Chapter 5
They were now on a boat, they were traveling as quietly as possible, to get to the island.
"This fog's so thick, you can't see anything," Sakura noted. The others stayed silent.
"The bridge isn't far now," the rower informed. "Our destination's just ahead, The Land of Waves." Soon they passed under the bridge that was being constructed for the mainland.
"Whoa!" Naruto exclaimed. "It's huge!"
"What? Quiet!" the rower ordered. "I told you, no noise! Why do you think we're traveling like this, huh? Cutting off the engine and rowing, moving through the dense fog so they don't see us." Naruto held his hands over his mouth.
"Mr. Tazuna..." Kakashi began. "...Before we reach the pier, I want to ask you something. "The men who are after you, I need to know why. If you don't tell us, I'm afraid I'll have to end this mission when we drop you ashore."
Everyone stared at Tazuna waiting for an answer. "I have no choice but to tell you. No, I want you to know the truth. Like you said, this is beyond the scope of the original mission. The one who seeks my life is a very short man who cast a very long and deadly shadow."
"A deadly shadow?" Katsumi repeated.
"Who is it?" Kakashi asked.
"You know him," Tazuna said. "At least, I'm sure you've heard his name before. He's one of the wealthiest men in the world. The shipping magnet, Gato.
"Gato?" Katsumi repeated. "Of Gato Transport?"
"I'm surprised a youngster like you know the name," Tazuna grunted as he looked at her.
"My mom is from the village hidden in the mountains, she has spoken of Gato before," Katsumi said. "He's a business leader."
"Everyone knows him," Kakashi added.
"Who? Who? What? What?" Naruto asked with excitement.
"Gato is a very powerful tycoon from a famous company, that's true. But below the surface, with the same ruthless methods, he uses to take over businesses and nations, he sells drugs and contraband using gangs and ninja. It was one year ago when Gato first set his sight on The Land of Waves. He came to our island and used his vast wealth to take control of our transport and shipping. Anyone who tried to stand in his way simply disappeared. In an island nation, a man who controls the sea controls everything. Finance, government, our very lives. But there's one thing he fears, the bridge. When it is complete, it will join us to the land, and that will break his control. I am the bridge builder."
"So that's it," Sakura said. "Since you're in charge of the bridge, you're standing in this gangster's way."
"That means those guys we fought in the forest, they were working for Gato," Sasuke gathered.
"Ahh, hmm," Naruto breathed.
"I don't understand," Kakashi said. "If you knew he was dangerous, knew he'd send ninja to eliminate you, why did you hide that from us."
"Because The Land of Waves is a small, impoverished nation," Tazuna answered. "Even our nobles have little money. The common people who are building this bridge, they can't pay for an A or B-ranked mission. It's too expensive. If you end the mission when you drop me ashore, there will be no bridge. They'll assassinate me before I reach home. But don't feel bad about that. Of course, my sweet little grandson will be upset. He'll cry. "He started to imitate a child. "Granddad! I want my grandad!" Sakura, Katsumi, and Naruto groaned. "Oh, and my daughter will condemn The Ninja of the Hidden Leaves, denouncing and blaming you for abandoning her father and living her life in sorrow." The three continued to groan. "Oh, well. It's not your fault. Forget it." The whole team groaned.
"Well, I guess we have no other choice," Kakashi gathered. "We'll have to keep guarding you."
"Oh, I'm very grateful," Tazuna said.
"We're approaching shore," the rower announced. "Tazuna, we've been very fortunate. No one has noticed us so far."
"Nice going," Tazuna complimented. They went under a lighted tunnel, the other side became a surprise. There was no fog, the sun out, and trees growing out of the water.
"Yeah!" Naruto smiled. Soon they got off at a dock.
"That's as far as I go," the rower informed. "Good luck."
"Right," Tazuna grunted. "Thank you for taking such a risk."
"Just be careful," the man advised before taking off, this time with the engine running.
"Okay. Take me to my home, and I mean get there in one piece," Tazuna ordered.
