Dipper pov
I watched as my own thought to be sister and a friend. Mabel, and Pacifica and the enemy Queen Kate argued back and forth.
I just noticed that Elizabeth had brown hair with white streaks.
Wait...... so? Adalay is my mother?
"You just noticed?" Bill asked bumping my arm.
"Umm yea. I just did."
Bill chuckled and kissed my cheek.
My father stood up from the ground and flew at them and was caught by a hand around his neck. Now both of my parents are being held by the neck.
I lift my bow up drawing the string back so a magical arrow appears again. I released. It zipped through the air and struck right into her back she screams dropping my mother and Father.
Adalay took her scythe and sliced it against her head. Kate's head dropped along with her body.
I run up to my parents and hug onto Adalay.
She placed her arms around me and stroked my hair.
"I thought I said not to come here."
She said pulling away from me
"I don't care." I said back.
She held her hand up the dark room changed. The red color drained away. In the middle of the room was a white tree.
All the demons and dead bodies disappeared except Bill and Jeff.
They came up to us giving a small bow. Jeff took Mabel and Pacifica into an large father daughters hug?
"I'm glade your back home." He said calmly to them.
"Hi uncle Jeff. I can't wait to see dad again."
Pacifica said to him.
"So your my parents. Mabel and Pacifica are here. Does that make them my cousin?"
My mother nods.
"Follow me." Adalay said
We walked to the white tree. The trunk twisted making an arch and we walked under it.
We were in a dark cave the water glowed. She stepped in the water. She was standing on water. She held her hand out for me. I take it walking on the water with her.
"Where are we?" I asked
"We are in my realm of children."
"Why was it so important to kill her?"
I asked.
"She took my parent hood away from me. And if she lived she would have been a threat. Plus Mabel who is Named Aquarius was somehow transferred into your adopted parents without the DNA of the mother changing. And Aries or Pacifica was given to her parents like how I gave you to the humans."
"So Mrs.Pines gave birth to a child that wasn't even theirs?"
"That's correct."
We continued walking around the place.
"Ummm....Mom? Why didn't you tell me that you were basically my friend."
"How would you react if I just magically appeared out of nowhere and scream out.
'You were adopted! You're my son and you a prince of two kingdoms plus the one that started chaos in this town is really your soul mate. Let go home love so I can beat the shit out of the bitch that forced me to give you away.'"
I opened my mouth but nothing came out.
She smiled at me "Alcor I wanted you to figure it out on your own so you wouldn't freak out."
We stopped at an opening going out of the cave. It was a reef every coral faintly glows just lighting up the water. She steps into the sand. Her dress floats around a bit same with her hair.
I follow behind her.
Small fish circle around her. Mer-children come swimming around.
"You do what's best when your a parent. Including removing themselves from their life for their safety."
I watch as the children swim away and go play.
"Now let's go back. To our real home."
We head back into the cave and pass through the tree again. We were in the throne room my father was waiting for us.
Adala- errrr my mother hugged him and they kissed.
They look at me and pulled me into the hug. To be honest she actually was a bit taller than me.
-----time skip cause I'm lazy----
"So that's what really happened after I was born?"
We were flying somewhere which I think was my birth place.
"Ok let me get this straight. Jeff and Liu are my uncles. Jeff and kate had Aquarius. Liu was brought back from the dead kate also screwed him and had Aries. But they were in the same womb at the same time and born the same time."
"YES Alcor there's nothing else to go over about now come on we're here!"
We flew down in front of a large mansion.
"Also-" my father started
"Don't except any flowers. especially roses!" My mother finished. We walked inside.
She screamed as she was tackled to the floor in hugs. A little girl got up wrapping her arms around me.
"Hey Sally." I say hugging her back
"ALCOR REMEMBERS ME!" She pulled away jumping up and down.
"That reminds me."
Mother snapped her fingers and the mark on my forehead disappeared.
A wave of memories. Flying, feeding, cuddling, being held my mothers melody, it flowed into my head. I shake it off.
"It's good to be back home."
Mabe--umm Aquarius jumped onto me giving me a hug.
"Man first time I get to see you and your almost fully grown."
A man walks up to me, black clothes and a striped scarf and many scares on his face.
"Uncle Liu?"
He smiled at me and ruffled my hair.
"You look a lot like your mother."
We laughed. I met everyone. Including Splendor Slender and trendor. I feel like I'm missing one more slendermen.
Just as I turned around from a tap on my shoulder a rose was held to my face. By a white tentacle.
I took it and turned it to flames the ash fell to the floor.
"I'm not a flower person anyway. But thanks."
I smiled. Bills wrapped his arms around my waist.
"Offender. He wears my mark!" Bill said angered.
Offender backed away his hands up in surrender.
