Chapter Five - Wanda Can See Ghosts

'Umm, Honey,' I called out, and turned back, 'Oh, come inside you two,' I said to Rachel, who just arrived, and Honey.

'So I had to ask, how many people live in here? I mean, I know it sounds weird, but previously I thought it was just Lady Jo, but now there is Honey, her mom, and you Rachel, I still don't know who you are,' I told them. Rachel chuckled, and Honey started, 'So you know who I am, my mom is called Serena, and Rachel is Lady Jo's granddaughter, only one from Late Lady Jane, her daughter.' I nodded in acknowledgement. My heart broke a little for Rachel who just consistently smiled and looked unfazed. Honey continued, 'And yeah that is it, we are the only people who live here, George stay by some times though.'

'Ummm, so who does the room next to this room belong to?' I asked and Honey frowned and Rachel's head snapped as if I had cursed her dog. After all she looked like one of those people who got mad at people who mistreated their dogs, and had no care about the humans around them. I don't mind such people actually.

Honey answered dubiously, 'It was Late Lady Jane's room.' My eye brows shot up and the chill returned, 'So no blondes in white gowns here?' I asked and Honey looked irritated, feared now, 'I told you, we are the only people who live here.'

Then suddenly Rachel spoke, startling me with the smirk on her face, 'I know what you are talking about,' she said and I focused on how lit up her eyes were, 'MY DEAD MOTHER!' she exclaimed and I stumbled backwards while Honey slapped Rachel's arm, 'Rach!' she scolded and Rachel snaked her arm around Honey's neck and casually started to leave. Honey uncomfortably turned towards me and said, 'There is no one, Wanda,' and Rachel shook her head, 'Don't be angry, I just gave her a taste of her own medicine, she was trying to scare us, I just turned the tables on her,' she said and I sat down on the bed, after closing the door behind me. They really did not know what I was talking about, had I just seen a ghost? First I thought they were hiding a secret, but now they seem like normal little kids making a joke out of this.

I decided to look out the window. Right outside my window touching it was a strong big branch of a tree that could easily lead me down the wall into the garden, an adventurous fire lit for a minute there before I put it out, and decided to keep that for another time. Outside the window was a picturesque scene. I could see the garden clearly adorned with trees, and borders of the prettiest roses, jasmines, daisies and dandelions. It was dark so they were not really visible but I could make out the colour because of the porch light that dimly illuminated the whole grass area that shimmered silver in the moonlight. There was also a little door at the left corner covered with crawlers and grown on roots and branches of trees, and leaves. The other side of the door and the garden was separated by a tall wooden fence but it was so dark on the other side that I could hardly see what dwelled there. Beside the garden was the main gate and walls behind it separated it from the outdoors, and the thick coniferous looking woods. Although they seemed creepy to look at the moment, but I felt myself enchanted at their sight. And I knew I wanted to go in there.

I drew the curtains away from the large window and let the wind inside my room. I decided I'd take the time to unpack my suitcase so I started right away. I put the clothes into the wardrobe carefully, knowing they were to be ruined in some days, as I become a careless thug when I am tired and practically throw my little sushi rolls of messily folded clothes into the wardrobe. I put my shoes in the cabinet and then placed my minimal amount of jewelry, makeup, wig and lens in the drawers. Done with my wardrobe, I picked up the heavy chest of mine and pushed it under the bed right where it belongs. Despite of capacious room, I did not want to keep it elsewhere.

After wasting my time lying around till eight, I got up and went downstairs where Rachel already sat and mumbled a small sorry when I settled down. I smiled back at her, I don't expect myself to act any differently if I was at her place seriously. I was actually shocked she apologized. Soon after we talked things out of the weird issue, and I dishonestly confessed my small joke, we laughed about it until Honey set the table and Lady Jo arrived.

'You start school on Monday, Wanda, that is day after tomorrow. I just had to inform you that there will be no special arrangements to make, because you will get what you need there, but I would want you to dress properly, and appropriately represent yourself as a Feline.'