"Right," Kakashi breathed. They made their way into a more forest area to get to Tazuna's house. Once again, Katsumi was walking in front of Naruto. Soon Sasuke joined them, this caused Naruto to run forward and look around suspiciously.
"Over there!" Naruto exclaimed as he threw a kunai. Everyone gasped, some grew irritated as he checked. "Hm. It was just a mouse."
"Naruto," Katsumi sighed.
"Mouse? Yeah, right!" Sakura growled. "Everyone can see through your stupid act! You're so obvious, it's embarrassing!
"Naruto, those are kunai knives," Kakashi scolded. "They're dangerous!"
Tazuna's growling became louder. "Stop trying to scare me, you scruffy little dwarf!"
"Hey! Is something hiding over there!" Naruto continued on with his lookout. "No! They're over there!" He looked back throwing a kunai.
"That's it, Naruto!" Sakura snapped as she hit his head.
"Ah!" Naruto cried out. "Wha--? Why'd you do that? Someones really following us? I mean it!"
"Yeah, right," Sakura huffed as Katsumi and Kakashi went to go check where the kunai landed, it was right above a snow bunny. "Quit lying and acting like a dumb little kid!" The other two followed. "Ah, Naruto! Look what you did!" Katsumi removed the kunai from above the bunny's head.
"Ah! A rabbit! Ah!" Naruto cried as he ran over, cradling the rabbit into his arms. "Ah! Oh, I'm sorry little rabbit! I'm sorry!"
"All this fuss over a rodent?" Tazuna asked.
"Look out!" Kakashi ordered. Everyone ducked as a large sword flew over their heads, lodging into a tree. A man appeared on the handle. The man was shirtless; had a white mask over his face, and elbow sleeves. Kakashi took a few steps forward. "Well, well, if it isn't Zabuza Momochi, rogue ninja from the village hidden in the mist." Naruto started to run forward, but Katsumi put out a hand to stop him. "You're in the way. Get back. The both of you."
"But why?" Naruto asked.
"He's not like those other ninja," Kakashi answered. "He's in a whole other league. If he's our opponent, I'll need this." Everyone gasped as Kakashi reached up towards his headband. "This could be treacherous. "
"Kakashi of the Sharingan Eye," Zabuza said. "Did I get that right?" Sasuke gasped, looking over at Kakashi. "It's too bad, huh? But you'll have to hand over the old man.
'Sharingan,' Katsumi thought to herself. 'The eye that cursed my clan.'
"Now quick! Manji formation!" Kakashi ordered. "Protect the bridge builder, and stay out of this fight." Everyone looked at him in question. "I taught you teamwork. Now it's time to use it.
He lifted his headband, revealing his Sharingan. "I'm ready."
"Well, looks like I get to see the Sharingan in action," Zabuza noted. "This is an honor."
"Everyone keeps saying, Sharingan, Sharingan. Will someone please tell me what Sharingan is?"
"Sharingan," Sasuke began. "A rare power that resides in the eyes. The user of this visual jutsu, or dojutsu, can instantly see and comprehend any genjtsu, taijutsu, and ninjutsu, and reflect the attack back on the attacker. The Sharingan is a special, rare form of dojutsu. However, there's more to the Sharingan than that. A lot more."
"You got it right, boy," Zabuza said. "But you only scratched the surface. "The Sharingan can analyze an opponent's technique, and then copy it to the smallest detail. As for you, Jonin, in the assassination unit of the hidden mist, we had a standing order to destroy you on sight. Your profile was in our bingo book. It called you, The man Who Copied over 1,000 Jutsu. Kakashi, the copy ninja."
"Wow, that's so cool!" Naruto exclaimed.
'I thought the Sharingan appeared in both eyes,' Katsumi thought to herself.
"Enough talking," Zabuza ordered. "I need to exterminate the old man, now," Tazuna grunted, the four Genin got into Manji formation, ready to defend. "So I'll have to eliminate you first, eh, Kakashi? So be it." He took the sword the disappeared.
