Behind These Hazel Eyes (SpideyNova)

Just some things you need to know to understand this!

This is song lyrics/exaggerations.

This is the person's thoughts.

Peter, Sam, Ava, and Danny are all sixteen unless said so!

By all means, enjoy this song fanfic!


Seems like just yesterday

You were a part of me

"I'm not in the mood anymore, Danny," Spider-Man said as he walked over and sat down, his face in his hands. Danny sighed and walked over.

"Alright, what happened between you and Sam?" He asked. Peter bit his lip as tears threatened to fall from his eyes.


I used to stand so tall

I used to be so strong

"What do you mean? You two are dating!"

"Were dating," Peter corrected. He looked towards Danny and found him staring at the young spider, eyes wide.

"Nothing happened. Or at least that's what he said. After everything I fought for in our relationship, he goes and calls all of that nothing! He breaks up with me. Image my shock when I find him kissing MJ the day after!"

Your arms around me tight

Everything, it felt so right

Danny's eyes widened as Peter said this.

"He didn't," he whispered, looking at the spider with shock. Peter nodded and laughed breathlessly. But this wasn't a joyful laugh. Oh no, it was far from it. It was bitter and sounded as if the young hero regretted falling for Nova. Which at this moment, he greatly did.

"I guess he didn't want me to fight," He said, his voice cracking and broken. Suddenly, Peter couldn't take it anymore. He couldn't take all the emotions bottled up inside of him. He couldn't take anymore of Sam nonsense.

Unbreakable, Like nothin' could go wrong

The young hero felt Danny pat his back reassuringly as he cried into Iron Fist's chest. The poor broken-hearted young hero sobbed and sobbed and sobbed for what felt for like hours until he felt my eyes close and he fell into the land of dreams.

Now, I can't breathe

No, I can't sleep

Peter startled awake, now in his own bed. The bed he shared with... Sam. The broken-hearted hero felt his lip quiver at the thought of him.

"Don't cry, web head," a fiminie voice said. "I don't think I can handel it if I saw you cry."

Spidey sniffled and snuggled into my pillow, watching as Ava walked into the room. She sighed as she sat on the bed, next to the spider's chest.

I'm barely hangin' on

"He hurt you bad, didn't he?" She asked. Peter's only reply a weak nod. He suddenly felt the need to tell her.

"I don't get it! After everything I fought for in our relationship, he goes and calls all of that nothing! He breaks up with me. Image my shock when I find him kissing MJ the day after! It's almost as if my feelings are a joke to him! I can't-" Peter ranted, stopping as a sob shook his form. Ava bit her lip and smiled sadly. Peter watched as she felt his forefead and frowned.

"I think you're coming down with something," she said worriedly. White Tiger rushed to the door, full on running into the to the kitchen. She rummaged around the drwerd until she found what she was looking for: Tylenol. Then, she promptly rushed upstairs to Peter's room to find him staring at a picture of him and Sam.

Here I am, once again

I'm torn into pieces

Ava bit her lip as she looked at the now broken hero. Then, cursing Sam for making him like this, she rushed forward and took the photo out of Peter's hands and threw it to the floor, shattering it, just like how Sam shattered Peter. Ava hugged the teen as he sobbed into her shoulder.

Can't deny it, can't pretend

Just thought you were the one

"I thought that he was the one," Peter mumbled sadly, his voice sounding vulnerable and weak. Ava heard the door open and she looked at Peter. Then she gathered her curage and spoke.

"Ya know what, screw what I have to say. I'm saying what's true. So Sam broke up with you! Big deal! He was the one that ended it right?" Ava asked.

"Yea...?" Peter asked uncertainly, not knowing were this was going.

"Well then he's the one that should be crying! He ended it, not you! Show him that you have feelings and don't want to be played with. Don't cry over him, let him cry over you!" Ava ranted and Peter nodded, sniffing.

Broken up, deep inside

But you won't get to see the tears I cry

Behind these hazel eyes

"Good, now get up and let's go train. I'm starting to feel all gushy and yucky," Ava said, making Peter laugh. Ava smiled, glad that the web-head wasn't moping anymore. Telling him to meet her at the Helicarrier, she walked out of his door and into the driveway, deciding to take a walk.

Meanwhile Peter was still in his bed, staring sadly at the broken picture.

"It's broken, just like our relationship," the broken-hearted teen whispered in a weak tone.

I told you everything

Opened up and let you in

"I spilled everything about my life out it you and you promised not to leave me." The again hung in the air, Peter not having the emotional strength to say it.

Tears began to slip from his eyes again, and Peter couldn't hold them in.

Well then he's the one that should be crying! He ended it, not you! Show him that you have feelings and don't want to be played with. Don't cry over him, let him cry over you! Ava's words echoed in his head.

You made me feel aright

For once in my life

"You made me feel alright for once in my life," Peter muttered brokenly. Then, as if an idea struck him, he ran to the drawer he kept his song book.