I tried to calm down the anger blaring inside my brain, and she resumed eating. I was suddenly a Feline, after all these years of rotting as a Flash, I was now a Feline? I put down my fork, and took deep breathes before speaking, 'Don't I get to decide what I wear?' it came out ruder than I intended and I did not regret it. She was not trying to act different or nice, why should I? Her eye brows shot up, 'Wanda, you will represent me after all. I don't want you to show up there in clothes like you aunt told me you wear,' she said and I felt like I could feel the smoke out of my ears at the moment, maybe Honey felt it too, because I felt how her grasp in her fork tightened beside me. I did my breathing exercise again and replied, ready to return to my room, 'I'll be ready on Monday,' I said stepping out of my seat, 'I am going to try my best.' And with that stone on my heart I left. I heard Rachel arguing with her grandmother in whispers, 'Grandma, really? She is trying so hard. Just be nice, please. If I was at her place, I would escape. She is not used to your rules, and give people their right of attire, Goodness.' She shushed after sighing, when her grandma did not even react to anything she said. And I inwardly appreciated her tries, she was not pitying me, she was fighting, and even though I didn't need it, I knew she was a friend. And I knew she was brave. And I had things to learn from her.

I set up my books in the little shelf and sat on the swing, lightly pushing myself to make it move. I enjoyed the cool breeze on my face for some time with closed eyes and when I opened them I saw something unexpected. I could see a little figure from my window, it was too far for me to make out his face, but I could tell he was wearing a hoodie. I could also tell it was a he because he was broad, and really tall, and it couldn't be a girl. I watched him walking into the woods quietly alone, and soon he vanished into the lush green thickness. I shrugged, must be just someone out for a walk. Even though it looked like someone extremely out of their mind, going into the woods at this time.

I stretched and feeling sleepy again, I took out the lens out of my eyes, and my black wig off my head. I placed them on the table, and without looking into the mirror, I jumped into bed and slipped into dreamland in five minutes.


When I woke up, I was met with light streaming into my room, and into my eyes making me blind, so I pulled up the covers and I turned to the other side. But sleep didn't come again, so I sat up in bed. I got down and quickly wore my wig, and put on my lens looking in the mirror, ignoring the way my real reflection had that striking resemblance to my mother. I shook away the thoughts.

I went into the washroom and decided I will bath later on, so I washed my face, brushed my teeth and changed into a t-shirt and jeans because it felt hot here. I made way downstairs and gained another beaming smile from Rachel, who was sitting in the lounge, eating cereal, cheerios to be specific, on the couch watching a very old episode of ICarly playing through a dvd player on the huge LED. 'Morning,' she said and I nodded, looking around confused to where I would get some food and Rachel was too engrossed in the show to pay any attention anymore.

I stood there dumbly when Rachel looked up, 'Oh, oh, sorry, you want to sit?' she asked like that is what I have been waiting for her to do, but I shook my head, she shrugged and went back to her show.

'Oh, sweetie, come here,' Serena called out to me, and I made my way to the dining room where she continues, 'What would you like?'

'Can I check out the kitchen and make my cereal myself?' I asked and she completely ignored my question and said, 'Cereal, chocos or cheerios?' she asked and I sighed, 'Chocos thanks.'

'No problem, and you can check out the kitchen but let me do the breakfast thing. I am okay,' she said and I followed her to the kitchen. 'Honey said, you are very nice,' she said and I smiled shyly, 'I can see that.'

'Thanks,' I said and she smiled, 'I know you are not habitual of getting your work done like this, but don't consider this as servant ship, Rachel does not, she treats me like her own mom. You can do that too,' she said. My heart broke at the word mom, and I looked down. She realized my discomfort, exactly like a mom, exactly how Aunt July would, exactly how my mom could never, and changed the topic.

'So chocolate syrup on top?' she asked and I nodded, 'Sounds good.'

She slipped my cereal over to me along the slab and I caught it and started eating at the small, table for four in the middle of the huge kitchen.

I loved how the kitchen looked, so bright, lit up all over, with the rays of the sun casting a light shadow on the wall adjacent to the huge window. And how the little porcelain bowls and plates at one corner looked pale with decorations of pistachio, and cassata ice cream. And how just by the window was a glass jar full of water, and money plants, and it made a small rainbow as the beam of light refracted into the jar. I loved how half of Serena's face was shining as the light calmly settled on it, as she sat across me on the small table.

'So... You talk?' she asked funnily, startling me enough to make jump in my seat, and I say the dumbest thing to strike a conversation, 'Yeah, sure, you are the dark haired girl in picture right?'

And she answers smoothly like she knows I have the picture I'm talking about locked inside my little treasure chest, and that I was staring at it in the living room the day before. 'Yes, I am. Serena, my name, I have been living here since I was born. George might have told you, we all are sort of inherited into these jobs, and we love it,' she tells me and I nod for her to continue, 'So, I used to be friends with your mother because she was my age. I understand she might be a sensitive topic for you but I know you love your aunt.'