"He's standing over there!" Naruto noted as everyone glanced in a direction.
"Standing on the water!" Sakura added. Water spun all around Zabuza. He disappeared from sight.
"He vanished!" Katsumi gasped as Kakashi walked forward. "Sensei?"
"He'll come for me first," Kakashi informed.
"But who is?" Sakura asked.
"Zabuza Momochi, the ex-leader of the Hidden Mist Assassination Unit," Kakashi answered. "He's a master of the silent killing technique."
"S-Silent?" Naruto repeated.
"As the name suggests, it happens in an instant without sound or warning of any kind," Kakashi explained. "It's so fast, you pass from this life without realizing what has happened. The Sharingan cannot fully neutralize it, so don't lower your guard." They gasped lightly. "Well, if we fail, we only lose our lives."
"That's enlightening," Katsumi huffed.
"How can you say that?" Sakura snapped at their sensei.
"The mist is getting thicker and thicker," Naruto noticed.
"The Land of Waves is surrounded by ocean," Tazuna informed. "The swirling mists are ever present."
"Sensei," Sakura called out as he disappeared into the mist.
"Eight points," Zabuza said.
"What's that?" Sakura asked.
"Killing points," Katsumi answered.
"Killing points?" Sakura gasped. "Which are?"
"Larnyk, spine, lungs, liver, jugular, subclavian artery, kidneys, heart," Katsumi listed.
"Now, can you tell me which will be my kill point?" Zabuza asked. Everyone became more alert. Seconds later, Kakashi dispelled the mist.
"Sasuke!" Kakashi called out, Kastumi looked over to see Sasuke was sort of shaking. "Calm down. I'll protect you with my life. All of you. I will not allow my comrades to die." He looked back with a happy look. "Trust me."
"I wouldn't be so sure," Zabuza denied, he appeared in the formation. "It's over." Zabuza raised his sword; Kakashi launched forward; Katsumi pulled Tazuna away as the others got away as well. They heard the sounds of water, Katsumi looked over to see that Kakashi had attacked Zabuza's water clone behind him appeared another Zabuza.
"Sensei! Behind you!" Naruto warned as he pointed.
"Die!" Zabuza shouted as he swung his sword through Kakashi; a water clone.
'Amazing,' Katsumi thought to herself.
"Don't move," Kakashi warned as he appeared behind Zabuza, with a knife to his neck. "Now it's over. You're finished."
"Huh?" Naruto gulped. "All right!" Zabuza started laughing.
"Huh?" Kakashi asked.
"Finished?" Zabuza laughed. "You really don't get it, do you? Your technique is nothing but a crass imitation. I'll never be defeated by a mere copycat ninja like you." Kakashi grunted angrily. "You are full of surprises, though. You'd already copied my Water Clone Jutsu when you made your little speech. Very skillfully executed. You made your clone say those words to draw my attention while you hid in the mist, waiting for me to make my move. Nice, try." He appeared behind Kakashi. "But I'm not that easy to fool."
"Hey! That's a clone too!" Naruto exclaimed as the one Kakashi was behind turned to water. Zabuza swung his sword, Kakashi ducked, and he kicked Kakashi up.
"Now," Zabuza declared, he started to charge with the sword in his hand, then gasped. "Huh? Makibishi spikes." He slid to a stop. "Trying to slow me down." He turned away from them. "Hmph. Foolish." Kakashi went into the water as Zabuza jumped.
"Sensei!" Naruto and Katsumi called out.
"He has great physical skill too," Sasuke noted as Kakashi emerged from the water.
"Ah, fool," Zabuza sneered as he got behind Kakashi. He started to make hand signs. "Water Prison Jutsu."
"No!" Kakashi protested as he got trapped in a ball of water.
