32. Their Story


THE AROMA OF my strawberry cheesecake prickled my nose as I took a good last bite out of it. It was pretty decent for a cheesecake, if I say so myself. It was a nice Saturday, around eight-ten in the evening the last time I checked, which just so happened to be when we got here. I would take out my phone and check again, but Mom had a strict rule that phones couldn't be out during dinner. That typically applied when we were at home, so I didn't know if I could try to sneak my phone out here at the restaurant. 

I wasn't going to try it this time, however. Mom seemed to be in a nice mood, and I didn't want to ruin it. She was in a salmon pink floral dress with matching hoop earrings. Her hair was straightened and wrapped into a high bun, topping the entire outfit off. It was dinner, so of course she would dress nice, but she didn't exactly know what she was getting into. Kaden hadn't yet proposed to her just yet, but I could tell he was nervous. At times, I saw him try to reach into his pocket to retrieve the ring case, but he resisted. He was probably trying to wait for the perfect time to do it. 

Dinner was great. In fact, it was at the same restaurant Elias, and I ate out at the day he won second place for his art contest. The same friendly waitress who served us on that day also served us today. When she first saw me, she winked, but didn't say anything. Mom didn't know that we ate out here, and I made plans to keep it that way. At least for tonight because it was her night. 

When the waitress rounded back to our table, Kaden fully paid for our entire meal, and we all prepared to head out. That was until he got up and stood before Mom, who was sitting down. Kaden knelt down before her on one knee, finally pulling out the ring case. He opened it, revealing the elegant ring inside. 

"Madeline Archer, I am extremely lucky to have you in my life. I knew that you were the one the moment we first laid eyes. I am deeply in love with you, and I want nothing but the best for you and your daughter," he proclaimed, snatching the attention from other nearby families and couples situated at other tables. "Will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?" 

Mom's eyes widened in shock as her mouth dropped to her jaw. Tears began to stream down her face. "Yes, Kaden, yes!" 

She leaned down to kiss him on his lips before holding out her hand so he could put the ring on her finger. People nearby clapped for them, congratulating them and all. After giving my mom a warm, snug hug for what seemed like forever, Kaden approached me as I stood up and gave me a hug that lasted just as long. Everyone genuinely looked happy. My mom was happy, Kaden was happy, so I was happy as well. I've never seen my mom cry tears of joy so much, but it made me feel all tingly inside. Kaden himself looked like he was about to tear up, as well. 

It was an emotional moment for us all. Even the people in our surroundings took it to heart by congratulating as we walked past them. Once we were out of the restaurant, we situated ourselves in Kaden's BMW. For the entire ride home, the two flirted with each other back and forth. They couldn't get enough of themselves. It was sort of made me cringe to watch my mother act so flirtatious with her fiancé, considering that I was right there, watching and listening to them the entire time, but whatever made their boat float, I guess. 

When we arrived home, around fifteen minutes or so later, instead of just dropping us off and driving to his apartment complex, Kaden escorted us inside. Since they weren't glued to the seats of the car anymore, their flirting just got worse. Now, they were being extremely touchy with each other. 

"Get a room," I insisted with a grimace before climbing up the flight of stairs to get to my bedroom. Once I got there, I closed the door shut behind me and rummaged my phone out of my purse, texting Elias instantly afterwards. It turns out that he already texted me a sweet goodnight message because he knew that I'd be out to dinner and didn't know how long I'd stay out. 

I texted him back with satisfaction, holding my phone up to my heart. All day before dinner, we've been texting and calling each other back and forth like we normally would on any other weekend. It always gave me a stable feeling just to talk with him. It was like he was my source of happiness in a way. I guess that's how my mom feels about Kaden, especially since she got proposed to just now. 

She was truly happy, and I was, as well. 


The following Monday during lunch period, Elias and I were situated at a table, rambling about anything and everything we could possibly think of. I was informing him about the proposal that happened recently on Saturday as he listened carefully. 

"That's great, Rylie. I see you've finally gotten used to your mom's now fiancé?" Elias questioned. The last time I mentioned Kaden to him was when I was complaining to him of how I didn't like him and such, but things have drastically changed. 

