same roads

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

- Robert Frost


fun fact the above poem actually doesn't discuss taking your own individual path, aka the one less traveled by because you decided to not be a follower! it actually means that hey these roads are the same and when you're older you'll be telling yourself it's made a difference but it didn't! I was lied too all my life.


Louis was 19 years old and his girlfriend of two years was holding out the light pink stick with a visible positive sign on the front. He saw her mouth move and he heard her voice but neither lined up, she dropped the stick and Louis watched it fall to the floor which was his cluttered room.

He felt his heart pick up speed and he could feel the rush of his blood, as everything around him appeared to move slower. His girlfriend slapped him on the arm, "what do you want to do?" She demanded.

See, the thing is Louis thought he was ready. He'd grown up raising his siblings for the past 12 years, he felt like this was something he could do. "What do you mean me?" He asked.

She rolled her eyes, "are we keeping it?" She asked. It. She referred to their child as an it.

"Of course we are!" Louis said.

She sighed heavily, "I have college, and we don't have jobs, and I am just too broke for this right now Lou," her voice got more broken towards the end.

"Hey, we got this, the two of us, side by side," he grabbed her hands and looked into her warm green eyes, "we will be okay," he smiled gently, and he saw her lips quiver upwards in a small smile. "You are everything to me," he continued, "both of you," and he wrapped his arms around her in a tight hug.

"Okay, Lou, we can do this," she kissed him on the cheek and he smiled into her dark brown wavy hair.

It was all going to be okay.


A few weeks later

The day Louis told his father and stepmother that his girlfriend was pregnant, it did not go as planned. They sat across from him and neither talked for several minutes. Louis only waited patiently for their response.

His stepmother had never particularly liked him, but Louis was fine with that, he was more focused on what his father would say.

"Have you considered your options?" His father asked.

"Options?" Louis inquired.

"Yeah, adoption, abortion-"

"We are keeping the child," Louis cut him off. His father looked severely taken aback.

"And? What will you do? You barely have your high school degree, what about college? You think you can support her and a baby?" His stepmother looked at him with no warmth. "You can barely take care of yourself Louis. We won't always be there to help you." She crossed her arms.

"I'll do everything to take care of them," Louis states and he stood up, "and I don't need your help," he walked away. He heard them arguing behind him, but he paid no attention as he walked to his room. He realized this wasn't going to be even slightly easy. He thought he'd have time to grow up, but now he had to grow up sooner than expected. He could find a job. Find a tiny place for them. He could do it. He was always good at doing things if he put his mind to it. Yeah, everything would be fine.

Later that day

They kicked me out - May

They did? - Lou

Yes! Louis! They wanted me to give her up, I said no. - May

Where are you now? - Lou.

The park, where we first met. What do I do? My father doesn't want anything to do with me and my mother won't stand up to him - May

Im coming. Don't worry. I got us. - Lou

Okay. Are you sure? - May

Always. - Lou

Louis grabbed several bags and began to fill them up with clothes and all his necessities. He wasn't really thinking at the moment but he just knew that he had to be with May, their parents were being ridiculous. There was a soft knocking on his door, Louis didn't look up- not even when the door was opened and his fathers figure stood at the doorway watching him gather his things.

"What are you doing?" His father asked.

"May's parents kicked her out," Louis replied.

"But what are you doing?" His father pressed.

"Well- are you going to let her stay here with us?" Louis inquired.

"Lou, you know we barely meet ends now, we can't afford this and you especially can't afford this. The logical thing for you to do is to give up that child to someone who can rightfully provide for them," His father stated.

"No, I'm not walking away from this. I'll do whatever it takes to keep them safe, and you don't have to help me. Don't worry I won't bother asking. Just take care of my sisters okay? It'll be better with one less mouth to feed anyway." Louis bitterly spat out.

His father said nothing for a long time and Louis finally grabbed everything. He had quite a bit of cash from graduation and all the side jobs he's had over the years, he was saving it for college but he'd be okay for now - they'd be okay for now.

As he walked past his father, neither spoke. Both walked downstairs, and just as Louis walked out the door his father held out his hand. Louis looked at it, and he reached his own hand out, his father dropped several notes into his hand.

"This should help, and I can't promise help all the time, but if you ever need anything, let me know." And his voice was soft, and Louis looked up into the eyes that were just like his.

"Why can't I stay?" Louis asked as if he were a 10 year old begging his parents for a toy.

His father looked away, "you know you're step mom is against this Louis, you should have been married and several years into a career. You're ruining your life and she - we won't stand by this ridiculous decision,"

Louis jerked his hand back and dropped the cash onto the floor. That's all he needed to hear. He wrenched the door open and walked out. His father called out after him but Louis paid him no mind as he got into his car.

He didn't need them. He'd be okay. They'd be okay.

And he drove away, and he didn't look back.


background info...even more background info to's needed, thoughts?

Hey, his parents are non affiliated with his in real life parents right now all these characters are characters // despite the physical resemblance to the members of one direction everyone else is a character even the boys personalities are for their characters in the story// not real life okay?

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