Zabuza laughed more. "This prison is made of water, but it's stronger than steel. It's hard to fight when you can't move. So much for the great Kakashi. I'll finish you off later. But first, your little friends will have to be eliminated. Water Clone Jutsu!" Naruto gasped as another Zabuza came out of the water, Zabuza laughed more. "You think wearing a headband makes you a ninja. When you've hovered between life and death so many times it doesn't faze you, then you may be called a ninja. When you've become so deadly your profile is entered in my bingo book, then you may have earned the title ninja." His clone disappeared. "But to call upstarts like you ninja is a joke." Suddenly Naruto got kicked down, his headband flew up in the air. He went to go punch Katsumi, but she caught his hand, she began to turn him into ice, then went to punch his front, Zabuza blocked it, then kicked her away as well. "You're just brats" Zabuza grunted as he looked at his hand, staring at the ice.
"Kat! Naruto" Sakura called out as Sasuke gasped.
"Listen!" Kakashi shouted. "Get the bridge builder and run! You can't win this fight! He's using all his power to keep me in this prison. So he can only fight you with his water clone. But the clone can't go far from his real body. If you get away from him, he can't follow. Now run!"
'What was that saying?' Katsumi thought to herself as she got back up. 'Those who abandon their friends are worse than scum.'
"We've got to do it," Sasuke said. He let out a yell, charging toward Zabuza. He threw multiple shurikens, all deflected from the giant sword. Sasuke jumped up, Zabuza easily found him. "Now!" Before he could strike, Zabuza grabbed Sasuke by the throat. He threw him.
"Sasuke! No!" Sakura cried out.
"He got Sasuke!" Naruto exclaimed. He shakily turned, looking up at Zabuza. Naruto went to go turn away, he slowly got back to his feet. He and Katsumi looked at each other, then nodded. Naruto then charged letting out a yell.
"Huh? Naruto, no!" Kakashi exclaimed.
"Naruto!" Sakura screamed. "What in the world are you doing?" Naruto got kicked back towards him. "What are you thinking, charging at him by yourself? Even Sasuke couldn't get to him! We're only Genin! We can't defeat a Jonin! What did you think you'd accomplish by that?" She gasped as Naruto started to get up.
"Let's get one thing correct," Naruto said. " I didn't go in alone."
"Huh?" Zabuza gasped, he looked back to see Katsumi was behind him. She put her hands on his arm that was holding the sword, freezing it to the ground.
"Katsumi!" Kakashi shouted angrily. "I told you to go!"
"No can do, Kakashi-sensei," Katsumi denied.
"Hey, you..." Naruto stated, and everyone turned their attention to him. "The freak with no eyebrows--Put this in your bingo book--The ninja that will become Hokage of the Village Hidden in the Leaves--." He put his headband back on. "He never backs down. "He tightened his headband, then looked up with a smile. "His name's Naruto Uzumaki." Team 7 and Tazuna were moved by Naruto's speech. "All right, Sasuke. Can you hear me?"
"Yeah, I hear you," Sasuke confirmed.
"I've got a plan," Naruto informed.
"Ha," Sasuke smirked. "So you're finally thinking about teamwork, huh?"
"All right," Naruto wiped the blood off his mouth. "Now, guys, let's go wild!" Sasuke and Katsumi smirked. "Okay. Ready? Let's bring this guy down."
Zabuza laughed. "Big words for such a little man. You think your plan's going to keep you in the game?"
"What are you doing? I told you to run!" Kakashi shouted. "This fight was over the moment I got caught. Now, take off! Your mission is not to prove how brave you are. It's to save the bridge builder. Stay on mission."
"Huh," Naruto breathed looking back at Tazuna. "Bridge Builder?"
Tazuna groaned. "Well, I--I guess this all happened because of me. Because of my desire to live. But I won't let that stand in your way now. Forget about me, and do what you have to do. Go ahead and fight to save your sensei."
"Hmph," Sasuke smirked as he looked forward.
"What was that thing you told us about comrades? Kakashi-sensei?" Katsumi asked as she looked back at their teacher. "We aren't abandoning you." Kakashi gasped.
"All right. You hear that?" Sasuke asked.
"Yeah. Believe," Naruto confirmed. "You ready?"