"Yeah, he's a pretty cool guy, to be honest," I admitted before spooning strawberry yogurt into my mouth. "He makes my mom so happy. Like, she's been in such a nice mood lately." 

"That's nice to hear. I'm glad that everything worked out for you and your mom," he nodded before rummaging a notebook out of his backpack. He flipped to a page with a girl drawn in the middle and pushed the book towards me. The girl wasn't colored yet, but she had the same curly hair as me and an outfit I'd definitely wear — a hoodie and leggings. 

"This is you. I've been working on this since this morning in between classes and such, but my sketch isn't finished, though. I have to add few minor details," Elias insisted as he looked down at his sketch, then back up at me. "What do you think about it?" 

"It's so beautiful, I love it, Greene bean," I raved as I pushed his sketchbook back to him. 

"You and that nickname," he smirked. "But seriously, I was thinking of painting a picture of you and hanging it up in my bedroom, alongside the previous ones I made with Cannon and my parents on them."

That's when my memory went back to the time where I first went in his bedroom. He did have paintings of his best friend, his parents, and himself on them. They were all people extremely close to him, so I found it sweet as hell when he said that his next painting would be of me. He loved me that much to the point where he was willing to paint a whole portrait of me. Now that take commitment. 

"You'd actually do that for me?" I said, my voice sort of high pitched. 

"Anything for you," he hummed before putting his sketch book away. 

At that moment, the first bell rang, signalizing that our lunch period was over. Elias and I disposed of our trash before meeting Nora and Cannon at the entrance of the lunchroom. 

"We saw you two eat lunch together. Ugh, you two are the cutest, I swear," Nora remarked as she grabbed my arm. 

"Yeah, little Elias is growing up," Cannon added teasingly before nudging his shoulder. 

"You remind me of my dad. Always embarrassing me," Elias joked before planting his arm behind his neck. "Cannon, we have to get to History now since it's on the west wing of the building." He turned to me and planted a quick kiss on my cheek, then said, "I'll see you later, Henderson. I love you."

"Love you, too," I said as I watched the two turn round a corner. 

"He's literally the sweetest boyfriend ever," Nora remarked as we climbed up a flight of stairs. "You know, you've definitely come a long way. I remember the times where you wouldn't even talk to anyone, but now, look at you. You got a whole boyfriend. I'm so proud of you." 

I nodded at her response, letting it all sink it. I do remember the times at the beginning of this school year where I just wanted to disappear whenever I was in the presence of people. It's hard to think that that was me several months ago. But now, it's safe to say that I've opened up a bit. I don't regret it one bit. Since I've branched out, I've felt like a better person. 

I know that's what Mom wanted. I know it's what Nora wanted, Cannon and Elias, as well. Even Dad would want that for me if he were still alive. It's just amazing how I managed to turn everything around just like that. In a good way, too. If I got the opportunity to look into a crystal ball to see the future earlier this school year, I wouldn't have believed that this would be how I turned out. 

But life can surprise you in so many ways, good and bad. But this was an example of life surprising me in a good way. 


A few hours later after school, Elias and I found ourselves at my doorstep. I insisted on him coming over so we could hang out. Plus, he's never been to my place, so I wanted to show him around. 

"Do you think your Mom will like me?" Elias questioned as I fumbled my house key into the key hole to unlock it. 

"She will. You're a sweet guy," I insisted as I grasped onto the door handle to open it. "Plus, this isn't your first time meeting her. Remember that one time when her and I were at Taco Fiesta, and you were there working? She seemed to like you then, so I don't see why she wouldn't like you now." 

"Oh, yeah. You have a point," Elias said with a curt nod before slipping off his shoes. He placed them beside the front door as I did the same. 

That's when Mom walked into the foyer, cradling Cookie in her arms, her mouth dropped open. "Hey, Rylie. You didn't tell me that you are inviting any guests over. If so, I would've prepared something to eat," Mom said with surprise before mustering a smile to Elias. "I remember you. Aren't you the guy that works at Taco Fiesta in town? Your name is . . ." 