You see, whenever Peter was down or confused, he wrote a song. He had about three. One was filled with songs he wrote when he was devastated about his uncle's death. One was filled with songs he wrote when he was confused about his feelings for Sam. The third note book only had a few songs. Happy, joyful songs Peter wrote whenever he was with Sam.

He pulled out a blue songbook and flipped to an open page, begging to write furiously. He sat there for what seemed like days, but in reality, it was only two hours. Peter looked down at the song, feeling as if it was missing something. But something was missing: Sam.

The young hero put down his song book and smiled at his accomplishment. Then, the smile fell as he remembered why he wrote this song. Tears built up into his eyes.

Peter harshly wiped the tears, then put on a smile, but even that was fake.

Now all that's left of me

Is what I pretend to be

The hero got into his costume when he was sure he put the book away, in a new place were Sam couldn't find it. Then, he set off for the hellicarrier to meet Ava.

The hero found here waiting in the training room. Ava beemed when she saw Peter swing in.

"So, what'd I miss?" The hero asked, his tone cheerful and happy. Ava's smile widened as she heard his tone.

"You're feeling better!" Ava said, hugging the spider.

"Yea, thanks for that little speech back there," Peter said, his smile not leaving his face. Ava laughed when she saw how upbeat Peter sounded.

The key word there?: sounded. Peter sounded upbeat, but it was all just an act. And as of right now, Peter's act was very believable.

So together, but so broken up inside

On the outside, Peter looked like his old self; laughing and happy, but on the inside he was torn and broken beyond repair. No one can fix the web-slinger. And the only one that can fix him was the one to break him even further.

"Ready to train web head?" Ava asked, smiling when Peter nodded rapidly in response.

The two teen hero raced each other to the mat, Peter emerging victorious as always.

They took there stances and then Ava spoke up.

"How about hand to hand? No amulet. No web-shooters," Ava suggested, taking her amulet off her belt and gently placing it on the sidelines. Peter nodded in response.

•Later that night•

Peter startled awake, another nightmare haunting him. Sam would've held them at bay.

Peter's eyes widened as he cursed himself for thinking about the heart breaker. His lip began to temble as his eyes watered. No, he can't cry now, not with Aunt May here.

The web slinger bit his lip harder as silent tears slipped from his eyes.

'Cause I can't breathe

No, I can't sleep

I'm barely hangin' on

"I'm barely hanging on," Peter sang brokenly, his voice just below a whisper. Sobs began to wreak his body.

Peter put his head in his hands, silently sobing.

Here I am, once again

I'm torn into pieces

"I need to get out of here," Pete muttered, sundently not able to be in his own room, the room he said with Sam not long ago.

Peter jumped out of bed and ran to his closet which he kept his Spider-Man costume in. Hurriedly slipping it on, he ran to the window and opened it. The New York web slinger slipped his mask on just as he got out the window.

Can't deny it, can't pretend

He made sure that he left a note so Aunt May wouldn't freak out to see him gone. Closing the window, he climbed into the roof and shot a web to the nearest lamp pole.

The web slinger began making his was to the Statue of Liberty.

Peter land and put his face in his hands and sobbed, just sobbed. He sobbed out everything he felt.

Just thought you were the one

"I thought you were the one," Peter muttered through his sobs.

It was true. After all they've been through, Peter did really think Sam was the one. Guess he was wrong.

Peter sensed someone coming and he dried his tears, not wanting the person to see him cry.

Broken up, deep inside

But you won't get to see the tears I cry

Behind these hazel eyes

"Hey web head," a familiar voice said. Peter looked up to find Iron Man standing there.

"Oh, hey Stark," Peter greeted sadly. He watched as the faceplate of the armor slipped up and showed a frowning Tony Stark. The playboy sat down and looked at the web head.

"What's wrong. Were the usual cheerful Spidey that helps out the Avngers?" Tony asked.

"He disappeared when his heart was shattered," Peter simply said, feeling the tears resurfacing.

Swallow me then spit me out

"Relationship problems?" Stark asked. Peter nodded.

"The worst," he mumbled to the armored man.

"It can't be that bad," Stark says, putting his lucky-go-happy attitude in to help the spider feel better. Sadly it didn't. Peter shook his head.

"It is," Peter said, his voice wavering. "Listen Stark, thanks but I gotta get back home." Tony looked skeptical about Peter leaving, but nevertheless, he let the broke hearted teen leave.

The teen didn't go home though, he went out of New York, to a nearby cliff. Peter sat down and kicked the ground in anger.

"Why? Why do you play with my emotions? What did I ever do to you?" Peter whispered angryly.

For hating you, I blame myself

Peter curled himself into a ball and sobbed his heart out. No, I can't think about him. Not when he's the one that made me like this.

Peter looked up into the sky, memories of his broken relationship floating in and out of his head. The teen sat there for about an hour before he heard someone land behind him. By then, his tears had stopped and he showed no signs that he had sobbed his heart out an hour before.