Zabuza started laughing. "You really haven't learned anything, have you?" He held out a hand. "Still playing your little game, pretending to be ninja." He stared at his hand. "When I was your age, this hand had already crushed many opponents." They all gasped.
"Zabuza," Kakashi said. "The demon."
"Oh. So I was in your bingo book too, huh?" Zabuza gathered.
Kakashi looked over at his team and Tazuna. "Long ago, in the Village Hidden in the Mist--Also known as Blood Mist Village--Before a student could become a ninja, there was one final test."
"Hm," Zabuza breathed, looking at Kakashi. "Do you know about the graduation exam?"
"What graduation exam?" Katsumi asked. Zabuza began laughing.
"What's the big deal anyway?" Naruto asked. "We had graduation test too." Zabuza laughed more. "Hmm."
"Did you have to kill the other students to pass?" Zabuza asked.
"Huh?" Naruto and Katsumi gasped.
"Imagine young ninja like you---Eating together, training together--And then comes the final exam. Only they changed the rules--Kill or be killed. You can't stop while your opponent still breathes. He was your friend, shared your dreams. Now, it's him...or you," Zabuza explained.
"Ten years ago in the Village Hidden in the Mist, the graduation exam changed," Kakashi added. "One year before, a dark evil had filled the school with terror."
"What's he saying?" Sakura asked. "What evil? What kind of change? What caused the terror?"
"Without pause or hesitation, a young boy who was not even a ninja approached the class and took down over a hundred other students," Kakashi explained.
"It..."Zabuza began. "It felt so...Good!" Suddenly another clone appeared in front of the water clone that Katsumi was holding hostage, it kicked Sasuke, then elbowed him, causing him to spit up blood.
"Sasuke!" Sakura cried. Zabuza put his foot on Sasuke.
"You're nothing," Zabuza laughed, he had a hand on his sword.
"Stop right there!" Naruto ordered. "Shadow Clone Jutsu!" Numerous Naruto's appeared around Zabuza.
"Oh," Zabuza breathed as he looked around. "Shadow clones. And there's quite a few."
"Here we go," Naruto declared as they raised their kunai. Sasuke looked up shakily as all the Narutos moved to fight Zabuza. Katsumi then turned the Zabuza clone she had into ice, shattering it. The swordsman was able to break through the pile of Narutos easily, and Sakura gasped.
"His skills are too advanced," Tazuna sweated. "He's too powerful. There's no way to defeat him." The clones started to disappear.
"I'm not giving up!" Naruto declared as he reached into his pack. "I've still got this!" He threw something. "Sasuke!"
Sasuke let out a yell, he jumped up catching it. He spun around, facing Zabuza.
"Demon Wind Shuriken: Windmill of Shadows!" Sasuke exclaimed.
"A shuriken?" Zabuza asked. "You'll never touch me with that." Sasuke jumped up, he threw the shuriken, Katsumi ducked jumping forward, placing a hand on Zabuza freezing him to the ground, he looked at the shuriken aiming towards him; slowly turned his body seeing Katsumi and followed the shuriken as it went around him.
"So you passed the clone turning to ice and aimed for my real body," Zabuza said. "Smart. But not smart enough." He grabbed the giant shuriken." Suddenly, a second shuriken appeared in front of him. " Huh. A second shuriken in the shadow of the first." Zabuza ended up jumping over the second one. "I told you, a shuriken can't touch me!" Sakura gasped while Sasuke smirked. The second shuriken turned into Naruto; they all gasped. "What?"
"Eat this!" Naruto ordered as he threw his kunai. Zabuza ended up having to release his hand from the water prison Jutsu. The kunai went right for the water clone that was covered in ice. Once the kunai hit, the clone shattered. Sasuke grabbed Katsumi and pulled her back to the others. Katsumi was panting, using that much ice steadily used a lot of chakra. Zabuza looked back angrily, his eye had been cut. They all gasped, Zabuza had the shuriken spinning rapidly, and Naruto gasped. "I'll destroy you." Before he could, the blade got stopped by Kakashi as Naruto fell into the water. Kakashi was angry.