"Elias. And yeah, that's me. It's nice to see you again, Ms. Archer," Elias nodded. I guess he remembered that my mom went by a different last name than me. 

That's when it hit me. From what I remember, I hadn't really given Mom an update. I only remember her teasing me about him, but I didn't inform her that he was now my boyfriend. This is going to come off as a surprise to her, I just know it. 

Or she probably already knew. In her mind, she could've been trying to think of why else I brought a boy home. The possibilities were endless. 

"Oh, are you two dating now or . . . ?" She questioned. I knew it.

"Yeah, Mom, we are," I said, nodding in approval. 

"You kids grow up so fast," she remarked as she released Cookie to the ground. "Can I get you two anything to eat?"

"I'm good, but thanks, anyway," Elias replied briefly. 

Mom nodded as she motioned us to the living room, as if we were restricted to stay there only. I didn't really mind too much, but a little privacy would sound nice. Elias took a seat on the main sofa, his backpack against his feet. Before I got the chance to sit down beside him, Mom stopped me. "Your boyfriend is so polite," she whispered, loud enough for Elias himself to hear. 

"Mom," I whined before I sat down beside Elias. I could feel my cheeks heat up like flames, especially after he began to giggle. I guess it was my turned to be teased by my mom, considering that there were a few times Elias had gotten embarrassed by his own parents. 

"Alright, alright. I need to head to work for a few hours. There's food in the fridge in case you're hungry," Mom announced before picking up her purse from the kitchen counter. "Just, you know the rules, Rylie. No baby-making while you two are here all alone." 

"Okay," I hollered as I watched her disappear around a corner to the garage door. I couldn't help but feel a little more embarrassed since I had no intentions of doing that, but she just wanted to remind me. "Bye, Mom."

"Goodbye, Ms. Archer," Elias added. 

Soon enough, it was Elias, Cookie, and I left in the room. I spooned my cat into my arms, rocking her back and forth like a baby. 

"Nice cat you've got there," Elias complimented. "Her name is . . ." 

"Cookie," I finished his sentence with a smile. "She's a sweetheart." 

"I can tell that she is," he nodded as I handed the cat to him so he could hold her. "But you're the sweetest one here." 

"Ugh, come here already," I hummed before planting my lips over his. Without any hesitation, he kissed back aggressively, yet softly at the same time. His mouth went lower and lower to my neck, which felt better than I thought it would. 

"Elias," I moaned faintly as he worked his magic. It was just irresistible, like I was floating in the air. Except, I didn't want to come down. 

"I love it when you call my name, Rylie," he hummed as he let go of kissing me, looking me straight into the eye. "I love you. It's crazy to think that you were that one hot girl I saw in art class on the first day of school, but now, I'm lucky enough to have you as my girlfriend." 

"You're the sweetest, Elias. I love you, too," I murmured as I forked my hand through his curls. It was my way of fighting the urge to kiss him all over again. "It's been quite a journey for me to get to this point, but I wouldn't change anything. All I need is you." 

I found myself leaning down on his shoulder as he brushed my shoulders with his fingers. It wasn't perfect because nothing is truly perfect, but it was flattering. Nora's words kept on ringing inside my head. I did come a long way. It might've been rough, but I wouldn't change anything for the world. I was fortunate enough to have a boyfriend who trusted and depended on me the same way I did to him. 

Our story was ours, not one found inside a book. It wasn't perfect, but it wasn't overly emotional either. It didn't need to be. Our story was ours, and I couldn't ask for anything more. Life really can be good to you as long as you make it that way. 

And that was more than enough for me. 


I can't believe I'm saying this, but that's a wrap. I loved writing Rylie and Elias' story so much. A big thank you to those who've stuck to the story from beginning to end. It means the world to me to have such amazing readers. 

If you're interested in reading more of my works, you may be wondering what's next for me. I have good news — I will be releasing another Teen Fiction novel, which will be named That's My Spotlight on my profile soon!!  More information about that will be announced on my profile, so stick around there. But just to give you all an insight, it's an enemies to lovers that you don't want to miss. 

Again, thank you for your support and love. See you all in the next one 💗

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