"Hey," a voice said, making Peter bite his lip under his mask. This was the one who made him like this. The one who shattered his heart. Peter was determined not to let him in again. Said heart breaker walked over and sat down next to the broken teen. Peter looked at Sam through the corner of his eyes, not wanting to make eye contact for fear of tears leaking from his eyes.

Seeing you it kills me now

No, I don't cry on the outside

"Remember when I took you here on our first date?" Nova asked. Peter scolded, not going unnoticed by Sam.

"I'd rather not," Peter said curtly, making Sam winch at the lack of joy in Spidey's voice.



"Can we please talk?" Sam begged. Peter glared at him.

"You already said everything you need to say. Now, if you excuse me, I need to get back to Aunt May," Peter said, beginning to get up, but was stopped by Sam gripping his hand. Peter could have easily broken Sam's hold, but he was still conflicted about the situation.

Here I am, once again

I'm torn into pieces

"Please?" Sam tried again. Against his own will, Peter sat down. They sat in silence for hours- but in reality, it was only a few minutes- before Sam sighed, taking his helmet off. Peter followed in suit, taking off his mask.

Can't deny it, can't pretend

Just thought you were the one

"I-" they both said at the same time, causing both teens to burst out laughing. For the two of them, this moment felt natural.

"What just happened?" Peter asked, wiping a tear from his eyes as the teen had laughed so hard.

"I don't know!" Sam replied, repeating Peter's action.

Once the two stopped laughing, they were thrown into an awkward silence until Sam made the first move, kissing Peter. The spider's eyes widened, but after a millisecond of hesitance, Pete kissed back. Sam wrapped his arms around Peter's waist as the spider tangled his hands into Nova's hair.

"I'm so so sorry," Nova mumbled against Peter's lips.

Broken up, deep inside

But you won't get to see the tears I cry

Behind these hazel eyes

"I don't know what I was thinking," Sam mumbled. "I love you and only you."

"I love you too," Peter mumbled, looked into Sam's green orbs.

"Take me back?" Sam asked. Peter wasted no time replying.


"Be my boyfriend again?"


Here I am, once again

I'm torn into pieces

"You know, we're here all alone," Sam hinted, making Peter laugh.

"I missed that laugh," he commented, kissing Peter's nose.

Can't deny it, can't pretend

Just thought you were the one

"I know you did."

"I missed you so much."

"You don't have to tell me twice, Sam."

"But I want to!" Sam wined, pouting. Peter laughed and pecked his lips. When Peter pulled away, he have Nova a glare.

"Just don't call me cute."

"I don't think I can do that, you're your just so damn cute."

"Language, Alexander!"

"Sorry," Sam said, laughing as he was he was now on top of Peter.

Broken up, deep inside

But you won't get to see the tears I cry

Behind these hazel eyes

"Just promise me one thing."

"Anything," Sam said.

"Don't leave me."

"I'll never."

•7 Years Later•

(Sam and Peter are 23 now)

Sam Alexander was nervous and that must be the biggest understatement of the century! He put a hand on the box in his pocket. He was actually gonna do it, no backing out now.

"Hey Sam," Peter greeted, pecking said person's lips. "So are we going to that surprise date or are you gonna stand there gawking at me?"

"No, no. We're defiantly going, now come on, Web-Head!" Sam said, pulling himself out if his thoughts, dragging Peter to the door and into Sam's car.

"So, seven years," Peter said.

"Yep, we've had our ups and downs!"

Soon the two men arrived at a cliff, the exact cliff the two had their first date. Sam pulled Peter to the edge were he had set up a picnic. Peter sat down and smiled at Sam.

"So many things happened here," Peter said.

"And many more will happen," Sam replied, secretly putting his hand on the small box in his pocket. I'll propose after dinner.

The night continued as the two lovebirds ate and talked. The meal was soon finished and Sam was feeling a bit anxious. Sam stood and pulled Peter up with him, stepping back a bit.

"Pete, I've know you since we were fifteen and I couldn't have asked for a better boyfriend and I've been thinking about us and what were gonna be in the future," Sam started, stepping foreword and placing a hand on Peter's heart. "I shattered your heart and now know I'm gonna fix it for good."

Sam stepped back and got down on one knee, pulling out the box and opening it, reviling a simple silver ring.

"So I ask one question: marry me?"

Peter stood there with his mouth open. He was just so shocked. Then he gained some control and nodded.

"Yes. Oh my god yes!"

Sam smiled and slipped the ring on Peter's ring finger. Sam stood up and hugged the overjoyed man he now got to call his fiancé.

Meanwhile, Peter's old S.H.I.E.L.D. team and the Avengers were watching. Ava cheered and clapped and soon the rest joined in. Of course she was gonna threaten Sam if he dared to leave Peter cause she did care for her friend's heart. But for once, she thought Sam did the right thing.


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