"Kakashi-sensei!" Sakura gasped happily, Naruto surfaced from the water, panting.
"Naruto, that was an excellent plan," Kakashi complimented. "You've really grown, haven't you?
Naruto laughed. "I knew I couldn't beat him with my shadow clones. That was just to distract him. While he fought the clones, I knew Kat would catch on to what I was doing, so I turned into the demon wind shuriken. He didn't know what to do. Believe it. I used one of the clones to transform into the shuriken. When I threw it to Sasuke, it looked like a real shuriken. Sasuke could tell it was me in a second. He spun around so no one could see and pulled out his own shuriken. Now there were two shuriken. One was real. One was me. We counted on the fact the Kat would turn this clone to ice, so Sasuke made sure to make it seem like he was aiming towards the clone. I hid in the shadow of the real shuriken. And my target was the real Zabuza. Of course, I knew that I couldn't fight Zabuza myself. That wasn't in the game plan. I just wanted to get in there and break up his water prison. I somewhat knew his clone would be wrecked too. Thanks to Kat. Ha. That was a bonus. Believe it."
"Don't brag," Sasuke smirked. "You just lucked out."
"The whole thing was just a fluke!" Tazuna raged. Sakura on the other hand was impressed.
"I got distracted and lost my grip on the water prison," Zabuza stated.
"Don't flatter yourself," Kakashi said. "You weren't distracted. You were forced to let go."
"Huh," Zabuza grunted, looking at Kakashi.
"Hmm," Sasuke breathed.
"Hmph," Katsumi breathed. Naruto chuckled.
"Your technique worked on me once," Kakashi said. "But it won't work again. So what's it going to be?"
"Sakura, you know what to do," Sasuke said looking at her. She nodded, and the both of them got in front of Tazuna. Katsumi got back to her feet; she joined them, standing next to Sakura. Zabuza grunted.
"Huh?" Kakashi asked, the shuriken closed, and Zabuza pressed it against Kakashi's hand. Kakashi then sent the weapon flying away. The two Jonin jumped away from each other. There was a round of gasps.
"The Sharingan," Sasuke gasped. Zabuza landed and began doing hand signs and speaking. Kakashi landed on the other side and began to do the same thing.
"Tori!" Zabuza and Kakashi said at the same time. Two creatures started to emerge from the water. "Water Style. Water dragon Jutsu." The two dragons clashed with each other, Naruto ended up getting caught in the waves, along with the people on land.
'Wow,' Katsumi thought to herself as Naruto emerged from the water. As both dragons fought, the two Jonin fought as well. Zabuza's blade against Kakashi's kunai. Naruto gasped as the two jumped away from each other again. They started to run in a circle, Kakashi was following every move that Zabuza was doing.
"He's not just following," Tazuna gathered. "He moves the same way at the same time."
"How's he doing that? How, Sasuke?" Sakura asked. Sasuke remained silent.
"Going to do next?" Kakashi asked suddenly as they both lowered their arms. They made a circle with their hands. "It makes you furious, doesn't it?"
"Huh," Zabuza breathed. "All you're doing is copying me like a monkey.
"You can't beat me with cheap tricks," Zabuza and Kakashi said at the same time. "I'll crush you."
"When I finished with you, you'll never open that money mouth again," Zabuza growled. A clone appeared behind Kakashi, it ended up being Zabuza himself.
"Water Style: Giant Vortex Jutsu," Kakashi said, the three colons in his eye began to spin.
"What?" Zabuza asked. A vortex of water slammed into Zabuza, pushing through the forest. Naruto latched onto a tree to avoid getting swept away. The water started to die down, Zabuza leaned against a tree trying to regain himself, Zabuza let out a yell as three kunai lodged into him.
"You're finished," Kakashi declared, he was in a branch above Zabuza.
"How?" Zabuza asked looking up at him. "Can you see into the future?