Others laughed. "Your to much like Adalay
I'm so happy to have my real family back. I wonder how Ford and Stan are doing?
"Don't worry about them pine tree they know and understand."
Bill said kissing my cheek.
"Well now you guys have to decide. Do you want to stay or do you want to go?" My mother asked me Aries and Aquarius.
My cousins and I looked at each other.
"Pros and cons?"
Aquarius asked.
"Staying here you get more freedom home schooling, large ass family, learn more magic.
Cons would be that you often will get in fights. And you have to learn how to survive by killing those ABOVE the age of 12.
Leaving means experiencing the human life. You learn things you don't need to know you have to be with a guardian. And you have to keep powers and your birth family a secret. Alcor and Aquarius you can be with Ford and Stan. Aries you'll have to go back to your ..... adopted parents.... so which is it?" My mother explained to us.
"Can't we do both or something?"
Aries asked.
Mother looked up at slender. Mother let's out sigh.
"Alright fine!"
"YASSS!" We screamed
We stopped looking at her.
Aquarius screamed.
"Your Juniors? Correct?"
We nod.
"Well you have to graduate high school first. Then you can switch between. Deal."
The girls yelled and hugged each other.
"Wait! Is this one of those deals were you actually make the deal on what you say or-"
"Alcor! You finish high school and graduate. Then you can come see us or see Stan or Ford when ever you want. But no telling of us to anyone. But Candy and Grenda. And even though you two are related you can still date if you want."
She points at Aquarius and Aries.
"Aw sweet girl on girl shit."
Uncle Jeff and Uncle Liu and mom glared at Ben.
"....... never mind. I'll just go play a video game."
"Yea you better cause if anyone is going to do perverted things to my nieces or son. They have another thing come with the Woods family." Mother said
I giggle hugging Bill.
"Goes the rule of not being able to touch them still apply?" Laughing Jack asked.
"No as long as it's not perverted. Bill you're fine Alcor knows when to tell you to stop it."
Bill nuzzles me.
"Just be careful Cipher I don't need a pregnant teenager!"
Heat rises to my face.
"Is that why you told us to stop the first time?!"
"BINGO!" She yelled
My father hugged her. "Adalay don't fluster the kids. They still haven't said their answer to the deal."
"I think it's a DEEAAL!" Aquarius yelled out.
"I agree to that." Aries said with a smile. They looked at me.
"Alright fine its a deal!" I groan out.
"Good now you guys can go explore around the mansion."
Liu said. Aries and Aquarius grabbed my hand and dragged me down the hall. We went around running through the halls. I slow down and open two large doors to a very large library.
I say walking in turning in circles. Aquarius and Aries were doing the same thing.
"I see you found the library."
I look up to see mom sitting on a bookshelf.
"I-its...I-its...it it it its a......it's a Library.....It's a damn library!"
I say.
"Yes yes it's a library Alcor."
My mother slipped off the tall book shelf flying down.
"You can pick out a book or four to take back before you have to go."
I hug her and run to the shelves. Aquarius and Aries went around and looked at the books.
"Did you read all of these?" Aries asked.
"Most of them." Mother said.
I pick out a book of magic, a book about monsters another about demon language.
"Come on Pine tree I gotta take you guys home." Bill yelled for me. I take the three books and run back to my cousins and my dorito chip.
Mother hugged me and kissed my fore head. We stood in the middle of the room.
"By guys we'll see you in two years."
Liu said.
"Oh by the way if someone hurts you or some shit you don't like. Just stare at them with your normal eyes. It works every time." Mom said to me.
I nod and she snapped her fingers.
The next thing I know. We're in the shack. Ford and Stan hugged us. Mabel hugged Pacifica.
"We look like humans." Pacifica said.
We did our wings were gone. Our eyes went back to normal. Mine a plain brown same with Aquari-errr Mabel and Paz had Blue eyes.
"Welp we better get some sleep so we can finish these years of hell school."
Bill said with a chuckle. I giggle. We went upstairs and went to bed.
Through that night. I dreamt I was being watched. Not in a bad way. But being watched over. Like an angel.
I'm glad to know that those doors that have been closed for so long with the mysteries behind them.
The door finally opened.
🎵 come to me children and follow my way into the world, of darkness and magic.
With all my power I'll show you the way.
To all your dreams.
Hopes and illusions.
Humm hum hum hummm humm humm.🎵
~the end.
Yep that's the end of the book. Should I make a second book......... yea I'll put that on my bucket list.
Pic of Adalay
Yes I drew it it's needs some work.
This is Adalay with her wings and weapon. Yep.
So yea. Thanks for reading this story. I honestly thought it would be longer. But you know what read my other stories.
Thanks guys stay crazy
-Alice Cipher
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