You can pick first." Liam told me. I nodded and assessed the group.

"Massie." I said pointing. She smiled and walked over to me.

"Alison." Liam said. Alison walked over with a big piece of duck-tape holding together her pants. Massie and I snorted a laugh which earned us a glare from Alison.

"Elizabeth." I gestured to a tall girl with dark hair and ice blue eyes. She looked okay...not one of those frilly girly girls anyway.

"And I'll take Hannah." Hannah skipped over to Liam and linked her arm with his. He pulled it out and have her a look. I giggled in my palm and we split sides.


"I told you that I would kick your ass." I boasted, as Liam and I followed the group out of the paintball place. Massie and Elizabeth were talking about our win, and Hannah and Alison were pouting and trying to wipe off the paint.

"Okay well in my defense I had ripped pants and scared of guns." Liam protested. I rolled my eyes and looked at him.

"And who's fault is that?" I mocked his angry tone.

"Your for taking all the good players." He shot back.

"True, true." I replied. We climbed in the Hummer and went back to the house. "I'm gonna go shower." I told Massie as we climbed up the stairs to the house.

"Me too...I smell like sweat and paint." Massie responded. She laughed and we went to our rooms.


I got out of the shower and threw on some jean shorts, a Georgia Bulldogs t-shirt, and my black converse. I brushed my wet hair and blow dried it. I heard a knock on my door and Lindsey opened it. "Hey, how'd it go?" She asked, wrinkling her nose at my shirt.

"Good. We played paintball." I smiled. I yanked my hair into a ponytail and walked to the door.

"Cool...we went bike riding on the beach." Lindsey giggled. I rolled my eyes as we walked down the hallway.

"Oh hey guys." Massie came out of her room and joined us on our walk to dinner. "Ew, you like the Bulldogs? Go Gators." Massie remarked.

"I like the Gators too!" Lindsey said, as Massie and her high-fived.

"Whatever...we've beat y'all two years in a row now." I smirked. Massie and Lindsey just glared at me. On the rest of the way Alicia, Dylan, Kaci, and Hailey joined us.

"Oh hey Bethany." Liam waved and walked over to the buffet with me. "So many choices." He mumbled, looking at the spaghetti, tacos, hamburgers and other choices. I grabbed a taco shell and filled it with spaghetti and then grabbed a handful of French fries and finished it off with a strawberry milkshake.

"Yum!" I exclaimed. I started walking over to where Massie, Dylan, Alicia, Kaci, Hailey, And Lindsey were eating salads.

"Bethany!" I turned around and Liam was walking towards me. "You and your friends are welcome to eat with us." He gestured towards a table filled with 4 boys. I shrugged my shoulders and got the other girls to come sit with us.

"So Lindsey, I was wondering if you would want to go on a date with me." Harry whispered, just loud enough for Lindsey (and me) to hear. I laughed to myself as I took a bite of my taco. Lindsey turned scarlet and quietly nodded her head. The rules were that the boys couldn't date any of the contestants so I know they were trying to hide it.

"I'll keep your secret." I whispered to Lindsey. She almost choked on her salad and I have her a huge smile. She looked at me with pleading eyes and I crossed my heart and held up a hand.

"Thanks." Lindsey mumbled back. "And I'll keep your secret about Liam." She smiled at me and went back to her salad. I started choking on a French fry and Lindsey started freaking out. "She's choking! Someone help!" Lindsey called.

"Does anyone know CPR?" Harry called. Niall and Liam both raised their hands but Niall got to me first. He pushed on my chest to try and dislodge the fry and I coughed as I flew through the air. I sat up and coughed as Niall leaned over me and made sure I was okay.

"You really had us worried love." Niall told me. I nodded as Lindsey handed me some water. I looked into his sparkling blue eyes. I started to lean forward but stopped myself. Was I really just about to let this boy steal my first kiss? I guess it wouldn't be stealing if I gave it to him...whatever I would still blame it on him. Liam offered me his hand. I studied it and realized I had never come this close to holding a boys' hand so I grasped it and he helped me up.

"Thanks." I muttered. I could feel everyone's eyes on me and then Jess stood up.

"Couldn't swallow your own food?" Jess yelled. People giggled and I could feel my face redden as I looked at my converse. "I think you did it to earn the boys' attention...were you hoping to get your first kiss?" She added. I swallowed as tears welled up in my eyes. "That's right. You shouldn't talk to your stupid blonde friend about your private life in the living room." I balked my fists at my sides as she high-fived her friend Karissa.

"You can say anything you want about me but don't drag Lindsey into this." I screamed. I wiped my face as hot tears ran down it.

"Don't cry wittle baby. Your stupid blonde will comfort you...maybe she'll even give you your first kiss." Jess shot back, using a baby voice. I looked at the girls who wore shocked looks and then at Lindsey who was as red as I was. I found the stairs and ran off to my room. I closed the door and collapsed on my bed, crying my eyes out. I had been bullied before but for people to dangle my secrets above my head like that killed me.


"Hey little boy! Come back!" Kelly yelled at me.

"I'm a girl!" I turned around and stomped my foot at her. I pushed my short hair out of my face and straightened my dress.

"Then why do you have boy hair?" She shouted back.

"I told you Kelly, I was sick!" I screamed my 7 year old lungs out at her everyday.

"Girls don't get sick, and they definitely don't kill their daddies!" Kelly screeched. I felt hot tears start pouring down my face: Kelly teased me about killing my dad since she found out it happened.

"At least I'm not fat!" I shot back. I covered my mouth after I said it and Kelly turned bright red. She pushed me down in the dirt and then started kicking me.

"Just...turn...into...a...boy!" Kelly yelled at me in between kicks. I curled up and a teacher came running. She yanked Kelly off of me and took me to the nurse. Kelly's kicking had left me with 3 broken ribs, a bloody nose, and bruises. I still remember when in my freshman year the principle told my math class (one I had with Kelly) that she had hung herself. She was teased about her weight and had recently "come out of the closet"...I guessed that's why she did it but I found out that she was beaten by her dad. It was because of Kelly I morphed into a tomboy.


Someone knocked on my door and tried to open it. I nuzzled deeper into my covers and did nothing to open it. I heard a defeated sigh and footsteps down the hallway. I was just drifting off to sleep when the door opened. I shut my eyes and pretended like I was asleep. I could feel someone walk by and then look at me. "She's asleep." A voice whispered. Someone gently kissed my forehead and the same voice said, "I'll be your first kiss." I almost opened my eyes but managed to keep them closed.

"Come on." Another voice hissed. When I heard the door close I touched my forehead, where someone kissed it. I turned around and sitting on my bed were chocolate bars, a six pack of Sprite and Diet Pepsi, a few bags of popped popcorn, some candy, and my 5 favorite movies: The Perks of Being a Wallflower, Pitch Perfect, and all of the Men in Black movies. I smiled and put the first MIB movie in. I opened some Sour Patch Kids and within a few hours I fell asleep.


Long chapter, huh guys.....

Sorry if it was boring but it was kind of a filler chapter. Please read my other stories "Reverse" and "Not Again". My friend "carrleeighhh" is writing an amazing story called "When it's Tough" and my friend "Chloe44" is writing a great story called "The Evolution from This to That". Please comment, and vote on all of those stories and follow me and my friends too. Thanks so much guys. I appreciate you taking time to read my crap.

Love you!


P.S. tell me in the comments who you think kissed Bethany's forehead.

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