"Yes," Kakashi confirmed. "This is your last battle." Suddenly, two sticks slammed into Zabuza's neck. He fell over, blood seeping out. They all gasped, up in a tree they saw a young boy in a mask, about the same age as the students.
"You were right," the boy chuckled. "It was his last battle." Naruto finally got out of the water, and Katsumi started her way over to Zabuza's body.
"Ah!" Naruto yelped as he stared up at the boy.
"Wait," Kakashi said as he got in front of Katsumi. She stopped, looking up at him. "Let me check it out." Kakashi went over to Zabuza's body. The others gasped. Kakashi put a hand on Zabuza's neck.
"Well?" Katsumi asked.
"No vital signs," Kakashi answered. He looked up at the boy.
"Thank you," the boy bowed a little. "I've been tracking Zabuza for a long time, waiting for this chance to finally take him down."
"By your mask, I see that you're a tracker ninja from the Village Hidden in the Mist," Kakashi said.
"Impressive," the boy said. "You're well informed."
"A tracker!" Naruto exclaimed as he finally rejoined the group.
"Naruto, you don't even know what that is," Sakura scolded. "You missed the lesson on it, as usual. Tracker ninja have a special role, try coming to class sometime. When a rogue ninja breaks away from his village, he carries all kinds of secrets with him, the secrets of his people. Trackers are specially trained to hunt down these ninja and eliminate them. That way, the secrets of their people remain secrets."
"That's correct," the boy confirmed. "I'm a member of the elite tracking unit of the Village Hidden in the Mist. It was my duty to stop Zabuza." Naruto ran up to the tree, skidding to a stop. He was growling looking between the tracking ninja and Zabuza.
"What is this?" Naruto demanded. "Who do you think you are?" He pointed angrily, and the others gasped. "Did you hear me?"
"Naruto," Katsumi breathed.
"Easy, Naruto," Kakashi ordered as he stood up. "He's not our enemy."
"Huh?" Naruto asked looking back. "That's not the point. Zabuza was huge and powerful like some kind of monster." Kakashi walked over to him. "And this kid, who's no bigger than me, he brought down Zabuza with one move like it was nothing. I mean, what does that make us? We're just fumbling around. We don't know anything. How can I accept that?"
"Well, even if you don't accept it, still it happened, Naruto," Kakashi said leaning down toward him. He put a hand on Naruto's head. "In this world, there are kids who are younger than you and yet stronger than me," Sasuke grunted, Naruto grumbled angrily. The boy vanished from the tree, then reappeared by Zabuza's body. The boy picked up Zabuza's body.
'This tracker is strange,' Katsumi thought to herself. 'Does the Hidden Mist have a different operation?'
"Your struggle is over for now," the boy said. "I must deal with the remains. There are many secrets in this body. They must not be allowed to get into the wrong hands. Please excuse me. Farewell." The tracker disappeared with the wind.
"He disappeared," Naruto gasped.
"Hmm," Kakashi breathed as he lowered his headband back over his eye. Naruto ran over to the spot where the tracker and Zabuza were. "He's gone, Naruto. Let it go."
Naruto growled angrily, he kneeled down and began punching the ground angrily. "What are we doing here? We're nothing! I can't believe it!"
"Naruto," Katsumi sighed as she walked over, kneeling in front of him.
Kakashi walked over, stopping him from hitting the ground even more. "As ninja, the things we encounter are never easy. Save your anger for the next enemy." He let go of Naruto, then turned to the others. "We haven't completed our mission yet. We still have to get the bridge builder to his bridge."
Tazuna let out a laugh. "Sorry, I caused all this trouble for ya. But you can rest when we get to the village.
"All right," Kakashi said. "Let's get a move on." Kakashi started walking, he then stopped and fell over. They all gasped.
"Kakashi-sensei!" Katsumi exclaimed as they ran over.
"What? What happened?" Sakura asked.
"Kakashi-sensei," Naruto whispered leaning towards him. He was out cold. "Kakashi-sensei!" Together the five of them managed to carry Kakashi to Tazuna's house.
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