the third chapter


Paul Dakers and Chris Knowles stood hunched over a table. The wooden surface could not be seen, it was completely covered in pictures from every angle. A hundred and one facial expressions and numerous different outfits and hair styles.

"Her name is Kenzie Collins, I hacked her school database. She lives at Naker Cottage, it's near Glasgow, in a little village without a name. She goes to Johnan High, a 5mile walk from her house. She is on track to pass all examines at the highest mark and is a model pupil. That was really all the information I could gather from her file."

"It's her. She is the one! Ohmigod I can't believe it. I've found her!" Paul's face split into a huge grin. "When can I get to Scotland? When is the next flight?"

"Wow, wow. Slow down there cow boy. This girl is like no other. Imagine your craziest, biggest fan..."

"Please don't tell me she is worse!"

"No, no, no nonono. She is the exact opposite. She hates you. Seriously. When I spoke to her, she hit the roof. Saying that you were just seeking attention with this thing, and you were ridiculous and mad."

"Well I'll need to win her over then." Paul set his jaw. Determination was shown all over his face. "I will sell my soul for her."

Chris ran his hand through his hair. "Go for it then dude."


Kenzie had laughed it off, Nora had thought of it as a big deal, but to Kenzie is was a matter of no importance. And while the rest of the world stayed tensed up, waiting for Paul to find his girl. She threw it to the back of her mind, getting on with her song writing and school work. To her it had never happened.

News papers caught wind of the fact that Paul knew who his girl was and decended on the man as he flew into a scottish airport. Kenzie first saw the article when Nora appeared at her house waving it franticly in her face.

"LOOK LOOK." she screamed when they got to her room. "FRONT PAGE THE ARTIST IMPRESSION. LOOK."

She was right, a large blown up copy of the picture shown to her by the man that had chased them took priority over everything else shown on the page. Small print in the left hand corner indicated readers to turn to page 5 for an exclusive interview with Paul Dakers and his scout that found the girl.

A few turns later and a centre picture showed Paul Dakers and another man.

"Wait." Kenzie froze. "Thats the guy that chased us. What was his name?"

"Umm Chrissy?" Nora ran her finger down the newspaper, "Chris, Chris Knowles..."

"Holy dog he was serious! I can't believe this."

"I know, Kenzie, you're so lucky..."

"What? No, no, no, no, no, noooo. He is still trying to keep up this publicity scam! Oh and they're going to try and drag me into it! Well they have another thing coming. Let me at him."

Kenzie laughed suddenly. "It's ridiculous! I mean, come on! These stars think they own the world! In fact, do you know what Nora? Where is he at?"

Nora began to read down the article quickly and after a few seconds announced that he was just spending his first day sight seeing in Edinburgh.

"Perfect!" Kenzie squealed, "let's get a laugh and go down to the art gallery. Chances are he'll be there at one point today."

"What and just get him to notice you?"

"Yup. Lets cause a scene! See what he does when in a quiet art gallery two girls are sitting like hobos at the front door! Let's go!"

Nora laughed, "you're crazy Kenzie. But this may be the best day we have ever spend together!"

"Nora, it's the only day we've spent together outside school. How'd you even know where I lived?"

"Oh, I hacked the school files...." she tailed off.

"What? I didn't know you were into computers and stuff?"

"I'm not, but it's easy to get onto when the school password is the head teachers name." she laughed. Kenzie joined in her laugh.

"Well, what are we waiting for! Let's go already."


It was around two when they arrived at the art gallery. Kenzie's guess had been right and the place was buzzing. Paul and his family and his body guards were due to arrive in half an hour. They found a patch of grass that was relatively dry to sit at and they settled down. It was pretty cold, but that didn't stop the many teenage girls with fake black hair from wearing mini skirts that seemed more suited as belts.

Chatter bubbled around them while the girls sat. They passed the time by pointing out girls to each other who seemed to go slightly over the top; some looked like ompaloompas with their faces masked so much in foundation it was unreal. Some sported dinky guitars, throwing not so subtle hints at 'song writing'. Many actually had natural black hair and looked normal. But ever single one of them looked like they cared. Like it was their life.

That was the difference, and what made Kenzie and Nora stand out. They were laughing, and they weren't nervously peering into pocket mirrors. Not to mention the fact that they seemed utterly unconcerned. They didn't care.

High pitched squealing announced the arrival of the man they had all been waiting for. There was a sudden stampede as thousands of stiletto heels tottered as quickly as they could towards the road side.

A mysterious black merc was getting a police escort towards the museum, and although the back windows were tinted, it wouldn't take three guesses to discover who was inside.

"Shouldn't we move or something, Nora?" Kenzie asked her, feeling slightly out of place as they were now the only people left sitting on the ground.

"Do you want to go see him?" Nora answered with a question.

"Nope." Kenzie was final.

"Then no, we stay here, we've got nothing better to do anyway."

Kenzie laughed at Nora's insight to the suituation. As far as she was corcerned, this was in fact a pointless journey into Edinburgh on a nice, normal day to sit in a big grassy park surrounded by people doing the exact same thing. It wasn't as if a world wide star was getting out of a police escorted car about 50yards away from them surrounded by girls with badly dyed hair and pouting lips.....

"Ahh who am I kidding! C'mon Kenzie I have to see him!" she squealed jumping up, pulling Kenzie with her.

The screaming intensified as the back door of the car was opened and a brown haired head appeared. Police were holding back crazed teens as the guy, who seemed almost dazed by how much his public search had affected girls, was ushered through the crowd towards the gallery.

Kenzie and Nora just happened to be standing in the direction he was heading. They had been distracted by a rather hilarious girl who was slithering through the crowd on her belly, determined to get to the gallery and to Paul. She had been trampled on a lot and most girls had kicked her swiftly before moving on, the security had been attempting to catch her but she was quick moving, despite loosing both her shoes and her tights being torn to shreds. Her knees were bloody also.

They didn't see Paul heading towards them, but Paul saw them. He saw her. He saw Kenzie. But he didn't see Kenzie, he saw his girl, the one he was searching for. She was wearing an orange scaft styled as a hair band, but she also wore a beautiful smile. He saw her doubled over with laughter speaking to another girl who was with her. The girl was pointing into the riot of girls at something that caused them to laugh harder. The girl flicked her hair out of her way and seemed unfazed by the fact that there was a large brute of a security guard beside them who was shooting them daggers. He leaned down and spoke to them, gesturing towards Paul and the many other security guards surrounding them.

Kenzie looked up in the direction that was pointed out. She looked at Paul, and she saw him for the first time.

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