I smiled on the inside thinking how she of all the people knew just what I wanted to talk about, she looked someone more mature than Aunt July was but maybe just as caring. I nodded and she told me about my aunt and how she used to be. I told her how she is exactly the same. 'And George used to have this huge crush on your aunt, even though he was really little back then. It was so much fun, we used to play hide and seek in the garden, and the whole mansion was like one big castle. Where we played pretend princess games, and George was even smaller than Jane, who was your aunt's age by the way, but they used to be kind of frenemies. Lady Josephine smiled and laughed along with everyone else, Sir John kept everyone happy with his wonderful humour, and his jolly nature. My parents lived here and there used to be a lot of people at a total. I wish you kids could see the colours back then. We desperately waited for the vacations when your aunt and mom would come, with their mother, Lady Josephine's sister, Jennifer. They were twins, identical by the way. Looked exactly the same other than the colour of their eyes, Lady Josephine had blue, while Lady Jennifer had green. They made a wonderful match. Were best of friends, even had their own language. And we always used to be crazy about this, they hid things from us and talked about it in front of us without us knowing. It was amazing those days, I wish it could be like that again.'

I sighed, listening these nostalgic memories of Serena reminded me of the way I used to mourn about the times with River. Still do. When we did the fun things, when we fought for each other, when we had each other's back. And suddenly I feel like I should go change into his shirt. But Serena started to speak again, 'And of course, most of the day time was always spent in the garden. That garden has a little secret of ours you know. We used to spend all day long playing there, watering the plants, picking flowers, eating fruits,' and then she suddenly clasped her hand over her mouth like she had just spilled out a secret. She wanted to undo it, stood up and started to do the dishes. I thought hard about the words she just spoke, eating fruits. That was it. There were no fruit trees in the garden, although this made no sense, what kind of secret was this? 'Hey there are no fruit trees in the garden...' I said and she tightly shut her eyes as if regretting her words again.

'Uh, Wanda, I wish you would just let it go. You are smart just like your mother, so sharp,' she commented and quickly changed the topic again. I understood Serena was not much of a secret keeper, one to have slips of tongues and mistaken spills. 'Anyways, so please just keep this from Honey and Rachel, they will be mad if they got to know that I told you about this. The garden, you might have seen a little door in the garden if you looked so closely,' I nodded. The door that was covered by creepers and crawlers. Although I wanted to tell her that there was no need to tell me because clearly she did not want to, but my curiosity was always bigger than anything.

'That door leads to another garden, it is like a secret garden. It has fruit trees and is sort of Lady Jane's cat cemetery, she had five cats, who died and were buried there when she was only fourteen, just Rachel's age. I remember we cried so much over it and secretly buried them in the garden. So Lady Josephine then had a separate wall built between the two gardens and kept the doors closed until Jane stole the keys of course, and then Lady Josephine stopped looking for it, and she doesn't even know Rachel has the key now.' I stared at her in awe. I would definitely like to go to that little secret garden some time. To look at the cemetery, and by the way she talked, it seemed as if there was more. I did not push though. I nodded, and told her, her secret was safe with me now. I trusted myself, I know I got this from my father, I could hide things for years and years without anyone knowing about it, except River of course.

The question of why everything was so casual suddenly appeared in my brain and I asked Serena, she told me that the mansion stayed like this most of the time because Lady Josephine did not stay in the mansion mostly, was often out for tours and business trips. So the mansion was to the kids and her. The day passed in me looking at the frames in the living room, awards and looking around the huge mansion that took half my time. The other half I spent listening to Serena narrate stories about her parents and childhood, and the lady sisters and their language and Jane and Aunt July and my mom. I never got bored though, it was pretty exciting to listen that the mansion was once actually alive. And I figured out who that girl in the window was.

Jane Feline. Lady Jane Feline, who died in that very room, while delivering her baby, that is Rachel. I don't know if it was a ghost or a hallucination, must be a ghost actually. Because to hallucinate you need to know how the person looked firstly, and to know the history of things. Because hallucination is when imagination gets out of your control. Sophia told me about all of this. Because neither seeing ghosts nor hallucinations was new to me. I had done both and guess was doing it again. And unfortunately, I was scared of it. Terrified. 

Hey my lovelies! 

So new chapter. I hope you enjoy reading, i am not taking this story too fast. I want it to progress slowly, and look at the plot untangle gradually. Let us see how mysterious can i make this. Till next time!

Miracle :) ❤

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